Walk Away the Pounds' Journal (original) (raw)

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inWalk Away the Pounds' LiveJournal:

Monday, April 16th, 2007

2:08 pm

New person Hi everyone, I joined this community after a fried showed me the workouts. And I have just completed my first mile.

A bit of background for you. My name is Emma, and I am a 19 year old student in the UK. I have 100lbs to lose, and today is the start of my new healthy eating and exercise program.

After just a mile I felt the workout working. My muscles were burning, a sign and feeling that I love.

As I haven't started back at uni until next week, I am to do 3 x 1 mile workouts per day this week, then attempt the 2 mile workouts this weekend. Seeing how I get on with those will determine what I do next week.

Monday, March 19th, 2007

2:40 pm

My weekly weigh in Well I got in 19 miles this week, with help from my new toy: an Omron heart rate monitor. Still managed to gain 2 pounds, but my body fat percentage has stayed at 32%, so it could be worse.

Crossposted to

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<ljuser="exer_to_lose_wt">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

Well I got in 19 miles this week, with help from my new toy: an Omron heart rate monitor. Still managed to gain 2 pounds, but my body fat percentage has stayed at 32%, so it could be worse.

Crossposted to <ljuser="exer_to_lose_wt">, and

Friday, March 2nd, 2007

1:17 am

these tapes actually work!! seeing as i don't own any white tops and seeing as i need one to work, i figured i''d check at reitman's. thhey usually fit me well and have great deals... which is perfect seeing as the only reason i'm getting it is for the occasional day of work...

so anyways the only white one i saw was a size smaller than what i wear. i figured i'd try it on for the hell of it.... but that it wold never fit.... well it did!!! To make sure it was't a fluke i tried on 2 other tops in the same size. one was snug around the hips... but the were both fitting properly!! woohoo!!!

i also tried on a pair of jeans with the same results..... seeing as i own a pair in the same size that don't fit its possible it was a fluke.

at any rate, it is so nice to see that even though i haven't lost any more weight my body is changing in miniscule ways its encouraging... i have been totaly slacking off lately but actually seeing the size diffference is so motivating!!!!although i can't see this happening i'd looooooooove to drop another size by may 6. its my cousin's baby's baptism and it would feel so good to have dropped two sizes... as i said i don't think it'll happen by then, but no matter what, i know i'm not going back. i'm not gaining it back. i'm not going to give up. i am going to start exercising again

i'm not trying to loose weight because of how i look... not mainly anyway, but that feeling was so....... amazing. i felt accomplished and powerful... so i can't see the changes in my body. i know there has to be some seeing as i can now fit into a size i hadn''t before!!

lol i liteally squealed when i got into the car. lol

my plan from now until easter is to do 40 miles of walk away the pounds. ints so oniwce t o see that the tapeis f are workiing. thats all ci'veo done in uterms of exercise. Now i just have to find a way to get rid of my hips (which are slowly getting smaller) and stomach i'd be thrilled lol!

i'l end my ramblings here... i have never had this happen to me before so i wanted to write it.... i feel so good right now. so... in control in some ways. so happy, so relieved.... and so determined!

x-posted (my journal, both 100 plus communities and walking4health

Monday, February 26th, 2007

7:09 am

NEW CHALLENGE hello all!

how about if we have our weekly challenges to with the walk away the pounds book? that would help us by starting small....and building up.

so..... unless anyone want to change it, the tentative plan is to do 6 miles of exercise this week!

i'm trying to think of a wa to stay motivated.... how about weekly weigh ins/exercise logs?


Monday, February 19th, 2007

12:04 pm

Friday, February 16th, 2007

3:36 pm

lets get this community active again! hello all

first off, welcome to the new members. we are now 8 people!

i don't know about you guys but i have stopped working out regularly and i'm quite annooyed at myself.

a couple of people have mentioned starting challenges how do you feel about that?

i was thinking mybe a short one? i was thinking starting with a week or two and having the goal be 7-20 miles (whatever we decide) of exercise.

thoughts? opinions?

perhaps we could start this monday if people want this. let me know!

11:37 am

challenge How many people would be interested in doing a challenge?

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

3:32 pm

new Hey,
I just joined the group, I own the 4 mile walk and just bought, (should be comming in the mail tomorrow) the 1, 2, 3 mile box set. How does this group work? Are there any challenges?


Monday, February 5th, 2007

10:12 am

Walking Log I'm new to this, and people seem to be posting their Walking Logs, so I figured I'd post my planned minimums for the week and see how I do.

Today: 4 miles (already did 1 mile this morning, will do 3 after work)
Tuesday: 1 mile
Wednesday: 4 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: 1 mile
Saturday: 3 miles
Sunday: 3 miles

That gives me no days of rest...but it is a minimum of 19 miles. I'm wondering though if it is better to have a day of rest and bump of the minimums for some days. Opinions?

7:15 am

step diet - week 3 quick mile update
xposted to walking4health and my journal

i did another 3 miles with my mom yesturday. that brings my total for the week at 14 miles. in addition to last week's 7 that brings my total to 21 in 2 weeks.

before i forget this is this weeks schedule - based on the book

monday 2 miles in 35 minutes
tuesday 1 in 18
wednesday 2 in 35
thursday 7000 steps unstructured (or 2 miles)
friday 3 miles in 50 mins
saturday 2 miles in 35

ok thats the minimum. i'm hoping to do 18 miles in total.. but we'll see what hapens.

how many of you are still at this?? comment please! even if you just say yes.. i'm curious!

