The Whispering Willow (original) (raw)

the_8th_sin Aug. 30th, 2005 07:07 pm Advertisement: ashes_of_willowashes_of_willow is a metaphysical newsletter in need of members as well as writers!I have only a handful of writers and would really like more, as well as more members. If you have an article you'd like to submit, please e-mail to heathen_angel6615@yahoo.comBut, if your article is not approved, please don't be disappointed: most times it just needs a few changes. I'll tell you what I'd like to see done to it, and all you have to do is add those few changes (if any) and I'll submit it in the group, with your name/alias/username, as I myself will be taking no credit for the article whatsoever.I'm still new at this, so rules are subject to change.Thanks lots!-ashes_of_willow modX-postedLeave a comment

owl_of_ayla Jul. 25th, 2005 07:43 pm Another great Community to check out...ashes_of_willowIt's just getting started right now as we speak, so if you want to be there for the beginning of it then get on board, there will be posts of articles, you can post articles to be submitted for the use in the paper issue, which if you are in Missouri, and would like to receive said issue, please notify us through the community itself.AylaCurrent Mood: excitedexcitedLeave a comment

lil_constance Feb. 3rd, 2005 02:23 pm Capricorn, Issue 5, January 2004Beginnings Here we come to the end of an age, called 2003. Here we are at the beginning of another age two thousand and four years into our known history. No matter the past we can only affect our future. Here is the beginning of our future, and the choice is ours on how we change it, how we move it in the right direction. Now is our chance to start over. Finnegan must begin again. We can allow others to affect our future for us or we can grasp it for ourselves. If I would like anything carved on my tombstone, it would be that I was brave, true, and influential. I would want to be remembered that way, not as a woman who wasted her life, or took what wasn’t mine to take. I will influence, but I will not control. It is not mine to take. It is tradition. Now is the time to make an oath to ourselves, to promise ourselves, not others, what we wish to accomplish with our lives, and make it so. What is your new years resolution. What is it that you would like to change about yourself, what are you not happy about and would like different. We take this time to reflect on our past years and see what we could have done differently, and what we can change and remember for the future. Just remember to make the decision on your own, don’t let your morals be compromised, know who you are. Make the change. - ConstanceCurrent Mood: productiveproductiveLeave a comment

wicked_rayne Jan. 24th, 2005 08:46 pm QuestionAnyone Know what urban or ancient god you would pay respect and thanks to for granting luck and finances and what perhaps they would like?Current Mood: happyhappy1 comment - Leave a comment

angelusstrigoi Jan. 20th, 2005 08:43 amHey Constance I think this will be my into poem for the second insight. Tell me what you think.( textCollapse )1 comment - Leave a comment

lil_constance Jan. 18th, 2005 10:13 pm Other Journals...Tell me what you think...Here I will post either a post or comment from another journal or community. I will not give the names of these communities or journals because I would like genuine responses without influence. Post comments about your opinions for the particular subjects.This was a comment to a post about religious tollerance: how tolerant is that (christain) religion? (if they won't believe you have faith if you have a friend who is of another faith)Christ said turn the other cheek.These are two totally different ideas. Christ never called us to be tolerant of other religions--he certainly wasn't. One of the reasons he was so hated was because he preached AGAINST so many things that were accepted in those days. He was an example of how important intolerance could be. The problem is that, these days, it's not politically correct to be intolerant.Christ said to turn the other cheek in reference to people attacking you for your beliefs. He meant that you should not strike back in anger at someone who strikes you. It has nothing to do with accepting that what they say is correct.This was my response to their comment: hmmm, so when someone "attacks" you for your beliefs, you are supposed to simply "turn the other cheek", in other words, ignore them. Yet, when a Christian "fundamentalist" attacks a Pagan for their religion, it is just expected that we should not only listen, but convert. Hmmm...if that isn't an extremely hypocritical point of view I don't know what is.I may not be Christian, but I can safely say that not only did Christ have many lessons to teach throughout his life, but he had many many hidden messages that were likely tought but not written down. So as modern day fans of religion, it is up to us to understand, and not take Christ's words at face value. Treat others as you would have them treat you. Be who you are because it is what you are and not because everyone else wants you to be a certain way.Christ was tolerant. He befriended many pagans, and hethens, and the like, because he was showing them the way through his own behavior, not because he was simply there to preach to them and convert them. Many of them converted, because he was a good man, not because he told them to. He didn't tell them through intollerance that they should be christian. He would tell stories with morals, and live the way he thought a human being should live.Intollerance is something that is very tricky. Yes it is politically correct to be religiously tollerant of all those around you, but it was better for everyone even back then to be tollerant of religions, customs, and beliefs. Fewer people got killed that way. Today since government can't kill because of beliefs, we simply let the public do it and call it hate crime. Intollerance is not the way. Sorry, your post kind of fired me up, I had to say something. I'm done1 comment - Leave a comment

detrious Jan. 17th, 2005 01:07 pmI'm sorry, but I feel compelled to share this with everyone. This site has to be the worst I've seen yet. Perhaps I'm just upset with the extent some people go to to make money. More so, taking something that I hold with high respect and dragging it through the mud. I apologize if any of you feel this site has credibility, but I have seen none. Decide for**Current Mood:** disappointeddisappointed1 comment - Leave a comment

lil_constance Jan. 7th, 2005 04:33 pm TOTALLY NEW CONCEPT !!!There is a book out there for those of us who understand that things aren't the way they were hundreds of years ago, infact the gods and goddesses may still control what they did before, but there are new things to control, as technology has advanced enough that perhaps we need some new gods and goddesses to add to the list. This book is called Urban Primitive, by Raven Kaldera and Tannin Schwartzstein. They list different ways of doing things while living in the "concrete jungle" of modern society. Such things as what to use when you don't have a very specific oil, use a mixture of these ingredients instead, or if you need a parking space, call on the Goddess Squat. She is a goddess you call on when you want her to sit in the very parking space you want or the apartment you are looking at or any large space you want reserved for you, she will do it for you and only ask for a thank you in return, as she knows that we are busy folk, and don't have time to really do much in the way of spells and such.This really is a cute book for those who want to learn about paganism, some of its quirks, and new ways of getting around bad luck. Those who are set in their ways may not get much from this book at all, but it is a good read even if you don't believe in what it has to teach.Current Mood: optimisticoptimisticLeave a comment

lil_constance Dec. 28th, 2004 09:27 pm Tree Funnies !!!In the beginning there was nothing, and God said, "Let there be light." And there was still nothing, but you could see it.Current Mood: hyperhyperLeave a comment

lil_constance Dec. 27th, 2004 03:46 pm Capricorn, Issue 5, January 2004Re-Read There is a place, a wondrous place. It is unlike anywhere else, unlike anything anyone else has ever seen. A very powerful place, full of mystical symbolism and profound simplicity. The air is ripe with fragrance, caressing with gentle touch of breeze. Colorful shapes full of richness and spirit radiate life energy in all directions. Pure love is the underlying force that guides and directs all thought and action. Simple peace is the fruitful bounty. Where can such a place exist you ask me? Well, starts at the top left corner of this article and just kinda goes on from there. Hee Hee. -MyrddinLeave a comment

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