Peter-Ben Smit | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (original) (raw)

Summer Schools in Old Catholic Theology 2024 by Peter-Ben Smit

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School in Old Catholic Theology

This track consists of two connected courses that offer in the first week an introduction to Old ... more This track consists of two connected courses that offer in the first week an introduction to Old Catholic theology in its ecumenical context and in the second week the possibility to deepen your understanding of Old Catholic Theology by in-depth classes related to the subject of Communion. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches.

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School in Old Catholic Theology

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School in Old Catholic Theology 2024


The Old Catholic Seminary offers two summer schools in Old Catholic Theology. Two weeks of intere... more The Old Catholic Seminary offers two summer schools in Old Catholic Theology. Two weeks of interesting and deepening lectures, meeting people from various cultural and theological backgrounds and enjoying the beautiful city of Utrecht.

Summer Schools in Old Catholic Theology 2021 by Peter-Ben Smit


offers two summer schools in Old Catholic Theology. Two weeks of interesting and deepening lectur... more offers two summer schools in Old Catholic Theology. Two weeks of interesting and deepening lectures, meeting people from various cultural and theological backgrounds and enjoying the beautiful city of Utrecht.

Research paper thumbnail of Summerschool: Old Catholic Theology in Its Ecumenical Context

Dear Reader, I'm very glad that you're interested in our summer school in Old Catholic theology. ... more Dear Reader,
I'm very glad that you're interested in our summer school in Old Catholic theology. Since 2012 we have been inviting students to Utrecht to explore Old Catholic theology together. More than a course, the experience has been an experience of fellowship for all participants, students and professors alike. Because of the success of the now classical introductory course Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context we will continue to offer it. It is a unique opportunity to acquaint yourself with the basic tenets and key voices in Old Catholic theology.

Research paper thumbnail of OUD-KATHOLIEK SEMINARIE

I'm very glad that you're interested in our summer school in Old Catholic theology. Since 2012 we... more I'm very glad that you're interested in our summer school in Old Catholic theology. Since 2012 we have been inviting students to Utrecht to explore Old Catholic theology together. More than a course, the experience has been an experience of fellowship for all participants, students and professors alike. Because of the success of the now classical introductory course Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context we will continue to offer it. It is a unique opportunity to acquaint yourself with the basic tenets and key voices in Old Catholic theology.

Research paper thumbnail of Summer Schools in Old Catholic Theology 2023: Introductory Course - Advanced Course - Combined Course (Track)

About the Introductory Course: This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an... more About the Introductory Course:

This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as reflected in the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: The History of Old Catholicism, Spirituality, Ecumenism, Canon Law and Ecclesiology, Liturgy, and Systematic Theology.​

Students will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology from the faculty at the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht. The topics covered by the course include the following: History of Old Catholicism, Old Catholic Spirituality, Ecumenism and Old Catholicism, Old Catholic Canon Law and Ecclesiology, Old Catholic Liturgy, and Old Catholic Systematic Theology.

The course also includes an exploration of religious art in cooperation with the main Dutch museum on this topic, Museum Catharijneconvent. Participants will also engage with Old Catholic liturgy and church music by attending Mass in St. Gertrud’s Cathedral. The excursion to Amsterdam, where the participants will tour sites of (Old) Catholic history will be offered again this year. Besides lectures and excursions, it will also be possible to participate in social activities, in which you can learn from the knowledge and backgrounds of your fellow students and have a good time together as well.

About the Advanced Course:

'Old Catholic Theology beyond the Basics: In Search of Being Church in Communion' focuses on a key topic in Old Catholic theology: communion. In Old Catholic theology, communion with God, with other Christians and with the whole of creation are of paramount importance. Participants in this course will immerse themselves into different aspects of communion. Classes will explore sacramental and liturgical theology, ecumenical theology, eco-theology, and historical dimensions of communion. It offers a unique opportunity for acquiring an advanced insight into Old Catholic theology.

The course is taught by experts in Old Catholic theology from the faculty of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht, as well as by invited senior professors. Students will acquire a multi-faceted understanding of 'communion' in its spiritual, liturgical, theological, ethical, and historical dimensions. The course will equip participants to make their insights bear fruit in both church and society.

Bringing students together in a culturally, religiously, and educationally diverse community of learners, the course uses lectures, seminars and excursions as educational formats. Beyond that, the city of Utrecht and the Utrecht Summer School offer plenty of opportunities for socializing and exploration.

The focus on the topic of communion has its background in both the central position of communion in contemporary Old Catholic spirituality and theology and in the historical search for communion in Old Catholic history, which often begins with the Old Catholic Churches’ involuntary separation from the Roman Catholic Church, such as happened in the Netherlands in 1723-1724.

Research paper thumbnail of The Early Church as Ideal: Old Catholic Theology Beyond the Basics

This course offers the possibility to deepen your knowledge of Old Catholic theology by thematic... more This course offers the possibility to deepen your knowledge of Old
Catholic theology by thematic and in-depth case-driven classes, linked to
a key starting point of Old Catholic theology: the faith and order of the
Early Church. How can a modern church be so ‘traditional’ at the same
time? This apparent tension and paradox will be the core theme of this
weeklong, intensive course. In 2021, this course will be offered online
for the first time.

The topics and disciplines covered by the course include: fundamental and liturgical theology, spirituality, and ecumenism. Case studies that will be explored cover topics such as marriage, the ordination of women and mission. The course will also engage with Old Catholic worship as it is being celebrated today. At the end of the course, students will have a deepened knowledge of, and insight in Old Catholic theology and her appeal on the Early Church and will be able to apply this knowledge in theological reflexion and research.

The course is at the advanced level of a MA curriculum. Students may be
expected to do advance reading for the course.

Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context

This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholi... more This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an
ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main
theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic
Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: the history of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. In 2021, the course will be offered online for the first time.

Students will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology on the faculty
of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht. The topics covered by the course
include the following: History of Old Catholicism, Old Catholic
spirituality, Ecumenism and Old Catholicism, Old Catholic canon law and
ecclesiology, Old Catholic liturgy, and Old Catholic systematic theology.
The course includes an exploration of religious art in cooperation with the main Dutch museum on this topic, Museum Catharijneconvent.
Participants will also (virtually) engage with Old Catholic liturgy and
church music. Furthermore, attention will be given to the episcopal city of Utrecht, as a key site of the history of Dutch Christianity in general and of Old Catholicism in particular.

At the end of the course, students will have a broad overview of main
topics and themes in Old Catholic theology and spirituality and will be
able to pursue further independent study of the subject. The course is at
the introductory level of an M.Div. curriculum; good BA students may also apply, as well as others. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course.

Summer School in Old Catholic Theology 2017 by Peter-Ben Smit

Research paper thumbnail of Symposium Building Bridges towards a more Humane Society: Celebrating 25 Years of the Bridging Gaps Program

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School in Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context - 2019

The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic... more The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspect of Old Catholic theology and tradition: History of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy and systematic theology. The course includes excursions to a major collection of related religious art (Museum Catharijneconvent), to a liturgical celebration (Utrecht), and to the traces of Catholic presence and history in the episcopal city of Utrecht.

Research paper thumbnail of Program of the Summer School Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context

Research paper thumbnail of Course Description Summer School in Old Catholic Theology 2016

Course description for the Summer School in Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context - Description

The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic... more The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspect of Old Catholic theology and tradition: History of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. The course includes excursions to a major collection of related religious art (Museum Catharijneconvent), to a liturgical celebration (Utrecht), and to the traces of Catholic presence and history in the episcopal city of Utrecht.

Books - Biblical Studies / Hermeneutics by Peter-Ben Smit

Research paper thumbnail of Verdiep je in het kerstverhaal

Verdiep je in het kerstverhaal, 2019

Verdiep je in… het kerstverhaal duikt in het kerstverhaal zoals het is opgetekend in Matteüs, Luc... more Verdiep je in… het kerstverhaal duikt in het kerstverhaal zoals het is opgetekend in Matteüs, Lucas en Johannes. Het kerstverhaal leent zich namelijk uitstekend voor waardevolle bijbelstudie. Want hoewel het kerstverhaal bij veel mensen bekend is, is er nog zoveel meer te ontdekken en te leren dan je zou denken.

Auteur Peter-Ben Smit is hoogleraar contextuele bijbelinterpretatie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In dertien studies neemt hij je mee op ontdekkingstocht langs de bekende teksten. Daarbij daagt hij je uit om er met de ogen van de eerste hoorders van de tekst naar te kijken. Een waardevolle voorbereiding op het kerstfeest voor groepen en persoonlijke studie. Zo kun je dit boekje gebruiken binnen je parochie of gemeente, met je bijbelstudiegroep of bij je persoonlijke stille tijd. Niet alleen geef je met dit boekje een bijzondere invulling aan de komende adventsperiode, maar geeft het je ook nieuwe inzichten die elk jaar van pas komen.

Research paper thumbnail of Masculinity and the Bible.  Survey, Models, and Perspectives

Most characters in the Bible are men, yet they are hardly analysed as such. Masculinity and the B... more Most characters in the Bible are men, yet they are hardly analysed as such. Masculinity and the Bible provides the first comprehensive survey of approaches that remedy this situation. These are studies that utilize insights from the field of masculinity studies to further biblical studies. The volume offers a representative overview of both fields and presents a new exegesis of a well-known biblical text (Mark 6) to show how this approach leads to new insights.

By presenting the field of masculinity studies, the volume performs a service for those working in biblical studies and related disciplines, but have not explored this approach yet. At the same time, the volume shows, by surveying the past two decades of publications in the field, what results have been achieved so far and where open questions remain. In the exegesis of Mark 6, it becomes clear that one of these challenges, the often very specific and intersectional character of masculinity, can be addressed successfully when consciously combining approaches such as narrative and ritual analyses.

Research paper thumbnail of Wat de Bijbel echt betekent? Over exegese, contextualiteit, echtscheiding en mannelijkheid naar aanleiding van het Evangelie volgens Markus 10,1-9

Mijnheer de rector, dames en heren, Inleiding Wat de Bijbel écht betekent? De bibliotheken die hi... more Mijnheer de rector, dames en heren, Inleiding Wat de Bijbel écht betekent? De bibliotheken die hierover zijn volgeschreven spreken daar letterlijk boekdelen over. Het is een schier oneindige zoektocht. De Bijbel mag dan wel tot het belangrijkste boek van Nederland gekozen zijn, wat het boek betekent, is daarmee nog open. 1 De stelling van Hans de Wit dat we over de werkelijke betekenis van het meest gelezen boek ter wereld voor zijn concrete lezers nog buitengewoon weinig weten, geldt ook voor Nederland. 2 Ik zal erop ingaan waarom er sprake is van deze pluraliteit aan interpretaties en waarom deze interpretatieve onafgeslotenheid integraal bij de Bijbel als canonieke tekst hoort. Ik betoog dat de betekenis van de Bijbel een bewegend doelwit is. Alleen omdat dat zo is kan de Bijbel steeds weer betekenis krijgen voor nieuwe lezers. Om dit te schetsen en u tegelijkertijd mijn werk en visie voor te stellen is een belangrijk kernwoord " context. " Uitgaande van context en contextualiteit zal ik uiteenzetten hoe bijbelinterpretatie versta. " Context " is daarbij het geheel van kenmerken (e.g., cultureel, sociaal-economisch, en biografisch) die de omgeving vormen, waarbinnen een interpretatie tot stand komt, 3 Ik ben drs. Wytske Versteeg en Wilma Wolswinkel, MA, erkentelijk voor het kritisch lezen van eerdere versies van deze lezing. Voetnoten zijn exemplarisch, niet uitputtend; frequente verwijzingen naar publicaties vanuit de Dom Hélder Câmara leerstoel in zijn vorige gestalte en naar eigen werk dienen ertoe om deze inaugurele rede te verbinden met het tot dusver verrichtte werk.

Research paper thumbnail of De canon: een oude katholieke kerkstructuur?

My inaugural lecture as professor of Old Catholicism at the University of Utrecht treats the deve... more My inaugural lecture as professor of Old Catholicism at the University of Utrecht treats the development and hermeneutical importance of the (New Testament) canon in the early Church.

Research paper thumbnail of From Canonical Criticism to Ecumenical Exegesis?  A Study in Biblical Hermeneutics

This study explores and compares the role of the canon in the work of Brevard S. Childs, James A.... more This study explores and compares the role of the canon in the work of Brevard S. Childs, James A. Sanders, Peter Stuhlmacher, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, and the Amsterdam School of exegesis, thus offering a broad overview of approaches and perspectives within the spectrum covered by canonical criticism. In doing so, both the theory of canonical criticism offered by each of the five is analysed and a sample of an actual exegesis is discussed. Observing that the interplay between text, reader, and community of interpretation is key to all of these approaches, the study proceeds to create a dialogue between canonical criticism and ecumenical hermeneutics, which leads to a proposal for an approach to exegesis that integrates elements of canonical hermeneutics, ecumenical hermeneutics, and intercultural perspectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School in Old Catholic Theology

This track consists of two connected courses that offer in the first week an introduction to Old ... more This track consists of two connected courses that offer in the first week an introduction to Old Catholic theology in its ecumenical context and in the second week the possibility to deepen your understanding of Old Catholic Theology by in-depth classes related to the subject of Communion. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches.

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School in Old Catholic Theology

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School in Old Catholic Theology 2024


The Old Catholic Seminary offers two summer schools in Old Catholic Theology. Two weeks of intere... more The Old Catholic Seminary offers two summer schools in Old Catholic Theology. Two weeks of interesting and deepening lectures, meeting people from various cultural and theological backgrounds and enjoying the beautiful city of Utrecht.


offers two summer schools in Old Catholic Theology. Two weeks of interesting and deepening lectur... more offers two summer schools in Old Catholic Theology. Two weeks of interesting and deepening lectures, meeting people from various cultural and theological backgrounds and enjoying the beautiful city of Utrecht.

Research paper thumbnail of Summerschool: Old Catholic Theology in Its Ecumenical Context

Dear Reader, I'm very glad that you're interested in our summer school in Old Catholic theology. ... more Dear Reader,
I'm very glad that you're interested in our summer school in Old Catholic theology. Since 2012 we have been inviting students to Utrecht to explore Old Catholic theology together. More than a course, the experience has been an experience of fellowship for all participants, students and professors alike. Because of the success of the now classical introductory course Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context we will continue to offer it. It is a unique opportunity to acquaint yourself with the basic tenets and key voices in Old Catholic theology.

Research paper thumbnail of OUD-KATHOLIEK SEMINARIE

I'm very glad that you're interested in our summer school in Old Catholic theology. Since 2012 we... more I'm very glad that you're interested in our summer school in Old Catholic theology. Since 2012 we have been inviting students to Utrecht to explore Old Catholic theology together. More than a course, the experience has been an experience of fellowship for all participants, students and professors alike. Because of the success of the now classical introductory course Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context we will continue to offer it. It is a unique opportunity to acquaint yourself with the basic tenets and key voices in Old Catholic theology.

Research paper thumbnail of Summer Schools in Old Catholic Theology 2023: Introductory Course - Advanced Course - Combined Course (Track)

About the Introductory Course: This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an... more About the Introductory Course:

This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as reflected in the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: The History of Old Catholicism, Spirituality, Ecumenism, Canon Law and Ecclesiology, Liturgy, and Systematic Theology.​

Students will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology from the faculty at the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht. The topics covered by the course include the following: History of Old Catholicism, Old Catholic Spirituality, Ecumenism and Old Catholicism, Old Catholic Canon Law and Ecclesiology, Old Catholic Liturgy, and Old Catholic Systematic Theology.

The course also includes an exploration of religious art in cooperation with the main Dutch museum on this topic, Museum Catharijneconvent. Participants will also engage with Old Catholic liturgy and church music by attending Mass in St. Gertrud’s Cathedral. The excursion to Amsterdam, where the participants will tour sites of (Old) Catholic history will be offered again this year. Besides lectures and excursions, it will also be possible to participate in social activities, in which you can learn from the knowledge and backgrounds of your fellow students and have a good time together as well.

About the Advanced Course:

'Old Catholic Theology beyond the Basics: In Search of Being Church in Communion' focuses on a key topic in Old Catholic theology: communion. In Old Catholic theology, communion with God, with other Christians and with the whole of creation are of paramount importance. Participants in this course will immerse themselves into different aspects of communion. Classes will explore sacramental and liturgical theology, ecumenical theology, eco-theology, and historical dimensions of communion. It offers a unique opportunity for acquiring an advanced insight into Old Catholic theology.

