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Tag Archives: star wars

That’s My Spot

As you may well know, the dragon Smaug in The Hobbit had a completely armored body except for one spot. Bilbo Baggins found out about this weak spot, and a thrush brought the news to a man named Bard, who … Continue reading →

Posted in Authors, British, Discworld, J.R.R. Tolkien, Monsters, Mythology, Norse, Oz, Oz Authors, Ruth Plumly Thompson, Terry Pratchett | Tagged beowulf, bilbo baggins, death star, dragons, fafnir, guards! guards!, sergeant fred colon, siegfried, sigurd, smaug, star wars, the hobbit |

The Fantasy of the Christ

I’ve recently come across several comments on a recent essay that tries to define fantasy as a distinctly Christian genre. Both J.L. Bell and Vorjack at Unreasonable Faith have brought it up, and my immediate reaction was to dismiss the … Continue reading →

Posted in C.S. Lewis, Christianity, Chronicles of Narnia, Fairy Tales, Greek Mythology, Greek Philosophy, Judaism, Mythology, Oz, Philosophy, Religion, Science | Tagged 2001, a wrinkle in time, diane duane, eurocentrism, fantasy, gene roddenberry, jesus, madeleine l'engle, messiah, perseus, science fiction, star trek, star wars, young wizards series |

Too Many Endors

Watching Family Guy’s parody of Return of the Jedi (which I said a little bit about in this LiveJournal post) made me think about the name Endor, home of the Ewoks. Well, actually, Endor is a gas giant, and the … Continue reading →

Posted in Christianity, Dragon Quest, Fundamentalism, History, Judaism, Middle East, Religion, Video Games | Tagged 1 samuel, abominable showman, bible, endor, ewoks, family guy, j.r.r. tolkien, linguar, middle-earth, return of the jedi, samuel, saul, septuagint, star wars, witch of endor |

The Science of Oz

While there have been attempts to explain the science in series like Star Trek and Star Wars, and even something called The Science of Discworld (although I believe that actually is more about the science of OUR world, using a … Continue reading →

Posted in Magic Items, Oz | Tagged dorothy and the wizard in oz, education pills, forbidden tube, gaulau, glinda, glinda of oz, gravity, hiergargo, horners, john dough and the cherub, l. frank baum, ozma of oz, professor wogglebug, queen coo-ee-oh, quox, radium, robots, science, science fiction, shaggy man, skeezers, square-meal tablets, star trek, star wars, the master key, the patchwork girl of oz, the science of discworld, tik-tok, tik-tok of oz, vegetable kingdom |

Nabu Puts It in Writing

It seems that most pantheons of gods have a member who serves as a scribe, although that’s often but one of the deity’s functions. The Greeks give that position to Hermes, also the messenger god, deity of commerce, and patron … Continue reading →

Posted in Babylonian, Christianity, Greek Mythology, History, Judaism, Mesopotamia, Mythology, Religion | Tagged alexander the great, assyria, babylon, belshazzar, bible, borsippa, cryptozoology, cuneiform, dragons, hermes, ishtar gate, marduk, mercury, mushhushshu, nabonidus, nabu, nebuchadnezzar, robert koldewey, star wars, thoth |