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Tag Archives: turkey

Do the Mashed Potato, Do the Candied Yam

Yesterday was my birthday. I’m now forty-three years old. Too bad that, between the cold, the pandemic, and Beth having a cold (I’m also showing some symptoms of one), we couldn’t really do anything. What we have done in the … Continue reading →

Posted in Animals, Cartoons, Colonization of America, Food, History, Holidays, Humor, Magic, Music, Prejudice, Television, Thanksgiving | Tagged cats, dogs, garfield, garfield's thanksgiving, grandma arbuckle, jon arbuckle, mayflower, mice, miles standish, odie, pets, pilgrims, racism, tennessee ernie ford, the mouse on the mayflower, turkey |

Erlik to Bed, Erlik to Rise

I can’t say I’ve ever come across that much from what Is known as Altaic mythology, which encompasses the beliefs of people from Turkey, Mongolia, and Siberia. Some of it seems to have spread into Finland as well. The evil … Continue reading →

Posted in Altaic, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Mythology, Religion, Zoroastrianism | Tagged conan the barbarian, creation, dogs, enmendurana, enoch, erlik, erlikosaurus, evil, hyrkanians, lucifer, maidere, maitreya, mongolia, robert e. howard, satan, siberia, turkey, ulgan |

Santa’s Ho-Ho-Home Turf

When L. Frank Baum wrote about Santa Claus, he was describing a distinctly American figure, but one who was American by way of Europe. The fat, jolly, bearded man in the red suit who slid down chimneys to give gifts … Continue reading →

Posted in Characters, Christmas, Holidays, Oz, Places | Tagged baron braun, forest of burzee, l. frank baum, laughing valley of hohaho, lord of lerd, lulea, nelebel's fairyland, odin, queen zixi of ix, santa claus, st. nicholas, the king who changed his mind, the life and adventures of santa claus, the queen of quok, the runaway shadows, the witchcraft of mary-marie, thumbumbia, tik-tok of oz, turkey |

We’d Always Have Walking Bird on Thanksgiving, with All the Trimmings

Ah, Thanksgiving. Perhaps the lamest of the holidays that we commonly celebrate here in the United States. As I mentioned last year, it’s basically a harvest festival, but the specifically American story of the First Thanksgiving involves dissenters from the … Continue reading →

Posted in Colonization of America, Historical Personages, History, Holidays, Thanksgiving | Tagged black friday, guineafowl, massachusetts, patuxet, pilgrims, plymouth, squanto, turkey, wampanoag |