woodwoses – VoVatia (original) (raw)

Babes in the Woods

I remember, back in high school, reading about Scandinavian tales of women living in the forest who looked beautiful and human from the front, but were hollow in the back. I think the book just called them elves, and they … Continue reading →

Posted in Art, Authors, British, Fairy Tales, German, Greek Mythology, J.R.R. Tolkien, Language, Mythology, Names, Norse, Piers Anthony, Roman, Xanth | Tagged buschgrossmutter, druedain, dwarves, elves, enkidu, epic of gilgamesh, fauns, folklore, hulders, huldras, jacob grimm, kaiti hylands, lord of the rings, ludmila zeman, moss people, mother holle, orcs, satyrs, shrub grandmother, skogsra, tails, thale, trees, trolls, wild hunt, woodwives, woodwoses |