Washington Parents (original) (raw)

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inwashington parents' LiveJournal:

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

2:58 pm

Hi there! Name: Angela
Location: North Bend (but like traveling to Bellevue/Renton/eastside)
Age and Status: 29, single (single parent)
How many children and their ages: 1 girl, age 11 months
Occupation: At home mom currently looking for a job.
Favorite thing to do with your family in Washington: Exploring new trails (depending on weather), exploring, window shopping, and seeing new things around here.

Hi, I'm a single parent of an 11 month old daughter who is well behaved, but of course, very active and we need socializing. I'd love to have her meet kids close to her age to play with in a playgroup or meet somewhere like Bell Square play area or Kid's Quest or a safe place for them to play. I'm a chef/baker by trade and looking for work, but in the meantime, we're bored at home and on our own all the time, so if you're interested in the same kind of thing for your kids and yourself, let's chat!

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

2:14 pm

Hello there. ^^ Name: Liza
Location: Renton
Age and Status: 28, married
How many children and their ages: 1 boy, age 4
Occupation: Interview Scheduler
Favorite thing to do with your family in Washington: Walk the dogs in the rain.

We moved to Renton recently and are still getting settled. Does anyone know of any children's choirs on the Eastside or in Seattle? (My son loves to sing and I think a choir would be a good experience for him.)

Current Mood: calm

Saturday, July 4th, 2009

5:04 pm

Kids Theatre! I met the lady who runs this company, she seemed very cool and the production sounds like it is going to be awesome. These kids have been working their butts off, so come support independent business, kids, theatre!

Monday, January 26th, 2009

10:58 pm

Name: Nicole
Location: Federal Way
Age and Status: 23, divorced
How many children and their ages(names too, if you'd like to share): One beautiful little girl, Astrid. 4.5 months old.
Occupation (yes, stay at home mom or dad counts!): SAHM/Photograher
Favorite thing to do with your family in Washington: Anything is fine as long as me and my daughter are together!

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Friday, April 11th, 2008

3:06 pm

Intro Name: Jessica
Location: Graham
Age and Status: 28 (almost 29 in May), married
How many children and their ages(names too, if you'd like to share): Dakota 3, Cheyenne 5 months
Occupation (yes, stay at home mom or dad counts!): SAHM
Favorite thing to do with your family in Washington: Bike ride

Current Mood: content

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

11:43 am

My Old Stomping ground Hi everyone. This is my first post to this community. And true confession is that I don't live in Washington but my heart is there.
I was born in Aberdeen (like Kurt Cobain) and I lived all over the state off and on until moving to Arizona in 1993.
I graduated from High School in Newport, Washington in 1983.
I met and married my husband at PLU in Parkland and had all of my kids in Tacoma at Tacoma General Hospital. We lived in Puyallup shortly before our third child was born. All of my relatives live there and when I read about Washington, my hear goes pitter-patter!
I have lived on both the Eastern and the Western side of the state. Most of my kin have/or do work for Boeing.
So I am in love with this community. Thanks for letting me gush here.
Oh, and I want to retire there after my stint in Arizona is through. Or at least have a summer home there.
My mom and sister live in Tacoma currently.

11:15 am

Intro Name: Sarah
Location: Chicago... for now.
Age and Status: 27 and married
How many children and their ages(names too, if you'd like to share): My son Xander is 4 and my daughter Piper is 9 months old.
Occupation (yes, stay at home mom or dad counts!): The kids keep me workin.
Favorite thing to do with your family in Washington: Well, we've never even been... yet!
feel free to add pics if you'd like, but please put them behind a cut.

So, Hi! I'm currently living in Chicago (been here all my life) but am hoping to re-root in Washington within the next year. My sister just moved out there to attend Evergreen University and has just completely fallen in love with the area and some how convinced me and my mum to follow her even though neither of us has even been to Washington! And yes, I realize how odd that sounds, lol. There's just nothing holding us here and from everything I've researched Washington seems like it'd be a great fit for my family. We like rain ;)

I'm hoping maybe you guys will be able to give me some pointers as we start this migration? Like I said my sister is going to Evergreen so we'll probably be looking for housing around Olympia. Any things I should know about that area?Any towns to steer clear of? Any particularly great school districts out there? We'll probably be visiting in June or July to check some places out.

Hopefully you guys won't mind an outsider hanging out here. And thank you so much for any tips you guys might have!

Friday, August 24th, 2007

2:57 pm

Albertsons? Has anyone else heard the anti co-sleeping propaganda announcements at Albertsons? I heard it yesterday and am still rather upset about it. I was just wondering if it was just the one by our house, or if it's at all of them.

Monday, June 4th, 2007

6:02 am

Important Bulletin about Seattle Music Scene

From The Seattle Nightlife and Music Association (SNMA)

Yesterday City Councilmember’s Clark and Drago issued a press release and briefing paper outlining a series of proposals in response to the Mayor’s proposed nightlife regulations. http://seattlenma.org/downloads/clark_release press release herehttp://seattlenma.org/downloads/clark_brief
the briefing paper here.Councilmembers Clark and Drago are proposing a series of actions that if, taken together, would be for more egregious than what the mayor originally proposed. These actions include:Embracing the mayor’s proposal of creating a new nightlife license which would be used to close down clubs at the discretion of the city.Significantly increasing fines for noise violations from 500upto500 up to 500upto6000.Amending the current nuisance ordinance so the city could more easily close down clubs.Requesting the mayor to consider even more regulations on nightlife establishments.
If this entire package were to be adopted, Seattle would have some of the most stringent nightlife regulations in the country.

