voral staff – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Birth of an Imagi-Nation

The Silver Princess in Oz, by Ruth Plumly Thompson – It’s the eightieth anniversary of the publication of this book, which I used as an excuse to give it a reread. This isn’t really one of my favorites, despite having … Continue reading →

Posted in Book Reviews, Characters, Mythology, Norse, Oz, Oz Authors, Prejudice, Relationships, Ruth Plumly Thompson | Tagged anuther planet, freyja, ginger, gludwig the glubrious, jack pumpkinhead of oz, kabumpo, kabumpo in oz, king randywell, planetty, prince pompadore, pumperdink, racism, rebellion, red jinn, slavery, the purple prince of oz, the silver princess in oz, thun, vanadium, voral staff |

The Real Horses of Oz

L. Frank Baum tells us in a few different books that there are no horses in Oz, aside from the magically animated wooden Sawhorse. This seems to be an idea that he developed over time, however. In The Wonderful Wizard … Continue reading →

Posted in Characters, Oz | Tagged anuther planet, bitty bit, chalk, chris dulabone, corumbia, dorothy and the wizard in oz, dorothy gale, eloise jarvis mcgraw, emerald city, fred, greg gick, gules, halidom, high boy, horses, jim the cab-horse, joe king, john r. neill, journal of a journey, king skamperoo, l. frank baum, lauren lynn mcgraw, lenith law, mary rakestraw, merry go round in oz, mules, planetty, red jinn, ruth plumly thompson, sawhorse, skampavia, speedy, stampedro, the deadly desert around oz, the giant horse of oz, the silver princess in oz, the wishing horse of oz, the wonderful wizard of oz, the yellow knight of oz, thun, view-halloo, voral staff, white city, world's columbian exposition, zeb hugson |