andi prasetiyo wibowo | Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (original) (raw)
Papers by andi prasetiyo wibowo
Sinektika: Jurnal Arsitektur
Pelestarian kearifan lokal di bidang arsitektur diharapkan mampu memberi kontribusi dalam menjaga... more Pelestarian kearifan lokal di bidang arsitektur diharapkan mampu memberi kontribusi dalam menjaga keberlangsungan keberagaman budaya nusantara. Rumah sebagai produk warisan arsitektur tradisional mempunyai banyak tantangan untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Sebagai bagian dari bangunan rumah, atap mengambil peran yang sangat signifikan dalam menentukan langgam atau gaya bangunan. Kita dapat mengetahui asal/lokasi rumah tradisional di Indonesia dari bentuk atapnya. Bahkan di beberapa budaya di Indonesia, bentuk atap rumah bahkan mempunyai peran untuk menunjukkan status/tingkatan sosial penghuninya. Proses adaptasi dan modifikasi bentuk rumah tradisional diharapkan mampu menjaga kelestarian kearifan lokal. Salah satu studi kasus yang akan dipaparkan pada makalah ini yaitu rumah tinggal di perumahan Hyarta Residence, Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu pendekatan analisis kualitatif dengan melakukan studi observasi lapangan dan studi literatur. Penelitian akan difokuska...
Perencanaaan Jalur Pipa Air Bersih SMA Van Lith, Muntilan, Indonesia PEMANFAATAN MOBILE APPLICATI... more Perencanaaan Jalur Pipa Air Bersih SMA Van Lith, Muntilan, Indonesia PEMANFAATAN MOBILE APPLICATION PADA PERENCANAAN AWAL PEMIPAAN AIR BERSIH. pendataan awal dan survey jalur pipa air bersih pedesaaan dengan bantuan aplikasi pada Smartphone. menggabungkan teknologi Global Positioning System (GPS) dengan Google Earth untuk mengetahui jarak dan elevasi. Artikel ini telah dipublikasikan pada Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Prasarana Wilayah IX (ATPW) ISSN. 2301-6752 Seminar Nasional ini diselenggarakan oleh: PROGRAM STUDI DIPLOMA TEKNIK SIPIL FAKULTAS TEKNIK SIPIL DAN PERENCANAAN INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBER SURABAYA Pada tanggal: 02 JUNI 2016
International Journal of GEOMATE, 2021
When an earthquake occurs, buildings experience a movement or mass transfer. Therefore, the use o... more When an earthquake occurs, buildings experience a movement or mass transfer. Therefore, the use of lightweight building materials is expected to reduce the effects of the earthquake. Research on the use of expanded polystyrene (EPS) as a substitute for aggregate has been done, but the results obtained are far from the requirements of structural concrete. This research tried to improve the mechanical ability of EPS concrete with the innovation of giving heat treatment to the EPS (heated EPS) to make the bonding capacity between the concrete components better than EPS without heat treatment. This research was a low-risk laboratory-based experimental study, which involves the process of making lightweight concrete from EPS beads that replace part of the aggregate. The method examined the lightweight concrete with partial replacement of aggregate with EPS beads (with the ratio of EPS beads to fine aggregate=0%:100% ; 20%:80% ; 40%:60% ; 60%:40% ; 80%:20%). The results found that the heat treatment of EPS beads changes the internal structure of EPS which can make the pores smaller and the surface structure of EPS becomes rough so that it can provide better bonding and adhesion between concrete elements. The compressive strength of heated EPS concrete tends to be higher 2-10MPa compared to EPS concrete without prior heat treatment.
Wall is part of the room divider that inlluence the structural aspects of weight and rigidity. BA... more Wall is part of the room divider that inlluence the structural aspects of weight and rigidity. BAsed on these reasons we need wall that has some characters such as light but also environmentally friendly. Manufacture of lightweight concrete wall of styrofoam is an effort to utilize waste of styrofoam. Styrofoam concrete wall panel study using specimens measuring length 1000 mm. width 300 mm and 70 mm thick, with the addition of 15 mm thick layer of plaster/mortar on both sides. The composition of 1 m3 styrofoam concrete consisted of 300 kg cement with 0.5 water-cement ratio. 60% styrofoam, and 40 % sand. Testing and research produced the following data : the average of flexural strength specimens without wiremesh : 3,77 MPa. The average flexural strength specimens with wiremesh : 5,84 MPa. The results showed that the strengthening of wiremesh increased the flexural strength of the panel.
