Victor Enthoven | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (original) (raw)

Victor Enthoven


Papers by Victor Enthoven

[Research paper thumbnail of [Review of: R. Parthesius (2010) Dutch Ships in Tropical Waters. The Development of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) shipping Network in Asia, 1595-1660]](

The International Journal of Maritime History, 2011

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Bespreking van: C. Rooze-Stouthamer (2009) De opmaat tot de Opstand. Zeeland en het centraal gezag, 1566-1572]](

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Research paper thumbnail of ’Tot behoud van het lieve vaderland.’ De nationale heffing op inkomen van 1798

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Research paper thumbnail of Thalatta! Thalatta! - The sea! The sea! : The Royal Netherlands Naval College and the art of seamanship

The Royal Netherlands Navy operates on, above and below the surface of the sea. What does this me... more The Royal Netherlands Navy operates on, above and below the surface of the sea. What does this mean for the naval officer? First of all, he operates in an inherently dangerous environ-ment. The sea itself, as well as life and work on board, harbours many dangers. Secondly, it isimpossible for the crew to leave the ship during periods at sea, which can last up to about eight weeks. The ship forms a close and self-reliant community. In other words, the crew have to sail the ship safely, together. Basic naval or nautical training at the Royal Netherlands Naval College in Den Helder is oriented towards this. After a short historical survey of the basic naval training of the aspirant naval officer or midshipman of the Seaman Branch over the past few centuries, the present-day organization of basic naval training within the curriculum of the College and the various tools employed in it will be described.

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Research paper thumbnail of “‘From the Halls of Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli:’ Antoine Zuchet and the First Barbary War, 1801-1805”

Liverpool University Press eBooks, Mar 21, 2018

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Bespreking van: (2009) Alles voor de vrede. De brieven van Boston Band tussen 1757-1763]](

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Research paper thumbnail of Finances of the provinces of the Dutch Republic

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Poelwijk, 'In dienste vant suyckerbacken'. De Amsterdamse suikernijverheid en haar ondernemers, 1580-1630

Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Oude vrienden : de Nederlandse rol bij de opbouw van de Japanse marine, 1850-1870

Leidschrift, 2018

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Review of: B. Lavery (2009) The Empire of the Seas. How the Navy Forged the Modern World]](

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Review of: D. Hobbs (2009) A Century of Carriers Aviation: The Evolution of Ships and Shipborne Aircraft]](

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Research paper thumbnail of P.R. Priester, Geschiedenis van de Zeeuwse landbouw circa 1600-1910

Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 1999

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Bespreking van: L.A.H.C. Hulsman (2009) Nederlands Amazonia. Handel met indianen tussen 1580 en 1680]](

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Research paper thumbnail of C. Reinders Folmer-van Prooijen, Van goederenhandel naar slavenhandel. De Middelburgse commercie compagnie 1720-1755

Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of The Scheldt Estuary during the Dutch Revolt: War, Trade and Taxation, 1572-1609

Habsburg Worlds, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Over de auteurs

BRILL eBooks, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of De Scheldekwestie revisited. De geopolitieke en militair strategische betekenis van de Scheldemonding

Militaire Spectator, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of “Sir, I have not yet begun to fight!”

University of Virginia Press eBooks, Aug 29, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Riches from Atlantic Commerce

... Johannes Postma, Ph.D. in History (1970, Michigan State University) was Professor of History ... more ... Johannes Postma, Ph.D. in History (1970, Michigan State University) was Professor of History at Minnesota State University at Mankato from 1969 to ... their impact on the Atlantic economies, a mistake this volume seeks to prevent modern historians from repeating." Laura Cruz, H ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Wim Klooster and Gert Oostindie. Realm between Empires: The Second Dutch Atlantic, 1680–1815

The American Historical Review, Oct 1, 2020

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Review of: R. Parthesius (2010) Dutch Ships in Tropical Waters. The Development of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) shipping Network in Asia, 1595-1660]](

The International Journal of Maritime History, 2011

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Bespreking van: C. Rooze-Stouthamer (2009) De opmaat tot de Opstand. Zeeland en het centraal gezag, 1566-1572]](

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Research paper thumbnail of ’Tot behoud van het lieve vaderland.’ De nationale heffing op inkomen van 1798

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Research paper thumbnail of Thalatta! Thalatta! - The sea! The sea! : The Royal Netherlands Naval College and the art of seamanship

The Royal Netherlands Navy operates on, above and below the surface of the sea. What does this me... more The Royal Netherlands Navy operates on, above and below the surface of the sea. What does this mean for the naval officer? First of all, he operates in an inherently dangerous environ-ment. The sea itself, as well as life and work on board, harbours many dangers. Secondly, it isimpossible for the crew to leave the ship during periods at sea, which can last up to about eight weeks. The ship forms a close and self-reliant community. In other words, the crew have to sail the ship safely, together. Basic naval or nautical training at the Royal Netherlands Naval College in Den Helder is oriented towards this. After a short historical survey of the basic naval training of the aspirant naval officer or midshipman of the Seaman Branch over the past few centuries, the present-day organization of basic naval training within the curriculum of the College and the various tools employed in it will be described.

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Research paper thumbnail of “‘From the Halls of Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli:’ Antoine Zuchet and the First Barbary War, 1801-1805”

Liverpool University Press eBooks, Mar 21, 2018

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Bespreking van: (2009) Alles voor de vrede. De brieven van Boston Band tussen 1757-1763]](

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Research paper thumbnail of Finances of the provinces of the Dutch Republic

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Poelwijk, 'In dienste vant suyckerbacken'. De Amsterdamse suikernijverheid en haar ondernemers, 1580-1630

Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Oude vrienden : de Nederlandse rol bij de opbouw van de Japanse marine, 1850-1870

Leidschrift, 2018

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Review of: B. Lavery (2009) The Empire of the Seas. How the Navy Forged the Modern World]](

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Review of: D. Hobbs (2009) A Century of Carriers Aviation: The Evolution of Ships and Shipborne Aircraft]](

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Research paper thumbnail of P.R. Priester, Geschiedenis van de Zeeuwse landbouw circa 1600-1910

Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 1999

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Bespreking van: L.A.H.C. Hulsman (2009) Nederlands Amazonia. Handel met indianen tussen 1580 en 1680]](

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Research paper thumbnail of C. Reinders Folmer-van Prooijen, Van goederenhandel naar slavenhandel. De Middelburgse commercie compagnie 1720-1755

Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of The Scheldt Estuary during the Dutch Revolt: War, Trade and Taxation, 1572-1609

Habsburg Worlds, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Over de auteurs

BRILL eBooks, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of De Scheldekwestie revisited. De geopolitieke en militair strategische betekenis van de Scheldemonding

Militaire Spectator, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of “Sir, I have not yet begun to fight!”

University of Virginia Press eBooks, Aug 29, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Riches from Atlantic Commerce

... Johannes Postma, Ph.D. in History (1970, Michigan State University) was Professor of History ... more ... Johannes Postma, Ph.D. in History (1970, Michigan State University) was Professor of History at Minnesota State University at Mankato from 1969 to ... their impact on the Atlantic economies, a mistake this volume seeks to prevent modern historians from repeating." Laura Cruz, H ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Wim Klooster and Gert Oostindie. Realm between Empires: The Second Dutch Atlantic, 1680–1815

The American Historical Review, Oct 1, 2020

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