Aušra Deksnytė | Vilnius University (original) (raw)
Papers by Aušra Deksnytė
BMC Family Practice, Jun 19, 2018
Background: The aim of our study was to determine the association of anxiety and depression sympt... more Background: The aim of our study was to determine the association of anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as the main socio-demographic factors, with patients' satisfaction with primary healthcare services. Methods: The respondents were asked to fill out an anonymous questionnaire that included information on the patients' gender, age, place of residence, education, ethnicity, the type of clinic they visited and the presence of chronic diseases. Patient satisfaction was evaluated by using a short version of the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire. We also used the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Results: Poor evaluations of primary healthcare services were more characteristic of males, older patients, those living in district centres and villages, individuals with lower (secondary or lower) education levels, respondents of Russian ethnicity (compared to Lithuanian), patients with chronic diseases and higher anxiety and depression symptom scores. In the final regression analysis, better satisfaction with primary healthcare services was observed in respondents who were less depressed, of Polish ethnicity and who were living in a city rather than a village. Conclusions: Being more depressed or anxious, living in the district centre or countryside related to patients' worse satisfaction with primary healthcare services. The results of nationality of patients and their satisfaction are ambiguous. The is strong correlation between the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
International journal of emergency mental health, May 3, 2018
Neurologijos seminarai, Mar 20, 2024
Objective. Measure the prevalence of burnout syndrome (BOS) among the healthcare workers (HCW) in... more Objective. Measure the prevalence of burnout syndrome (BOS) among the healthcare workers (HCW) in Lithuania and the factors influencing it. Methods. The respondents were asked to fill out an anonymous online questionnaire which included information on their gender, age, years of work experience, specialty, work hours per week, the average number of patients per day, salary, healthcare chain, and the healthcare sector they are working at. BOS was assessed by using the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). Results. A total of 2 806 questionnaires were used in the final analysis. A high prevalence of BOS among the MS in Lithuania was noticed (74% of all respondents), which is more severe in comparison to foreign research. The most significant link with severe BOS was noticed among a high number of patients per day (22.69±14.96 versus 17.77±13.32, t=4.92), a large number of work hours per week (48.89±12.96 versus 46.34±10.77, t=2.54), and a younger age (59.27±14.06 versus 55.73±13.91, t=3.53). Doctors had the highest BOS score compared to nurses, residents, and other specialists (59.72±13.99 versus 57.33±14.13, t=2.4; 57.53±14.20, t=2.2; 54.06±15.22, t=5.67, respectively). No links between gender, years of work experience, salary, healthcare chain, healthcare sector, and BOS were observed. Conclusions. BOS is highly prevalent among Lithuania's medical staff, and it is more prevalent than in most other EU and non-EU countries. A high number of patients per day, a large number of work hours per week, and a younger age were significantly linked with more severe BOS.
Background. Personal family doctor’s qualities affect the formation of patients’ attitudes, their... more Background. Personal family doctor’s qualities affect the formation of patients’ attitudes, their satisfaction with healthcare services and their expectations related to these services. Male and female general practitioners spend their consultation time focusing on different things, also the duration of their consultation are different. Meanwhile, there is a dearth of studies analysing the effect of the doctor’s age on patient satisfaction with primary healthcare (PHC) services. This lack of data stimulated us to carry out study with the main aim to determine the associations of the gender and age of the family doctor with patients’ satisfaction with PHC services. Methods. The survey of patients was carried out at PHC institutions in Vilnius, Lithuania, during 2016-2017. The respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire that included information on the patients’ and general practitioner`s gender and age. They were also requested to indicate which gender and age bracket they wou...