The course is taught by experts in Old Catholic theology from the faculty of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht, as well as by invited senior professors. Students will acquire a multi-faceted understanding of 'communion' in its spiritual, liturgical, theological, ethical, and historical dimensions. The course will equip participants to make their insights bear fruit in both church and society.

Bringing students together in a culturally, religiously, and educationally diverse community of learners, the course uses lectures, seminars and excursions as educational formats. Beyond that, the city of Utrecht and the Utrecht Summer School offer plenty of opportunities for socializing and exploration.

The focus on the topic of communion has its background in both the central position of communion in contemporary Old Catholic spirituality and theology and in the historical search for communion in Old Catholic history, which often begins with the Old Catholic Churches’ involuntary separation from the Roman Catholic Church, such as happened in the Netherlands in 1723-1724.

Research paper thumbnail of The Early Church as Ideal: Old Catholic Theology Beyond the Basics

This course offers the possibility to deepen your knowledge of Old Catholic theology by thematic... more This course offers the possibility to deepen your knowledge of Old
Catholic theology by thematic and in-depth case-driven classes, linked to
a key starting point of Old Catholic theology: the faith and order of the
Early Church. How can a modern church be so ‘traditional’ at the same
time? This apparent tension and paradox will be the core theme of this
weeklong, intensive course. In 2021, this course will be offered online
for the first time.

The topics and disciplines covered by the course include: fundamental and liturgical theology, spirituality, and ecumenism. Case studies that will be explored cover topics such as marriage, the ordination of women and mission. The course will also engage with Old Catholic worship as it is being celebrated today. At the end of the course, students will have a deepened knowledge of, and insight in Old Catholic theology and her appeal on the Early Church and will be able to apply this knowledge in theological reflexion and research.

The course is at the advanced level of a MA curriculum. Students may be
expected to do advance reading for the course.

Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context

This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholi... more This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an
ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main
theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic
Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: the history of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. In 2021, the course will be offered online for the first time.

Students will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology on the faculty
of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht. The topics covered by the course
include the following: History of Old Catholicism, Old Catholic
spirituality, Ecumenism and Old Catholicism, Old Catholic canon law and
ecclesiology, Old Catholic liturgy, and Old Catholic systematic theology.
The course includes an exploration of religious art in cooperation with the main Dutch museum on this topic, Museum Catharijneconvent.
Participants will also (virtually) engage with Old Catholic liturgy and
church music. Furthermore, attention will be given to the episcopal city of Utrecht, as a key site of the history of Dutch Christianity in general and of Old Catholicism in particular.

At the end of the course, students will have a broad overview of main
topics and themes in Old Catholic theology and spirituality and will be
able to pursue further independent study of the subject. The course is at
the introductory level of an M.Div. curriculum; good BA students may also apply, as well as others. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course.

Research paper thumbnail of Symposium Building Bridges towards a more Humane Society: Celebrating 25 Years of the Bridging Gaps Program

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School in Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context - 2019

The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic... more The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspect of Old Catholic theology and tradition: History of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy and systematic theology. The course includes excursions to a major collection of related religious art (Museum Catharijneconvent), to a liturgical celebration (Utrecht), and to the traces of Catholic presence and history in the episcopal city of Utrecht.

Research paper thumbnail of Program of the Summer School Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context

Research paper thumbnail of Course Description Summer School in Old Catholic Theology 2016

Course description for the Summer School in Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context - Description

The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic... more The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspect of Old Catholic theology and tradition: History of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. The course includes excursions to a major collection of related religious art (Museum Catharijneconvent), to a liturgical celebration (Utrecht), and to the traces of Catholic presence and history in the episcopal city of Utrecht.

Research paper thumbnail of Verdiep je in het kerstverhaal

Verdiep je in het kerstverhaal, 2019

Verdiep je in… het kerstverhaal duikt in het kerstverhaal zoals het is opgetekend in Matteüs, Luc... more Verdiep je in… het kerstverhaal duikt in het kerstverhaal zoals het is opgetekend in Matteüs, Lucas en Johannes. Het kerstverhaal leent zich namelijk uitstekend voor waardevolle bijbelstudie. Want hoewel het kerstverhaal bij veel mensen bekend is, is er nog zoveel meer te ontdekken en te leren dan je zou denken.

Auteur Peter-Ben Smit is hoogleraar contextuele bijbelinterpretatie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In dertien studies neemt hij je mee op ontdekkingstocht langs de bekende teksten. Daarbij daagt hij je uit om er met de ogen van de eerste hoorders van de tekst naar te kijken. Een waardevolle voorbereiding op het kerstfeest voor groepen en persoonlijke studie. Zo kun je dit boekje gebruiken binnen je parochie of gemeente, met je bijbelstudiegroep of bij je persoonlijke stille tijd. Niet alleen geef je met dit boekje een bijzondere invulling aan de komende adventsperiode, maar geeft het je ook nieuwe inzichten die elk jaar van pas komen.

Research paper thumbnail of Masculinity and the Bible.  Survey, Models, and Perspectives

Most characters in the Bible are men, yet they are hardly analysed as such. Masculinity and the B... more Most characters in the Bible are men, yet they are hardly analysed as such. Masculinity and the Bible provides the first comprehensive survey of approaches that remedy this situation. These are studies that utilize insights from the field of masculinity studies to further biblical studies. The volume offers a representative overview of both fields and presents a new exegesis of a well-known biblical text (Mark 6) to show how this approach leads to new insights.

By presenting the field of masculinity studies, the volume performs a service for those working in biblical studies and related disciplines, but have not explored this approach yet. At the same time, the volume shows, by surveying the past two decades of publications in the field, what results have been achieved so far and where open questions remain. In the exegesis of Mark 6, it becomes clear that one of these challenges, the often very specific and intersectional character of masculinity, can be addressed successfully when consciously combining approaches such as narrative and ritual analyses.

Research paper thumbnail of Wat de Bijbel echt betekent? Over exegese, contextualiteit, echtscheiding en mannelijkheid naar aanleiding van het Evangelie volgens Markus 10,1-9

Mijnheer de rector, dames en heren, Inleiding Wat de Bijbel écht betekent? De bibliotheken die hi... more Mijnheer de rector, dames en heren, Inleiding Wat de Bijbel écht betekent? De bibliotheken die hierover zijn volgeschreven spreken daar letterlijk boekdelen over. Het is een schier oneindige zoektocht. De Bijbel mag dan wel tot het belangrijkste boek van Nederland gekozen zijn, wat het boek betekent, is daarmee nog open. 1 De stelling van Hans de Wit dat we over de werkelijke betekenis van het meest gelezen boek ter wereld voor zijn concrete lezers nog buitengewoon weinig weten, geldt ook voor Nederland. 2 Ik zal erop ingaan waarom er sprake is van deze pluraliteit aan interpretaties en waarom deze interpretatieve onafgeslotenheid integraal bij de Bijbel als canonieke tekst hoort. Ik betoog dat de betekenis van de Bijbel een bewegend doelwit is. Alleen omdat dat zo is kan de Bijbel steeds weer betekenis krijgen voor nieuwe lezers. Om dit te schetsen en u tegelijkertijd mijn werk en visie voor te stellen is een belangrijk kernwoord " context. " Uitgaande van context en contextualiteit zal ik uiteenzetten hoe bijbelinterpretatie versta. " Context " is daarbij het geheel van kenmerken (e.g., cultureel, sociaal-economisch, en biografisch) die de omgeving vormen, waarbinnen een interpretatie tot stand komt, 3 Ik ben drs. Wytske Versteeg en Wilma Wolswinkel, MA, erkentelijk voor het kritisch lezen van eerdere versies van deze lezing. Voetnoten zijn exemplarisch, niet uitputtend; frequente verwijzingen naar publicaties vanuit de Dom Hélder Câmara leerstoel in zijn vorige gestalte en naar eigen werk dienen ertoe om deze inaugurele rede te verbinden met het tot dusver verrichtte werk.

Research paper thumbnail of De canon: een oude katholieke kerkstructuur?

My inaugural lecture as professor of Old Catholicism at the University of Utrecht treats the deve... more My inaugural lecture as professor of Old Catholicism at the University of Utrecht treats the development and hermeneutical importance of the (New Testament) canon in the early Church.

Research paper thumbnail of From Canonical Criticism to Ecumenical Exegesis?  A Study in Biblical Hermeneutics

This study explores and compares the role of the canon in the work of Brevard S. Childs, James A.... more This study explores and compares the role of the canon in the work of Brevard S. Childs, James A. Sanders, Peter Stuhlmacher, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, and the Amsterdam School of exegesis, thus offering a broad overview of approaches and perspectives within the spectrum covered by canonical criticism. In doing so, both the theory of canonical criticism offered by each of the five is analysed and a sample of an actual exegesis is discussed. Observing that the interplay between text, reader, and community of interpretation is key to all of these approaches, the study proceeds to create a dialogue between canonical criticism and ecumenical hermeneutics, which leads to a proposal for an approach to exegesis that integrates elements of canonical hermeneutics, ecumenical hermeneutics, and intercultural perspectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Fellowship and Food in the Kingdom. Eschatological Meals and Scenes of Utopian Abundance in the New Testament

Peter-Ben Smit undertakes the first encompassing study of New Testament eschatological meals and ... more Peter-Ben Smit undertakes the first encompassing study of New Testament eschatological meals and scenes of nutritional abundance. His study thus fills a large gap in current research. In terms of its main contributions and emphases, the study challenges the widespread assumption that the origin of the imagery of eschatological meal fellowship and nutritional abundance can be found in Isa 25:6-8 by showing how the images of meal fellowship and nutritional abundance played a significant role in the (utopian) thinking of the Ancient Near East as well as the Mediterranean world. Thus, the book helps to do away with widespread assumptions about these meals with its detailed studies of the individual texts. Furthermore, the typology of eschatological meals and scenes of nutritional abundance presented here will help to differentiate between different kinds of traditions and their various functions and emphases. Through the integration of the various texts in their socio-historical context, the author shows how these texts, particularly the eschatological meals, interact with contemporary "symposiastic ideology." At the same time, the book's synchronic backbone facilitates a demonstration of how the various eschatological meals and scenes of nutritional abundance interact with other meal scenes in the NT books discussed, and this leads to a better understanding of what kind of literary and theological interests the four canonical Gospels and the Apocalypse of John have in their use of these traditions and of banqueting scenes and scenes of nutritional abundance in general.

Research paper thumbnail of Paradigms of Being in Christ: A Study of Paul’s Letter to the Philippians

Monograph, Aug 1, 2013

In his Epistle to the Philippians, Paul positions himself as an example of 'being in Christ'. The... more In his Epistle to the Philippians, Paul positions himself as an example of 'being in Christ'. The way in which he does this points out that he consciously positions himself in the tradition of classical rhetoric, where the use of paradigms (exempla) was a standard element in deliberative arguing. Paul describes his life as coloured by Christ in such a way that he represents Christ to the Philippians, and the
response he hopes to evoke in their congregation is that of similar behaviour.

The analysis of Smit combines observations on classical rhetoric, exegetical analyses of Philippians, and views from the perspective of gender and masculinity studies into a new and fresh analysis of the material. He shows that ancient ideals of deliberative rhetoric have influenced Philippians in much the same way in which they appear in e.g. Aristotle, Plutarch, and (also) 2 Maccabees. This study both positions Paul in the cultural context of his day and indicates the newness of his enterprise.

Research paper thumbnail of Bijbel en 'beperking'. Contextuele en missiologische perspectieven

Wie Bijbel en 'beperking' serieus neemt, krijgt een nieuwe toegang tot de Schrift. Je gaat eigen ... more Wie Bijbel en 'beperking' serieus neemt, krijgt een nieuwe toegang tot de Schrift. Je gaat eigen blinde vlekken zien, bijvoorbeeld. Je kunt ook merken hoe meelezen met een blinde je zicht op de Bijbel verdiept. Want wiens perspectief telt er eigenlijk mee? Dat van de 'normale, gezonde' mens? Wie is dat dan? Of ook het perspectief van iemand die blind, doof, of mentaal beperkt is? Hoe lees je dan verhalen over genezing? Of over licht en horen? Aandacht voor dit thema maakt ook bewust van beperking op zich: waar en wat is het? Wie is er op welke manier beperkt, zichtbaar of onzichtbaar? Wat is het belang hiervan voor theologie, missie en kerk-zijn in Nederland, en daarbuiten? Het vierde NZR-Cahier Bijbel en 'beperking'. Contextuele en missiologische perspectieven is voortgevloeid uit de Dom Hélder Câmara-lezing 2018, een samenwerking tussen de Nederlandse Zendingsraad, Kerk in AcAe en het Centrum voor Contextuele Bijbelinterpretatie (PThU/VU). Aan het woord komen o.a. Louise Lawrence (hoogleraar Nieuwe Testament aan de Universiteit van Exeter, VK), Marcel Broesterhuizen (emeritus hoogleraar Pastorale Theologie aan de KU Leuven) enBèe Woord (predikant-pionier in Almere-Poort). Het cahier biedt zo een breed perspecAef: vanuit de wetenschap, uit de pastorale en theologische praktijk in Nederland en internationaal en, met name, van mensen die leven met een beperking. Bijbel en 'beperking'. Contextuele en missiologische perspectieven is de vierde uitgave in de serie reflectie en toerusting op missionaire en missiologische thema's die de Nederlandse Zendingsraad uitbrengt onder de titel NZR-Cahiers. Voor meer informatie en nummers bestellen (€9,95 per stuk) kunt u contact opnemen met: Nederlandse Zendingsraad,

Research paper thumbnail of Parrhesia Ancient and Modern Perspectives on Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in many societies, yet also highly contested. As a right... more Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in many societies, yet also highly contested. As a right, it can only be appreciated if its historical development is taken into account. Parrhesia offers case studies in freedom of speech, its understanding and exercise throughout history. They enable researchers and policymakers alike to gain an awareness of the complexities, challenges and benefits of freedom of speech. The cases that have been selected are from the field of religion and theology, yet exemplary in character and able to shed light on freedom of speech in other parts of society.

Contributors are: Leon van den Broeke, Jan Krans, Silvia Castelli, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Manfred Lang, Bastian Lemitz, Nils Neumann, Kyriakoula Papademetriou, Dirk Jan Schoon, and Peter-Ben Smit.

Research paper thumbnail of T&T Clark Handbook to Early Christian Meals in the Greco-Roman World

Meals are a highly significant element in the development of Christian identity. In this handbook... more Meals are a highly significant element in the development of Christian identity. In this handbook Soham Al-Suadi and Peter-Ben Smit present chapters that situate early Christian meals in their broader context, with a focus on the core topics that will help us to understand Greco-Roman meal practice and how this relates to Christian origins. The issues covered include: the role of gender during meals; issues of monotheism and polytheism that arise from the structure of the meal; how sacrifice is understood in different meal practices; power dynamics during the meal and issues of inclusion and exclusion at meals.

In addition to looking at the broader Hellenistic context the chapters explain the unique nature of Christian meals, and what this says about early Christian communities. The handbook is structured around the key primary resources, with the literary, historical, theological and philosophical aspects of these resources being considered in turn. The handbook begins with Hellenistic documents/authors before moving on to the New Testament material itself according to genre (Gospels, Acts, Letters, Apocalyptic Literature). Finally, there is a section on the wider resources that describe daily life in the period (medical documents, inscriptions). This structure enables the editors and contributors to present an analysis of the social values exhibited at meals and their significance for early Christian theology.

Research paper thumbnail of Making Men: The Reception of the Bible in the Construction of Masculinities in Jewish and Christian Con/Texts

Making Men: The Reception of the Bible in the Construction of Masculinities in Jewish and Christian Con/Texts

Research paper thumbnail of Jesus Traditions in the Construction of Masculinities in World Christianities

Special Issue of Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research 42/1 (2013), 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Ovidiu Creanga/Peter-Ben Smit (ed.), Biblical Masculinities Foregrounded

Biblical Masculinities Foregrounded, Mar 2014

Biblical Masculinities Foregrounded brings together ten innovative studies on varieties of mascul... more Biblical Masculinities Foregrounded brings together ten innovative studies on varieties of masculinity evidenced in the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and other early Christian writings. A sequel to the 2010 collection, Men and Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond, this new volume raises important questions about why the study of biblical masculinities matters, what it contributes to our knowledge of the ancient writers’ world as well as to our contemporary world, and which methods adequately attend to that study. The volume is designed as a resource for scholars of both Testaments working from a variety of biblical traditions and ideological perspectives on masculinity.

