Dorota Gregorowicz | Uniwersytet Śląski (original) (raw)

Books by Dorota Gregorowicz

Research paper thumbnail of Diplomats and Diplomacy in the Early Modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (XVII Century)

Eastern European History Review, 2021

Il Comitato redazionale e scienti co è lieto di presentare al pubblico la rivista scienti ca East... more Il Comitato redazionale e scienti co è lieto di presentare al pubblico la rivista scienti ca Eastern European History Review. Con un carattere internazionale e interdisciplinare, una cadenza annuale e una fruibilità open access la rivista focalizza i propri interessi sulle dinamiche occorse nell'Europa Orientale durante tutta l'età moderna (XIV-XIX). Eastern European History Review è espressione del Centro Studi dell'Università della Tuscia CESPoM (Centro Studi sull'età dei Sobieski e della Polonia Moderna) nato nel  per intuizione del Prof. Gaetano Platania, Direttore Emerito della Rivista. L'iniziativa editoriale che presentiamo nasce dall'evidente mancanza in Italia di una rivista scienti ca relativa alla storia dell'Europa centro-orientale in Età Moderna, nonostante la penisola abbia giocato un ruolo fondamentale per la Storia e la Cultura di una parte integrante del continente, a torto considerata come lontana e periferica. Consapevoli di questo, il Comitato ha posto quale obiettivo primario della Eastern European History Review quello di off rire uno spazio di ri essione e di discussione su temi che appartengono alla storia dell'Europa centro-orientale, e insieme alle relazioni-politiche e culturali-che questa vasta area del Vecchio Continente ha avuto con l'occidente d'Europa, e l'Italia in particolare, incoraggiando il dialogo tra studiosi e esperti di settore, e tra diff erenti approcci della ricerca scienti ca. Il Comitato Redazionale e Scienti co EASTERN EUROPEAN HISTORY REVIEW: THE JOURNAL  e Editorial and Scienti c Board are proud delighted to present the Eastern European History Review under the aegis of Sette Città Editore.  e Eastern European History Review is an international and interdisciplinary annually online and open access peer-reviewed journal about studies on Ceantral and Eastern Europe in the Modern Age (XIV-XIX).  e Journal is also the expression of the Study Center CESPoM (Centro Studi sull'età dei Sobieski e della Polonia Moderna-Center Study on the Age of Sobieski and Modern Poland) of the University of Tuscia, born in , from an idea of Prof. Gaetano Platania, today Director Emeritus of this journal. It publishes articles with signi cant approaches and original interpretations in all research elds concerning Central and Eastern Europe, with speci c attention to the History sciences.  e editorial initiative we present comes from the obvious lack of a journal, in Italy, concerning the history of Central and Eastern Europe during the Modern Age, this despite its fundamental role in the history and culture of that part of the continent, wrongly considered distant and peripheral. Quite the contrary is true, in fact. Main objective of the journal is to create a space for re ection and discussion on topics pertaining to Central and Eastern Europe, but also relations with Continental Europe, encouraging dialogue between scholars and experts in the eld, and between diff erent approaches of scienti c research.

Research paper thumbnail of Acta Nuntiaturae Polonae, T. XIII, vol. 1: Hannibale de Capua

Polska Akademia Umiejętności, 2023

Woś SS, p. 63: "Questa sua origine 'napoletana' è importante e può aiutarci a meglio capire le ra... more Woś SS, p. 63: "Questa sua origine 'napoletana' è importante e può aiutarci a meglio capire le ragioni del suo atteggiamento filoasburgico durante la sua nunziatura in Polonia". 7 Cf. Siro Comi, Ricerche storiche sull'Accademia degli affidati e sugli altri analoghi stabilimenti di Pavia, Pavia 1792. 8 Annibale Di Capua is mentioned in one of Torquato Tasso's works as the author's companion. Cf. Il Rinaldo del Signor, Mantova 1582, chant VIII, p. 57: "De' duo quindi lontan, giovani in vista, la sacra mitra ha l'un, l'altro ha la spada: un, Annibale di Capua, onde di trista convien che lieta Roma un tempo veda; l'altro, che la fortezza al senno mista avendo al ciel si farà larga strada, è Stanislao, di Tarnovio conte, che sta potrà co' più famosi a fronte".

Research paper thumbnail of Tiara w grze o koronę. Stolica Apostolska wobec wolnych elekcji w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów w drugiej połowie XVI w.

Polska Akademia Umiejętności, 2019

The particular geopolitical situation of the early modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth entailed... more The particular geopolitical situation of the early modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth entailed that the lack of continuity of the royal power and the electivity of the throne aroused the concerns of the Holy See. The growing popularity of Protestantism, the mistrust of the local clergy towards Tridentine decrees, the projects for the creation of a national church, as well as political issues made it necessary to ameliorate the relationship between the papacy and Rzeczpospolita. For this reason, the election of a Catholic monarch to the Polish-Lithuanian throne resulted was of exceptional importance to the Holy See.
The purpose of this study is to examine the religious and political interests that the Holy See sought to pursue in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the interregna and the royal elections of the second half of the sixteenth century, as well as the methods for their implementation. It evaluates the effectiveness of pontifical politics in the matter, the quality of the papal diplomacy’s preparation as well as the Roman perception of the institution of the free royal election. Particular attention is dedicated to the problem of the neutrality of the Holy See in the relations among the early modern States, in particular considering the policy conducted towards Polish-Lithuanian interregna. Subsequently, the role of the papal diplomats in the parliamentary life during the interregna is analysed, including its ceremonial aspect. A further deepening of the study concerns the political communication and its role for the functioning of the nunciature during the Cracow Krakow throne vacancy. Finally, the last part of the book deals with the European dimension of the Holy See's policy, analysing the diplomatic commitment of the papacy at the courts of Catholic Europe with regard to the political game that took place for the crown in Rzeczpospolita.

