Dr. Chaney W. Mosley | Faculty (original) (raw)

Refereed Research Presentations

Mosley, C., Stair, K., Layfield, D., Seibel, A., Davis, J., Ramsey, J., Clemons, C., Epps, R., Haynes, C., Jagger, C., McCubbins, O., Rubenstein, E., Santiago, E., & Johnson, D. (2022, November 28-30). School-based Agricultural Educators’ Experiences, Awareness, and Professional Development Needs Associated with Suicide in the Southern Region [Poster presentation]. Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Jin, Y., & Mosley, C. (2022, November 28-30). Deeper Learing Professional Development ffor High School Agriculture Teachers. [Poster presentation]. Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Mosley, C., Seibel, A., Layfield, D., Davis, J., Ramsey, J., Clemons, C., Epps, R., Haynes, C., Jagger, C., Johnson, D., McCubbins, O., Rubenstein, E., Santiago, E., & Stair, K. (2022, October 2-4).School-based agricultural educators’ knowledge of farm stressors and suicide warning signs [Poster presentation]. Cultivating Change Summit, Washington, DC.

Duncan, D., Mosley, C., & Bird, W. (2021, November). Tennessee agriscience teachers’ perceived level of importance toward and competence in teaching food science. Presented at the Tennessee Academy of Science Annual Conference, Cookeville, TN.

Mosley, C., & Altman, C. (2021, May). Incorporating information literacy skills into agricultural coursework. Presented at the American Association for Agricultural Education Annual Conference Poster Session, Virtual.

Mosley, C., Broyles, T., & Kaufman, E. (2014, April). Leader-member exchange, cognitive style, and student achievement: A mixed methods case study. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Broyles, T., Epler, C., Kasperbauer, H., Mosley, C., & Rateau, R. (2010, November). An examination into team’s orientation and behavior and peer evaluations. Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mosley, C., Edwards, S., Thornblad, D., Allen, K., & Hartley, K. (2010, November). Exploring course management systems in educational settings. Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mosley, C., & Broyles, T. (2010, September). Controversy in the classroom – Expected cognitive dissonance and unexpected conceptual change. Presented at the Virginia Educational Research Association Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia.


Mosley, C. (2023). Suicide and agricultural education teachers – Should we be concerned? Presented at the National Association of Supervisors of Agricultural Education Monthly Connection Series, Virtual, 14, February.

Prince, J., Mosley, C., Lingston, P., Morris, M., & Gallenberg, D. (2021). COVID and tenure/promotion. Presented at the Non-land-grant Agriculture and Renewable Resources Universities Conference Professional Learning Research Session, Virtual, 23, September.

Mosley, C., Haruna, S., Luitel, K., & Carter, J. (2021). SAFE: Soil, animal, food, and economic research, education, and outreach. Presented at the Non-land-grant Agriculture and Renewable Resources Universities Conference Professional Learning Poster Session, Virtual, 22, September.

Mosley, C. (2019). Creating a blueprint for career academy success. Presented at the National Career Academy Coalition Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 11 November.

Mosley, C. (2017). How do you innovate an innovative practice? Presented at the National Career Academy Coalition Conference, Nashville, TN, 31 October.

Mosley, C. (2016). School / industry student internships – A natural partnership for the natural state. Presented at the Arkansas Association of Career and Technical Educational Administrators Conference, Little Rock, AR, 8 June.

Mosley, C. (2015). Career academy scheduling and integrating advanced academic courses. Presented at the Nebraska Career Education Conference, Kearney, NE, 3 June.

Mosley, C. (2015). Contextualized academic course. Presented at the Nebraska Career Education Conference, Kearney, NE, 3 June.

Mosley, C. (2015). Meaningful work-based learning experiences. Presented at the Nebraska Career Education Conference, Kearney, NE, 3 June.

Mosley, C. (2015). What does wall-to-wall career academy mean? Presented at the Nebraska Career Education Conference, Kearney, NE, 3 June.

Blosveren-Kreamer, K., DeWitt, S., Hamilton, K., & Mosley, C. (2015). Career technical education: The national landscape. Presented at the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Conference, Washington, DC, 14 March.

Mosley, C. (2015). Personal investment, professional improvement. Presented at the Washington Association of Vocational Administrators Spring Conference, Centralia, WA, 23 February.

