shem – VoVatia (original) (raw)

You Can’t Sit at Our Table

Today, I wanted to look at the Table of Nations from Genesis 10. The Hebrew word that’s usually translated “nations” is goyim, which became gentilis in the Latin Vulgate. Both words have come to mean non-Jewish people in general, and … Continue reading →

Posted in African, Christianity, Egyptian, Ethnicity, Etymology, Families, Greek Mythology, History, Judaism, Language, Monsters, Mythology, Names, Prejudice, Religion | Tagged abraham, aegyptus, agenor, andromeda, atlas, babylon, belus, bible, bosporus, canaan, carthage, cetus, crete, danaus, eber, egypt, esau, ethiopia, euripides, europa, flavius josephus, flood, genesis, good news bible, ham, hellen, hera, herodotus, heth, hittites, iapetus, inachus, incest, Iran, ishmael, isis, israel, jacob, japheth, jonah, king cepheus, king solomon, king xerxes i, libya, lydia, magog, mesopotamia, mizraim, moab, mycenae, nimrod, noah, ophir, paul of tarsus, perses, perseus, phoenicia, poseidon, prometheus, racism, scythia, sea monsters, shem, table of nations, tarshish, tartessos, the rose and the ring, titans, tros, troy, william makepeace thackeray, zeus |

God Said to Noah, There’s Gonna Be a Floody-Floody

You may recall that I was quite interested in seeing Darren Aronofsky’s Noah movie, but various forces conspired against me seeing it in the theater. Beth and I finally managed to see it on DVD last night, and it kind … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Environmentalism, Judaism, Mythology, Religion, VoVat Goes to the Movies | Tagged angels, anthony hopkins, bible, cain, darren aronofsky, deuteronomy, emma watson, genesis, giants, ham, jennifer connelly, methuselah, noah, noah's ark, og, shem, tubal-cain, watchers |