Papers by Dorota Gregorowicz

Research paper thumbnail of Nuncjatura apostolska w Madrycie – geopolityczna specyfika papieskiej placówki na dworze Króla Katolickiego (1562-1605)

Rzeczpospolita, Europa i świat. Interakcje dyplomatyczne i dworskie w epoce nowożytnej (XVI – XVIII w.). Studia dedykowane Profesorowi Ryszardowi Skowronowi, red. A. Barwicka-Makula, P. Duda, D. Gregorowicz, O.J. Rojewski, Wydawnictwo Cum Laude, Katowice 2024, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Impietas Gravissima – the Warsaw Confederation in the Papal Diplomacy’s Discourse in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century

Roczniki Humanistyczne, 2023

The Warsaw Confederation represented one of the most significant issues raised in the corresponde... more The Warsaw Confederation represented one of the most significant issues raised in the correspondence of papal diplomats residing in Poland-Lithuania in the second half of the sixteenth century and of their Roman superiors. This article presents the role of the Holy See’s representatives in the interregna events accompanying the approval of the famous act and its subsequent inclusion in the oaths of consecutive elective monarchs. Moreover, the narrative of the papal envoys’ dispatches is analysed in the context of its coverage of the Confederation’s matter. The choice of words to describe the act in question, their contextual occurrence, and the emotional content of the discourse are considered. The study reveals papal diplomats’ difficulties in fighting the document – the lack of full support from the Polish-Lithuanian episcopate and the Catholic party or the nobility’s reluctance to be interfered with from abroad. The image of the Warsaw Confederation in the diplomatic discourse of the Holy See is shown as detrimental to the Catholic religion, the local ecclesiastical structures, and the Polish-Lithuanian state and monarch.

Research paper thumbnail of Dobra kościelne Rzeczypospolitej w dobie konfederacji wojskowych (1659-1663). Postawa Stolicy Apostolskiej i lokalnych struktur Kościoła katolickiego

Strajki, protesty i bunty „Żądamy pracy dla naszych ojców”. Strajki, protesty i bunty od epoki nowożytnej po połowę XX wieku – perspektywa gospodarcza i społeczna, red. T. Głowiński, M. Zawadka, Wrocław 2021, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Una protezione ben accetta? La nobiltà polacco-lituana nei confronti dell’impegno pontificio nelle elezioni dei re (1572-1587)

Archivum Historiae Pontificiae, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Zaskoczenie i satysfakcja - obraz elekcji Michała Korybuta Wiśniowieckiego na papieskim dworze

"Żył królem, umarł człowiekiem". Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki i jego panowanie 1669-1673, red. Z. Hundert, P. Tyszka, Zamek Królewski w Warszawie, Warszawa 2023, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Obraz elit Rzeczypospolitej w dyskursie dyplomatycznym Stolicy Apostolskiej (1660-1671)

Elity władzy w państwie polsko-litewskim - między obowiązkami, przywilejami a prawem Rzeczypospolitej XVI–XVIII wieku, red. A. Barwicka-Makula, A. Kalinowska, Wydawnictwo Muzeum Historii Polski, Warszawa 2023, 2023

Sława posiadania mocy jest mocą, ponieważ przyciąga tych, którzy potrzebują opieki. Mocą jest też... more Sława posiadania mocy jest mocą, ponieważ przyciąga tych, którzy potrzebują opieki. Mocą jest też, z tej samej racji sława, że człowiek miłuje swój kraj (nazywa się ona popularnością) 1 .

Research paper thumbnail of Diplomacy of the Commonwealth, Diplomacy of the King: the Peculiarity of Foreign Policy Making in the Seventeenth Century Poland-Lithuania

Eastern European History Review, 2021

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth clearly stood out from the European institutional and legal sy... more The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth clearly stood out from the European institutional and legal systems of the early modern era. One of the elements of its “uniqueness” was the way of conducting foreign policy and, consequently, the organisation of diplomatic service. The Western European historiography does not address the peculiar structure of the Polish-Lithuanian diplomacy against early modern interstate relations.  The only commonly noted characteristic of the diplomatic practice of the Commonwealth seems to be the lack of official permanent representations at European courts, as well as the reluctance to accept foreign embassies within the borders of the state. The Polish historiography does undertake the topic, but the existing works are dated and often overcome, requiring to be complimented. The purpose of this article is to systematise and determine the specifics of the diplomatic activity of Poland-Lithuania from the institutional and juridical point of view, with particular attention paid to the nature of the ius legationis which operated in Rzeczpospolita state. Its two potential entities are confronted: the king and the Senate along with the sejm. The analysis is based primarily on the parliamentary constitutions, the supreme source of law for the Polish-Lithuanian state. Another goal of the presented study is to highlight the role of political practice in shaping foreign policy, which often stood in opposition to the formal legal structure of the Commonwealth. Finally, the article constitutes a discussion with the voices present in the historiography and an invitation for the scholars to f​u​r​

Research paper thumbnail of Mieszczańska kariera w szlacheckiej Rzeczypospolitej? Francesco De Gratta i jego social network

Zapiski Historyczne, Jun 28, 2022

A Bourgeois Career in the Nobles' Commonwealth? Francesco De Gratta and his Social Network Michał... more A Bourgeois Career in the Nobles' Commonwealth? Francesco De Gratta and his Social Network Michał Salamonik published his doctoral dissertation in 2017. The book addresses an important topic of the presence of the bourgeois in the early modern Polish-Lithuanian state. This is a biographical account and a study of the career of Francesco De Gratta, a citizen of Gdańsk of Italian origin. The purpose of the article is to present the subject matter from the perspective of original methodology used by the author: social network analysis, evaluation of the narrative based on it and the effectiveness of its use in historiography. It also contains reflections on the legitimacy of using studies of relationship and networks (family, work, financial) and broadly understood quantitative methods for biographical research. The article also poses a question of the extent to which one can speak of planning or deliberately constructing the bourgeois career within the social and political structures of the seventeenth-century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The presented analysis has shown that the application of the SNA methodology for creating biographies should be considered interesting and useful, especially when the social connections of the main character are closely connected with other spheres of his activity. It seems that a study from the social network perspective gives the entitlement to studying characters that are understood as integral elements of social processes and relations, which adds a great research value of this approach.