The following studies are offered as companions in the conversation: Yahweh’s masculinity in appearances in glory in Exodus and Ezekiel (Alan Hooker); Proverbs’ (de)construction of masculinity (Hilary Lipka); Saul’s troubled masculinity in 1–2 Samuel (Marcel Măcelaru); weeping men in the Torah and the Deuteronomistic history (Milena Kirova); Athaliah’s manly rule (Stuart Macwilliam); Joseph of Nazareth as an everyday man (Justin Glessner); being a male disciple in Matthew’s 'antitheses' (Hans-Ulrich Weidemann); eunuch masculinity in Matthew’s Gospel (Susanna Asikainen); masculinity and circumcision in the first century (Karin Neutel and Matthew Anderson); and Thecla’s masculinity in the Acts of Thecla (Peter-Ben Smit). Ovidiu Creangă opens the volume with a critical appraisal of the current state of play in the field, while Martti Nissinen and Bjӧrn Krondorfer offer closing critical reflections that situate the book’s topics within broader debates regarding masculinities in religious studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Paul, John, and Apocalyptic Eschatology

Paul, John, and Apocalyptic Eschatology offers fresh studies by leading New Testament scholars. I... more Paul, John, and Apocalyptic Eschatology offers fresh studies by leading New Testament scholars. It considers Paul’s use of tradition, his views on Christian life in the light of mysticism and eschatology. It also discusses the identity formation of the “Johannine community” and the role of “exaltation” in the Fourth Gospel. The focus on apocalyptic eschatology is broadened by studies on the reception of Pauline eschatology, the dating of Revelation, and chiliasm. The collection is complemented by a study on the text of John 3:13 and one on the coinage of the name “Ambrosiaster.”

Research paper thumbnail of Kritische Männlichkeitsforschung in der Theologie

Neue Wege, 2021

Männlichkeiten werden konstruiert. Wie es dabei um Macht, Normen und Beziehung geht, zeigt die Kr... more Männlichkeiten werden konstruiert. Wie es dabei um Macht, Normen und Beziehung geht, zeigt die Kritische Männlichkeits­forschung. Erst langsam nähern sich Theologie, Religionswissen­schaften und Männlichkeitsfor­schung an. Wenn dies geschieht, kann es spannend werden.

Research paper thumbnail of Supermen and Sissies: Masculinities in Titus and 1 Timothy

Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Kan de schuldige opstaan? Een analyse van de rol van Judas en Pilatus in de evangeliën en in The Passion 2019

Kerk en Theologie, 2020

Op Witte Donderdag 18 april 2019 werd in Dordrecht voor de negende keerThe Passion (TP) uitgevoer... more Op Witte Donderdag 18 april 2019 werd in Dordrecht voor de negende keerThe Passion (TP) uitgevoerd. Het wordt jaarlijks georganiseerd door eentv-producent, christelijke omroepen, verschillende kerken en anderen.
Een groep bekende Nederlanders speelt het passieverhaal met vijf hoofdrollen(Maria, Jezus, Pilatus, Petrus, Judas) en een aantal bijrollen op een populairemanier met onder andere een tiental hedendaagse Nederlandstalige hits. Deverteller neemt het aanwezige publiek en de kijker thuis mee in het verhaal.Bijna duizend mensen lopen mee in de processie, waarbij een groot lichtgevend kruis naar het podium wordt gebracht. Elk jaar staat een ander thema centraal in TP; in 2019 was dat
‘je bent niet alleen’. De dialogen tussen de acteurs bestaan voor het overgrote deel uit letterlijke citaten uit de Bijbel in Gewone Taal. De citaten komen uit alle vier evangeliën. Omdat er zo één verhaal verteld wordt op basis van de vier evangeliën is er in TP sprake van een evangeliënharmonie; dat is van belang omdat er bij een harmonisatie altijd interpretatieve keuzes gemaakt worden – lang niet ieder evangelie
duidt ieder aspect van ‘het’ passieverhaal op dezelfde wijze!

Research paper thumbnail of Jesus, Religion and Gender

Religion and Gender, 2020

This special issue of Religion and Gender explores gendered presentations and constructions of Je... more This special issue of Religion and Gender explores gendered presentations and constructions of Jesus from antiquity to the present. Sharing a broadly intersectional approach to gender analysis, the authors in this issue offer new insights into the dynamics of religion and gender, particularly as these dynamics concern central religious figures such as Jesus. The issue sheds new light on a diverse religious tradition by analyzing the gendering of one of its key protagonists in multiple receptions within the tradition. Scholars from various disciplines and fields will benefit from engaging this issue-long case study of several varieties of religious genderings of Jesus. The remainder of this introduction brings forward the historic question of Jesus’ identity, surveys the topic of the gendered reception of Jesus, and introduces the issue articles within the context of the wider field.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender and Fullness of Life for All: Contextuality as a Catalyst for Rereading Sources

Fullness of Life and Justice for All: Dominican Perspectives, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Subversive Faith and Competition in Patronage: A Note on ΠίΣΤΙΣ in Mark

Journal of Theological Studies, 2020

In her influential monograph Roman Faith and Christian Faith: Pistis and Fides in the Early Roman... more In her influential monograph Roman Faith and Christian Faith: Pistis and Fides in the Early Roman Empire and Early Churches, Theresa Morgan has convincingly shown how closely the early Christian discourse on ‘faith’ was bound up with similar notions in the broader Greco-Roman world, particularly in relation to the system of patronage, with both humans and deities fulfilling the role of (trustworthy and trusted) patrons. Thus, she has shifted attention from πίστις/fides as a primarily ‘theological’ notion to an interpretation along more ‘social’ lines and situated it in realm of human and divine/human relations. She also analyses this in relation to the Gospel of Mark, showing how Mark also fits this general picture. This note builds on Morgan’s work and will further develop one aspect of Mark’s use of the language (and concept) of patronage and πίστις. This is its subversive character, which is present to a lesser extent in Morgan's work; by calling for πίστις directed to him on the part of the people that he encounters, Jesus also draws these people away from other allegiances and ‘πίστις commitments’, that is, intersubjective relationships based on trust and leading to personal allegiance.

Research paper thumbnail of Meals on the Menu – Why it Matters: Why Bother?

The Bible and Interpretation, 2019

Major controversies over early Christian interpretations of the Lord’s Supper provide the backgro... more Major controversies over early Christian interpretations of the Lord’s Supper provide the background for this discussion. However, there is much more to this text. Recent scholarship has focused on what Paul seeks to achieve here, which is a restructuring of social relationships in the Corinthian community by means of altering the way in which they celebrate their meal. The bottom line seems to be that Paul wants the Corinthians to behave in a much more egalitarian manner at the table and, therefore, in their lives together, than they would have been used to in their hierarchical society. The point of having a meal together is to form a community; behavior at the table that underlines differences and distinctions in a group goes against the very nature of a meal, at least in Paul’s understanding.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘It’s the Ritual, Stupid!’ The Ritual Turn in New Testament Studies in Theological Perspective

NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, 2019

This paper seeks to interrelate the ritual turns in biblical studies and systematic theology, in ... more This paper seeks to interrelate the ritual turns in biblical studies and systematic theology, in order to explore whether the latter can be used to further the former. In order to do so, first, the ritual turn in biblical studies is outlined, second, aspects of the ritual turn in systematic theology are presented, third, an exegetical case study focusing on 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 is presented, and fourth and finally, conclusions on this experiment are offered. In doing so, the paper will interact in particular with recent work by Catherine Pickstock and somewhat older work by Paul of Tarsus.

Research paper thumbnail of Een nieuwe wereldorde. Een exegetische schets bij het pinksterverhaal in Handelingen

Met andere woorden, 2019

In Handelingen 1:8 voorzegt Jezus hoe de heilige Geest zijn leerlingen de kracht zal geven om het... more In Handelingen 1:8 voorzegt Jezus hoe de heilige Geest zijn leerlingen de kracht zal geven om het goede nieuws bekend te maken ‘in Jeruzalem, in heel Judea en Samaria, tot aan de uiteinden van de aarde’. Peter-Ben Smit laat zien welke ‘mentale wereldkaart’ er schuilt achter deze gebiedsaanduidingen. Het boek Handelingen beschrijft de vestiging van een alternatieve wereldorde, het rijk van de Geest. Het pinksterverhaal van Handelingen 2 is daarvan niet alleen het startpunt, maar ook een symbolische vooruitblik op het eindpunt.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Masculinity in Ecumenical Perspective The Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace

Ecumenical Review, 2019

Gender is an important topic of the WCC's Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. It is the result of bo... more Gender is an important topic of the WCC's Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. It is the result of both theological anthropological concerns and the ongoing search for justice and peace. In other words, it is a typical area where traditional Faith and Order and Life and Work concerns coincide. Yet, gender is often taken to mean concerns of the role, rights, and treatment of women primarily, with some attention to the position and treatment of transgender persons and sexual minorities. This article argues that, precisely from the point of view of these ecumenical theological concerns, attention for masculinity as a gender is also required. The reason for this is that although many different forms of masculinity are supported with an appeal to the Christian tradition, not all forms of masculinity are compatible with a desire for safeguarding human dignity and a sustainable journey into the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Der „Kämmerer aus Mohrenland“ oder der äthiopische Eunuch?

Diverse Identität Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen an das Phänomen Intersexualität, 2018

In vielen deutschen Bibelübersetzungen, zumindest seit der Übersetzung Martin Luthers, ist in Apg... more In vielen deutschen Bibelübersetzungen, zumindest seit der Übersetzung Martin Luthers, ist in Apg 8,27 eine interessante Person anzutreffen: „ein Mann aus Mohrenland, ein Kämmerer und Gewaltiger der Königin Kandaze in Mohrenland, welcher war über ihre ganze Schatzkammer, der war kommen gen Jerusalem, anzubeten“ (Lutherübersetzung von 1545). Diese Wiedergabe von ἀνὴρ Αἰθίοψ εὐνοῦχος δυνάστης Κανδάκης βασιλίσσης Αἰθιόπων, ὃς ἦν ἐπὶ πάσης τῆς γάζης αὐτῆς, ὃς ἐληλύθει προσκυνήσων εἰς Ἰερουσαλήμ ist deshalb interessant, weil in der Übersetzung, aus mir unbekannten Gründen, ein Wort nicht wiedergegeben wird und zwar: εὐνοῦχος [eunouchos]. Aus
ἀνὴρ Αἰθίοψ εὐνοῦχος [aner aithiops eunouchos] wird faktisch ἀνὴρ Αἰθίοψ [aner aithiops] und damit verschwindet ein außerordentlich wichtiger Aspekt der Charakterisierung dieses Menschen. Dieser Aspekt ist aus naheliegenden Gründen interessant und soll hier näher betrachtet werden. Allerdings wird dabei eine Frage nicht beantwortet werden können: Was hat eine ganze Tradition von Bibelübersetzern bewogen, diese Entscheidung zu treffen und beizubehalten? Auf diese Weise ist etwas vergessen worden, was eigentlich interessant, ja, sogar relevant ist. Mit Assmann ließe sich fragen: Ist dies ein neutrales oder
ein komplizitäres Vergessen? Wie verhält es sich aber mit dem Gender dieses Äthiopiers aus antiker Perspektive und was kann die Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Geschichte für heutige Debatten über Geschlecht und Identität in Kirche und Gesellschaft beitragen.

Research paper thumbnail of Het lichaam van Christus aan tafel. Paulus van Tarsus en Judith Butler in Korinthe

Rond de tafel. Maaltijdvieren in liturgische contexten , 2018

Het lichaam van Christus aan tafel: Paulus van Tarsus en Judith Butler in Korinthe Inleiding Lich... more Het lichaam van Christus aan tafel: Paulus van Tarsus en Judith Butler in Korinthe Inleiding Lichamen krijgen als weinig aandacht in het Nieuwe Testament. 1 Dit is vreemd, want ze zijn er vaak wel en ook van prominent belang: van de lichamen van genezen mensen en etende lichamen tot Jezus' lichaam aan het kruis en de (bijna-)aanraking van zijn verrezen lichaam door Maria en Thomas. Filosoof en genderwetenschapper Judith Butler vraagt nadrukkelijk aandacht voor de meerwaarde van lichamelijkheid in haar jongste boek Notes Toward a Per-formative Theory of Assembly. 2 Haar uitgangspunt is dat ruimte altijd ook politiek, sociaal en daarmee lichamelijk (er is geen sociabiliteit zonder lichamen) wordt vormgegeven, een aspect dat echter vaak over het hoofd gezien wordt. Butler richt zich daarom op het eigen karakter en de meerwaarde van specifiek lichamelijke samenkomsten, waardoor lichamen ruimte, ook publieke ruimte, in bezit nemen en zo als het ware vormgeven. Ze eisen zo een aantal vrijhe-den voor zichzelf op—of maken tenminste beperkingen in vrijheid zichtbaar maken en stellen deze aan de kaak (e.g., bewegingsvrijheid, vrijheid van samenscholing, etc.). Deze bijdrage kijkt naar een vroegchristelijke samenscholing van menselijke lichamen en stelt de vraag: leidt het analyseren van 1 Kor 11,17-34 – een klassieke perikoop over 'het avondmaal', vanuit het perspectief van Butlers werk tot nieuwe inzichten? Het antwoord zal laten zien hoe voor Paulus het lichaam en de lichamelijke ervaring een uitgangspunt zijn voor zijn theologiseren. Dat is verrassend voor iemand die vaak als zo lichaamsvijandelijk gezien wordt. Daarbij zal ook blijken hoe Paulus met name " typisch mannelijk " gedrag in de ge-meente maatregelt—ook wellicht wat onverwacht voor zo'n onversneden vroegchristelijke patriarch als Paulus. Tenminste: zo wordt hij vaak gezien. Uit dit alles zal de waarde van Butlers werk voor de nieuwtestamentische exegese blijken. Dit hoofdstuk combineert onderzoek naar vroegchristelijke vormen van zelforganisatie (met name door middel van maaltijden) en hedendaags onderzoek naar samenscholingen en de rol van lichamelijkheid en gender daarin. De analyse van 1 Kor. 11 zal worden voorafge-gaan door een rondgang door de geschiedenis van de interpretatie ervan om de huidige bena-dering beter te kunnen plaatsen en door een schets van de theorie van Butler.

Research paper thumbnail of Jedem Ketzer seinen Buchstaben. Überlegungen aus biblischer Sicht

Andreas Krebs and Matthias Ring (ed.), Mit dem Segen der Kirche. Die Segung gleichgeschlechtlicher Partnerschaften in der theologischen Diskussion , 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The Ritual (De)Construction of Masculinity in Mark 6. A Methodological Exploration on the Interface of Gender and Ritual Studies

Both ritual studies and masculinity studies are relative newcomers to the field of New Testament ... more Both ritual studies and masculinity studies are relative newcomers to the field of New Testament studies. This article endeavours to combine insights from both of these fields and to show how such a combination can be heuristically helpful. In particular, it explores how the respective masculinities of “king” Herod and Jesus are narratively constructed in Mark 6 through the presentation of their behaviour during their participation in rituals, meals to be exact. The two key female characters are also discussed and analysed, in relation to ritual failure. In doing so, new light is shed on this chapter of the Gospel of Mark. In addition, and experimentally, a new matrix for the analysis of the masculinity/religion interface is presented and tested

Research paper thumbnail of Sadomasochism and the Apocalypse of John: Exegesis, Sensemaking and Pain

This essay proceeds from a modern sensitivity with regard to suffering and violence in canonical ... more This essay proceeds from a modern sensitivity with regard to suffering and violence in canonical texts and draws on a modern phenomenon, sadomasochism (in particular masochism and appertaining theory, enhanced with theory concerning torture and pain), in order to understand the dynamics of suffering and its interpretation in the Apocalypse of John. The result of the paper is a contribution to the question what role pain and ­suffering play in the Apocalypse of John, as well as to the question to what extent comparing contemporary cultural phenomena and their analysis can contribute to the understanding of ancient texts. The paper also seeks to move beyond the rather pejorative and unnuanced use of the term ‘sadomasochistic’ in relation to the Apocalypse of John that has been used here and there in order to condemn the violence contained in the work (and, in the process, shedding rather shady light on BDSM practicioners)

Research paper thumbnail of Man or Human? A Note on the Translation of Ἄνθρωπος in Mark 10.1-9 and Masculinity Studies

The past decades have seen an increased sensitivity among Bible translators when it comes to matt... more The past decades have seen an increased sensitivity among Bible translators when it comes to matters of gender, in particular in relation to inclusive and exclusive aspects of language and their rendering in translation. Building on this feminist agenda, it can also be asked, following the lead of masculinity studies in general and its use in biblical studies in particular, what role masculinity plays in texts and their translation. This will be explored in this contribution using the example of the meaning and translation of ἄνθρωπος in Mark 10.7 and 9, which, it will be proposed, is, for gender-sensitive exegetical reasons, best translated as “man” (in the exclusive sense of the word), rather than as “human” (as an inclusive expression).