Visuomenės sveikata, 2018
Įvadas. Asmeninės šeimos gydytojo savybės turi įtakos formuojantis paciento požiūriui į gaunamas ... more Įvadas. Asmeninės šeimos gydytojo savybės turi įtakos formuojantis paciento požiūriui į gaunamas sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas, jo pasitenkinimui bei lūkesčiams sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų požiūriu. Skirtingų lyčių šeimos gydytojai savo konsultacijos metu akcentuoja skirtingus dalykus, taip pat skiriasi jų konsultacijos trukmė. Tuo tarpu trūksta tyrimų, kuriuose būtų nagrinėjama gydytojo amžiaus įtaka pacientų pasitenkinimui pirminės sveikatos priežiūros (toliau – PSP) paslaugomis. Ši informacijos stoka paskatino mus atlikti tyrimą, kurio tikslas – nustatyti, kokios yra šeimos gydytojo amžiaus bei lyties sąsajos su pacientų pasitenkinimu PSP paslaugomis. Metodai. Pacientų apklausa vykdyta Vilniaus PSP įstaigose 2016–2017 metais. Pacientų, kurie dėl įvairių priežasčių apsilankė PSP centruose ir sutiko dalyvauti tyrime, buvo prašoma anonimiškai užpildyti klausimyną, nurodant savo ir savo gydytojo lytį bei amžių. Be to, prašėme nurodyti, kokios lyties ir amžiaus gydytojo jie pageida...
Sveikatos mokslai / Health Sciences, Nov 20, 2012
Tikslas. Intensyvios terapijos skyrių (ITS) pacientams yra didesnė delyro issivystymo rizika, tod... more Tikslas. Intensyvios terapijos skyrių (ITS) pacientams yra didesnė delyro issivystymo rizika, todėl si būklė dar vadinama ITS psichoze. Įrodyta, kad kardiochirurginės operacijos didina riziką susirgti delyru, taciau neistirtas rysys su intervencinėmis procedūromis. Sio darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti, ar delyro issivystymui turi įtakos perkutaninė koronarinė intervencija (PKI) ir kokį rysį delyras turi su paciento biologiniais parametrais (amžiumi, lytimi, komorbidiskumu, patofiziologiniais rodikliais); isanalizuoti pacientų su ir be delyro hospitalizacijos eigos ir trukmės skirtumus. Metodai. Atlikta retrospektyvinė 2008 m. sausio 1 d. – 2010 m. gruodžio 31 d. VULSK Kardiologinės reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje dėl mioardo infarkto ar nestabilios krūtinės anginos hospitalizuotų pacientų epikrizių analizė. Atrankos kriterijus atitiko 6597 pacientai, amžiaus vidurkis 65,7±10,7 m. Rezultatai. Delyras buvo 1,0% (n=62) pacientų, kuriems atlikta PKI ir 2,5% (n=17) gydytų konservatyviai. Atsižvelgiant į amžiaus grupe, nenustatyta reiksmingo delyro dažnio skirtumo tarp PKI ir konservatyvaus gydymo. Delyras diagnozuotas 51 (1,1%) vyrui ir 28 (1,3%) moterims ir nustatyta, kad delyro issivystymas nepriklauso nuo lyties. Delyro manifestacija buvo susijusi su amžiumi, komorbidiskumu ir patofiziologiniais rodikliais: dažniau delyras issivystė vyresnių nei 75 m. grupėje bei pacientams, turėjusiems daugiau gretutinių ligų, sutrikdancių metabolizmą ir galvos smegenų kraujotaką, esant hiperglikemijai, hiperuremijai ir hiperkreatininemijai. Pacientų, kuriems buvo delyras, grupėje hospitalizavimo trukmė buvo ilgesnė: vidurkis 11,5±8,6 lyginant su 8,0±9,2 be delyro bei mirstamumas didesnis: 8 pacientų baigtis letali. Isvada. PKI gali būti laikoma saugia ir mažai traumuojancia intervencija, kadangi delyro dažnis nesiskyrė PKI ir konservatyvaus gydymo grupėse. doi:10.5200/sm-hs.2012.106
Acta Medica Lituanica, Oct 1, 2004