Research paper thumbnail of The Polish–Lithuanian interregna and papal diplomacy

Confessional Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of La Santa Sede nei confronti degli interregni nello stato polacco-lituano della seconda metà del Cinquecento (1572-1589). Politica e diplomazia

ben definite. Nel 1572, con la morte senza eredi di Sigismondo Augusto Jagellone 3 , si aprì una ... more ben definite. Nel 1572, con la morte senza eredi di Sigismondo Augusto Jagellone 3 , si aprì una grave crisi politica. Lo Stato rimasto orfano doveva essere riorganizzato in base a modalità eccezionali. Tuttavia, a differenza del Sacro Romano Impero, in Polonia non esisteva alcun documento analogo alla Bolla d'Oro del 1356, col quale fossero definite le procedure dell'interregno e dell'elezione. La seconda metà del Cinquecento rappresentò quindi una fase cruciale nel processo di formazione del sistema politico polacco-lituano. Le libere elezioni in Polonia non erano soltanto eventi cruciali per la politica interna dello Stato, ma avevano una straordinaria importanza per tutta Europa. Come viene sottolineato da Francesca De Caprio, il trono polacco-lituano «faceva veramente gola a molti, e molti furono i pretendenti» 4. «Die Königswahl in Polen hat gewöhnlich ein Miniaturbild der politischen Situation in ganz Europa geboten, ein Bild, das an den Höfen des ganzen Kontinents Interesse erweckte»ha a sua volta osservato K. J. Kartunnen 5. Poiché la posizione geopolitica della Polonia rivestiva per la Santa Sede una particolare importanza 6 , a Roma il problema della discontinuità della dignità regale era fonte di grande preoccupazione. Dal punto di vista papale, un forte Stato polacco-lituano costituiva un 'baluardo della cristianità' e segnava il confine culturale del mondo occidentale. D'altra parte, la diffusione delle idee protestanti, la diffidenza del clero locale nei confronti del Concilio di Trento, i progetti di una Chiesa nazionale, assieme alle questioni di politica internazionale, sollecitavano un miglioramento dei rapporti tra il papato e la Polonia. Per queste ragioni, la scelta di un monarca cattolico nello Stato polacco-lituano diventò cruciale per la corte pontificia. Un sovrano 'adatto' ed obbediente nei confronti della Santa Sede avrebbe potuto tutelare gli interessi papali in questa parte d'Europa. In occasione delle elezioni, e attraverso la propria attività diplomatica, i papi si inserivano nella lotta politica in corso, mirando alla realizzazione dei propri obiettivi: la creazione di una nuova lega cattolica, la riconversione della Russia ortodossa e della Svezia protestante, e un ulteriore sviluppo della Riforma cattolica in Polonia. Per la Santa Sede risultava importante anche il 3

Research paper thumbnail of The Audiences of Apostolic Nuncios at the Court of Polish Vasas (1587–1668)

Monarchie und Diplomatie, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Biografia dygresyjna. O kanoniku warmińskim i o metodzie

Zapiski Historyczne, 2021

A Digressive Biography: On a Certain Canon of Warmia and Research Methods In 2019, Wojciech Tygie... more A Digressive Biography: On a Certain Canon of Warmia and Research Methods In 2019, Wojciech Tygielski published a new book, the fruit of in-depth research on the relations between early modern Poland-Lithuania and Italy, and on the Italian settlement within the borders of the Commonwealth. The purpose of this discussion article is to present the biography of Giovanni Battista Jacobelli as an original narrative resulting from an unconventional methodological approach, and more broadly, as a significant example of contemporary biographical writing. Particular attention is paid to the numerous digressions that appear in the narrative, here considered a deliberate methodological procedure aimed at filling the gaps created by the relatively poor primary sources which constitute the basis of the research. Moreover, the relevance of the reviewed study from the point of view of the present day is raised, as the reviewed book prompts making comparisons between historical reality and modernday experiences, and reflecting on the permanence of certain social phenomena. The discussion article also contains comments on the extensive source edition contained in the appendix to the reviewed book. The article challenges the author's approach to presenting the early modern Italian correspondence to the reader, and to the degree of required modernisation.

Research paper thumbnail of Final Reports of Papal Diplomats as a Cultural Message: The Case of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies, 2018

This paper focuses on the cultural and political importance of papal nuncios' final reports (rela... more This paper focuses on the cultural and political importance of papal nuncios' final reports (relazioni finali) as one of the basic sources of knowledge about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Roman Curia. The final report was a document, in essence a summary, which a diplomat was required to complete at the end of his mission (or immediately after). During the creation of the office of permanent nuncio to the major European courts, the preparation and delivery of the final report often took place orally. Gradually, the relazione evolved into a written version. Throughout the sixteenth century, when knowledge about Poland-Lithuania in Rome was rather poor, the relazioni finali consisted of colourful descriptions of the geography, the history, and the social and political relations of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the seventeenth century, this document became more political in character. It related directly to the activities of the papal diplomats, rituals and ceremonials, and any particular problems regarding the missions, rather than extensive descriptions of relatively banal curiosities. Throughout the seventeenth century in particular, when a permanent papal diplomatic presence had just been established in Poland-Lithuania, the final reports were an important contribution to future missions. Newly-appointed nuncios therefore willingly used the extremely important information contained therein. The practice of writing relazioni finali made it easier for the Holy See to consolidate its diplomatic influence and presence in Central and Eastern Europe in the early modern period. It also fostered papal interest in the social and political features of the enormous 'noble' republic.

Research paper thumbnail of The State of the Church – Great Diplomacy of a Small State

Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum

The paper presents the historiographical considerations about if and why one could insert the ear... more The paper presents the historiographical considerations about if and why one could insert the early modern State of the Church into the concept of a “small state” and, at the same time, what were the reasons for the great diplomatic success of Rome during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The activity of papal diplomacy is shown as primarily focused on affirming the dualistic authority of the early modern Holy See (both as of a secular territorial state and a universal monarchy of religious character). The analysis also concerns the papal attitude of “active neutrality” as a political and diplomatic strategy focused on achieving the papacy’s “international” position. The profile of the paper is historiographical, as it takes from the legacies of Polish, French, German, English and Italian historical science. The enquiry aims to systematise and synthesise the former judgments of historians regarding the nature of the Papal State’s statehood in the context of the pope’s exercis...