It appears that Councilmember Clark is intent on seeking approval of all elements of the package! This would have a devastating impact our music industry!!

Your voice needs to be heard now and loud. First, email the City Councilmembers today. And then attend the MONDAY June 4th public hearing on this package. It begins at 5:30. Get there early to sign up! This hearing is in the City Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of City Hall located at 600 - 4th Ave downtown.

Below are the emails to the councilmembers: the area code is 206

Nick.licata@seattle.gov 684-8803
Sally.clark@seattle.gov 684-8802 **
Richard.conlin@seattle.gov 684-8805
David.della@seattle.gov 684-8806**
Jan.drago@seattle.gov 684-8801
Jean.godden@seattle.gov 684-8807**
Richard.mciver@seattle.gov 684-8800
Tom.rasmussen@seattle.gov 684-8808**
Peter.steinbrueck@seattle.gov 684-8804**

** indicates these members are up for reelection this year. Peter Steinbrueck is not seeking reelection and this will be an open seat

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

10:04 am

Hi everybody!
My name Lena, I’m from Russia.

I need a flat (room, whatever) in Washington DC for summer time (from June), but I have no idea how search it. I’m a student, so I have a limit 80 $ per week. Or if room for 2 person – 150$.
I sow some of you need a help for looking children - I can work :)

May be a lot of people ask such help, but I need it too. Please, give me advice where to look cheap accommodation in Internet? Or may be you know someone who can help???

From my side I can invite you to Russia ;)

Hope for you help.

Saturday, March 17th, 2007

12:52 am

New to the community . . Name: Kristie
Location: Tacoma
Age and Status: 33, married
How many children and their ages(names too, if you'd like to share): 1, baby girlie
Occupation (yes, stay at home mom or dad counts!): 1/2 stay at home, 1/2 jr. high art teacher
Favorite thing to do with your family in Washington: Go for walks outside.

Thursday, March 8th, 2007

4:08 pm

fair babysitting rate? I am currently looking for someone to come into my home once a week and watch my daughter for a total of 8 hours while I am at work. Question to any other parents out there who have done this before or know someone who has, what is the going rate or what do you think a fair hourly rate would be? Most of the ladies I have talked to are stay-at-home-mom's who will be coming into my home to watch both my child and her own. Nothing outside the scope of childcare will be required of them other than picking up after themselves. All food and drinks will be provided. I'm at a loss as to where to begin my wage negotiations.
Thanks to anyone who replies. ;)

Monday, December 25th, 2006

12:15 am

Just wanted to wish ya'll a Merry Christmas hope you have a good time....enjoy the picture.

Current Mood: okay

Sunday, December 17th, 2006

6:16 pm

Howdy ya'll new to this community an i live up north near the ocean. I am a proud parent of one (little monster) an I lover her to death...so whats up..feel free to talk to me.

Current Mood: dorky

Friday, October 6th, 2006

3:45 pm

Pumpkin Patch's? I'm in Federal Way/Tacoma and am wondering if you all can suggest any Pumpkin Patch's around?

For the rest of you, maybe reply with Patch's that you know of in your area? That'd be neat!

I would especially love personal recommendations to places you've been and liked or disliked. If you wanted to elaborate, that would be swell too!

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

2:04 pm

Hi hi! Name: Ashlie
Location: Spokane!
Age and Status: 20 and happily married for over a year
How many children and their ages(names too, if you'd like to share): 1 step, 1 bio. Morgan (age 3, female, step. Lives here full time) and Paige (1 year 9/30!) Also, my 13 year old sister Megan lives with us full time and we are contesting custody from my alcoholic mother
Occupation (yes, stay at home mom or dad counts!): Currently a CSR but I am a phlebotomist. Just trying to get into a hospital so it will be worth leaving my current job.
Favorite thing to do with your family in Washington: Take our big beast on walks to the park
feel free to add pics if you'd like, but please put them behind a cut.

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Sunday, July 30th, 2006

6:40 pm

August 1-5th is World Breasfeeding Week. Do any moms out there know of any nurse ins that will be taking place?

Monday, July 24th, 2006

4:12 pm

Hottt!!! Is anyone elses kid(s) being super grumpy because of all this heat?? We don't have a/c, and the heat is driving us crazy! What are you all doing to keep things cool?

Thursday, June 22nd, 2006

9:08 pm

please come to the show! Benefit Show for CF in memory of David Newman, my brother who passed away 4/21/06.

Friday Jul 28, 2006
at 9:30 PM

206 5th Ave N
Seattle, WA 98101

I believe the show is 21 +

On July 28th, my friend, Raye will be putting on a benefit show at the Funhouse in memory of my brother David John Charles Newman who passed of a terminal illness called Cystic Fibrosis. All of the proceeds will go towards finding a cure for this horrible disease. Show starts at 9:30, and is $5, plus a donation jar. PLEASE COME OUT AND HELP FIGHT!!! The lineup is as follows:

The Rain City Swillers
The Them

C'mon people, it's for a great cause!!!! Drink booze and help people out in the process.....

Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

10:07 pm

hello, sleepy community!

so, since spring is upon us, we'll all be doing some traveling and camping etc in our wonderful state. if you'd share great places that you find with us, that would be super swell!

last weekend, we traveled from tacoma to ocean shores. we had a great time looking for fun things along the way.

some of the things we saw:

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can't wait to see what you share!