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Tag Archives: words
All in How You Spell ‘Em
I saw something recently about the difference between the words “fairy” and “faerie.” Really, there’s no difference; the latter is just an archaic spelling. The word comes from the French for “fate,” and therefore “enchantment”; and was applied to many different … Continue reading →
Posted in Authors, British, Celtic, Discworld, Etymology, Greek Mythology, J.R.R. Tolkien, L. Frank Baum, Language, Magic, Mythology, Norse, Oz, Oz Authors, Ruth Plumly Thompson, Terry Pratchett | Tagged aleister crowley, dennis wilson wise, dwarves, elves, fairies, fairyland, gnomes, goblins, immortals, john william polidori, lee speth, lord of the rings, noldor, nomes, nymphs, orcs, ozma of oz, spelling, the baum bugle, the hobbit, the hungry tiger of oz, vampires, words |
The War on Definitions
‘Tis the season for Bill O’Reilly to get his nativity-themed knickers in a knot over his invented War on Christmas. I thought maybe he’d cover a war on some other holiday this year, like possibly New Year’s. Christmas is less … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity, Christmas, Fox News, Gender, Holidays, Politics, Religion, Television | Tagged bill o'reilly, christmas, feminism, jesus, war on christmas, words |
I’d Rather Play Noughts and Crosses with You
This week, we take a look at one of the simplest games in existence, and possibly one of the oldest as well. This would be Tic-Tac-Toe, known in the British Commonwealth as Noughts and Crosses. It’s a game where, as … Continue reading →
Look Away, Look Away, Look Away, Dicksy Land
One location in the Oz books that comes across as somewhat troublesome to modern readers is Dicksy Land, a place in the Munchkin Country that Dorothy, the Patchwork Girl, and the Cowardly Lion come across while searching for Ojo in … Continue reading →
Posted in Characters, Oz, Places | Tagged bible, cowardly lion, dick armey, dick cheney, dick morris, dick with the queer collar, dick with the queer hatband, dicksy land, dickus iii, dicky birds, dorothy gale, etymology, language evolution, man on a white horse, ojo in oz, oliver cromwell, patchwork girl, queer dicks, reach, reachard, revelation, richard cromwell, ruth plumly thompson, words |