Atap merupakan bagian teratas dari sebuah rumah yang diibaratkan sebagai kepala jika dianalogikan... more Atap merupakan bagian teratas dari sebuah rumah yang diibaratkan sebagai kepala jika dianalogikan seperti tubuh manusia. Atap rumah selain berfungsi sebagai identitas bangunan, juga memiliki fungsi utama sebagai pelindung bangunan di bawahnya dari hujan. Indonesia sebagai negara tropis, memiliki curah hujan yang cukup besar, oleh sebab itu fungsi atap sangat penting dijaga keberlangsungannya. Berbagai jenis bahan penutup atap dipilih dan diterapkan dengan pertimbangan-pertimbangan tersendiri. Salah satu kendala pada atap yang sering dihadapi yaitu adanya rembesan/tetesan dari atap akibat tempias (air hujan masuk sela-sela bahan penutup atap) maupun akibat dari kondisi bahan penutup atap yang mengalami gagal fungsi atau rusak. Pemberian lapisan bawah atap menjadi alternatif solusi untuk kondisi tersebut. Salah satu alternatif bahan pelapis bawah atap yaitu plat aluminium bekas plat cetak yang biasa digunakan di industri percetakan. Aplikasi plat cetak bekas ini sangat mudah, karena s...
The residence or what we call home is an inseparable part of human life. Traditional buildings in... more The residence or what we call home is an inseparable part of human life. Traditional buildings in Indonesia use natural materials that are widely available in Indonesia, such as wood, bamboo, stone, clay, straw, weeds, and so on. The use of natural materials for traditional houses will certainly have a negative effect if the exploitation of natural materials is carried out without being balanced with policies for the renewal process. Modern society tends to look for substitutes for building materials that are simpler, or at least easy to obtain, and that do not require special expertise in the installation/manufacturing process. Comparisons between traditional and modern versions of traditional houses that have been touched by modern materials are expected to give a picture of a shift in the types of building materials and their application to traditional houses in Indonesia.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Along with the enormous impact on computational development in architecture and urban design, the... more Along with the enormous impact on computational development in architecture and urban design, the way in approaching the built environment is shifting and intended to look closer to performance and evidence-based design. This development holds promise in handling complex computation to approach desired targeted design goals. However, the implementation of form-finding and design performance optimization still lacks, particularly in Japan’s sub-tropical climate. This paper describes the parametric design and design exploration process’s implementation through the generative algorithm platform to develop a benchmark model to predict building energy and daylight performance and find possible design solutions from the iteration process during the early phase of the design process. The variables incorporated related to the glazing ratio, the length of the overhang, and building orientation. Grasshopper, a parametric-based plugin that works in Rhinoceros, is used to arrange a parametric d...
Seminar Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia, May 4, 2017
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
The stage of reconstruction of houses collapsed and damaged by the quake could amount to hundreds... more The stage of reconstruction of houses collapsed and damaged by the quake could amount to hundreds of thousands of homes and had to be rebuilt at almost the same time. This will result in a large need for building materials, thus affecting the price of building materials, as well as the demand of builders / construction workers. A major earthquake, such as the one that occurred in Yogyakarta, on May 27, 2006, has resulted in hundreds of thousands of homes severely damaged and collapsed, resulting in a large number of ruins of building materials in the form of masonry walls. The existence of waste material collapses, is a huge potential when reused as a building material through appropriate recycling technology, which can answer two problems at once that meet the needs of building materials and on the other hand can clean up the waste collapse of the building. The construction of walls from wall-crumbling powder (recycled material) is more efficient and effective than conventional wall-making systems when used for mass construction (more than 20 homes) at the same time.
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2019
The uniqueness of an area is a soul place that will distinguish a location from another location.... more The uniqueness of an area is a soul place that will distinguish a location from another location. The historic Kotagede area of Yogyakarta is divided into four road sections, and one of the road sections is the Mondorakan Road. The building on Mondorakan Road originally consisted of a series of palace buildings with a very distinctive facade appearance with three types of building facades. After the earthquake that occurred in 2006, many buildings in this area were destroyed and renovated but did not adjust to the appearance of the original facade, so the uniqueness of the city became blurred. Through this research, it is expected to be able to identify and provide solutions to these conditions. The methods applied are case studies and observations in the field, then analyzed based on previous findings regarding three types of facade displays. The results of the analysis produce outcomes in the form of guidelines in the design process that are expected to be able to maintain the characteristics of an area. Facade reading is an important thing to keep because it can help preserve the soul of a place in this part of the road.
Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, 2019
Rumah adalah bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai tempat tinggal atau hunian dan sarana binaan keluarg... more Rumah adalah bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai tempat tinggal atau hunian dan sarana binaan keluarga. Pembangunan rumah tidak terlepas dari kebutuhan material / bahan bangunan. Penentuan material yang digunakan pada suatu proyek sangat mempengaruhi besarnya anggaran yang dikeluarkan. Perlu adanya inovasi yang membuat proses pembanguan rumah menjadi lebih efisien baik secara waktu dan biaya. Saat ini telah banyak dikembangkan sistem pembangunan rumah dengn metode non-konvensional. Perbandingan antara penggunaan material konvensional dengan material cetak dapat dikatakan rumah cetak memiliki kinerja dan efektivitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan material konvensional karena terjadi penghematan waktu dan biaya pelaksanaan namun mutu dan kualitas yang diperoleh sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan. RISHA (Rumah Instan Sederhana Sehat) yang merupakan salah satu dari penggagas konsep umah modular pre-fabrikassi di Indonesia diharapkan dapat menjawab permasalahan di atas sebagai salah ...
The recent technology of building material for walls, is getting toward to the use of walls that ... more The recent technology of building material for walls, is getting toward to the use of walls that have some characters such as light, fast assembled and environmentally friendly. Making lightweight concrete wall from styrofoam waste is an effort to take advantage of styrofoam waste. Styrofoam has a very light weight unit that is about 13 to 15 kg/m 3 . The use wiremesh layers aimed to reinforce the walls. The research for styrofoam concrete wall panel used 12 specimens of panel, 1000 mm length, 300 mm width and 70 mm thick, with the addition of 15 mm thick layer of plaster / mortar on both sides. The composition of 1 m 3 concrete styrofoam consisted of 300 kg cement, using 0,5 water cement ratio, and styrofoam and sand ratio of 60% : 40%. The specimens of panels as follows : 3 pieces without reinforcement wiremesh, and 9 with wiremesh reinforcement having connector space variations : 150, 250, 350 mm. There were 3 specimens for each of these connector spacing variation. Test conducted was bending test. The results of the research showed that concrete material made from styrofoam had the average value of compressive strength : 3,348 MPa, weight: 1.510,86 kg / m 3 , and modulus of elasticity : 330,24 MPa. On the other hand, the mortar material had the average value of compressive strength: 36,586 MPa in average, and weight: 2.155,70 kg/m 3 . The average water-absorption of concrete made from styrofoam was 11,97%. The average water-absorption of mortar was 10,77%. The weight of the panel without wiremesh before plastered was 97.98 kg/m 2 , and 164,15 kg/m 2 after plastered. Whereas the panel with wiremesh, before plastered 105,23 kg/m 2 , and after the plastered had weight 170,12 kg/m 2 . Largest panel flexural strength was obtained by the panel 2.A with flexural strength values of 6,64 MPa. The results also showed that wiremesh reinforcement and the closer the connector space, increased flexural strength of the panel.
Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, 2017
Salah satu masalah besar yang tengah dihadapi umat manusia di bumi ini adalah masalah lingkungan ... more Salah satu masalah besar yang tengah dihadapi umat manusia di bumi ini adalah masalah lingkungan hidup. Perancangan bangunan ternyata juga mempunyai andil besar memicu kerusakan lingkungan dan berakibat pada turunnya kualitas hidup manusia. Rumah / hunian merupakan bangunan yang paling dekat dan paling banyak memiliki pengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia. Perlu adanya kajian dan pedoman mengenai konsep rumah ramah lingkungan (eco friendly-house) dalam rangka membantu sosialisasi mengenai konsep rumah ramah lingkungan. Dalam penulisan makalah ini metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dari pengumpulan data sekunder dengan melakukan studi kepustakaan dan studi dokumen, yaitu pengumpulan data/materi dasar. Dalam tulisan ini akan dipaparkan data-data pendukung yang dapat memberi pemahaman dan kajian mengenai konsep rumah ramah lingkungan, sehingga dapat meyakinkan pembaca dan memberikan arahan dalam proses desain rumah ramah lingkungan. Ada empat bagian yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat merancang...