Research paper thumbnail of Sadomasochism and the Apocalypse of John: Exegesis, Sensemaking and Pain

This essay proceeds from a modern sensitivity with regard to suffering and violence in canonical ... more This essay proceeds from a modern sensitivity with regard to suffering and violence in canonical texts and draws on a modern phenomenon, sadomasochism (in particular masochism and appertaining theory, enhanced with theory concerning torture and pain), in order to understand the dynamics of suffering and its interpretation in the Apocalypse of John. The result of the paper is a contribution to the question what role pain and ­suffering play in the Apocalypse of John, as well as to the question to what extent comparing contemporary cultural phenomena and their analysis can contribute to the understanding of ancient texts. The paper also seeks to move beyond the rather pejorative and unnuanced use of the term ‘sadomasochistic’ in relation to the Apocalypse of John that has been used here and there in order to condemn the violence contained in the work (and, in the process, shedding rather shady light on BDSM practicioners).

Research paper thumbnail of The ritual (de)construction of masculinity in Mark 6 : a methodological exploration on the interface of gender and ritual studies

Both ritual studies and masculinity studies are relative newcomers to the field of New Testament ... more Both ritual studies and masculinity studies are relative newcomers to the field of New Testament studies. This article endeavours to combine insights from both of these fields and to show how such a combination can be heuristically helpful. In particular, it explores how the respective masculinities of “king” Herod and Jesus are narratively constructed in Mark 6 through the presentation of their behaviour during their participation in rituals, meals to be exact. The two key female characters are also discussed and analysed, in relation to ritual failure. In doing so, new light is shed on this chapter of the Gospel of Mark. In addition, and experimentally, a new matrix for the analysis of the masculinity/religion interface is presented and tested

Research paper thumbnail of Intercultural Ritual Transgression as a Catalyst for Early Christian Theological Reflection — A Consideration of 1 Corinthians 8

Exchange, 2017

What led to the issues that Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 8? This paper argues that the mission... more What led to the issues that Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 8? This paper argues that the missionary expansion of the early community led to a renegotiation of its ritual boundaries, in particular concerning question of ritual participation. Theory concerning ‘ritual failure’ is used in order to analyse the dynamics involved.

Research paper thumbnail of In Search of Real Circumcision: Ritual Failure and Circumcision in Paul

Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 2017

This article applies the theoretical framework of ‘ritual failure’, a sub-discipline of ritual cr... more This article applies the theoretical framework of ‘ritual failure’, a sub-discipline of ritual criticism, to Paul’s discussion of circumcision in his letter to the Galatians, Philippians and Romans. It is argued that the application of this theoretical perspective clarifies the dynamics at stake and provides a new way of understanding the development in Paul’s position regarding circumcision. There is movement from an attitude of strong propagation, by way of indifference and a subsequent attitude of rejection, to one of modified reintegration into Paul’s thinking. At every turn of this development, ritual failure plays a pivotal role and functions as a catalyst for the development of Paul’s theology.

Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic Theology: An Introduction

Old Catholic theology is the theology that is characteristic of the Old Catholic Churches of the ... more Old Catholic theology is the theology that is characteristic of the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht. Old Catholic Theology: An Introduction, authored by Peter-Ben Smit, an acknowledged expert in the field, outlines the main characteristics of and influences on Old Catholic theology, as well as the extant ecumenical relationships of the Old Catholic Churches. In doing so, it covers what may be called 'mainstream' Old Catholic theology, while also discussing the diversity within the Old Catholic tradition. Particular attention is given to the Old Catholic approach to theology in general and to ecclesiology, sacramental theology and ecumenical theology in particular. Further foci include the version of communio-theology, the appertaining sacramental understanding of the church, the inherent connection between theology and (liturgical) spirituality, the distinct branch of communal hermeneutics and the understanding of the appeal to the early Church that Old Catholic theologians developed in the course of the 20th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic Theology: An Introduction

Old Catholic theology is the theology that is characteristic of the Old Catholic Churches of the ... more Old Catholic theology is the theology that is characteristic of the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht. Old Catholic Theology: An Introduction, authored by Peter-Ben Smit, an acknowledged expert in the field, outlines the main characteristics of and influences on Old Catholic theology, as well as the extant ecumenical relationships of the Old Catholic Churches. In doing so, it covers what may be called 'mainstream' Old Catholic theology, while also discussing the diversity within the Old Catholic tradition. Particular attention is given to the Old Catholic approach to theology in general and to ecclesiology, sacramental theology and ecumenical theology in particular. Further foci include the version of communio-theology, the appertaining sacramental understanding of the church, the inherent connection between theology and (liturgical) spirituality, the distinct branch of communal hermeneutics and the understanding of the appeal to the early Church that Old Catholic theologians developed in the course of the 20th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Urs von Arx (*1943) – Theologie mit Leidenschaft für die Kirche

Aufbruch und Widerspruch. Schweizer Theologinnen und Theologen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert (Zürich: TVZ, 2019), 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Vrienden in het bisschopsambt. De correspondentie tussen Andreas Rinkel en Urs Küry (1955-1970)

In Vrienden in het bisschopsambt schetst Peter-Ben Smit hoe de bisschoppen Andreas Rinkel (Utrech... more In Vrienden in het bisschopsambt schetst Peter-Ben Smit hoe de bisschoppen Andreas Rinkel (Utrecht) en Urs Küry (Oud-Katholieke Kerk van Zwitserland) in hun ambtelijke correspondentie de koers van de Oud-Katholieke Kerk in de jaren ’50 en ’60 uitzetten. De twee waren bevriend en ze bespreken onderwerpen zoals de zorg om voldoende pastoors, de ontwikkeling van een oud-katholieke theologie, de nasleep van de wereldoorlogen, de situatie van kerken achter het ijzeren gordijn, de opkomende oecumene, en de uitdagingen van de jaren ’60 dan ook in “klare taal, met de nodige betrokkenheid en humor, als vrienden die aan een half woord genoeg hebben om elkaar te begrijpen.” Het boek biedt een uniek kijkje achter de schermen in deze nog weinig onderzochte periode uit de oud-katholieke geschiedenis.

Research paper thumbnail of Rond de tafel. Maaltijd vieren in liturgische contexten

Meals are hot. Eucharistie en Avondmaal, maar ook onze dagelijkse praktijken van eten en drinken ... more Meals are hot. Eucharistie en Avondmaal, maar ook onze dagelijkse praktijken van eten en drinken hebben de laatste jaren volop de aandacht in wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Af te lezen aan het aantal eetclubs, buurtmaaltijden, tv-kookprogramma's is eten in onze cultuur van onverminderd grote betekenis. Deelname aan Eucharistie en Avondmaal worden minder vanzelfsprekend. Wat hebben deze liturgische praktijken ons in de 21e eeuw te zeggen? Staan zij in verband met ons dagelijks eten en drinken en zo ja, hoe? Wat zijn volgens de Schrift belangrijke aspecten van de maaltijd? Met wie wordt er maaltijd gevierd en wie bepalen dat?
In deze bundel belicht een nieuwe generatie theologen op verfrissende wijze verschillende aspecten van de maaltijd. Hun bijdragen zijn in drie thema's ondergebracht.

Deel 1: Eten, lijf en leven. Bij dit eerste thema staat het doordenken van de relatie tussen 'seculiere' en religieuze maaltijden centraal.

Deel 2: Beleving van de maaltijd. Hier komen mensen aan het woord die maaltijden vieren: welke betekenissen kennen zij toe aan heilig Avondmaal en Eucharistie?

Deel 3: Gasten en gemeenschap. Over het gemeenschapsvormende karakter van maaltijden: hoe draagt de rituele vormgeving en uitnodigings- of toelatingsbeleid daaraan bij?

Research paper thumbnail of Vrienden in het bisschopsambt. De correspondentie tussen Andreas Rinkel en Urs Küry (1955-1970)

A book length study of the correspondence between the two leading bishops of the Old Catholic Uni... more A book length study of the correspondence between the two leading bishops of the Old Catholic Union of Utrecht, 1955-1970, covering all topic that Andreas Rinkel and Urs Küry wrote about.

Research paper thumbnail of Traditie als Missie

This essay, originating in a public lecture on the occassion of the opening of the academic year ... more This essay, originating in a public lecture on the occassion of the opening of the academic year of the Old Catholic Seminary (Utrecht) in 2014, given an outline of an Old Catholic theology of mission. In particular, it argues that the notions "tradition" and "mission" mutually imply each other rather than are at variance or even in conflict with each other.

Research paper thumbnail of In necessariis unitas. Hintergründe zu den ökumenischen Beziehungen zwischen der Iglesia Filipina Independiente, den Kirchen der Anglikanischen Gemeinschaft und den Altkatholischen Kirchen der Utrechter Union

Wie kam es zu der kirchlichen Gemeinschaft zwischen den altkatholischen Kirchen der Utrechter Uni... more Wie kam es zu der kirchlichen Gemeinschaft zwischen den altkatholischen Kirchen der Utrechter Union in Europa und Nordamerika und der Iglesia Filipina Independiente auf den Philippinen? Die Aufsätze geben einen Einblick in die Entwicklung der ökumenischen Beziehungen am Anfang und in der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Aufgrund der Korrespondenz der beteiligten kirchlichen und politischen Persönlichkeiten zeigen die Autoren auf, wie die beiden Kirchen sich von der Jahrhundertwende bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg zuerst auseinander entwickelten und sich nach einer Kehrtwende auf der Seite der Iglesia Filipina Independiente und dank Vermittlung der amerikanischen Episkopalkirche wiederfanden. Wo heutzutage die Ökumene ins Stocken geraten zu sein scheint, ruft dieser Band in Erinnerung, wie viel schon erreicht wurde und auf welche Weise

Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic and Philippine Independent Ecclesiologies in History

Old Catholic and Philippine Independent Ecclesiologies in History, Jan 1, 2009

This study researches the historical development of the self-understanding of the Old Catholic Ch... more This study researches the historical development of the self-understanding of the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht and the Iglesia Filipina Independiente. Throughout the 20th century, both churches have been in a developing relationship with each other, resulting in full communion in 1965. In the same time period, both churches developed an ecclesiological self-understanding in which an ecclesiology of the national church gradually gave way to an ecclesiology of the local church. By outlining this development for each of these two churches and comparing the developments, the study gives insight both into the individual development of the two churches involved and shows how these developments relate to each other. In this way, the study presents a new historical portrait of these churches and their self-understanding

Research paper thumbnail of Tradition in Dialogue. The Understanding of Tradition in the International Bilateral Dialogues of the Anglican Communion

‘Tradition’ is a prominent - and often highly contested - notion in Christian theology, especiall... more ‘Tradition’ is a prominent - and often highly contested - notion in Christian theology, especially when it comes to ecumenical encounters and dialogues. This also applies to the ecumenical dialogues of the Anglican Communion with other churches. Often, ways have been found to reconcile seemingly different understandings of ‘tradition’ and its articulation in the present. This volume shows how this has been achieved in the international bilateral dialogues of the Anglican Communion, ranging from conversations with the Baptist World Alliance to dialogues with the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches.
Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit (1979) is professor for Ancient Catholic Church structures and the history and doctrine of Old Catholicism at Utrecht University, assistant professor of New Testament at VU University Amsterdam, and assistant priest of the Old Catholic parish of Amsterdam. He studied at the Universities of Amsterdam, Sheffield, and Bern, as well as at the Old Catholic Seminary in Utrecht and the General Theological Seminary in New York. He holds doctorates in Theology (New Testament), Anglican Studies, and the degree of Habilitation in Church History and Old Catholicism.

Research paper thumbnail of Mannelijkheid en Religie

Handelingen, 2020

‘Kunnen we ons niet gewoon beperken tot thema’s die er echt toe doen? Of is dit bedoeld als tegen... more ‘Kunnen we ons niet gewoon beperken tot thema’s die er echt toe doen? Of is dit bedoeld als tegengif tegen feministische theologie?’ ‘Ja, dit soort onderzoek is echt belangrijk, want echte mannen vind je tegenwoordig nauwelijks meer!’ ‘Wat spannend, ik wist als man niet eens dat ik een gender had, ik dacht dat dat alleen iets voor vrouwen was!’

Dit soort reacties kun je krijgen wanneer je vertelt dat je je als theoloog wetenschappelijk bezighoudt met het thema mannelijkheid. Of je nu onderzoek doet naar heilige teksten en hun doorwerking of naar de manier waarop mannelijkheid en religie met elkaar verbonden worden in het publieke domein, meningen over de relevantie en de inhoud van dit vakgebied gaan alle kanten op. In deze inleiding positioneren we onszelf en de inhoud van dit themanummer van Handelingen binnen de theologie en mannelijkheidsonderzoek. Mannelijkheidsonderzoek richt zich op dat wat maatschappelijk als ‘mannelijk’ verstaan wordt (geslacht of gender als een sociaal en cultureel gegeven). Dit gaat verder dan het onderzoeken van biologische aspecten van geslachtelijkheid (in de regel aangeduid met ‘sekse’).

Research paper thumbnail of Kerk en geloof in een seculiere samenleving. Bijdragen uit de theologische nalatenschap van Remco Robinson

Kerk en geloof in een seculiere samenleving. Bijdragen uit de theologische nalatenschap van Remco Robinson, 2020

REMCO ROBINSON liet het samenspel en vaak ook de spanning tussen kerk-zijn, geloven en het leven ... more REMCO ROBINSON liet het samenspel en vaak ook de spanning tussen kerk-zijn, geloven en het leven in een seculiere samenle-ving een belangrijke rol spelen in zijn werk als theoloog en pastor ; zijn eigen leven als gelovige en priester was er ook van doordrongen. De hier bijeengebrachte bijdragen, artikelen en preken, geven daar een indruk van. Ze geven inzicht in het werk van een theoloog die de ervaring van mensen en de omgang met geloof en kerk-zijn in de seculiere Nederlandse context het volle pond wil geven. Tegelijkertijd laat het zien hoe Remco Robinson, puttend uit de bronnen van het geloof, handvatten wil bieden om tot een geloofwaardige spiritualiteit te komen die helpt om te gaan met de wereld van de eenentwintigste eeuw. Zijn eigen zoektocht hierin en zijn ervaringen hiermee komen in zowel het reflecterende en onderzoekende academische deel van de bundel als ook in de opgenomen preken ter sprake. Als pastor en wetenschapper heeft Remco Robinson zich ingezet voor de kerk waarin hij zijn thuis gevonden had, op weg naar de kerk van morgen. Als priester en pastor in Arnhem, Middelburg en de "Mission to Seafarers" (Vlissingen), dacht hij na over en bouw-de hij mee aan toekomstbestendige vormen van kerk-zijn. Dat kwam ook tot uitdrukking in zijn werk aan het Oud-Katholiek Seminarie en de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Zijn plotselin-ge overlijden op 39-jarige leeftijd op 10 maart 2019 was en is een groot gemis voor velen. De bundel "Kerk en geloof in een seculiere samenleving" eert zijn gedachtenis door zijn inbreng en inzichten blijvend toegankelijk te maken.