Research paper thumbnail of Un'apologia barocca del governo misto. Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro nella Rzeczpospolita polacco-lituana (Draft)

Il Pensiero Politico, LIV n.2, 2021, pp. 165-185, 2022

The essay presents the origin and intellectual traditions of affirmation of the concept of mixed ... more The essay presents the origin and intellectual traditions of affirmation
of the concept of mixed government in early modern Polish-Lithuanian
state. Subsequently, it aims to analyze the baroque apology of monarchia mixta in the seventeenth-century Poland-Lithuania, in the context of the Commonwealth’s political crisis and decay, undoubtedly combined with its specific form of government. The basis for the considerations is the political thought of Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro, the castellan of Lviv, a Polish politician, statist, and historian. [k.w.: Mixed Government, Polish-Lithuanian State, Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro, XVIIth Century]

Research paper thumbnail of The ‘Obstacle of Sex’. Christina of Sweden and Her Aspirations to the Polish–Lithuanian Throne

Gender & History

An important field of research related to early modern sovereignty is the topic of female politic... more An important field of research related to early modern sovereignty is the topic of female political authority. This article aims to utilise the category of gender to analyse potential obstacles that Queen Christina of Sweden had to overcome in order to obtain royal dignity in an elective monarchy, the early modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Could the election of a female monarch constitute an acceptable and functional alternative for the Catholic and conservative noble society of this vast composite state? Former examples of Jadwiga of Anjou (1384) and Anna Jagiellon (1576) elected and crowned Kings of Poland seemed to suggest as much. The case of Christina's aspirations is all the more interesting, as her prominent supporter during the royal election of 1669 was the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Clement IX. It is, in fact, the diplomatic correspondence created by the papal Secretariat of State that constitutes the historical basis for the research presented here. One cannot overlook the importance of female rule in early modern Europe. Despite the restrictions of Salic law regarding female succession, in sixteenth-century France, Catherine de' Medici exercised authority as regent for two of her sons for several years. This practice was repeated during the seventeenth century by Maria de' Medici and Anne of Austria. In England, Mary and Elizabeth Tudor reigned in their own right, while in Scotland, Mary Stuart, daughter of James V, assumed power following her return from France. Her mother, Mary of Guise, had governed as regent up to that point. In the Netherlands, regency was exercised by Margaret of Austria and Margaret of Parma. Finally, the office of the viceroy of Portugal was given to Margaret of Savoy. Female governance frequently caused controversies and even factional disputes. Nevertheless, European societies became quickly accustomed to these unusual rulers, often appreciating their virtues. 1 In this article, I use the category of gender to analyse potential obstacles that Queen Christina of Sweden had to overcome in order to obtain a new royal dignity in an elective monarchy, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, after she had abdicated the Swedish throne in 1654. Could the election of a woman constitute an alternative for the noble society? The earlier examples of Jadwiga of Anjou (1384) and Anna Jagiellon (1576), elected and crowned 'Kings' of Poland, seemed to suggest as much. The case

Research paper thumbnail of Artykuły recenzyjne i recenzje: Nowożytne imperium Hiszpanii a terytoria Europy Północno‑Wschodniej. Wielostronne studium relacji

Research paper thumbnail of Diplomats and Diplomacy in the Early Modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (XVII Century)

Eastern European History Review, 2021

Il Comitato redazionale e scienti co è lieto di presentare al pubblico la rivista scienti ca East... more Il Comitato redazionale e scienti co è lieto di presentare al pubblico la rivista scienti ca Eastern European History Review. Con un carattere internazionale e interdisciplinare, una cadenza annuale e una fruibilità open access la rivista focalizza i propri interessi sulle dinamiche occorse nell'Europa Orientale durante tutta l'età moderna (XIV-XIX). Eastern European History Review è espressione del Centro Studi dell'Università della Tuscia CESPoM (Centro Studi sull'età dei Sobieski e della Polonia Moderna) nato nel  per intuizione del Prof. Gaetano Platania, Direttore Emerito della Rivista. L'iniziativa editoriale che presentiamo nasce dall'evidente mancanza in Italia di una rivista scienti ca relativa alla storia dell'Europa centro-orientale in Età Moderna, nonostante la penisola abbia giocato un ruolo fondamentale per la Storia e la Cultura di una parte integrante del continente, a torto considerata come lontana e periferica. Consapevoli di questo, il Comitato ha posto quale obiettivo primario della Eastern European History Review quello di off rire uno spazio di ri essione e di discussione su temi che appartengono alla storia dell'Europa centro-orientale, e insieme alle relazioni-politiche e culturali-che questa vasta area del Vecchio Continente ha avuto con l'occidente d'Europa, e l'Italia in particolare, incoraggiando il dialogo tra studiosi e esperti di settore, e tra diff erenti approcci della ricerca scienti ca. Il Comitato Redazionale e Scienti co EASTERN EUROPEAN HISTORY REVIEW: THE JOURNAL  e Editorial and Scienti c Board are proud delighted to present the Eastern European History Review under the aegis of Sette Città Editore.  e Eastern European History Review is an international and interdisciplinary annually online and open access peer-reviewed journal about studies on Ceantral and Eastern Europe in the Modern Age (XIV-XIX).  e Journal is also the expression of the Study Center CESPoM (Centro Studi sull'età dei Sobieski e della Polonia Moderna-Center Study on the Age of Sobieski and Modern Poland) of the University of Tuscia, born in , from an idea of Prof. Gaetano Platania, today Director Emeritus of this journal. It publishes articles with signi cant approaches and original interpretations in all research elds concerning Central and Eastern Europe, with speci c attention to the History sciences.  e editorial initiative we present comes from the obvious lack of a journal, in Italy, concerning the history of Central and Eastern Europe during the Modern Age, this despite its fundamental role in the history and culture of that part of the continent, wrongly considered distant and peripheral. Quite the contrary is true, in fact. Main objective of the journal is to create a space for re ection and discussion on topics pertaining to Central and Eastern Europe, but also relations with Continental Europe, encouraging dialogue between scholars and experts in the eld, and between diff erent approaches of scienti c research.