Sinektika: Jurnal Arsitektur
Pelestarian kearifan lokal di bidang arsitektur diharapkan mampu memberi kontribusi dalam menjaga... more Pelestarian kearifan lokal di bidang arsitektur diharapkan mampu memberi kontribusi dalam menjaga keberlangsungan keberagaman budaya nusantara. Rumah sebagai produk warisan arsitektur tradisional mempunyai banyak tantangan untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Sebagai bagian dari bangunan rumah, atap mengambil peran yang sangat signifikan dalam menentukan langgam atau gaya bangunan. Kita dapat mengetahui asal/lokasi rumah tradisional di Indonesia dari bentuk atapnya. Bahkan di beberapa budaya di Indonesia, bentuk atap rumah bahkan mempunyai peran untuk menunjukkan status/tingkatan sosial penghuninya. Proses adaptasi dan modifikasi bentuk rumah tradisional diharapkan mampu menjaga kelestarian kearifan lokal. Salah satu studi kasus yang akan dipaparkan pada makalah ini yaitu rumah tinggal di perumahan Hyarta Residence, Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu pendekatan analisis kualitatif dengan melakukan studi observasi lapangan dan studi literatur. Penelitian akan difokuska...
Perencanaaan Jalur Pipa Air Bersih SMA Van Lith, Muntilan, Indonesia PEMANFAATAN MOBILE APPLICATI... more Perencanaaan Jalur Pipa Air Bersih SMA Van Lith, Muntilan, Indonesia PEMANFAATAN MOBILE APPLICATION PADA PERENCANAAN AWAL PEMIPAAN AIR BERSIH. pendataan awal dan survey jalur pipa air bersih pedesaaan dengan bantuan aplikasi pada Smartphone. menggabungkan teknologi Global Positioning System (GPS) dengan Google Earth untuk mengetahui jarak dan elevasi. Artikel ini telah dipublikasikan pada Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Prasarana Wilayah IX (ATPW) ISSN. 2301-6752 Seminar Nasional ini diselenggarakan oleh: PROGRAM STUDI DIPLOMA TEKNIK SIPIL FAKULTAS TEKNIK SIPIL DAN PERENCANAAN INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBER SURABAYA Pada tanggal: 02 JUNI 2016
International Journal of GEOMATE, 2021
When an earthquake occurs, buildings experience a movement or mass transfer. Therefore, the use o... more When an earthquake occurs, buildings experience a movement or mass transfer. Therefore, the use of lightweight building materials is expected to reduce the effects of the earthquake. Research on the use of expanded polystyrene (EPS) as a substitute for aggregate has been done, but the results obtained are far from the requirements of structural concrete. This research tried to improve the mechanical ability of EPS concrete with the innovation of giving heat treatment to the EPS (heated EPS) to make the bonding capacity between the concrete components better than EPS without heat treatment. This research was a low-risk laboratory-based experimental study, which involves the process of making lightweight concrete from EPS beads that replace part of the aggregate. The method examined the lightweight concrete with partial replacement of aggregate with EPS beads (with the ratio of EPS beads to fine aggregate=0%:100% ; 20%:80% ; 40%:60% ; 60%:40% ; 80%:20%). The results found that the heat treatment of EPS beads changes the internal structure of EPS which can make the pores smaller and the surface structure of EPS becomes rough so that it can provide better bonding and adhesion between concrete elements. The compressive strength of heated EPS concrete tends to be higher 2-10MPa compared to EPS concrete without prior heat treatment.
Wall is part of the room divider that inlluence the structural aspects of weight and rigidity. BA... more Wall is part of the room divider that inlluence the structural aspects of weight and rigidity. BAsed on these reasons we need wall that has some characters such as light but also environmentally friendly. Manufacture of lightweight concrete wall of styrofoam is an effort to utilize waste of styrofoam. Styrofoam concrete wall panel study using specimens measuring length 1000 mm. width 300 mm and 70 mm thick, with the addition of 15 mm thick layer of plaster/mortar on both sides. The composition of 1 m3 styrofoam concrete consisted of 300 kg cement with 0.5 water-cement ratio. 60% styrofoam, and 40 % sand. Testing and research produced the following data : the average of flexural strength specimens without wiremesh : 3,77 MPa. The average flexural strength specimens with wiremesh : 5,84 MPa. The results showed that the strengthening of wiremesh increased the flexural strength of the panel.