Mosley, C. (2012). The effects of leader-member exchange and cognitive style on student achievement: A mixed methods case study of teacher-student dyads. Presented at the National Association of Supervisors of Agricultural Education Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 22 October.

Mosley, C. (2011). Promising strategies for strengthening academic integration in school-based agricultural education. Guest panel presenter at the National Summit on School-based Agricultural Education, Orlando, FL, 4 March.

Professional Development Workshops

Mosley, C. (2022, July). Suicide and agricultural education in Tennessee. Presented at the Tennessee Association of Agricultural Educators Conference, Murfreesboro, TN.

Mosley, C., & Elliot, K. (2021, December). There’s a plan for that. Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education National Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Mosley, C. (2021, September). Increasing rigor in CTE assessments. Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education Region II Conference, Nashville, TN.

Mosley, C. (2020). Hydroponics 101. Presented at the Tennessee Association of Agricultural Educators Conference, Virtual, 14, July.

Mosley, C., Elliot, K., & Cobb, N. (2020, December). If you plan it, they will learn. Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education National Conference, Virtual.

Mosley, C., & Elliot, K. (2019, December). So you think you can plan? Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education National Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Mosley, C., Cobb, N., Palange, D., Lewis, B., Ivey, R., McKane, H. (2019, December). Facilitating career exploration for middle school students. Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education National Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Mosley, C., Cannon, J., & Manley, A. (2019, December). Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education Research National Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Mosley, C. (2019, December). Harnessing the power of storytelling to create classroom comic books and movies. Presented at the National Association of Agricultural Educators Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Mosley, C., & Cobb, N., (2018, December). Leveraging CTE student voices to facilitate safe and supportive schools. Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education National Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Mosley, C., Cobb, N., & Elliott, K. (2018, November). Take A Hike! Outdoor Education Prepares Students for Career Success. Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education National Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Mosley, C. (2017, October). How to frame a big picture. Presented at the National Career Academy Coalition Conference, Nashville, TN.

Lumpkins, J., & Mosley, C. (2016, December). ‘Glorious sunlight of brotherhood and cooperation’: How to create inclusive agricultural education programs for LGBTQ students. Presented at the Natinoal Association of Agricultural Educators Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Montgomery, B., Mosley, C. (2016, June). National Board for Professional Teaching Standards: Shaping the profession. Presented at the High Schools that Work Staff Development Conference, Louisville, KY.

Mosley, C., Flatt, B. (2015, November). Creating accountability structures in career academies. Presented at the National Career Academy Coalition Conference, Louisville, KY.

Mosley, C., & Gilley, D. (2014, November). Personalized learning...It's for teachers too. Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education National Conference, Nashville, TN.

Mosley, C. (2014, November). Wall-to-wall career academies ... Every student + Every day + Every school = Transformation. Presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education National Conference, Nashville, TN.

Mosley, C., & Flatt, B. (2013, December). Job shadowing and field trips in agriculture education – The benefit of exploratory SAEs. Presented at the National Association of Agricultural Educators Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mosley, C., Martin, G. (2013, October). Conducting a professional development needs assessment for teachers in career academies. Presented at the National Career Academy Coalition Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Mosley, C. (2013, July). Supporting teachers in Common Core State Standards for literacy in technical subjects. Presented at the Institute for Career and Technical Education, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Mosley, C. (2011, July). Incorporating a science fair into the agriscience classroom. Presented at the Tennessee Career and Technical Education Conference, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Mosley, C. (2011, July). Marketing plan: What is it and how is it done? Presented at the Tennessee Career and Technical Education Conference, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Mosley, C. (2010, November). Grant writing for middle and secondary agricultural education programs. Presented at the National Association of Agricultural Educators Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mosley, C. (2010, October). X-files: The case of social change. Presented at the National FFA Convention Student Leadership Workshop Session, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Mosley, C., & Edwards, S. (2009, November). Challenges or opportunities – Creating an environment for collaborative problem solving. Presented at the National Association of Agricultural Educators Teachers Turn the Key Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.

Mosley, C., & Hamm, J. (2009, November). Content exchange of ideas. Presented at the National Association of Agricultural Educators’ Teachers Turn the Key Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.

Mosley, C. (2009, September). The CouchSurfing project. Seminar Presentation as part of the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education Graduate Student Seminar Series at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.

Mosley, C. (2007, July). Substitute teacher disaster relief. Presented at the Georgia Vocational Agriculture Teachers Summer Conference, Savannah, Georgia.

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