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Fundamentalists on Fornication
This post on Slacktivist addresses some of the issues concerning the Duggars’ warped sense of morality, and that of fundamentalists in general. As another blogger puts it, fundamentalist sexual ethics can largely be summed up with two boxes, one for … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity, Fundamentalism, Relationships, Religion, Television | Tagged consent, duggars, ethics, fred clark, libby anne, marriage, molestation, morality, rape, sex, slacktivist |
Baby, You Can Drive My Karma
The way I view religion, it has to have one or more conscious entities controlling the universe. I don’t know that it necessarily has to include a code of behavior, but religions almost invariably do. There’s also frequently an overriding … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity, Greek Mythology, Hinduism, Mythology, Norse, Philosophy, Religion | Tagged asgard, glenn beck, joel osteen, justice, karma, law, ragnarok, slacktivist, social justice, styx, zeus |
Now Tell Me, Who’s This Paul?
It’s difficult to find a more influential person in the history of Christianity than Paul. There wouldn’t be such a thing as Christianity without Jesus, but it’s doubtful whether anyone would know about Jesus if it weren’t for Paul. Originally … Continue reading →