Atap merupakan bagian teratas dari sebuah rumah yang diibaratkan sebagai kepala jika dianalogikan... more Atap merupakan bagian teratas dari sebuah rumah yang diibaratkan sebagai kepala jika dianalogikan seperti tubuh manusia. Atap rumah selain berfungsi sebagai identitas bangunan, juga memiliki fungsi utama sebagai pelindung bangunan di bawahnya dari hujan. Indonesia sebagai negara tropis, memiliki curah hujan yang cukup besar, oleh sebab itu fungsi atap sangat penting dijaga keberlangsungannya. Berbagai jenis bahan penutup atap dipilih dan diterapkan dengan pertimbangan-pertimbangan tersendiri. Salah satu kendala pada atap yang sering dihadapi yaitu adanya rembesan/tetesan dari atap akibat tempias (air hujan masuk sela-sela bahan penutup atap) maupun akibat dari kondisi bahan penutup atap yang mengalami gagal fungsi atau rusak. Pemberian lapisan bawah atap menjadi alternatif solusi untuk kondisi tersebut. Salah satu alternatif bahan pelapis bawah atap yaitu plat aluminium bekas plat cetak yang biasa digunakan di industri percetakan. Aplikasi plat cetak bekas ini sangat mudah, karena s...
The residence or what we call home is an inseparable part of human life. Traditional buildings in... more The residence or what we call home is an inseparable part of human life. Traditional buildings in Indonesia use natural materials that are widely available in Indonesia, such as wood, bamboo, stone, clay, straw, weeds, and so on. The use of natural materials for traditional houses will certainly have a negative effect if the exploitation of natural materials is carried out without being balanced with policies for the renewal process. Modern society tends to look for substitutes for building materials that are simpler, or at least easy to obtain, and that do not require special expertise in the installation/manufacturing process. Comparisons between traditional and modern versions of traditional houses that have been touched by modern materials are expected to give a picture of a shift in the types of building materials and their application to traditional houses in Indonesia.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Along with the enormous impact on computational development in architecture and urban design, the... more Along with the enormous impact on computational development in architecture and urban design, the way in approaching the built environment is shifting and intended to look closer to performance and evidence-based design. This development holds promise in handling complex computation to approach desired targeted design goals. However, the implementation of form-finding and design performance optimization still lacks, particularly in Japan’s sub-tropical climate. This paper describes the parametric design and design exploration process’s implementation through the generative algorithm platform to develop a benchmark model to predict building energy and daylight performance and find possible design solutions from the iteration process during the early phase of the design process. The variables incorporated related to the glazing ratio, the length of the overhang, and building orientation. Grasshopper, a parametric-based plugin that works in Rhinoceros, is used to arrange a parametric d...
Seminar Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia, May 4, 2017
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
The stage of reconstruction of houses collapsed and damaged by the quake could amount to hundreds... more The stage of reconstruction of houses collapsed and damaged by the quake could amount to hundreds of thousands of homes and had to be rebuilt at almost the same time. This will result in a large need for building materials, thus affecting the price of building materials, as well as the demand of builders / construction workers. A major earthquake, such as the one that occurred in Yogyakarta, on May 27, 2006, has resulted in hundreds of thousands of homes severely damaged and collapsed, resulting in a large number of ruins of building materials in the form of masonry walls. The existence of waste material collapses, is a huge potential when reused as a building material through appropriate recycling technology, which can answer two problems at once that meet the needs of building materials and on the other hand can clean up the waste collapse of the building. The construction of walls from wall-crumbling powder (recycled material) is more efficient and effective than conventional wall-making systems when used for mass construction (more than 20 homes) at the same time.
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2019
The uniqueness of an area is a soul place that will distinguish a location from another location.... more The uniqueness of an area is a soul place that will distinguish a location from another location. The historic Kotagede area of Yogyakarta is divided into four road sections, and one of the road sections is the Mondorakan Road. The building on Mondorakan Road originally consisted of a series of palace buildings with a very distinctive facade appearance with three types of building facades. After the earthquake that occurred in 2006, many buildings in this area were destroyed and renovated but did not adjust to the appearance of the original facade, so the uniqueness of the city became blurred. Through this research, it is expected to be able to identify and provide solutions to these conditions. The methods applied are case studies and observations in the field, then analyzed based on previous findings regarding three types of facade displays. The results of the analysis produce outcomes in the form of guidelines in the design process that are expected to be able to maintain the characteristics of an area. Facade reading is an important thing to keep because it can help preserve the soul of a place in this part of the road.
Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, 2019
Rumah adalah bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai tempat tinggal atau hunian dan sarana binaan keluarg... more Rumah adalah bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai tempat tinggal atau hunian dan sarana binaan keluarga. Pembangunan rumah tidak terlepas dari kebutuhan material / bahan bangunan. Penentuan material yang digunakan pada suatu proyek sangat mempengaruhi besarnya anggaran yang dikeluarkan. Perlu adanya inovasi yang membuat proses pembanguan rumah menjadi lebih efisien baik secara waktu dan biaya. Saat ini telah banyak dikembangkan sistem pembangunan rumah dengn metode non-konvensional. Perbandingan antara penggunaan material konvensional dengan material cetak dapat dikatakan rumah cetak memiliki kinerja dan efektivitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan material konvensional karena terjadi penghematan waktu dan biaya pelaksanaan namun mutu dan kualitas yang diperoleh sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan. RISHA (Rumah Instan Sederhana Sehat) yang merupakan salah satu dari penggagas konsep umah modular pre-fabrikassi di Indonesia diharapkan dapat menjawab permasalahan di atas sebagai salah ...
The recent technology of building material for walls, is getting toward to the use of walls that ... more The recent technology of building material for walls, is getting toward to the use of walls that have some characters such as light, fast assembled and environmentally friendly. Making lightweight concrete wall from styrofoam waste is an effort to take advantage of styrofoam waste. Styrofoam has a very light weight unit that is about 13 to 15 kg/m 3 . The use wiremesh layers aimed to reinforce the walls. The research for styrofoam concrete wall panel used 12 specimens of panel, 1000 mm length, 300 mm width and 70 mm thick, with the addition of 15 mm thick layer of plaster / mortar on both sides. The composition of 1 m 3 concrete styrofoam consisted of 300 kg cement, using 0,5 water cement ratio, and styrofoam and sand ratio of 60% : 40%. The specimens of panels as follows : 3 pieces without reinforcement wiremesh, and 9 with wiremesh reinforcement having connector space variations : 150, 250, 350 mm. There were 3 specimens for each of these connector spacing variation. Test conducted was bending test. The results of the research showed that concrete material made from styrofoam had the average value of compressive strength : 3,348 MPa, weight: 1.510,86 kg / m 3 , and modulus of elasticity : 330,24 MPa. On the other hand, the mortar material had the average value of compressive strength: 36,586 MPa in average, and weight: 2.155,70 kg/m 3 . The average water-absorption of concrete made from styrofoam was 11,97%. The average water-absorption of mortar was 10,77%. The weight of the panel without wiremesh before plastered was 97.98 kg/m 2 , and 164,15 kg/m 2 after plastered. Whereas the panel with wiremesh, before plastered 105,23 kg/m 2 , and after the plastered had weight 170,12 kg/m 2 . Largest panel flexural strength was obtained by the panel 2.A with flexural strength values of 6,64 MPa. The results also showed that wiremesh reinforcement and the closer the connector space, increased flexural strength of the panel.
Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, 2017
Salah satu masalah besar yang tengah dihadapi umat manusia di bumi ini adalah masalah lingkungan ... more Salah satu masalah besar yang tengah dihadapi umat manusia di bumi ini adalah masalah lingkungan hidup. Perancangan bangunan ternyata juga mempunyai andil besar memicu kerusakan lingkungan dan berakibat pada turunnya kualitas hidup manusia. Rumah / hunian merupakan bangunan yang paling dekat dan paling banyak memiliki pengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia. Perlu adanya kajian dan pedoman mengenai konsep rumah ramah lingkungan (eco friendly-house) dalam rangka membantu sosialisasi mengenai konsep rumah ramah lingkungan. Dalam penulisan makalah ini metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dari pengumpulan data sekunder dengan melakukan studi kepustakaan dan studi dokumen, yaitu pengumpulan data/materi dasar. Dalam tulisan ini akan dipaparkan data-data pendukung yang dapat memberi pemahaman dan kajian mengenai konsep rumah ramah lingkungan, sehingga dapat meyakinkan pembaca dan memberikan arahan dalam proses desain rumah ramah lingkungan. Ada empat bagian yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat merancang...