Symptoms of delirium are usually reversible; however, they often occur in severely ill patients s... more Symptoms of delirium are usually reversible; however, they often occur in severely ill patients several hours or days preceding death and are considered a predictor of death. Objective. To examine the demographic data, somatic and psychiatric disorders, the frequency of delirium and its subtypes, to compare the parameters of delirium in the age and dementia groups in the somatopsychiatric department patients deceased in 1997-2003. Materials and methods. 138 medical records of deceased patients were analyzed retrospectively. The diagnoses were recorded according to the ICD-10 criteria. The data were collected in forms designed specifically for this trial. The deceased patients were divided into groups according to age (below/above 70 years) and the level of cognitive functions (dementia present/absent). Results. The number of deceased males (68.8%, n = 95) was larger than that of deceased females (31.2%, n = 43) during the period 1997-2003. Dementia was found in 69.6% (n = 96) of the patients. 71.1% (n = 99) of the patients were hospitalized only once, 13.0% (n=18) two times, 8.0% (n = 11) three times, and the remaining 5% (n = 10) more (4-16) times. The symptoms of delirium were manifested in 85.5% (n = 118), its hyperactive form was present in 58.5% (n = 69) and the hypoactive form in 35.6% (n = 42) of the hospitalized patients. Hypoactive delirium was predominant in all groups immediately preceding death (80.5%, n = 95, p = 0.001). Delirium occurred more frequently in older than in younger patients (90.9%, n = 90 vs. 71.8%, n = 28; p = 0.005) and in patients with dementia compared to patients without it (94.8%, n = 91 vs. 64.3%, n = 27; p = 0.000). The mean duration of delirium was 66.67 days. Conclusions. Delirium was the most common psychiatric disorder preceding death. Hypoactive delirium carries the most adverse prognosis. The frequency of delirium was higher in older and demented than in younger and non-demented patients, but the duration of delirium was shorter and the course was more severe in younger and non-demented patients as compared to older demented patients.
Sveikatos mokslai, 2014
Santrauka Tikslas. Įvertinti pacientų, patyrusių miokardo infarktą, depresiškumo ir nerimastingum... more Santrauka Tikslas. Įvertinti pacientų, patyrusių miokardo infarktą, depresiškumo ir nerimastingumo lygį. Išsiaiškinti patirtų miokardo infarktų skaičiaus, rizikos veiksnių ir demografinių rodiklių įtaką depresiškumui ir nerimastingumui. Metodai. Tyrimas buvo atliktas anketinės apklausos būdu Vilniaus universitetinės ligoninės Santariškių klinikų (VULSK) Kardiologijos ir angiologijos centre ir 4-iuose kardiologinės reabilitacijos centruose. Atrinkti 160 pacientų po miokardo infarkto. Kiekviena anketa buvo pildoma individualiai, pokalbio metu. Anketą sudarė demografiniai, klinikiniai rodikliai, psichinės sveikatos anamnezės klausimai, kardiovaskulinių ligų rizikos veiksniai bei Hospitalinė nerimo ir depresijos skalė (HADS). Rezultatai. 23,13% pacientų buvo nustatyti didesni nerimastingumo ir 24,4%-depresiškumo balai. Regresinės analizės rezultatai parodė didesnius HADS nerimastingumo balus jaunesniems pacientams (26-47 m.) (vidutinė HADS reikšmė 10,67) ir rūkantiems pacientams (vidutinė HADS reikšmė-10,16). Didesni HADS depresiškumo įverčiai prognozuojamai dažniau koreliavo su moteriškąja lytimi (vidutinė HADS reikšmė 8,66) ir fiziniu aktyvumu (vidutinė HADS reikšmė-8,96). Žemesnio išsilavinimo sąsaja buvo stebėta su depresiškumu (vidutinė HADS reikšmė 8,88). Miokardo infarktų skaičius neturėjo įtakos nei depresiškumui, nei nerimastingumui.