Research paper thumbnail of Food in Times of Crisis. A Practical Theological Study on Emergency Relief Provided by Churches in Amsterdam Zuidoost during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in De Nieuwe Stad in Amsterdam Zui... more Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in De Nieuwe Stad in Amsterdam Zuidoost, including serving free meals for everyone who wanted them. When this was no longer possible because of the Covid-19 measures, the international church, Treasures International Ministries, and Diaconie Evangelisch Lutherse Gemeente Amsterdam decided to work together and start delivering meals to people’s houses. Some of these recipients were enlisted through the network of one of the churches, but most were enlisted by care organizations. As one, relatively small project, operating alongside other aid initiatives, the meals project soon received many more enlistments than anticipated, and the Covid-19 crisis lasted longer than expected, which raised questions regarding the underlying needs and how to proceed in the long term. Together with the Protestant Theological University, they decided to research the question:

How does the meals project of Treasures and Lutherse Diaconie expose structural needs in Amsterdam Zuidoost, and how can these needs be addressed in a sustainable manner?

Research paper thumbnail of Israël en Jodendom in perspectief

Wie in de context van missiologie en interculturele theologie over ‘het jodendom’ begint, kan een... more Wie in de context van missiologie en interculturele theologie over ‘het jodendom’ begint, kan een flinke discussie verwachten. ‘Jodendom’ is wat politieke historici een ‘emotive’ noemen: een woord dat als het ware opgeladen is en direct mensen tot een reactie brengt.

Omdat TussenRuimte een tijdschrift voor missiologie en interculturele theologie is, zal het wel om ‘het jodendom’ in die context gaan. De vraag is: welke vormen van jodendom spelen daar op welke manieren een rol? We laten verschillende stemmen aan het woord komen, verschillende joodse stemmen, natuurlijk, een messiasbelijdende joodse stem ook, en diverse christelijke stemmen, over christelijk enthousiasme over de joodse traditie (en de grenzen ervan), over een experiment in solidariteit, over bijbelvertalen en over antisemitisme onder meer.

Research paper thumbnail of Ambt – Spiritualiteit – Roeping. Theologische verkenningen. Met bijdragen van Rebekka Willekes, Marleen Blootens, Jos Moons, Mattijs Ploeger en Wim Dekker

Research paper thumbnail of De Oud-Katholieke Kerk van Nederland. Een inleiding

De Oud-Katholieke Kerk is vrij onbekend in Nederland. Deze bundel behandelt verschillende aspecte... more De Oud-Katholieke Kerk is vrij onbekend in Nederland. Deze bundel behandelt verschillende aspecten van leer en leven. Ten eerste de geschiedenis: de kerk is ontstaan uit de onduidelijkheid over de positie van de katholieken na de Reformatie en de wens in de achttiende eeuw een eigen bisschop te kiezen. Daarna komen aspecten van de geloofsleer aan bod: de kerk oriënteert zich op de oude kerk van voor 1054, heeft een augustijnse spiritualiteit en is conciliair georganiseerd. Een groot hoofdstuk is gewijd aan de liturgie, die binnen de kerk naar eigen zeggen een belangrijke plaats inneemt – veel komt overeen met de bekende rooms-katholieke liturgie. Een volgend hoofdstuk geeft een beeld van het leven in een parochie. In het kerkrecht wordt een evenwicht gevonden tussen lokale kerkgemeenschappen en bisschoppen als deel van de universele kerk. Het laatste hoofdstuk beschrijft de indrukwekkende bijdrage van de kerk aan de oecumene. Ten opzichte van eerdere uitgaven is deze bundel geïllustreerd en van hoger niveau. Met voetnoten en verschillende literatuuroverzichten.

Research paper thumbnail of Allemaal vreemdelingen in een ‘christelijk’ Europa. Twee theologische pleidooien voor humaniteit. Quasimodolezing 2017. Stephan van Erp en Erica Meijers

De vraag naar de identiteit van Europa speelt op de achtergrond van politieke debatten op nationa... more De vraag naar de identiteit van Europa speelt op de achtergrond van politieke debatten op nationaal en internationaal niveau. De toestroom van vluchtelingen zou de '(joods-)christelijke identiteit' van Europa bedreigen. Beide inleiders benaderen de vraag naar deze identiteit vanuit een theologisch perspectief. Neerslag Quasimodolezing 2017.

Research paper thumbnail of Herbronning. 40 jaar bijzondere leerstoel ‘Oude katholieke kerkstructuren’. Bijdragen van het symposium ‘Herbronning’ van 9 december 2016

Herbronning. 40 jaar bijzondere leerstoel ‘Oude katholieke kerkstructuren’. Bijdragen van het sym... more Herbronning. 40 jaar bijzondere leerstoel ‘Oude katholieke kerkstructuren’. Bijdragen van het symposium ‘Herbronning’ van 9 december 2016. Het thema ‘herbronning’ is een centraal gegeven in oud-katholieke theologie: terug naar de bronnen op zoek naar inspiratie voor de theologie van vandaag. Aanleiding voor de bundel vormde het 40 jarig jubileüm van de oud-katholieke leerstoel aan de Universiteit Utrecht. De vier leerstoelhouders tot dusver, Jan Visser, Jan Hallebeek, Angela Berlis en Peter-Ben Smit bieden ieder een bijdrage vanuit hun vakgebieden. Jan Visser over het ‘heilige’ als de bron van religie, Jan Hallebeek over kerkrechtelijke herbronning, Angela Berlis over vergeten (vrouwen)stemmen in de (kerk)geschiedenis, en Peter-Ben Smit over de Bijbel als bron voor theologie. Bij iedere bijdrage zijn van vakgenoten uit binnen- en buitenland opgenomen, zodat de bundel ook een discussie bevat. De lezer is uitgenodigd die zelf ook voort te zetten.

Research paper thumbnail of Moedig leiderschap; mystiek en politiek bij Dag Hammarskjöld. Quasimodolezing 2016

De tekst van de Quasimodolezing van 2016 met een aantal andere teksten. Naast de hoofdlezing van ... more De tekst van de Quasimodolezing van 2016 met een aantal andere teksten. Naast de hoofdlezing van Zweedse aartsbisschop KG Hammar en het coreferaat van Carola Schouten bevat de bundel ook een inleiding op de persoon en het werk van Hammarskjöld door Joris Vercammen en de eerste Nederlandse vertaling van meditaties van KG Hammar bij teksten uit Hammarskjölds Merkstenen, geschreven voor het Hammarskjöldpad in het Noorden van Noorwegen.

Research paper thumbnail of Menselijke Waardigheid in de Klem? Quasimodolezing 2015 met reacties van Adré Rouvoet, Marieke Ridder en Jan Kimpen

"Menselijke waardigheid in de knel? De kerk een zorg'" Tekst van de negende Quasimodolezing, uitg... more "Menselijke waardigheid in de knel? De kerk een zorg'" Tekst van de negende Quasimodolezing, uitgesproken op 10 april 2015 en de reacties daarop, gevolgd door een paneldiscussie.

Research paper thumbnail of Rond de tafel. Maaltijd vieren in liturgische contexten

Rond de tafel. Maaltijd vieren in liturgische contexten, 2018

Meals are hot. Eucharistie en Avondmaal, maar ook onze dagelijkse praktijken van eten en drinken ... more Meals are hot. Eucharistie en Avondmaal, maar ook onze dagelijkse praktijken van eten en drinken hebben de laatste jaren volop de aandacht in wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Af te lezen aan het aantal eetclubs, buurtmaaltijden, tv-kookprogramma's is eten in onze cultuur van onverminderd grote betekenis. Deelname aan Eucharistie en Avondmaal worden minder vanzelfsprekend. Wat hebben deze liturgische praktijken ons in de 21e eeuw te zeggen? Staan zij in verband met ons dagelijks eten en drinken en zo ja, hoe? Wat zijn volgens de Schrift belangrijke aspecten van de maaltijd? Met wie wordt er maaltijd gevierd en wie bepalen dat?
In deze bundel belicht een nieuwe generatie theologen op verfrissende wijze verschillende aspecten van de maaltijd. Hun bijdragen zijn in drie thema's ondergebracht.

Deel 1: Eten, lijf en leven. Bij dit eerste thema staat het doordenken van de relatie tussen 'seculiere' en religieuze maaltijden centraal.

Deel 2: Beleving van de maaltijd. Hier komen mensen aan het woord die maaltijden vieren: welke betekenissen kennen zij toe aan heilig Avondmaal en Eucharistie?

Deel 3: Gasten en gemeenschap. Over het gemeenschapsvormende karakter van maaltijden: hoe draagt de rituele vormgeving en uitnodigings- of toelatingsbeleid daaraan bij?

Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic Respons to The Church Towards a Common Vision

Research paper thumbnail of Challenging Catholicism – Papers of the Challenging Catholicism Workshop of 21 September 2015

Edited papers (with Angela Berlis) of a symposium on "Challenging Catholicism" on the occassion o... more Edited papers (with Angela Berlis) of a symposium on "Challenging Catholicism" on the occassion of 125 years' Union of Utrecht (September 2014).

Research paper thumbnail of XXXI. Internationaler Altkatholikenkongress, 18.-21. September 2014 in Utrecht

Collected papers of the 31st Old Catholics' Congress, Utrecht, 2014, edited with Urs von Arx and ... more Collected papers of the 31st Old Catholics' Congress, Utrecht, 2014, edited with Urs von Arx and Mattijs Ploeger

Research paper thumbnail of Kerkbouw en religieuze identiteit. Vier voordrachten naar aanleiding van het eeuwfeest van de oud-katholieke Petrus-en-Pauluskerk

Special issue of the journal Amstelodamum, dedicated to ecclesial architecture in Amsterdam; publ... more Special issue of the journal Amstelodamum, dedicated to ecclesial architecture in Amsterdam; published on the centennial of the Old Catholic parish church (Ruysdaelstraat 39, Amsterdam)

Research paper thumbnail of Behoud en vernieuwing in katholieke context. Oud-Katholieke persoonlijkheden uit vier eeuwen

Special issue of the journal Trajecta, dedicated to four key personalities from the history of th... more Special issue of the journal Trajecta, dedicated to four key personalities from the history of the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands

Research paper thumbnail of Die christkatholische Kirche St. Peter und Paul

Research paper thumbnail of Over katholiciteit als netwerk, de noodzaak van religie en de waarden van het koningschap. Quasimodolezingen 2011-2013

Adrie Paasen/Peter-Ben Smit (ed.), Over katholiciteit als netwerk, de noodzaak van religie en de waarden van het koningschap. Quasimodolezingen 2011-2013, Publicatieserie St. Oud-Katholiek Seminarie 51, 2014, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Green Patriarch in the Netherlands: An Ongoing Conversation

Working for a Greener Society The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew paid an official visit to The ... more Working for a Greener Society The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew paid an official visit to The Netherlands in April 2014. The theme of the visit was the whole question of ‘greening’ society and Christian inspiration. The host was the Old Catholic Church.
As a result a special edition record in words and images is to be published in early 2015. This edition gives a rich impression of this unique visit and diverse conversations between churches, business, government and religions, mainly around the theme of greening society.
Contributions are a.o. by Patriarch Bartholomew, Rudy Rabbinge (Professor Sustainable Development and Advisor
United Nations), Archbishop Joris Vercammen, Klaas van der Kamp (General-Secretary Dutch Council of Churches), Erik Kemink (CEO CNG-Net) and Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp

Research paper thumbnail of Catholicity in Times of Globalization. Remembering Alberto Ramento, Martyred Bishop of Workers and Peasants

German: Katholisch in Zeiten der Globalisierung. Erinnerung an den Märtyrerbischof Alberto Rament... more German: Katholisch in Zeiten der Globalisierung. Erinnerung an den Märtyrerbischof Alberto Ramento, den Bischof der Arbeiter und Bauern (Luzern: Exodus, 2010); Dutch : Alberto B. Ramento. Bisschop van Arbeiders en Boeren. Een profetisch getuigenis van een bisschop en zijn kerk (Hilversum/Goes: Siens. Creatieve Producties/Nilsson, 2011); French: Alberto Ramento. Évêque des oevriers et des paysans aux Philippines Signes des Temps (Paris: Karthala, 2013).

Research paper thumbnail of Masculinity

Entry in the Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online

Research paper thumbnail of Legitimizing Context. The Literary and Theological Function of Mary for the website

Philippiniana Sacra, 2020

One of the more striking and, likely, widely-used publications of Gregorio Aglipay, one of the fo... more One of the more striking and, likely, widely-used publications of Gregorio Aglipay, one of the founding fathers of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, is the so-called Novenario de la Patria (1926). It contains both a specific kind of – emancipatory – Mariology and a statement in devotional form of Aglipay’s religious views at the time of its publication. The Mariology of the work has recently been addressed by Gealogo, Furusawa, and De la Cruz: the first, outlining the general features of the ‘Virgin of Balintawak’ (Birhen sa Balintawak);
the second, placing her in the context of other Filipino representations of Mary; and the third, providing a discussion of the representation in the context of Filipino culture and politics; earlier, Ileto also discussed the work. Building on these analyses and going beyond them, this essay focuses on the function of this particular type of Mary-with-child in the Novenario. This question as to the role of Mary in the Novenario is provoked by the apparent oddity that although the title of the work suggests a Marian novena, Mary is in fact absent from most of
the devotional material, only making an appearance in the title of the book, its prefatory (or paratextual) material and briefly as part of the seventh day of the novena. In addressing this question, this paper will move beyond extant scholarly positions in a number of ways.

Research paper thumbnail of Masculinity and the 'Holy Child' of the Birhen sa Balintawak

Religion & Gender, 2020

The Birhen sa Balintawak is the first indigenous representation of the 'Virgin-with-child' in the... more The Birhen sa Balintawak is the first indigenous representation of the 'Virgin-with-child' in the Philippines. Associated with the revolutionary movement of the Katipu-nan and promoted by Gregorio Aglipay, a revolutionary priest and a founding figure of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, this representation of Mary is connected with the political and religious emancipation of the Philippines. This paper explores the construction of the masculinity of the child that accompanies its mother, arguing that its description and depiction both serve to uplift a particular kind of Filipino (revolution-ary) masculinity by legitimizing it religiously and to interpret the Christian tradition in an equally indigenous as revolutionary sense. The paper draws on Aglipay's 1926 Nove-nario of the Motherland as its central source.

Research paper thumbnail of RES 1 2019 Smit

Review of Ecumenical Studies, 2019

This paper explores the role of the appeal to the early Church in Old Catholic theology, describi... more This paper explores the role of the appeal to the early Church in Old Catholic theology, describing how this appeal has been challenged and further developed through ecumenical dialogue in particular. Noting the various problems involved in this appeal and the manner in which they have been discussed within the Old Catholic (ecumenical) theological discourse, the paper highlights the process of discernment within the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches, and from that in particular
the consultation with the Ecumenical Patriarchate on the subject, and analyses the role of the appeal to the early church in this setting. Notably, the hermeneutically reflected appeal to the early church paved the way for a theologically responsible manner of opening the apostolic ministry to women as well as men.

Research paper thumbnail of A non-political stance as an ecclesial via media in war time?

Harry Dondorp, Martin Schermaier and Boudewijn Sirks (ed.), De rebus divinis et humanis. Essays in honour of Jan Hallebeek (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Subversive Saints: Hagiographic and Devotional Publications as a Means of Literary Resistance in and around the Second World War,

Research paper thumbnail of Prayer and Participation in the Eucharist in the Work of Ignatius of Antioch,

Prayer and the Transformation of the Self in Early Christian Mystagogy , 2018

If any early Christian thinker or Apostolic Father is associated with the Eucharist, it is surely... more If any early Christian thinker or Apostolic Father is associated with
the Eucharist, it is surely Ignatius of Antioch. THus, many contemporary
models of Eucharistic ecclesiology and communio theology owe a great
deal to his letters. THe Eucharist is obviously a liturgy of prayer, and, as
an ongoing practice of communion, it aims at the performance of being
Church, that is, of being in communion with God and with each other
through being in Christ. Given these considerations, the Eucharist and
participation in it are a logical place to look for the interrelationship
between prayer and mystagogy in the work of Ignatius of Antioch. My
question will be: ‘What is the mystagogical role of participation in the
Eucharist, understood as a practice of embodied prayer, in the letters of
Ignatius of Antioch?’