Research paper thumbnail of Acta Nuntiaturae Polonae, T. XIII, vol. 1: Hannibale de Capua

Polska Akademia Umiejętności, 2023

Woś SS, p. 63: "Questa sua origine 'napoletana' è importante e può aiutarci a meglio capire le ra... more Woś SS, p. 63: "Questa sua origine 'napoletana' è importante e può aiutarci a meglio capire le ragioni del suo atteggiamento filoasburgico durante la sua nunziatura in Polonia". 7 Cf. Siro Comi, Ricerche storiche sull'Accademia degli affidati e sugli altri analoghi stabilimenti di Pavia, Pavia 1792. 8 Annibale Di Capua is mentioned in one of Torquato Tasso's works as the author's companion. Cf. Il Rinaldo del Signor, Mantova 1582, chant VIII, p. 57: "De' duo quindi lontan, giovani in vista, la sacra mitra ha l'un, l'altro ha la spada: un, Annibale di Capua, onde di trista convien che lieta Roma un tempo veda; l'altro, che la fortezza al senno mista avendo al ciel si farà larga strada, è Stanislao, di Tarnovio conte, che sta potrà co' più famosi a fronte".

Research paper thumbnail of Tiara w grze o koronę. Stolica Apostolska wobec wolnych elekcji w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów w drugiej połowie XVI w.

Polska Akademia Umiejętności, 2019

The particular geopolitical situation of the early modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth entailed... more The particular geopolitical situation of the early modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth entailed that the lack of continuity of the royal power and the electivity of the throne aroused the concerns of the Holy See. The growing popularity of Protestantism, the mistrust of the local clergy towards Tridentine decrees, the projects for the creation of a national church, as well as political issues made it necessary to ameliorate the relationship between the papacy and Rzeczpospolita. For this reason, the election of a Catholic monarch to the Polish-Lithuanian throne resulted was of exceptional importance to the Holy See.
The purpose of this study is to examine the religious and political interests that the Holy See sought to pursue in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the interregna and the royal elections of the second half of the sixteenth century, as well as the methods for their implementation. It evaluates the effectiveness of pontifical politics in the matter, the quality of the papal diplomacy’s preparation as well as the Roman perception of the institution of the free royal election. Particular attention is dedicated to the problem of the neutrality of the Holy See in the relations among the early modern States, in particular considering the policy conducted towards Polish-Lithuanian interregna. Subsequently, the role of the papal diplomats in the parliamentary life during the interregna is analysed, including its ceremonial aspect. A further deepening of the study concerns the political communication and its role for the functioning of the nunciature during the Cracow Krakow throne vacancy. Finally, the last part of the book deals with the European dimension of the Holy See's policy, analysing the diplomatic commitment of the papacy at the courts of Catholic Europe with regard to the political game that took place for the crown in Rzeczpospolita.

Research paper thumbnail of Nuncjatura apostolska w Madrycie – geopolityczna specyfika papieskiej placówki na dworze Króla Katolickiego (1562-1605)

Rzeczpospolita, Europa i świat. Interakcje dyplomatyczne i dworskie w epoce nowożytnej (XVI – XVIII w.). Studia dedykowane Profesorowi Ryszardowi Skowronowi, red. A. Barwicka-Makula, P. Duda, D. Gregorowicz, O.J. Rojewski, Wydawnictwo Cum Laude, Katowice 2024, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Impietas Gravissima – the Warsaw Confederation in the Papal Diplomacy’s Discourse in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century

Roczniki Humanistyczne, 2023

The Warsaw Confederation represented one of the most significant issues raised in the corresponde... more The Warsaw Confederation represented one of the most significant issues raised in the correspondence of papal diplomats residing in Poland-Lithuania in the second half of the sixteenth century and of their Roman superiors. This article presents the role of the Holy See’s representatives in the interregna events accompanying the approval of the famous act and its subsequent inclusion in the oaths of consecutive elective monarchs. Moreover, the narrative of the papal envoys’ dispatches is analysed in the context of its coverage of the Confederation’s matter. The choice of words to describe the act in question, their contextual occurrence, and the emotional content of the discourse are considered. The study reveals papal diplomats’ difficulties in fighting the document – the lack of full support from the Polish-Lithuanian episcopate and the Catholic party or the nobility’s reluctance to be interfered with from abroad. The image of the Warsaw Confederation in the diplomatic discourse of the Holy See is shown as detrimental to the Catholic religion, the local ecclesiastical structures, and the Polish-Lithuanian state and monarch.

Research paper thumbnail of Dobra kościelne Rzeczypospolitej w dobie konfederacji wojskowych (1659-1663). Postawa Stolicy Apostolskiej i lokalnych struktur Kościoła katolickiego

Strajki, protesty i bunty „Żądamy pracy dla naszych ojców”. Strajki, protesty i bunty od epoki nowożytnej po połowę XX wieku – perspektywa gospodarcza i społeczna, red. T. Głowiński, M. Zawadka, Wrocław 2021, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Una protezione ben accetta? La nobiltà polacco-lituana nei confronti dell’impegno pontificio nelle elezioni dei re (1572-1587)

Archivum Historiae Pontificiae, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Zaskoczenie i satysfakcja - obraz elekcji Michała Korybuta Wiśniowieckiego na papieskim dworze

"Żył królem, umarł człowiekiem". Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki i jego panowanie 1669-1673, red. Z. Hundert, P. Tyszka, Zamek Królewski w Warszawie, Warszawa 2023, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Obraz elit Rzeczypospolitej w dyskursie dyplomatycznym Stolicy Apostolskiej (1660-1671)

Elity władzy w państwie polsko-litewskim - między obowiązkami, przywilejami a prawem Rzeczypospolitej XVI–XVIII wieku, red. A. Barwicka-Makula, A. Kalinowska, Wydawnictwo Muzeum Historii Polski, Warszawa 2023, 2023

Sława posiadania mocy jest mocą, ponieważ przyciąga tych, którzy potrzebują opieki. Mocą jest też... more Sława posiadania mocy jest mocą, ponieważ przyciąga tych, którzy potrzebują opieki. Mocą jest też, z tej samej racji sława, że człowiek miłuje swój kraj (nazywa się ona popularnością) 1 .