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2018
Background: Among patients with heart disease, depression and anxiety disorders are highly preval... more Background: Among patients with heart disease, depression and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and persistent. Both depression and anxiety play a significant role in cardiovascular disease progression and are acknowledged to be independent risk factors. However, there is very little gender-related analysis concerning cardiovascular diseases and emotional disorders. Objective: We aimed to evaluate depression and anxiety levels in patients suffering from myocardial infarction [MI] within the first month after the MI and to assess the association between cardiovascular disease risk factors, demographic indicators and emotional disorders, as well as to determine whether there are gender-based differences or similarities. Methods: This survey included demographic questions, clinical characteristics, questions about cardiovascular disease risk factors and the use of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale [HADS]. All statistical tests were two-sided, and p values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: It was determined that 71.4% of female and 60.4% of male patients had concomitant anxiety and/or depression symptomatology (p = 0.006). Using men as the reference point, women had an elevated risk of having some type of psychiatric disorder (odds ratio, 2.86, p = 0.007). The HADS-D score was notably higher in women (8.66 ± 3.717) than men (6.87 ± 4.531, p = 0.004). It was determined that male patients who developed depression were on average younger than those without depression (p = 0.005). Conclusions: Women demonstrated an elevated risk of having anxiety and/or depression disorder compared to men. Furthermore, depression severity increased with age in men, while anxiety severity decreased. In contrast, depression and anxiety severity was similar for women of all ages after the MI. A higher depression score was associated with diabetes and physical inactivity, whereas a higher anxiety score was associated with smoking in men. Hypercholesterolemia was associated with both higher anxiety and depression scores, and a higher depression score was associated with physical inactivity in women.
European Journal of Internal Medicine, 2012
Psychiatria Polska
Currently, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is intensively studied by world medica... more Currently, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is intensively studied by world medical community, its understanding expands, for example, it has now been diagnosed not only in children but also in adults. On the other hand, ADHD raises a number of discussions on the need of its treatment and, if there is a need, how it shall be treated, it is doubtful whether this disorder overall exists, because its "morphological component" has not been identified so far, and all the symptoms of ADHD, including anxiety, concentration difficulties, motor hyperactivity, cognitive disorders or social disadaptation, can be found in a number of mental disorders and somatic diseases. Modern attention, emotional and behavioral changes can be considered as a result of changing human social portrait. Those who question ADHD existence argue that this disorder is likely temperament and parenting matter, rather than the illness, and that the diagnosis and treatment of this illness can be a matter invented by doctors and pharmacists, the aim of which is to tame individuals disregarding public standards of conduct and get the maximum profit from medicines in the treatment of this illness. Due to the fact that ADHD is diagnosed more often, it is even called the twenty-first-century scourge. In this article we will review the historical aspect of formation of ADHD diagnosis, illness etiology, comorbidity with other mental and somatic diseases as well as treatment necessity and opportunities, paying attention to adult ADHD as well.
Psychiatria polska
The aim of this study was to investigate the parameters of ante-mortem delirium of the patients i... more The aim of this study was to investigate the parameters of ante-mortem delirium of the patients in a closed psychiatric institution and to compare them with the ante-mortem psychopathology of the medical patients. There were 139 medical records of the patients analyzed, who died during the period of 1997-2003 at the in-patient psychiatric institution. The diagnoses were recorded according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) criteria. Patients' data included age, gender, previous psychiatric disorders, current somatic and psychiatric morbidity, and comorbidity. The incidence of delirium was 83.7%. The delirium group included more elder, male persons who were more likely to have dementia and less inclined to depression. Surprisingly the incidence of delirium among non-dementia men was quite high--76.9%, as compared to non-dementia women--23.1% (P = 0.008). The duration of delirium differed from 1 to 1335 days. Longer delirium was observed among ...
European Journal of Internal Medicine, 2012
Delirium was one of the first mental disorders ever to be described, though it remains an elusive... more Delirium was one of the first mental disorders ever to be described, though it remains an elusive concept to this day. Historically, delirium has developed from the prototype of acute confusion with psychomotor agitation. It was thought to be caused by the withdrawal of substance dependence or severe somatic diseases accompanying by fever; however only in the 20th century, it was concluded that delirium and similar states manifest themselves as a consciousness disorder, and is not a specific state of somatic diseases. Four core features defines delirium at present: a disturbance of consciousness, a disturbance of cognition, limited course and external causation. However, these features do not include common manifestations of delirium in elderly patients with dementia; therefore the concept of delirium should be revised and corrected.