Research paper thumbnail of Silence is Golden: Freedom of Speech and the Old Catholic Observer at the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965)

Parrhesia Ancient and Modern Perspectives on Freedom of Speech, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Ecumenical and International. Anglican – Old Catholic Relationships in the Correspondence Between Andreas Rinkel and Urs Küry (1955-1970),

Research paper thumbnail of Liturgical Observations on the Second Vatican Council by a Forgotten Catholic: The Old Catholic Observer’s Perspective on the Liturgical Developments at the Second Vatican Council

Research paper thumbnail of Theological Education: An Ecumenical Perspective

M. C. Thomas/Shiby Varghese P. (ed.), Rekindling the Divine Gifts. Meaning, Mediation and Methods: Theological Education and Formation of Clergy , 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Hermeneutics in The Church. Towards a Common Vision

Hermeneutics in The Church is related to the tradition (faith and order) of the church itself and... more Hermeneutics in The Church is related to the tradition (faith and order) of the church itself and its common discernment with an eye to unity, to the churches' discernment of one another, and to the church's/churches' interpretation of the world. The world needs to be interpreted and this interpretation needs to be done by the churches together, who therefore need to discern their faith together as well.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Dekadenz der Anderen: Luxuria zwischen Ost und West

Zusammenfassung Luxus und Luxuria spielten eine Rolle in der Polemik zwischen östlichen und westl... more Zusammenfassung Luxus und Luxuria spielten eine Rolle in der Polemik zwischen östlichen und westlichen Christen im Zuge des Trennungsprozesses zwischen den Kirchen des Ostens und der Kirche des Westens. In diesem Beitrag wird exemplarisch nachge-gangen wie in polemischen Schriften östlicher Schriftsteller die liturgische Kleidung westlicher Geistlichen angeprangert wurde. Zur gleichen Zeit wird deutlich, dass diese Schriften für ein östliches Publikum intendiert waren und zwar als Warnung, um bloss nicht wie westliche Christen zu werden. Der Beitrag refl ektiert diese Po-lemik über luxuriöse Kleidung im Rahmen der Bedeutung von sichtbaren Identitäts-merkmale im Rahmen eines Trennungs– und Abgrenzungsprozesses.

Research paper thumbnail of From Divisive Diversity to Catholic Fullness? Canon and Ecclesial Unity Reconsidered

Dagmar Heller/Péter Szentpétery (ed.), Catholicity under Pressure. Proceedings of the 18th Academic Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica , 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Katholieke heroriëntatie Bijdrage tot geschiedenis van het oud-katholicisme in relatie tot de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk

Before, after and during the Second Vatican Council, the Roman Catholic Church went through an ag... more Before, after and during the Second Vatican
Council, the Roman Catholic Church went
through an aggiornamento that involved a
significant alteration of its ecumenical
stance. This also posed a challenge to
Churches from which the Roman Catholic
Church had become estranged. The current
contribution outlines how the Old Catholic
Churches of the Union of Utrecht dealt with
this challenge. It does so drawing on previously
inaccessible sources, the correspondence
between Andreas Rinkel, archbishop
of Utrecht (1937-1970) and Urs Küry, bishop
of the Old Catholic Church of Switzerland
(1955-1972), who were key leaders in the
international communion of Old Catholic
Churches in the middle of the twentieth

Research paper thumbnail of Catholicity and Globalization

Research paper thumbnail of Ecumenical Dialogue as Intercultural Encounter The Dialogue between the Mar Thoma Syrian Church and the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht as an Example of Intercultural Theological Dialogue

This paper provides an overview of a recent ecumenical dialogue, the one between the Mar Thoma Sy... more This paper provides an overview of a recent ecumenical dialogue, the one between the Mar Thoma Syrian Church and the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht (2011-2014) and analyses the dialogue through the lens of intercultural theology, arguing that the fields of ecumenical dialogue and intercultural theology can be brought into conversation with each other fruitfully, even if this is not currently being done in appertaining scholarship.

Research paper thumbnail of The end of early Christian adoptionism? A note on the invention of adoptionism, its sources, and its current demise

‘Adoptionism’ is an early Christian ‘heresy’ often associated with early strands of Jewish Christ... more ‘Adoptionism’ is an early Christian ‘heresy’ often associated with early strands of Jewish Christian tradition. It figures as such in handbooks of church history and New Testament studies alike. This essay investigates the origins of the concept of ‘adoptionism’ in the historiography of early Christianity, offers a fresh analysis of the relevant ‘adoptionist’ sources, and concludes that the concept is a misleading one. Therefore, the proposal is made to abandon the notion of ‘adoptionism’ as a category and to focus on the authors involved as such and to investigate what their soteriological and christological concerns were, rather than to identify them as ‘adoptionists’ and to study them with that identification as a starting point.

Research paper thumbnail of The end of early Christian adoptionism? A note on the invention of adoptionism, its sources, and its current demise

‘Adoptionism’ is an early Christian ‘heresy’ often associated with early strands of Jewish Christ... more ‘Adoptionism’ is an early Christian ‘heresy’ often associated with early strands of Jewish Christian tradition. It figures as such in handbooks of church history and New Testament studies alike. This essay investigates the origins of the concept of ‘adoptionism’ in the historiography of early Christianity, offers a fresh analysis of the relevant ‘adoptionist’ sources, and concludes that the concept is a misleading one. Therefore, the proposal is made to abandon the notion of ‘adoptionism’ as a category and to focus on the authors involved as such and to investigate what their soteriological and christological concerns were, rather than to identify them as ‘adoptionists’ and to study them with that identification as a starting point

Research paper thumbnail of The Road towards Full Communion between the Philippine Independent Church and the Episcopal Church

This paper discusses the development of the relationship between the Philippine Independent Churc... more This paper discusses the development of the relationship between the Philippine Independent Church and the Episcopal Church up to the point of full communion.

Research paper thumbnail of The Bishop and his/her Eucharistic Community: A Critique of Jean–Luc Marion's Eucharistic Hermeneutic

Modern Theology, Jan 1, 2003

In the essay the hermeneutical views of Jean–Luc Marion, as they are expressed in his God without... more In the essay the hermeneutical views of Jean–Luc Marion, as they are expressed in his God without Being: Hors–Texte in relationship with the Eucharist and the story of Luke 24, are presented and critically assessed. The criticisms registered touch in the first place upon the concept of in persona Christi, which concerns the relation between the celebrant and Christ. Furthermore, the issue of the relationship between the eucharistic minister and his (or her) community and thereby the hermeneutical function of the Eucharist as a celebration of the whole community is discussed in dialogue with Marion's views.

Research paper thumbnail of Eucharistie und Mahlzeit: Historische, theologische und praxisorientierte Perspektiven

This paper considers the possibility of including a full meal into the celebration of the Euchari... more This paper considers the possibility of including a full meal into the celebration of the Eucharist, as this has been promoted by liturgiologists over the past 75 years. Arguments pro and contra are considered, focusing especially on issues of liturgical 'primitivism', the relation between liturgy and everyday life, the ecclesial and public character of the Eucharist, the relationship between human and God-given communion, and the status of liturgical development, and the relationship between meal and Eucharist in general. Furthermore, the paper reflects on some practical aspects of the so-called 'meal Eucharist', focusing on a recent Swiss Old Catholic liturgical form for its celebration. In conclusion, the paper argues that by introducing a full meal into the Eucharist (again) on an incidental basis, valuable aspects of Eucharistie spirituality may be recovered; objections against this kind of liturgical celebration are seen to pertain to practicalities, rather than touching the theological core of this kind of celebration.

Research paper thumbnail of Liturgie oder Diakonie. Liturgie und Diakonie: komplementär,’ and ‘Schreiben ist Silber, Reden ist Gold – Replik auf das Plädoyer von Christoph Sigrist,’

These two contributions are part of a discussion with the Reformed scholar of "diakonia", Christo... more These two contributions are part of a discussion with the Reformed scholar of "diakonia", Christoph Sigrist, concerning the interrelationship between liturgy and service.

Research paper thumbnail of Teken van het Koninkrijk. De zalving van zieken in Marcus 6,7-13 en Jakobus 5,13-16

Een gezegend leven , 2013

This paper considers the exegesis of two key New Testament texts that are often associated with t... more This paper considers the exegesis of two key New Testament texts that are often associated with the anointing of the sick.

Research paper thumbnail of A Liturgical Perspective on Society? - Actuosa participatio and the Dutch “Participation Society”

This paper compares and contrasts the notion of "actuosa participatio" as it is current in liturg... more This paper compares and contrasts the notion of "actuosa participatio" as it is current in liturgical theology with the notion of "participatory society" (or "big society") as it occurs in the Dutch political debate.

Research paper thumbnail of Volk Gottes unterwegs. Zur Frage der Gebetsrichtung in der Eucharistiefeier

[Research paper thumbnail of Review of Sarah Harding, Paul’s Eschatological Anthropology: The Dynamics of Human Transformation, Review of Biblical Literature [] (2019).](

Review of Biblical Literature, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: Francis Watson, Gospel Writing: A Canonical Perspective (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013)

One could describe Watson's major publication of 2013 as his magnum opus so far-"so

Research paper thumbnail of Peter-Ben Smit, Review of Alissa Jones Nelson Power and Responsibility in Biblical Interpretation: Reading the Book of Job with Edward Said (Sheffield: Equinox , 2012)

Review of Biblical Literature, Mar 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Peter-Ben Smit, review of Bruce Chilton, Anthony Le Donne, and Jacob Neusner, eds., Soundings in the Religion of Jesus: Perspectives and Methods in Jewish and Christian Scholarship, Review of Biblical Literature

Review of Biblical Literature, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Peter-Ben Smit, Review of Benjamin H. Dunning, Specters of Paul: Sexual Difference in Early Christian Thought  (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011)

Review of Benjamin H. Dunning, Specters of Paul: Sexual Difference in Early Christian Thought (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011), 2012

Specters [i.e., ghosts] of Paul engages a broadly discussed topic, the role of sexual difference ... more Specters [i.e., ghosts] of Paul engages a broadly discussed topic, the role of sexual difference in Paul and early Christian authors that stood in his tradition and received his work, from an intriguing hermeneutical angle, that of Derrida's "hauntology": some discourses are haunted by certain instabilities or unresolved issues that push such discourses on, without necessarily being clearly visible themselves (22-25). In doing so, Dunning, positioning himself vis-à-vis contemporary (post)modern queer readings of ancient texts, as represented, for example, by Dale Martin, that distinguish sharply between "ancient (and misogynistic) understandings of gender" and "the proliferation of queer variations on gender that become possible when we read differently as contemporary readers" (4), pursues a particular goal as well that is best presented by quoting him at some length:

Research paper thumbnail of  Peter-Ben Smit, review of Ingrid Rosa Kitzberger, ed., Autobiographical Biblical Criticism: Learning to Read between Text and Self, Review of Biblical Literature

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring a Discipline - MA Program  in Theology @ VU University Amsterdam

Research paper thumbnail of

Research paper thumbnail of Parool artikel over symposium "Bouwen (aan) wie je bent - kerkbouw in Amsterdam in de lange 19de eeuw"

Research paper thumbnail of Syriac Christianity in Context

This is the preliminary programme of the second week of the Amsterdam Summer School on Syriac Chr... more This is the preliminary programme of the second week of the Amsterdam Summer School on Syriac Christianity, 27-31 July 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Research MA in Religious Studies - Utrecht University

■ Research-oriented programme with small-scale seminars and personal supervision ■ Choose your ar... more ■ Research-oriented programme with small-scale seminars and personal supervision ■ Choose your area of specialisation ■ Participate in research of leading scholars ■ Develop your own international network Bright minds, better future

Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue: "Making Men: The Reception of the Bible in the Construction of Masculinities in the Jewish and Christian Con/texts," Journal of the Bible and Its Reception vol 2 (issue 2), 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Bible Translation in the Digital Age: Minor Program

If you are fascinated by the complex and delicate process of translating the Bible, the minor Bib... more If you are fascinated by the complex and delicate process of translating the Bible, the minor Bible Translation in the Digital Age is an enriching academic and personal experience for you as this minor introduces
you to the digital tools that make it possible to access and understand many contexts relevant to translating the Bible, while at the same time critically reflecting on the inherent limitations and biases of those tools that are now used by almost all Bible translators and biblical scholars all over the world.

The minor program is completely online and at the same time aimed at interaction, both between students and between students and professors. The minor is open for students of VU university as well as
other universities in the Netherlands or abroad, for exchange student. For postgraduate students and contract students there are arrangements that do not involve enrollment with tuition fees but payment in terms of the number of ECTS credits of the minor program.

Research paper thumbnail of Creating a Community of Learners in Contextual Biblical Interpretation in Amsterdam (Bridging Gaps Program

Would you like to bring together an international group of students? Are you interested in the in... more Would you like to bring together an international group of students? Are you interested in the interpretation of the Bible in different cultures? Then this internship offers you a unique opportunity. The program “Bridging Gaps” brings together a group of talented theologians from around the globe to explore the interpretation of the Bible together. What happens if you read the Scriptures from your own perspective and in dialogue with others, reading from their perspectives? The result is an exciting and enriching experience, academically and personally. In this internship you will work together with professors Klaas Spronk and Peter-Ben Smit and program coordinator Kirsten van der Ham in coordinating this program and making it work.

Research paper thumbnail of Creating a Community of Learners in Contextual Biblical Interpretation in Amsterdam (Bridging Gaps Program

Contextual Biblical Interpretation in Amsterdam: Creating a Community of Learners Would you like... more Contextual Biblical Interpretation in Amsterdam: Creating a Community of Learners

Would you like to bring together an international group of students? Are you interested in the interpretation of the Bible in different cultures? Then this internship offers you a unique opportunity. The program “Bridging Gaps” brings together a group of talented theologians from around the globe to explore the interpretation of the Bible together. What happens if you read the Scriptures from your own perspective and in dialogue with others, reading from their perspectives? The result is an exciting and enriching experience, academically and personally. In this internship you will work together with professors Klaas Spronk and Peter-Ben Smit and program coordinator Kirsten van der Ham in coordinating this program and making it work.

Research paper thumbnail of Internship± Creating a Community of Learners in Contextual Biblical Interpretation (Bridging Gaps).pdf

Would you like to bring together an international group of students? Are you interested in the in... more Would you like to bring together an international group of students? Are you interested in the interpretation of the Bible in different cultures? Then this internship offers you a unique opportunity. The program “Bridging Gaps” brings together a group of talented theologians from around the globe to explore the interpretation of the Bible together. What happens if you read the Scriptures from your own perspective and in dialogue with others, reading from their perspectives? The result is an exciting and enriching experience, academically and personally. In this internship you will work together with professors Klaas Spronk and Peter-Ben Smit and program coordinator Kirsten van der Ham in coordinating this program and making it work.

Research paper thumbnail of Religion and Gender Calls for Manuscripts for Special Issue on Gendering Jesus Guest Editors

The journal Religion and Gender invites article proposals for a special issue on Gendering Jesus.... more The journal Religion and Gender invites article proposals for a special issue on Gendering Jesus. The status of Jesus’ gender has long been a topic of interest within various forms of Christianity, as well as in other religious traditions and non-religious worldviews and/or cultural traditions. For instance, defense of a male priesthood is sometimes linked to the need for clergy to “represent” the male Christ, and proponents of “muscular Christianity” look to Jesus as their rugged male hero, a true “man’s man.” A famous feminist syllogism picks up
on this imagery to repudiate the traditional Christian doctrine of salvation on the grounds that a male savior can only save men. Alternatively, Jesus has been portrayed as the embodiment
of a feminist-friendly masculinity or as paradigmatically combining masculine and feminine traits in religious and non-religious discourses alike. The incorporation of critical gender theory into biblical studies, religious studies and theology has led to an outpouring of
scholarship on the topic, and recent writings variously interpret (representations of) Jesus as gender queer or hypermasculine or otherwise performing and presenting gender in notable

In this special issue of Religion and Gender the guest editors invite contributions that explore different facets of Jesus’ gender and/or puts the figure of Jesus into conversation with discourses about gender. Papers might, for instance, look at the presentation of Jesus as male
and/or masculine in sacred texts (e.g., the New Testament or the Qur’an), investigate the reception history of Jesus’ masculinity, compare Jesus qua masculine protagonist or “hero” with other religious figures, study the masculine character of Jesus’ identity as conceived of
within different religious traditions or world views (e.g., as savior, messiah, prophet, guru, Bodhisattva, or philosopher), or focus on interpretations and representations of Jesus “beyond masculinity,” e.g., in female or transgender ones. This list of topics is indicative, and
contributions are invited from a variety of fields, religious traditions and beyond, and theoretical and methodological approaches. We specifically welcome contributions that foreground intersectionality, examining Jesus’ gender with other categories and perspectives
such as embodiment, race, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, and postcoloniality.