Research paper thumbnail of Diplomacy of the Commonwealth, Diplomacy of the King: the Peculiarity of Foreign Policy Making in the Seventeenth Century Poland-Lithuania

Eastern European History Review, 2021

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth clearly stood out from the European institutional and legal sy... more The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth clearly stood out from the European institutional and legal systems of the early modern era. One of the elements of its “uniqueness” was the way of conducting foreign policy and, consequently, the organisation of diplomatic service. The Western European historiography does not address the peculiar structure of the Polish-Lithuanian diplomacy against early modern interstate relations.  The only commonly noted characteristic of the diplomatic practice of the Commonwealth seems to be the lack of official permanent representations at European courts, as well as the reluctance to accept foreign embassies within the borders of the state. The Polish historiography does undertake the topic, but the existing works are dated and often overcome, requiring to be complimented. The purpose of this article is to systematise and determine the specifics of the diplomatic activity of Poland-Lithuania from the institutional and juridical point of view, with particular attention paid to the nature of the ius legationis which operated in Rzeczpospolita state. Its two potential entities are confronted: the king and the Senate along with the sejm. The analysis is based primarily on the parliamentary constitutions, the supreme source of law for the Polish-Lithuanian state. Another goal of the presented study is to highlight the role of political practice in shaping foreign policy, which often stood in opposition to the formal legal structure of the Commonwealth. Finally, the article constitutes a discussion with the voices present in the historiography and an invitation for the scholars to f​u​r​

Research paper thumbnail of Mieszczańska kariera w szlacheckiej Rzeczypospolitej? Francesco De Gratta i jego social network

Zapiski Historyczne, Jun 28, 2022

A Bourgeois Career in the Nobles' Commonwealth? Francesco De Gratta and his Social Network Michał... more A Bourgeois Career in the Nobles' Commonwealth? Francesco De Gratta and his Social Network Michał Salamonik published his doctoral dissertation in 2017. The book addresses an important topic of the presence of the bourgeois in the early modern Polish-Lithuanian state. This is a biographical account and a study of the career of Francesco De Gratta, a citizen of Gdańsk of Italian origin. The purpose of the article is to present the subject matter from the perspective of original methodology used by the author: social network analysis, evaluation of the narrative based on it and the effectiveness of its use in historiography. It also contains reflections on the legitimacy of using studies of relationship and networks (family, work, financial) and broadly understood quantitative methods for biographical research. The article also poses a question of the extent to which one can speak of planning or deliberately constructing the bourgeois career within the social and political structures of the seventeenth-century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The presented analysis has shown that the application of the SNA methodology for creating biographies should be considered interesting and useful, especially when the social connections of the main character are closely connected with other spheres of his activity. It seems that a study from the social network perspective gives the entitlement to studying characters that are understood as integral elements of social processes and relations, which adds a great research value of this approach.

Research paper thumbnail of The Polish–Lithuanian interregna and papal diplomacy

Confessional Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of La Santa Sede nei confronti degli interregni nello stato polacco-lituano della seconda metà del Cinquecento (1572-1589). Politica e diplomazia

ben definite. Nel 1572, con la morte senza eredi di Sigismondo Augusto Jagellone 3 , si aprì una ... more ben definite. Nel 1572, con la morte senza eredi di Sigismondo Augusto Jagellone 3 , si aprì una grave crisi politica. Lo Stato rimasto orfano doveva essere riorganizzato in base a modalità eccezionali. Tuttavia, a differenza del Sacro Romano Impero, in Polonia non esisteva alcun documento analogo alla Bolla d'Oro del 1356, col quale fossero definite le procedure dell'interregno e dell'elezione. La seconda metà del Cinquecento rappresentò quindi una fase cruciale nel processo di formazione del sistema politico polacco-lituano. Le libere elezioni in Polonia non erano soltanto eventi cruciali per la politica interna dello Stato, ma avevano una straordinaria importanza per tutta Europa. Come viene sottolineato da Francesca De Caprio, il trono polacco-lituano «faceva veramente gola a molti, e molti furono i pretendenti» 4. «Die Königswahl in Polen hat gewöhnlich ein Miniaturbild der politischen Situation in ganz Europa geboten, ein Bild, das an den Höfen des ganzen Kontinents Interesse erweckte»ha a sua volta osservato K. J. Kartunnen 5. Poiché la posizione geopolitica della Polonia rivestiva per la Santa Sede una particolare importanza 6 , a Roma il problema della discontinuità della dignità regale era fonte di grande preoccupazione. Dal punto di vista papale, un forte Stato polacco-lituano costituiva un 'baluardo della cristianità' e segnava il confine culturale del mondo occidentale. D'altra parte, la diffusione delle idee protestanti, la diffidenza del clero locale nei confronti del Concilio di Trento, i progetti di una Chiesa nazionale, assieme alle questioni di politica internazionale, sollecitavano un miglioramento dei rapporti tra il papato e la Polonia. Per queste ragioni, la scelta di un monarca cattolico nello Stato polacco-lituano diventò cruciale per la corte pontificia. Un sovrano 'adatto' ed obbediente nei confronti della Santa Sede avrebbe potuto tutelare gli interessi papali in questa parte d'Europa. In occasione delle elezioni, e attraverso la propria attività diplomatica, i papi si inserivano nella lotta politica in corso, mirando alla realizzazione dei propri obiettivi: la creazione di una nuova lega cattolica, la riconversione della Russia ortodossa e della Svezia protestante, e un ulteriore sviluppo della Riforma cattolica in Polonia. Per la Santa Sede risultava importante anche il 3