BMC Family Practice, Jun 19, 2018
Background: The aim of our study was to determine the association of anxiety and depression sympt... more Background: The aim of our study was to determine the association of anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as the main socio-demographic factors, with patients' satisfaction with primary healthcare services. Methods: The respondents were asked to fill out an anonymous questionnaire that included information on the patients' gender, age, place of residence, education, ethnicity, the type of clinic they visited and the presence of chronic diseases. Patient satisfaction was evaluated by using a short version of the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire. We also used the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Results: Poor evaluations of primary healthcare services were more characteristic of males, older patients, those living in district centres and villages, individuals with lower (secondary or lower) education levels, respondents of Russian ethnicity (compared to Lithuanian), patients with chronic diseases and higher anxiety and depression symptom scores. In the final regression analysis, better satisfaction with primary healthcare services was observed in respondents who were less depressed, of Polish ethnicity and who were living in a city rather than a village. Conclusions: Being more depressed or anxious, living in the district centre or countryside related to patients' worse satisfaction with primary healthcare services. The results of nationality of patients and their satisfaction are ambiguous. The is strong correlation between the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
International journal of emergency mental health, May 3, 2018
Neurologijos seminarai, Mar 20, 2024
Objective. Measure the prevalence of burnout syndrome (BOS) among the healthcare workers (HCW) in... more Objective. Measure the prevalence of burnout syndrome (BOS) among the healthcare workers (HCW) in Lithuania and the factors influencing it. Methods. The respondents were asked to fill out an anonymous online questionnaire which included information on their gender, age, years of work experience, specialty, work hours per week, the average number of patients per day, salary, healthcare chain, and the healthcare sector they are working at. BOS was assessed by using the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). Results. A total of 2 806 questionnaires were used in the final analysis. A high prevalence of BOS among the MS in Lithuania was noticed (74% of all respondents), which is more severe in comparison to foreign research. The most significant link with severe BOS was noticed among a high number of patients per day (22.69±14.96 versus 17.77±13.32, t=4.92), a large number of work hours per week (48.89±12.96 versus 46.34±10.77, t=2.54), and a younger age (59.27±14.06 versus 55.73±13.91, t=3.53). Doctors had the highest BOS score compared to nurses, residents, and other specialists (59.72±13.99 versus 57.33±14.13, t=2.4; 57.53±14.20, t=2.2; 54.06±15.22, t=5.67, respectively). No links between gender, years of work experience, salary, healthcare chain, healthcare sector, and BOS were observed. Conclusions. BOS is highly prevalent among Lithuania's medical staff, and it is more prevalent than in most other EU and non-EU countries. A high number of patients per day, a large number of work hours per week, and a younger age were significantly linked with more severe BOS.
Background. Personal family doctor’s qualities affect the formation of patients’ attitudes, their... more Background. Personal family doctor’s qualities affect the formation of patients’ attitudes, their satisfaction with healthcare services and their expectations related to these services. Male and female general practitioners spend their consultation time focusing on different things, also the duration of their consultation are different. Meanwhile, there is a dearth of studies analysing the effect of the doctor’s age on patient satisfaction with primary healthcare (PHC) services. This lack of data stimulated us to carry out study with the main aim to determine the associations of the gender and age of the family doctor with patients’ satisfaction with PHC services. Methods. The survey of patients was carried out at PHC institutions in Vilnius, Lithuania, during 2016-2017. The respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire that included information on the patients’ and general practitioner`s gender and age. They were also requested to indicate which gender and age bracket they wou...