Research paper thumbnail of Contextual Biblical Interpretation in Amsterdam: Creating a Community of Learners


What does the Bible mean for the people actually reading it? This is the innovative question driv... more What does the Bible mean for the people actually reading it? This is the innovative question driving teaching and research in the MA track in “Contextual Biblical Interpretation.” How is the Bible a force for a more humane society? How is it used in a harmful way? By addressing these
questions, the program trains you to be an expert in the use and significance of the world’s most widely read book. Only when
scholarship understands how this book functions, it can become clear what the Bible actually is. You can be part of the exciting scholarly adventure of exploring a text that really matters to its readers. The
track is offered through the Centre for Contextual Biblical Interpretation (in cooperation with the Protestant Theological University).

Research paper thumbnail of Internship: Creating a Community of Learners in Contextual Biblical Interpretation in Amsterdam (Bridging Gaps Program

Would you like to bring together an international group of students? Are you interested in the in... more Would you like to bring together an international group of students? Are you interested in the interpretation of the Bible in different cultures? Then this internship offers you a unique opportunity. The program “Bridging Gaps” brings together a group of talented theologians from around the globe to explore the interpretation of the Bible together. What happens if you read the Scriptures from your own perspective and in dialogue with others, reading from their perspectives? The result is an exciting and enriching experience, academically and personally. In this internship you will work together with professors Klaas Spronk and Peter-Ben Smit in coordinating this program and making it work.

Research paper thumbnail of Wat de Bijbel echt betekent? Over exegese, contextualiteit, echtscheiding en mannelijkheid naar aanleiding van Markus 10,1-9

Research paper thumbnail of Symposium Building Bridges towards a more Humane Society: Celebrating 25 Years of the Bridging Gaps Program

In 1994, the Bridging Gaps program (formerly Breuken en Bruggen or Puentos y Roturas) started. Th... more In 1994, the Bridging Gaps program (formerly Breuken en Bruggen or Puentos y Roturas) started. The program aimed to facilitate intercultural and ecumenical exchange among participants from the Global South, and to foster contextual theology. Through contextual Bible studies, lectures on hermeneutics, individual research, and intercontextual exchange, the participants learned how context influences one’s understanding of theology, and how context can enrich theology. 25 years later, over 250 students from 40 countries, belonging to various denominations, have participated in the program. It is time to celebrate and harvest the fruits!

Research paper thumbnail of Een brutaal verhaal: het kerstverhaal verdiept - lezing, boekpresentatie, concert

Ter gelegenheid van het nieuwe boek: ‘verdiep je in het kerstverhaal’ presenteert auteur Peter-Be... more Ter gelegenheid van het nieuwe boek: ‘verdiep je in het kerstverhaal’ presenteert auteur Peter-Ben Smit een aantal hoogtepunten in een korte lezing op dinsdagavond 26 november. Het VU Kamerkoor o.l.v. Krista Audere zingt aansluitend Hugo Distlers Weihnachtsgeschichte, dat de oude teksten ook opnieuw laat klinken.

Het boek verdiep je in het kerstverhaal staat vol met politieke en sociale uitdagingen. Het boek is ideaal voor wie het kerstverhaal met een frssie blik wil bekijken. Vlak voor de advents- en kersttijd is dit een goede gelegenheid om de teksten van deze tijd opnieuw tot je te laten doordringen. Voordat alle drukte losbarst.

Locatie: Oud-Katholieke kerk Amsterdam – Ruysdaelstraat 39
Datum: dinsdag 26 november
Tijd: 19.45 uur zaal open | 20.00 uur start programma
Toegang: gratis!


Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context

The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic... more The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: the history of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. The course includes excursions to a major collection of related religious art (Museum Catharijneconvent), to a liturgical celebration (Utrecht) and to the traces of Catholic presence and history in the episcopal city of Utrecht.

Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context logo
The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in its ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches.

Students will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology on the faculty of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht, together with staff of the Institute of Old Catholic Theology, University of Bern. The topics covered by the course include the following: History of Old Catholicism, Old Catholic spirituality, Ecumenism and Old Catholicism, Old Catholic canon law and ecclesiology, Old Catholic liturgy, and Old Catholic systematic theology. The course will also include an excursion to a major collection of related religious art (Museum Catherijneconvent), an excursion to an Old Catholic liturgical celebration (Utrecht), and to the traces of Catholic presence and history in the episcopal city of Utrecht. The course will conclude with a lecture in the historical meeting room of the Metropolitan Chapter of Utrecht. The beginning of the course is marked by the participation in the Eucharist in St. Gertrud’s Cathedral, facilitating an encounter with ‘lived Old Catholicism.’

At the end of the course, students will have a broad overview of main topics and themes in Old Catholic theology and spirituality and will be able to pursue further independent study of the subject. The course is at the introductory level of an M.Div. curriculum;; good BA students may also apply, as well as others. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course.;

This course can be combined with a second week of advanced studies: ‘The Early Church as Ideal – Old Catholic Theology Beyond the Basics.’ This course is offered in immediate connection with the introductory course; booking both courses leads to a reduced fee.

Research paper thumbnail of The Early Church as Ideal: Old Catholic Theology Beyond the Basics

This course offers the possibility to deepen your knowledge of Old Catholic theology by thematic ... more This course offers the possibility to deepen your knowledge of Old Catholic theology by thematic and in-depth case-driven classes, linked to a key starting point of Old Catholic theology: the faith and order of the Early Church. How can a modern church be so ‘traditional’ at the same time? This apparent tension and paradox will be the core theme of this weeklong, intensive course.

The goals of the course are, the following; upon completing the course:

  1. students will have a deepened knowledge of and insight in Old Catholic theology and her appeal on the Early
  2. The student will be able apply this knowledge in theological reflexion and research,
  3. The student will be able to undertake further independent study of aspects of Old Catholic theology.

Students who attended the course: 'Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context'; Students of theology interested in Old Catholicism and ecumenism; Clergy and theologians interested in Old Catholicism and ecumenism; Laypersons with formal or informal theological training interesting in Old Catholicism and ecumenism.

The course is of specific interest for students with Anglican, Orthodox, Lutheran, Old Catholic, and ecumenical backgrounds.

Research paper thumbnail of Food and Religion. Valuing Food from an Interdisciplinary Perspective - Winter School

The Winter School addresses questions such as: Is becoming a vegetarian a conversion? Is a BBQ a... more The Winter School addresses questions such as:

Is becoming a vegetarian a conversion?
Is a BBQ a kind of male outdoor religion?
Why do we find things delicious or disgusting?

Lecture highlights includ:

"The Gift of Food. Manna and Meaning in the Theology of Louis-Marie Chauvet"
Prof. dr. Peter-Ben Smit, UniBern
"A Sense of Presence. Everyday Life, Food, and Religion as Critical Theology"
Em. Prof. dr. Maaike de Haardt, RUN
"Halal Dining in Rotterdam: Competing Claims of Cosmopolitanism"
Dr. Margreet van Es, UU
"Hunger for Food. A Literary Approach"
Joyce Rondaij, MA, PThU
"Christian and Jewish Food and Eating in a Roman World"
Jonathan Pater, MA, TST

Research paper thumbnail of Bijbellezen in een verdroogd land - Dom Hélder Câmaralezing 2019 - Mery Kolimon

Reading the Bible in a Dry Land, 2019

Klimaat en geloof. Hoe gaat dat samen? Daarover gaat het tijdens de Dom Hélder Câmaralezing 2019.... more Klimaat en geloof. Hoe gaat dat samen? Daarover gaat het tijdens de Dom Hélder Câmaralezing 2019.

Wat betekent de droogte die Timor en de rest van Indonesië treft voor het verstaan van de Bijbel? Kan de Bijbel ons helpen met dit effect van de klimaatcrisis om te gaan? Op deze vragen zal hoofdspreker dr. Mery Kolimon ingaan tijdens haar lezing : 'Reading the Bible in Dry Land'. Kolimon is als eerste vrouw voorzitter van de synode van de Protestantse Kerk van Timor (GMIT Kupang) en docent missiologie.

Voorafgaand aan de lezing van Kolimon verzorgt Embert Messelink een inleiding over de Nederlandse context als het gaat om klimaat en geloof. Messelink is directeur van A Rocha Nederland, een beweging die zich inzet voor zorg voor de schepping. Eva van Urk zal op de lezing van Kolimon reageren vanuit de academische theologie: zij bereidt aan de Vrije Universiteit een proefschrift voor over het Bijbelse mensbeeld in de context van de klimaatcrisis.

Research paper thumbnail of Catholic beyond Colonialism: The Revolutionary Theology of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente

Research paper thumbnail of Boekpresentatie Een aartsbisschop aangeklaagd in Rome

Aartsbisschop Petrus Codde was vanaf 1689 de leider van de katholieken in de Republiek. Meer nog... more Aartsbisschop Petrus Codde was vanaf 1689 de leider van de katholieken in de Republiek. Meer nog dan zijn voorgangers kreeg hij met tegenwerking te maken. Beschuldigingen van jansenisme leidden ertoe, dat hij zijn beleid bij paus Clemens XI moest gaan verdedigen. Coddes verblijf in Rome duurde bijna drie jaar. Dankzij de dagboeken van hemzelf en van twee reisgenoten, nu integraal uit het Latijn vertaald en toegelicht, krijgen we inzicht in dit proces. De afloop was dramatisch: in 1702 werd Codde geschorst en in 1704 definitief afgezet. Deze maatregelen leidden in de Republiek tot protest en uiteindelijk tot twee gescheiden katholieke kerkgenootschappen.

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School - The Bible in a Secular Setting: Contextual Biblical Interpretation in the Netherlands

How is the Bible read in actual fact by people in a secular context? This question drives the cou... more How is the Bible read in actual fact by people in a secular context? This question drives the course The Bible in a Secular Setting: Contextual Biblical Interpretation in the Netherlands. The course explores both research into the use of the Bible and the approaches to the Bible by “ordinary readers”. The program includes discussions research into the factual use of the Bible and views of it, an exploration of methods for the empirical study of biblical interpretation, and seminars on the contextually sensitive use of the Bible in new missionary initiatives and in marginal parts of society.

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School in Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context 2019

The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic... more The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: the history of Old
Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. The course includes excursions to a major collection of related religious art (Museum Catharijneconvent), to a liturgical celebration (Utrecht), and to the traces of Catholic presence and history in the episcopal city of Utrecht.

The goals of the course are, the following; upon completing the course:
- The student will be familiar with central aspects of Old Catholic identity and theology.
- The student will be able to contextualize Old Catholic theology within the broader spectrum of theology and religious studies.
- The student will be able to undertake further independent study of aspects of Old Catholic theology.

Research paper thumbnail of Bijbel en Beperking - Dom Hélder Câmara lezing 2018


Door ‘beperking’ te thematiseren kunnen de stemmen van mensen met een beperking gehoord worden. Wat betekent dit voor contextueel bewuste Bijbelinterpreta-tie? Hoe wijzen de stemmen van mensen die blind, doof, autistisch of anderszins ‘beperkt’ zijn op eenzijdigheden in traditionele exegese en welke perspectieven maken zij mogelijk? Wat voor aannames ov er ‘beperking’ spelen een rol in Westerse Bijbelinterpretatie en theologie en zijn die wel terecht?


Prof. Louise Lawrence is één van de voortrekkers op het gebied van Bijbelintepretatie die de context van beper-king serieus neemt. Ze ziet beperkte perspectieven als verrijking voor Bijbelinterpretatie - en als een uitdaging voor bestaande, traditionele exegese. Dit zal in haar lezing centraal staan met voorbeelden uit de praktijk.

Vanuit Nederlands perspectief zullen mensen met pastorale en persoonlijke ervaring op de lezing van prof. Lawrence reageren.

Research paper thumbnail of Pleasure and Pain: call for papers for ISBL/EABS Helsinki 2018, Program Unit Bodies of Communication, deadline February 14

We welcome papers on the 2018 topic of pleasure and pain in biblical and related texts, as well a... more We welcome papers on the 2018 topic of pleasure and pain in biblical and related texts, as well as in later reception of these texts
deadline February 14, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Summer School Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context -2018

The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic ... more The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following
aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: the history of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. The course includes excursions to a major collection of related religious art (Museum Catharijneconvent), to a liturgical celebration (Utrecht), and to the traces of Catholic
presence and history in the episcopal city of Utrecht.

The course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches (

Research paper thumbnail of De Brexit van Willibrord - "Europa"  vanuit historisch en contemporain perspectief

De Engelse wortels van Willibrord in vroegmiddeleeuwse herinnering gevolgd door reacties en panel... more De Engelse wortels van Willibrord in vroegmiddeleeuwse herinnering gevolgd door reacties en panelgesprek met Abt Gerard Mathijsen OSB Prof. dr. Mechteld Jansen Mgr. dr. Joris Vercammen St. Adelbertabdij, Egmond Protestantse Theologische Universiteit Aartsbisschop OK aartsbisdom Utrecht Utrecht -6 november 2017 Deelname is gratis, graag aanmelden op Tilburg School of Theology -Nieuwegracht 65 -Utrecht Dit is een gezamenlijke activiteit van Luce, centrum voor religieuze communicatie (TST), en de leerstoel Oude Katholieke Kerkstructuren (UU)

Research paper thumbnail of Symposium "Ambt en spiritualiteit"

Hebben voorgangers en pastores een eigen spiritualiteit? Wat het doet ambt met geloofs-beleving? ... more Hebben voorgangers en pastores een eigen spiritualiteit? Wat het doet ambt met geloofs-beleving? Biedt het bronnen voor spiritualiteit of staat het spiritualiteit in de weg? Draagt het ambt de ambtsdrager – of is het een last? Deze vragen staan centraal op dit oecumenische symposium voor ambtsdragers, andere gemeenteleden en geïnteresseerden.

Research paper thumbnail of cfp EABS-ISBL Berlin 2017 - session: Bodies of Communication: The Physical Dimensions of Ritual - deadline Feb 22

EABS/ISBL Annual Meeting – Berlin, Germany, August 7-11 2017 ‘Bodies of Communication’ is a resea... more EABS/ISBL Annual Meeting – Berlin, Germany, August 7-11 2017
‘Bodies of Communication’ is a research unit fostering conversations on the body as a location of religious expression. The 2017 session will have the theme 'The physical dimensions of ritual', focusing on the many ways in which bodies are involved in ritual practices. The body is always more than ‘just’ a body: it is inscribed with meaning. One of the ways in which bodies become meaningful is through ritual. For ritual, in turn, the body is essential. This observation poses a challenge to biblical scholars: is the physical dimension of ritual life in ancient Israel, early Judaism and early Christianity taken into account sufficiently? Or are the texts that emerge from, and address, ritual settings seen mainly as noetic, disembodied reflections on supposed meanings of ritual, rather than as part of ritual practices themselves? This session invites contributions that consider the bodily nature of ritual in relation to biblical texts. It is open to multi-disciplinary approaches and encourages connecting ancient sources to contemporary concerns.
We welcome papers on the 2017 topic of ‘The physical dimensions of ritual’, both in relation to biblical and related texts, as well as to the reception of these texts.

Research paper thumbnail of Jesus, Religion, Gender

Religion & Gender, 2020

Special issue of Religion & Gender 10, no. 1 (June 2002), co-edited with Peter-Ben Smit.