Research paper thumbnail of The Audiences of Apostolic Nuncios at the Court of Polish Vasas (1587–1668)

Monarchie und Diplomatie, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Biografia dygresyjna. O kanoniku warmińskim i o metodzie

Zapiski Historyczne, 2021

A Digressive Biography: On a Certain Canon of Warmia and Research Methods In 2019, Wojciech Tygie... more A Digressive Biography: On a Certain Canon of Warmia and Research Methods In 2019, Wojciech Tygielski published a new book, the fruit of in-depth research on the relations between early modern Poland-Lithuania and Italy, and on the Italian settlement within the borders of the Commonwealth. The purpose of this discussion article is to present the biography of Giovanni Battista Jacobelli as an original narrative resulting from an unconventional methodological approach, and more broadly, as a significant example of contemporary biographical writing. Particular attention is paid to the numerous digressions that appear in the narrative, here considered a deliberate methodological procedure aimed at filling the gaps created by the relatively poor primary sources which constitute the basis of the research. Moreover, the relevance of the reviewed study from the point of view of the present day is raised, as the reviewed book prompts making comparisons between historical reality and modernday experiences, and reflecting on the permanence of certain social phenomena. The discussion article also contains comments on the extensive source edition contained in the appendix to the reviewed book. The article challenges the author's approach to presenting the early modern Italian correspondence to the reader, and to the degree of required modernisation.

Research paper thumbnail of Final Reports of Papal Diplomats as a Cultural Message: The Case of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies, 2018

This paper focuses on the cultural and political importance of papal nuncios' final reports (rela... more This paper focuses on the cultural and political importance of papal nuncios' final reports (relazioni finali) as one of the basic sources of knowledge about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Roman Curia. The final report was a document, in essence a summary, which a diplomat was required to complete at the end of his mission (or immediately after). During the creation of the office of permanent nuncio to the major European courts, the preparation and delivery of the final report often took place orally. Gradually, the relazione evolved into a written version. Throughout the sixteenth century, when knowledge about Poland-Lithuania in Rome was rather poor, the relazioni finali consisted of colourful descriptions of the geography, the history, and the social and political relations of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the seventeenth century, this document became more political in character. It related directly to the activities of the papal diplomats, rituals and ceremonials, and any particular problems regarding the missions, rather than extensive descriptions of relatively banal curiosities. Throughout the seventeenth century in particular, when a permanent papal diplomatic presence had just been established in Poland-Lithuania, the final reports were an important contribution to future missions. Newly-appointed nuncios therefore willingly used the extremely important information contained therein. The practice of writing relazioni finali made it easier for the Holy See to consolidate its diplomatic influence and presence in Central and Eastern Europe in the early modern period. It also fostered papal interest in the social and political features of the enormous 'noble' republic.

Research paper thumbnail of The State of the Church – Great Diplomacy of a Small State

Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum

The paper presents the historiographical considerations about if and why one could insert the ear... more The paper presents the historiographical considerations about if and why one could insert the early modern State of the Church into the concept of a “small state” and, at the same time, what were the reasons for the great diplomatic success of Rome during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The activity of papal diplomacy is shown as primarily focused on affirming the dualistic authority of the early modern Holy See (both as of a secular territorial state and a universal monarchy of religious character). The analysis also concerns the papal attitude of “active neutrality” as a political and diplomatic strategy focused on achieving the papacy’s “international” position. The profile of the paper is historiographical, as it takes from the legacies of Polish, French, German, English and Italian historical science. The enquiry aims to systematise and synthesise the former judgments of historians regarding the nature of the Papal State’s statehood in the context of the pope’s exercis...

Research paper thumbnail of Un'apologia barocca del governo misto. Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro nella Rzeczpospolita polacco-lituana (Draft)

Il Pensiero Politico, LIV n.2, 2021, pp. 165-185, 2022

The essay presents the origin and intellectual traditions of affirmation of the concept of mixed ... more The essay presents the origin and intellectual traditions of affirmation
of the concept of mixed government in early modern Polish-Lithuanian
state. Subsequently, it aims to analyze the baroque apology of monarchia mixta in the seventeenth-century Poland-Lithuania, in the context of the Commonwealth’s political crisis and decay, undoubtedly combined with its specific form of government. The basis for the considerations is the political thought of Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro, the castellan of Lviv, a Polish politician, statist, and historian. [k.w.: Mixed Government, Polish-Lithuanian State, Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro, XVIIth Century]

Research paper thumbnail of The ‘Obstacle of Sex’. Christina of Sweden and Her Aspirations to the Polish–Lithuanian Throne

Gender & History

An important field of research related to early modern sovereignty is the topic of female politic... more An important field of research related to early modern sovereignty is the topic of female political authority. This article aims to utilise the category of gender to analyse potential obstacles that Queen Christina of Sweden had to overcome in order to obtain royal dignity in an elective monarchy, the early modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Could the election of a female monarch constitute an acceptable and functional alternative for the Catholic and conservative noble society of this vast composite state? Former examples of Jadwiga of Anjou (1384) and Anna Jagiellon (1576) elected and crowned Kings of Poland seemed to suggest as much. The case of Christina's aspirations is all the more interesting, as her prominent supporter during the royal election of 1669 was the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Clement IX. It is, in fact, the diplomatic correspondence created by the papal Secretariat of State that constitutes the historical basis for the research presented here. One cannot overlook the importance of female rule in early modern Europe. Despite the restrictions of Salic law regarding female succession, in sixteenth-century France, Catherine de' Medici exercised authority as regent for two of her sons for several years. This practice was repeated during the seventeenth century by Maria de' Medici and Anne of Austria. In England, Mary and Elizabeth Tudor reigned in their own right, while in Scotland, Mary Stuart, daughter of James V, assumed power following her return from France. Her mother, Mary of Guise, had governed as regent up to that point. In the Netherlands, regency was exercised by Margaret of Austria and Margaret of Parma. Finally, the office of the viceroy of Portugal was given to Margaret of Savoy. Female governance frequently caused controversies and even factional disputes. Nevertheless, European societies became quickly accustomed to these unusual rulers, often appreciating their virtues. 1 In this article, I use the category of gender to analyse potential obstacles that Queen Christina of Sweden had to overcome in order to obtain a new royal dignity in an elective monarchy, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, after she had abdicated the Swedish throne in 1654. Could the election of a woman constitute an alternative for the noble society? The earlier examples of Jadwiga of Anjou (1384) and Anna Jagiellon (1576), elected and crowned 'Kings' of Poland, seemed to suggest as much. The case