Visuomenės sveikata, 2018
Įvadas. Asmeninės šeimos gydytojo savybės turi įtakos formuojantis paciento požiūriui į gaunamas ... more Įvadas. Asmeninės šeimos gydytojo savybės turi įtakos formuojantis paciento požiūriui į gaunamas sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas, jo pasitenkinimui bei lūkesčiams sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų požiūriu. Skirtingų lyčių šeimos gydytojai savo konsultacijos metu akcentuoja skirtingus dalykus, taip pat skiriasi jų konsultacijos trukmė. Tuo tarpu trūksta tyrimų, kuriuose būtų nagrinėjama gydytojo amžiaus įtaka pacientų pasitenkinimui pirminės sveikatos priežiūros (toliau – PSP) paslaugomis. Ši informacijos stoka paskatino mus atlikti tyrimą, kurio tikslas – nustatyti, kokios yra šeimos gydytojo amžiaus bei lyties sąsajos su pacientų pasitenkinimu PSP paslaugomis. Metodai. Pacientų apklausa vykdyta Vilniaus PSP įstaigose 2016–2017 metais. Pacientų, kurie dėl įvairių priežasčių apsilankė PSP centruose ir sutiko dalyvauti tyrime, buvo prašoma anonimiškai užpildyti klausimyną, nurodant savo ir savo gydytojo lytį bei amžių. Be to, prašėme nurodyti, kokios lyties ir amžiaus gydytojo jie pageida...
Sveikatos mokslai / Health Sciences, Nov 20, 2012
Tikslas. Intensyvios terapijos skyrių (ITS) pacientams yra didesnė delyro issivystymo rizika, tod... more Tikslas. Intensyvios terapijos skyrių (ITS) pacientams yra didesnė delyro issivystymo rizika, todėl si būklė dar vadinama ITS psichoze. Įrodyta, kad kardiochirurginės operacijos didina riziką susirgti delyru, taciau neistirtas rysys su intervencinėmis procedūromis. Sio darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti, ar delyro issivystymui turi įtakos perkutaninė koronarinė intervencija (PKI) ir kokį rysį delyras turi su paciento biologiniais parametrais (amžiumi, lytimi, komorbidiskumu, patofiziologiniais rodikliais); isanalizuoti pacientų su ir be delyro hospitalizacijos eigos ir trukmės skirtumus. Metodai. Atlikta retrospektyvinė 2008 m. sausio 1 d. – 2010 m. gruodžio 31 d. VULSK Kardiologinės reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje dėl mioardo infarkto ar nestabilios krūtinės anginos hospitalizuotų pacientų epikrizių analizė. Atrankos kriterijus atitiko 6597 pacientai, amžiaus vidurkis 65,7±10,7 m. Rezultatai. Delyras buvo 1,0% (n=62) pacientų, kuriems atlikta PKI ir 2,5% (n=17) gydytų konservatyviai. Atsižvelgiant į amžiaus grupe, nenustatyta reiksmingo delyro dažnio skirtumo tarp PKI ir konservatyvaus gydymo. Delyras diagnozuotas 51 (1,1%) vyrui ir 28 (1,3%) moterims ir nustatyta, kad delyro issivystymas nepriklauso nuo lyties. Delyro manifestacija buvo susijusi su amžiumi, komorbidiskumu ir patofiziologiniais rodikliais: dažniau delyras issivystė vyresnių nei 75 m. grupėje bei pacientams, turėjusiems daugiau gretutinių ligų, sutrikdancių metabolizmą ir galvos smegenų kraujotaką, esant hiperglikemijai, hiperuremijai ir hiperkreatininemijai. Pacientų, kuriems buvo delyras, grupėje hospitalizavimo trukmė buvo ilgesnė: vidurkis 11,5±8,6 lyginant su 8,0±9,2 be delyro bei mirstamumas didesnis: 8 pacientų baigtis letali. Isvada. PKI gali būti laikoma saugia ir mažai traumuojancia intervencija, kadangi delyro dažnis nesiskyrė PKI ir konservatyvaus gydymo grupėse. doi:10.5200/sm-hs.2012.106
Acta Medica Lituanica, Oct 1, 2004