Research paper thumbnail of Religion and Gender: Calls for Manuscripts for Special Issue on Gendering Jesus Guest Editors

The journal Religion and Gender invites article proposals for a special issue on Gendering Jesus.... more The journal Religion and Gender invites article proposals for a special issue on Gendering Jesus. Guest editors Jamie Pitts (AMBS) and Peter-Ben Smit (VU Amsterdam) invite contributions that explore different facets of Jesus’ gender and/or puts the figure of Jesus into conversation with discourses about gender. We specifically welcome contributions that foreground intersectionality, examining Jesus’ gender with other categories and perspectives such as embodiment, race, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, and postcoloniality. Submissions should be between 5000 and 8000 words in length and are due April 15, 2019. Please send all queries to Jamie Pitts ( or Peter-Ben Smit (

Research paper thumbnail of Challenging Catholicism - Symposium on the Occassion of 125 Union of Utrecht

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers: Special Issue of the JOURNAL OF THE BIBLE AND ITS RECEPTION: Making Men: The Reception of the Bible in the Construction of Masculinities in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Con/Texts

Research in the construction of masculinities in biblical texts is a growing field, building on e... more Research in the construction of masculinities in biblical texts is a growing field, building on earlier research into women and their roles in biblical texts and the world of the Bible. More often than not, questions regarding the construction of masculinities in biblical texts are raised precisely because of the reception of biblical texts in the construction of masculinities in contemporary contexts. This special issue of the Journal of the Bible and Its Reception aims to shed new light on this area of research. It encourages interdisciplinary analysis of the interrelationship between the reception of biblical texts in the process of the construction of masculinities in the context of diverse ethnic, cultural, and social settings as well as in relation to questions of sexuality, race, and class. Contributions will focus on the study of masculinities in scriptural texts, the construction of masculinities in historical and contemporary religious communities, and on the role of religion and representation of masculinities in contemporary popular culture.

Research paper thumbnail of The passivum divinum: The rise and future fall of an imaginary linguistic phenomenon

Filología neotestamentaria, 2014

The notion of the passivum divinum, i.e. the use of an agentless passive in order to avoid mentio... more The notion of the passivum divinum, i.e. the use of an agentless passive in order to avoid mentioning the divine name or the deity YHWH directly, is highly prevalent in the field of New Testament scholars. Recent commentaries give the impression that more and more instances of it are being found by scholars, and some of the standard grammars for New Testament Greek consider it to be a real syntactic phenomenon. Pascut (2013) recently provided criteria for its detection. This paper questions the existence of the passivum divinum as such, based on a historical survey of its invention in the late 19th century and considerations based on general (first century) Greek and Greek style. It also argues that, rather than doing justice to the intention of New Testament authors, the interpretation of agentless passives with God as implied agent, often distorts the meaning and emphasis of expressions in the NT. In doing so, it builds up on insights of Reiser and Wallace, which have failed, however, to make an impact on New Testament studies so far. The paper concludes with suggestions for the alternative interpretations of agentless passives with God as implied agent.

Research paper thumbnail of Chalcedon on the Road to Justice and Peace

Ecumenical Review, Apr 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Foregrounding Biblical Masculinities

Research paper thumbnail of Paulus in lockdown. Gevangen in een volle cel

[Research paper thumbnail of [Book review of:] Paul’s Eschatological Anthropology: The Dynamics of Human Transformation, Review of Biblical Literature - Harding, Sarah](

Review of biblical literature, Mar 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Israël en Jodendom in perspectief

Wie in de context van missiologie en interculturele theologie over ‘het jodendom’ begint, kan een... more Wie in de context van missiologie en interculturele theologie over ‘het jodendom’ begint, kan een flinke discussie verwachten. ‘Jodendom’ is wat politieke historici een ‘emotive’ noemen: een woord dat als het ware opgeladen is en direct mensen tot een reactie brengt. Omdat TussenRuimte een tijdschrift voor missiologie en interculturele theologie is, zal het wel om ‘het jodendom’ in die context gaan. De vraag is: welke vormen van jodendom spelen daar op welke manieren een rol? We laten verschillende stemmen aan het woord komen, verschillende joodse stemmen, natuurlijk, een messiasbelijdende joodse stem ook, en diverse christelijke stemmen, over christelijk enthousiasme over de joodse traditie (en de grenzen ervan), over een experiment in solidariteit, over bijbelvertalen en over antisemitisme onder meer

Research paper thumbnail of Gemeinschaft und Versöhnung

Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte, Dec 4, 2019

Der Beitrag untersucht am Beispiel der alt-katholischen Kirchen der Utrechter Union Dynamiken des... more Der Beitrag untersucht am Beispiel der alt-katholischen Kirchen der Utrechter Union Dynamiken des Vergebens und Vergessens zwischen den Kirchen nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Analysiert wird die Korrespondenz des mit dem Nationalsozialismus sympathisierenden Bischofs der deutschen alt-katholischen Kirche, Erwin Kreuzer, mit Andreas Rinkel, dem Erzbischof von Utrecht der niederländischen alt-katholischen Kirche. Als hermeneutischer Rahmen dienen die Formen des Vergessens von Aleida Assmann. Der Schriftwechsel zeigt, wie die Protagonisten zur Wahrung der Kirchengemeinschaft von einer unterschiedlichen Wahrnehmung der Vergangenheit zu einer bis zu einem gewissen Grad gemeinsamen Erinnerung sowie einem Eingeständnis deutscher (alt-katholischer) Verantwortung gelangen. Diese ermöglicht dann ein einvernehmliches »Vergessen«, das den Weg frei macht für Versöhnung, Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der Ökumenischen Bewegung und den Wiederaufbau Europas

Research paper thumbnail of The Quest for the Historical Jesus in Postmodern Perspective: A Hypothetical Argument

BRILL eBooks, 2011

Although postmodern thinking has exerted some influence on exegesis and theology, it has not been... more Although postmodern thinking has exerted some influence on exegesis and theology, it has not been integrated in any substantial way into mainstream historically-oriented biblical exegesis. This chapter develops an experimental argument based on postmodern historiography as its basic hypothesis, outlining the questions at stake and probing the depths of their consequences. The chapter focuses on the way these questions have (or have not) been integrated into the discussion of the historical Jesus, a rather particular field in biblical studies, as here the question of "historical truth" has arguably been regarded as more central than elsewhere. A question which is raised in the wider field of historiography, and will be of concern in the field of historical Jesus studies as well, is that of the ethics of interpretation. Keywords:biblical exegesis; historical Jesus; hypothetical argument; postmodern historiography; theology

Research paper thumbnail of Paul, John and Apocalyptic Eschatology: Essays in Honour of Martinus C. de Boer

Research paper thumbnail of Ten geleide: Bijbel en context in Nederland

Kerk en Theologie, Apr 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Reception of Biblical Texts in the Construction of Masculinities in Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Con/Texts

Research paper thumbnail of Geordineerd ambt en leiderschap

Research paper thumbnail of In necessariis unitas

Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums, Jan 9, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Sowing Hope in a Polarized Agricultural Debate

BRILL eBooks, Oct 18, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Veerkrachtig en uitdagend: Corona en de kerken in Amsterdam-Zuidoost

Research paper thumbnail of Bijbel en context in Nederland

Kerk en Theologie, Apr 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Religieus gemotiveerde voedselhulp in de context van de Covid-19 pandemie

Religie & Samenleving, 2021

Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in church building, De Nieuwe Stad... more Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in church building, De Nieuwe Stad in Amsterdam Zuidoost, including serving free meals for everyone who wanted them. When this was no longer possible because of the Covid-19 measures, the international churches Treasures International Ministries and Maranatha Community Transformation Centre and Diaconie Evangelisch-Lutherse Gemeente Amsterdam decided to work together and start delivering meals to people’s houses. As one, relatively small project, operating alongside other aid initiatives, the meals project soon received many more enlistments than anticipated, and the Covid-19 crisis lasted longer than expected, which raised questions regarding the underlying needs and how to proceed in the long term. Together with researchers, they started a practical theological research project. On the basis of this project, that included action research, this article describes the meals project, its context and the research method tha...

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to T Clark Handbook to Early Christian Meals in the Greco-Roman World

T&T Clark Handbook to Early Christian Meals in the Greco-Roman World, 2019

and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requi... more and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.

Research paper thumbnail of Julia A. Snyder & Korinna Zamfir (eds.), Reading the Political in Jewish and Christian Texts

NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, 2021

and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requi... more and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.

Research paper thumbnail of Willibrord door de eeuwen: Botsende culturen en wisselende perspectieven op de apostel van de lage landen

'Willibrord through the ages' refers to an ancient hymn in honor of the Apostle o... more 'Willibrord through the ages' refers to an ancient hymn in honor of the Apostle of the Netherlands. It acclaims the fortitude and boldness of a hero of faith. Is this an image of the past in a country that seemingly has lost its Christian faith? And what to make of the criticism that violence was used in spreading the Good News? Scholars, clergy and even a film writer contribute their perspectives to this volume. Sometimes their perspectives clash but each own of them offers a window on the memory of saint Willibrord.


ONLINE MINOR BIBLE TRANSLATION If you are fascinated by the complex and delicate process of tran... more ONLINE MINOR BIBLE TRANSLATION

If you are fascinated by the complex and delicate process of translating the Bible, the minor Bible Translation in the Digital Age is an enriching academic and personal experience for you! This minor introduces you to the digital tools that make it possible to access and understand many contexts relevant to translating the Bible, while at the same time critically reflecting on the inherent limitations and biases of those tools that are now used by almost all Bible translators and biblical scholars all over the world. The minor program is completely online and at the same time aimed at interaction both between students and between students and professors. The minor is open for students of VU university as well as other universities in the Netherlands or abroad, for exchange student. For postgraduate students and contract students there are arrangements that do not involve enrollment with tuition fees but payment in terms of the number of ECTS credits of the minor program. VU.NL/BIBLE-TRANSLATION

Research paper thumbnail of Herwig Aldenhoven. Lex orandi - lex credendi. Beiträge zur liturgischen und systematischen Theologie in altkatholischer Tradition. Herausgegeben von Urs von Arx (in Verbindung mit Georgiana Huian und Peter-Ben Smit), Aschendorff Verlag, Münster, 2021 (Studia Oecumenica Friburgensia 106)

Prof. Dr. Herwig Aldenhoven (1933 Wien–2002 Bern) lehrte an der Christkatholisch-Theologischen Fa... more Prof. Dr. Herwig Aldenhoven (1933 Wien–2002 Bern) lehrte an der Christkatholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Bern rund drei Jahrzehnte lang systematische Theologie und Liturgik. Die für diesen Band ausgewählten Arbeiten wurden teils für Fachgremien, teils für mitdenkende Glieder der Kirche geschrieben. Sie alle beruhen auf einem altkirchlichen Grundgedanken, auf den der Titel des Buches verweist: Die Liturgie der Kirche steht in einem wechselseitigen Zusammenhang mit der Glaubenslehre. Die akademische Theologie als Beitrag zur Explikation des Glaubens ist in diesem Kontext rational-weltzugewandt, doch sie ist sich zugleich ihrer Grenzen, letztlich ihrer Unmöglichkeit bewusst. In diesem Rahmen berücksichtigt Aldenhoven häufig ostkirchliche Stimmen in der Überzeugung, dass die Orientierung an einer für Ost-und Westkirchen gemeinsamen Tradition auch für ein vertieftes ökumenisches Gespräch unter den Kirchen fruchtbar ist.

Mit diesem Ansatz repräsentiert das Werk Aldenhovens ein Grundanliegen im klassischen Selbstverständnis der Altkatholischen Kirche. Die einzelnen Arbeiten lassen sich drei Themenfeldern zuordnen: Sie handeln von der Struktur des eucharistischen Gebets, vom paradoxen Charakter der Rede vom dreifaltigen Gott und vom Verständnis der Kirche als einer nicht-autoritären verbindlichen Gemeinschaft.

Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic Theology: The Early Church as Charism and Challenge - Summer School Track 2022

This track consists of two connected courses that offer in the first week an introduction to Old ... more This track consists of two connected courses that offer in the first week an introduction to Old Catholic theology in its ecumenical context and in the second week the possibility to deepen your understanding of Old Catholic Theology by thematic and in-depth case-driven classes. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The first week will offer a broad overview of main topics and themes in Old Catholic theology and spirituality which will be deepened in the courses of the second week.

The courses in the second week are especially linked to an apparent paradoxical key starting point of Old Catholic theology: the faith and order of the Early Church. How can a modern church be so 'traditional' at the same time?

The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: the history of Old Catholicism, fundamental and liturgical theology, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. Case studies that will be explored cover topics such as marriage, the ordination of women and mission.

The courses will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology on the faculty of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht, together with staff of the Institute of Old Catholic Theology, University of Bonn.

The course includes excursions a.o. to a major collection of related religious art (Museum Catharijneconvent). The beginning of the course is marked by attending the Eucharist in St. Gertrud’s Cathedral, facilitating an encounter with ‘lived Old Catholicism’.

Besides the programme of lectures and seminars social activities will be organised to meet and get to know each other. This, we believe, is important because studying theology is also studying in practice, in relation with the other students from all different contexts.

At the end of the course, students will have a deepened knowledge of, and insight in Old Catholic theology and her appeal on the Early Church and will be able to apply this knowledge in theological reflection and research. The course is partly at the introductory level of an M.Div. curriculum and partly at the advanced level of a MA curriculum. Good BA students may also apply, as well as others. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course.

This track combines the two courses of Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context and The Early Church as Ideal. It is also possible to participate in only one of the two weeks.

Research paper thumbnail of The Early Church as Ideal: Old Catholic Theology beyond the Basics - Summer School 2022

The Early Church as Ideal: Old Catholic Theology beyond the Basics

This course offers the possibility to deepen your knowledge of Old Catholic theology by thematic ... more This course offers the possibility to deepen your knowledge of Old Catholic theology by thematic and in-depth case-driven classes, linked to a key starting point of Old Catholic theology: the faith and order of the Early Church. How can a modern church be so ‘traditional’ at the same time? This apparent tension and paradox will be the core theme of this weeklong, intensive course. The course will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology affiliated with the Old Catholic Seminary in Utrecht and beyond. After the online edition of this summer school last summer the organisation aims to offer the course face-to-face again in Utrecht in the summer of 2022.

The topics and disciplines covered by the course include: fundamental and liturgical theology, spirituality, and ecumenism. Case studies that will be explored cover topics such as marriage, the ordination of women, spirituality, and mission. The course will also engage with Old Catholic worship as it is being celebrated today.

At the end of the course, students will have a deepened knowledge of, and insight in Old Catholic theology and her appeal on the Early Church and will be able to apply this knowledge in theological reflexion and research. The course is at the advanced level of a MA curriculum. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course.

Entry requirements for this course are having attended the course ‘Old Catholic Theology in an Ecumenical context’, advanced knowledge of theology or a similar qualification. The course ‘Old Catholic Theology in an Ecumenical context’ is offered in immediate connection with this advanced course. Are you interested in participating in both courses? You can apply for the combination track here: Old Catholic Theology: The Early Church as Charism and Challenge. Combining both courses also leads to a reduced fee.

Old Catholic theology is understood as the theological discourse within the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht.

Research paper thumbnail of Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context - Summer School 2022

Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context - Summer School

This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholi... more This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: the history of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. After the online edition of this summer school last summer the organisation aims to offer the course face-to-face again in Utrecht in the summer of 2022 (pending the development of the pandemic - a final decision will be made towards the end of May 2022).

Students will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology on the faculty of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht.The topics covered by the course include the following: History of Old Catholicism, Old Catholic spirituality, Ecumenism and Old Catholicism, Old Catholic canon law and ecclesiology, Old Catholic liturgy, and Old Catholic systematic theology.

The course includes an exploration of religious art in cooperation with the main Dutch museum on this topic, Museum Catharijneconvent. Participants will also engage with Old Catholic liturgy and church music. Furthermore, attention will be given to the episcopal city of Utrecht, as a key site of the history of Dutch Christianity in general and of Old Catholicism in particular. A new feature will be an excursion to the city of Amsterdam and its fascinating history of both religious tolerance and hidden Catholicism. Besides attending lectures and excursions there will also be the possibility to participate in social activities in which you can learn from the knowledge and background of your fellow students and have a good time together as well.

At the end of the course, students will have a broad overview of main topics and themes in Old Catholic theology and spirituality and will be able to pursue further independent study of the subject. The course is at the introductory level of an M.Div. curriculum; good BA students may also apply, as well as others. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course.

More information about the programme and lecturers can be found in the Day-to-day programme that can be downloaded by the button below.

This course can be combined with a second week of advanced studies: 'The Early Church as Ideal - Old Catholic Theology Beyond the Basics'. This course is offered in immediate connection with the introductory course. Combining both courses leads to a reduction of the total course fee. You can apply for the combination track here: Old Catholic Theology: The Early Church as Charism and Challenge.