Current Mood: determined

Sunday, February 4th, 2007

2:23 pm

New to Community Hey everyone. As a recommendation from a co-worker, I just got Walk Away the Pounds for Abs (with Resistence belt) last week. I just started the program, and figured this would be a good community to join since I am just now getting into the DVDs. I like them so far, but I've been using them less than a week, so I have yet to see results. Anyone else on the WATP for Abs DVDs?

11:31 am

i went down 1 inch on my thighs (.5 each), .5 on my hips, 1 on my arms (.5 each)) and .5 for my bust good right? some miniscule changes in the right direction right???

sighs unfortunetly when i measure my waist and stomach i've went up 1 and 3 inches respectively WTF!!!!!!

so much for trying to psych myself up for another 3 miles... how quicly the motivation flies away... i'll still do it but its more because i have to rather than because i wanted to.... :P

anyone know any ways to stay motivated when you're seeing results you don't like?

Current Mood: disappointed

9:51 am

i did another 1.5 miles today! woohoo!

i made a deal with my mom. she has 2 shots to do 3 miles today. if she does i'll do 3 miles 6 times next week... or anything so long as my weekly total is 18 miles... gulp. i really want her to move though. she's only 15 pounds lighter than i am and much older - obviously...

so if i do another 3 miles with her i'll be up to 14 miles for the week and 21 in total. so long as i do 1 or two i'll be proud of myself... i so don't want to do 3... but if she does itm, so will i!

i have a resistance tube (that i forgot about the last 3-4 weeks... its another way to help both of us. for every ten i do, she has to do 1... unfair for me... but somehow it really does motivate me :)

i just hate that i've gained 1 pound since i've started... sighs...

Current Mood: determined

Saturday, February 3rd, 2007

10:02 pm

first time i did 3 miles! i'm so tired.... but on the up side i did 3 miles today!! woohoo! i'm up to 9.5 miles this week and have another mile to go tomorrow since i missed yesturdays mile the book told me to do... i think i'll at least do 1.5 though... we'll see.

i have not lost any weight... i'm either 231 of 234.6 and i started at 233... thats so increadibly frustrating! i'm going to attempt not to focus on the weight... i'm going to alter my goals... i'm very very reluctantly switching to counting calories.... i think they are evil, annoying and misleading... but... sighs we'll see how it goes. i figure this will help ween me off junk food too... whenn i don't go out and don't eat any junk food i'm at about 1500 cals a day. (from what i've seen the few times i have done this) my fear is that i'm not measuring my portions correctly and so i am over that... anyways i'm supposed to be between 1400 and 1800 so we'll see what happens. i was thinking maybe that i HAD to day within that for five days a week... i'd have less free for alls because i don't feel confident enough to know exactly what i'll have a tthe end of he day... we'll see i guess...

for now i just want to focus on having done the 3 mile... i've never done more than 2 so i'm really proud right now! i did 3 miles and the low inpact aerobics throughout it in 45 minutes! i'm pleased with that!

i do need to figure out what to wear while doing it though i always end up barefoot and with freezing feet afterward. my running shoes cramp my feet, my slippers and socks make me slide and feel unstable. so far the best comprimise is those chinese slippers. i can do all the kicks, kick backs, knee lifsts and of course walking... the only problem is i still slide a bit for the side steps so i end up holding back... and that so annoys me!!!


Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

11:28 am

must get DVD. So, I didn't walk yesterday, because it was cold and rainy, and my car is broken :( It's a little nicer out today, so hopefully we'll be able to walk here in a little bit.

On the upside, I went to the doctor, and I LOST TEN LBS!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 28th, 2007

9:32 pm

WEEK @ SCHEDULE here is the schedule for this week

monday: 2 miles
tuesday: 1 mile
wednesday: unscheduled 6000 steps (i guess 1.5 miles plus regular walking)
thursday: 2 miles
friday: 1 mile
saturday 3 miles

good luck!!!

i hope everyone's still at it!!

Thursday, January 25th, 2007

10:15 pm

did one mile today... allong with the mile i did yesturday.
i still have no vitamine's so i'm going to forget about that aspect of the challenge
how do i feel i wish the vhs i had did half mile tracking. i think i could of done 1.5 but i gave up at the 1 mile mark... i've learned doing it at 10 pm may not be the best time... anyways i did it! my total so far is 5 miles.

gl all!

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007

11:17 pm

did i walk: yes slightly over 2 miles
did i take my vitamine... no we apperantly finished them.
how'd i feel pretty good. i pushed myself more than i have before. plus i went to my uncles and refused both canoli (an italian pastery and tiramisu cake! woohoo!
a beautiful thing: family. my cousin is getting married after dating the sme guy for 3.5 years. its just so nice to see how happy she is

9:01 pm

I walked 3 miles today. I forgot to take this morning's vitamins, but I did get my iron this afternoon (and because of this I'm not dozing off right now) and I'm about to take my evening vitamins. I've also been drinking my water.

Monday, January 22nd, 2007

10:42 pm

first of all, great start guys!!!

When i will walk: 7:30 am
Did i walk today yes
Did i take my multi-vitamine not yet
How did i feel: slow... i never feel as i'm working out to my full potential in the morning... i feel slugish and like i can't go faster... and yet i'm not as out of breath as usual... anyways tomorrow i'll give myself more time to wake up
a beautiful thing
1. i wanted this bad enough that i got up an hour early to do it. (my mondays i'm out of the house for school about 14 hours starting at 8:40 and getting home at 10 pm

2. that my mom was willing to leave her warm cozy sofa to come get me at the subway because she knew i was tired and didn't want me to have to wait / walk in the cold!

Current Mood: determined