time magazine – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Angling for the Saxons

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s idea for an America First Caucus based on Anglo-Saxon values sounds kind of bizarre to those of us who don’t run in white supremacist circles. Like, why Anglo-Saxon in particular, and why would a group focusing on … Continue reading →

Posted in Arthurian Legend, Authors, British, Celtic, Colonization of America, England, Ethnicity, Etymology, History, J.R.R. Tolkien, Language, Lewis Carroll, Monarchy, Monsters, Mythology, Names, Norse, Politics, Prejudice, Roman Empire, United Kingdom | Tagged america first, angles, anglo-saxon attitudes, britons, dragons, english, geoffrey of monmouth, hengest, historia regum britanniae, horsa, jutes, king alfred the great, king arthur, king vortigern, marjorie taylor greene, mary rambaran-olm, merlin, nationalism, normans, odin, picts, racism, robin hood, rowena, saxons, through the looking-glass, time magazine, vikings |

I Hate My Generation

It seems that every generation criticizes the ones after it, which is kind of hypocritical because they’re the ones responsible for bringing these later generations into existence. I’m not sure when the trend of naming generations began, but the Wikipedia … Continue reading →

Posted in Advertising, History, Video Games | Tagged baby boomers, generation x, generation y, generations, greatest generation, internet, jolt cola, korean war, lost generation, millennials, narcissism, nintendo, pepsi-cola, silent generation, time magazine, tom brokaw, vietnam war, world war i, world war ii |