Symptoms of delirium are usually reversible; however, they often occur in severely ill patients s... more Symptoms of delirium are usually reversible; however, they often occur in severely ill patients several hours or days preceding death and are considered a predictor of death. Objective. To examine the demographic data, somatic and psychiatric disorders, the frequency of delirium and its subtypes, to compare the parameters of delirium in the age and dementia groups in the somatopsychiatric department patients deceased in 1997-2003. Materials and methods. 138 medical records of deceased patients were analyzed retrospectively. The diagnoses were recorded according to the ICD-10 criteria. The data were collected in forms designed specifically for this trial. The deceased patients were divided into groups according to age (below/above 70 years) and the level of cognitive functions (dementia present/absent). Results. The number of deceased males (68.8%, n = 95) was larger than that of deceased females (31.2%, n = 43) during the period 1997-2003. Dementia was found in 69.6% (n = 96) of the patients. 71.1% (n = 99) of the patients were hospitalized only once, 13.0% (n=18) two times, 8.0% (n = 11) three times, and the remaining 5% (n = 10) more (4-16) times. The symptoms of delirium were manifested in 85.5% (n = 118), its hyperactive form was present in 58.5% (n = 69) and the hypoactive form in 35.6% (n = 42) of the hospitalized patients. Hypoactive delirium was predominant in all groups immediately preceding death (80.5%, n = 95, p = 0.001). Delirium occurred more frequently in older than in younger patients (90.9%, n = 90 vs. 71.8%, n = 28; p = 0.005) and in patients with dementia compared to patients without it (94.8%, n = 91 vs. 64.3%, n = 27; p = 0.000). The mean duration of delirium was 66.67 days. Conclusions. Delirium was the most common psychiatric disorder preceding death. Hypoactive delirium carries the most adverse prognosis. The frequency of delirium was higher in older and demented than in younger and non-demented patients, but the duration of delirium was shorter and the course was more severe in younger and non-demented patients as compared to older demented patients.
Sveikatos mokslai, 2014
Santrauka Tikslas. Įvertinti pacientų, patyrusių miokardo infarktą, depresiškumo ir nerimastingum... more Santrauka Tikslas. Įvertinti pacientų, patyrusių miokardo infarktą, depresiškumo ir nerimastingumo lygį. Išsiaiškinti patirtų miokardo infarktų skaičiaus, rizikos veiksnių ir demografinių rodiklių įtaką depresiškumui ir nerimastingumui. Metodai. Tyrimas buvo atliktas anketinės apklausos būdu Vilniaus universitetinės ligoninės Santariškių klinikų (VULSK) Kardiologijos ir angiologijos centre ir 4-iuose kardiologinės reabilitacijos centruose. Atrinkti 160 pacientų po miokardo infarkto. Kiekviena anketa buvo pildoma individualiai, pokalbio metu. Anketą sudarė demografiniai, klinikiniai rodikliai, psichinės sveikatos anamnezės klausimai, kardiovaskulinių ligų rizikos veiksniai bei Hospitalinė nerimo ir depresijos skalė (HADS). Rezultatai. 23,13% pacientų buvo nustatyti didesni nerimastingumo ir 24,4%-depresiškumo balai. Regresinės analizės rezultatai parodė didesnius HADS nerimastingumo balus jaunesniems pacientams (26-47 m.) (vidutinė HADS reikšmė 10,67) ir rūkantiems pacientams (vidutinė HADS reikšmė-10,16). Didesni HADS depresiškumo įverčiai prognozuojamai dažniau koreliavo su moteriškąja lytimi (vidutinė HADS reikšmė 8,66) ir fiziniu aktyvumu (vidutinė HADS reikšmė-8,96). Žemesnio išsilavinimo sąsaja buvo stebėta su depresiškumu (vidutinė HADS reikšmė 8,88). Miokardo infarktų skaičius neturėjo įtakos nei depresiškumui, nei nerimastingumui.
