summer – VoVatia (original) (raw)
Post of the Hours
One common feature of mythology is an explanation of the procession of the seasons, often linking them to particular deities or to the death and rebirth of a god. In Greek mythology, it’s explained that the winter is when Demeter‘s … Continue reading →
Posted in Astronomy, Etymology, Greek Mythology, Language, Mythology, Science | Tagged aphrodite, autumn, auxo, constellations, demeter, dike, eirene, eunomia, euporie, fates, fortuna, hades, horae, hours, justice, karpo, orthosa, persephone, pherusa, seasons, spring, summer, thallo, themis, titans, tyche, virgo, winter, zeus, zodiac |
Tammuz Talk
Since summer has officially begun, the deity to whom we turn today is one closely associated with the summer, the Babylonian Tammuz. The god was originally known as Dumuzi in Sumeria, but is much better known by his Semitic name, … Continue reading →
Posted in Babylonian, Christianity, Egyptian, Greek Mythology, Judaism, Mythology, Religion | Tagged adonis, agriculture, asimov's guide to the bible, attis, dumuzi, ereshkigal, inanna, isaac asmiov, ishtar, jephthah, jerusalem, jesus, jewish calendar, life cycle, osiris, persephone, resurrection, sumeria, summer, tammuz, underworld |