tantalus – VoVatia (original) (raw)
Tag Archives: tantalus
Tying Knots and Killing Tots
I’ve been thinking a bit recently about the Gordian Knot. The basic story is that, in 333 BCE, Alexander the Great came to Gordion, the capital of Phrygia in modern-day Turkey, a place famous for its Smurf hats. He’d heard … Continue reading →
Posted in Animals, Greek Mythology, History, Music, Mythology, Names | Tagged adrastus, agamemnon, alexander the great, apollo, artemis, athena, atreus, cannibalism, cimmerians, clytemnestra, croesus, cybele, delphi, gordian knot, gordias, gyges of lydia, herodotus, hippodamia, hollies, iphigenia, king midas, lycophron of chalcis, nathaniel hawthorne, oenomaus, orestes, pelops, phrygia, sabazios, tantalus, thyestes, trojan war, zeus |
Hell No, We Won’t Go!
Picture by Brandon Geurts I don’t believe in an afterlife, but I can see the appeal of it, because I’m kind of afraid of no longer existing. I think it’s what’s going to happen, and I won’t care afterwards, but … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity, Comics, Fairy Tales, Greek Mythology, Humor, Judaism, Mythology, Norse, Philosophy, Religion | Tagged afterlife, bible, charles gounod, dante alighieri, divine comedy, eternity, faust, folklore, gehenna, hades, heaven, hel, hell, henrik ibsen, inferno, jack o' lantern, jesus, john milton, lobo, mephistopheles, paradise lost, peer gynt, plains of asphodel, satan, sheol, stingy jack, tantalus, tartarus |
Three Birds and One Stone
I’ve been meaning to take a closer look at some of the stories in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, but my mind tends to get a lot of them mixed up. Someone does something to offend the gods, and is turned into something … Continue reading →
Posted in Animals, Greek Mythology, Mythology | Tagged aeolus, alcyone, apollo, artemis, broteas, ceyx, chione, chloris, cybele, daedalion, halcyon birds, hawks, hera, hermes, hubris, hypnos, kingfishers, leto, manisa relief, meliboea, metamorphoses, morpheus, mount parnassus, mount sipylus, niobe, ovid, pelops, phosphorus, suicide, tantalus, transformation, weeping rock, zeus |
Please Don’t Feed the Ghosts
Hungry ghosts are a Buddhist concept, but they’ve spread into other East Asian religious traditions as well. The Sanskrit term for this kind of spirit is preta, which basically means “departed.” The Chinese name for them, èguǐ, means “hungry ghost,” … Continue reading →
Posted in Buddhism, Chinese, Greek Mythology, Halloween, Holidays, Japanese, Judaism, Monsters, Mythology, Pac-Man, Religion, Video Games | Tagged bible, book of enoch, egui, gaki, genesis, ghostbusters, ghosts, grigori, hidarugami, hungry ghost festival, hungry ghosts, jikininki, nephilim, preta, slimer, tantalus, watchers |
Save Our Souls
There’s a saying that I’m sure you’ve come across on occasion: “You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” It’s often misattributed to C.S. Lewis, but I don’t think he ever actually said anything of … Continue reading →
Posted in Animism, Christianity, Egyptian, Gnosticism, Greek Mythology, Judaism, Mythology, Philosophy, Religion | Tagged afterlife, asphodel, bible, daniel, ghosts, hades, heaven, heaven is for real, hell, jesus, odysseus, resurrection, shades, sheol, souls, spirit, tantalus, tartarus |
Hot Damasen
As I mentioned in my review of Rick Riordan’s The House of Hades, I found the character of Damasen to be quite interesting. As with many other characters in Riordan’s books, this guy was a legitimate mythical figure, and the … Continue reading →
Posted in Authors, Greek Mythology, Heroes of Olympus, Mythology, Rick Riordan | Tagged annabeth chase, ares, damasen, eris, gaea, giants, gigantes, moria, nonnus, nymphs, pelops, serpents, tantalus, tartarus, the house of hades, tylos |