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2018
Background: Among patients with heart disease, depression and anxiety disorders are highly preval... more Background: Among patients with heart disease, depression and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and persistent. Both depression and anxiety play a significant role in cardiovascular disease progression and are acknowledged to be independent risk factors. However, there is very little gender-related analysis concerning cardiovascular diseases and emotional disorders. Objective: We aimed to evaluate depression and anxiety levels in patients suffering from myocardial infarction [MI] within the first month after the MI and to assess the association between cardiovascular disease risk factors, demographic indicators and emotional disorders, as well as to determine whether there are gender-based differences or similarities. Methods: This survey included demographic questions, clinical characteristics, questions about cardiovascular disease risk factors and the use of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale [HADS]. All statistical tests were two-sided, and p values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: It was determined that 71.4% of female and 60.4% of male patients had concomitant anxiety and/or depression symptomatology (p = 0.006). Using men as the reference point, women had an elevated risk of having some type of psychiatric disorder (odds ratio, 2.86, p = 0.007). The HADS-D score was notably higher in women (8.66 ± 3.717) than men (6.87 ± 4.531, p = 0.004). It was determined that male patients who developed depression were on average younger than those without depression (p = 0.005). Conclusions: Women demonstrated an elevated risk of having anxiety and/or depression disorder compared to men. Furthermore, depression severity increased with age in men, while anxiety severity decreased. In contrast, depression and anxiety severity was similar for women of all ages after the MI. A higher depression score was associated with diabetes and physical inactivity, whereas a higher anxiety score was associated with smoking in men. Hypercholesterolemia was associated with both higher anxiety and depression scores, and a higher depression score was associated with physical inactivity in women.
European Journal of Internal Medicine, 2012
Psychiatria Polska
Currently, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is intensively studied by world medica... more Currently, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is intensively studied by world medical community, its understanding expands, for example, it has now been diagnosed not only in children but also in adults. On the other hand, ADHD raises a number of discussions on the need of its treatment and, if there is a need, how it shall be treated, it is doubtful whether this disorder overall exists, because its "morphological component" has not been identified so far, and all the symptoms of ADHD, including anxiety, concentration difficulties, motor hyperactivity, cognitive disorders or social disadaptation, can be found in a number of mental disorders and somatic diseases. Modern attention, emotional and behavioral changes can be considered as a result of changing human social portrait. Those who question ADHD existence argue that this disorder is likely temperament and parenting matter, rather than the illness, and that the diagnosis and treatment of this illness can be a matter invented by doctors and pharmacists, the aim of which is to tame individuals disregarding public standards of conduct and get the maximum profit from medicines in the treatment of this illness. Due to the fact that ADHD is diagnosed more often, it is even called the twenty-first-century scourge. In this article we will review the historical aspect of formation of ADHD diagnosis, illness etiology, comorbidity with other mental and somatic diseases as well as treatment necessity and opportunities, paying attention to adult ADHD as well.
Psychiatria polska
The aim of this study was to investigate the parameters of ante-mortem delirium of the patients i... more The aim of this study was to investigate the parameters of ante-mortem delirium of the patients in a closed psychiatric institution and to compare them with the ante-mortem psychopathology of the medical patients. There were 139 medical records of the patients analyzed, who died during the period of 1997-2003 at the in-patient psychiatric institution. The diagnoses were recorded according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) criteria. Patients' data included age, gender, previous psychiatric disorders, current somatic and psychiatric morbidity, and comorbidity. The incidence of delirium was 83.7%. The delirium group included more elder, male persons who were more likely to have dementia and less inclined to depression. Surprisingly the incidence of delirium among non-dementia men was quite high--76.9%, as compared to non-dementia women--23.1% (P = 0.008). The duration of delirium differed from 1 to 1335 days. Longer delirium was observed among ...
European Journal of Internal Medicine, 2012
Delirium was one of the first mental disorders ever to be described, though it remains an elusive... more Delirium was one of the first mental disorders ever to be described, though it remains an elusive concept to this day. Historically, delirium has developed from the prototype of acute confusion with psychomotor agitation. It was thought to be caused by the withdrawal of substance dependence or severe somatic diseases accompanying by fever; however only in the 20th century, it was concluded that delirium and similar states manifest themselves as a consciousness disorder, and is not a specific state of somatic diseases. Four core features defines delirium at present: a disturbance of consciousness, a disturbance of cognition, limited course and external causation. However, these features do not include common manifestations of delirium in elderly patients with dementia; therefore the concept of delirium should be revised and corrected.