vwl - Profile (original) (raw)

on 29 August 2000 (#12993)

A Severe Lack of Pinwheels

Rydia's Journal: Because Everything Should Be Made Into A Penis Joke

I am Rydia

of many colors


If you know me, that means you are intensely in love with me. If you are not intensely in love with me, you obviously don't know me.

I am not insane. But I do blame

Anakin Skywalker Arthas Menethil Skwisgaar Skwigelf

Mitth'raw'nuruodo for most of my mental problems.

writing journal:


sims journal:


journal status : friends only

Final Fantasy IV is Love

Ling/Ed OTP

anakin skywalker, arfenhouse 2, bad guys, beatrix, belief in commas, boromir, breadsticks, british cats, british hedgehogs, caradoc dearborn, cats, cheese, chichiri, chiss, cid pollendina, cloud strife, cloud/gumshoe, cooking mama, dancing squirrels, darth vader, dave ♥ terezi, denethor, dethklok, ed the undying, edward elric, equius ⋄ nepeta, eyebrows, faris, faris schwartz, fel/drask, final fantasy iv, final fantasy ix, final fantasy v, final fantasy vii, final fantasy x, flytape, frank jaeger, freya, fullmetal alchemist, ganondorf, golbez, grand admiral thrawn, gray fox, greed, guavas, han solo, heinkel, heinkel/darius, henry jones sr, hide, homestuck, indiana jones, jack shannon, jadeite, jake marshall, james bond, jigen, jorj car'das, kain highwind, kefka, king bradley, kingdom hearts, kuja's thong, lang/edgeworth, legend of zelda, ling yao, ling/ed, link, link's awakening, link/ralph, link/sheik, luke skywalker, lupin iii, lycanthropy, maes hughes, making fun of godot, marauders, menion leah, metal gear solid, midna, miles edgeworth, mitth'raw'nuruodo, monks, neil marshall, phantom of the opera, phoenix wright, phoenix/miles, pink lily lamps, pyramid head, rabastan lestrange, raiden, red dwarf, regulus black, regulus/remus, remus lupin, rent, riku/sora, riza hawkeye, roger moore, roxas, roy mustang, roy/ed, rydia, sarisa, sarisa highwind tycoon, school busses, severus snape, sheik, sheikah, shi-long lang, shih-na, sirius black, sirius/remus, snake? snake?!! snaaaaaake!!!, solid snake, space ghost, space pony, spaceships shaped like whales, spoons, spoony bards, star trek, star wars, suboshi's yoyos, talon karrde, the deep family's fish, the errant venture, the horn of gondor, the lich king, the remus lupins, timothy zahn, toast, toasters, toki wartooth, trolls, twilight princess, video games, vornskrs, werewolves, william murderface, world of warcraft, worshipping jigen, writing, x-men, x/1999, yaoi, young sirius black's flying motorbike, zack, zack/cloud, zak gramarye, zen buddist monks