Research paper thumbnail of Artykuły recenzyjne i recenzje: Nowożytne imperium Hiszpanii a terytoria Europy Północno‑Wschodniej. Wielostronne studium relacji

Research paper thumbnail of The Public Audience of the Apostolic Nuncio Galeazzo Marescotti at the Election Sejm of 1669, Its Significance and Ceremonial

Research paper thumbnail of Audiencja publiczna nuncjusza apostolskiego Galeazza Marescottiego na sejmie elekcyjnym 1669 r. Znaczenie i ceremoniał

Res Historica, 2021

Paying attention to the ceremonial aspects of the early modern diplomatic practice is one of the ... more Paying attention to the ceremonial aspects of the early modern diplomatic practice is one of the main postulates of the historians of diplomacy. The presented article focuses on the political circumstances and ceremonial manifestations of the participation of the apostolic nuncio Galeazzo Marescotti in a public audience at the election sejm of 1669, as a result of which Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki was elected king. The Holy See's informational policy regarding the political practice and ceremonial of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
during the interregnum and the election period is discussed, especially in the emergence of a new interregnum in 1668, as a result of the abdication of John II Casimir Vasa. The papacy’s diplomatic involvement towards the new election was at that time hampered by the cold
relations between the nuncio and the ambitious primate of the Kingdom Mikołaj Prażmowski. The article also deals with the preparations for the nuncio’s audience at the election sejm that took place from the beginning of May 1669, demonstrating the secondary nature of this event for the political life of the Commonwealth. Then, the diplomat’s entry into the election field is presented, as is the detailed course of the audience, which culminated in the consigning of papal letters and the nuncio’s oration. The noble reception of Marescotti’s audience is also
analysed. The article deals with the issues of political, diplomatic, and visual functions of the diplomatic audience. The hearing of the representative of the Holy See at the elective sejm is presented as an expression of the mutual belonging of the parties (the papacy and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) to the seventeenth-century European political order.

Research paper thumbnail of La Santa Sede nei confronti dell’istituzione della libera elezione nello stato polacco-lituano della seconda metá del XVI secolo

Rivista Storica Italiana, 2019

The paper aims to analyse the Roman perception of a particular political institution of the Polis... more The paper aims to analyse the Roman perception of a particular political institution of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the second half of the 16th century: the free election of sovereign. Its object is to face the political concerns and possibilities opened up to the Holy See with the occurrence of an interregnum in a geopolitically important for the political and religious perspectives of Rome state as Poland-Lithuania (regarding, above all, the Catholic reform’s developments in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the construction of a new Holy League). There are to be examined the papal reactions towards the political situation occured in the PolishLithuanian State after the throne’s vacation, the overall preparation of the Holy See, together with its diplomatic service, relative to the interregnums, as well as specific political strategies undertaken by the papacy in matter.

Research paper thumbnail of Nunziature e politica nel ‘500. L’istituto e i suoi aspetti critici.

Ambassades et ambassadeurs en Europe (XVe-XVIIe siècles). Pratiques, écritures, savoirs, images, 2018

È un dato che il consolidarsi delle nunziature apostoliche permanenti, si inserisca nel contesto ... more È un dato che il consolidarsi delle nunziature apostoliche permanenti, si inserisca nel contesto dello sviluppo strutturale della Curia romana e della ripresa politica del papato dopo la crisi avignonese. Tuttavia, la loro affermazione presso le maggiori corti europee, può essere compresa solo se osservata nel quadro più ampio della riorganizzazione delle relazioni interstatali, così come si configurano alle soglie dell’età moderna. In tal senso, come è stato ricordato, essa rappresenta «l’evolversi dell’autocoscienza del papato in rapporto allo sviluppo del mondo moderno». La nuova dimensione geopolitica dell’Europa richiedeva, infatti, l’istituzione di un’efficace rete di contatti reciproci e controllo tra i diversi paesi. Questa rete diplomatica, cui era legato il perseguimento di un equilibrio internazionale, assunse sempre più un carattere permanente, per far fronte alla progressiva rapidità e intensificazione dei rapporti tra stati. Le nunziature della Santa Sede furono, senza dubbio, al centro di questi processi e la loro introduzione, tra il XV e il XVI secolo, rivoluzionò il sistema delle relazioni tra le diverse corti e «l’osservatorio romano», così come l’intero impianto della comunicazione politica in ambito ecclesiastico.

[Research paper thumbnail of [Review of The House of Vasa and the House of Austria: Correspondence from years 1587 to 1668, Part I: The Times of Sigismund III, 1587–1632, Volume 1, ed. R. Skowron et al., Katowice 2016]](

Barok. Historia - Literatura – Sztuka, 2019

[Research paper thumbnail of Nowożytne imperium Hiszpanii a terytoria Europy Północno Wschodniej. Wielostronne studium relacji [The Spanish Empire towards the territories of north-eastern Europe. The study of multilateral relations], in «Wieki Stare i Nowe», 16 (2016);](

Review of From Ireland to Poland: Northern Europe, Spain and the Early Modern World, ed. by E. Ga... more Review of From Ireland to Poland: Northern Europe, Spain and the Early Modern World, ed. by E. García Hernán, R. Skowron, Albatros Ediciones, Valencia 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Splendid Encounters VII, Lithuania, Vilnius 27-28 September 2018: A refused legation. ‘Why did the primate of the Kingdome impede the papal peace-making initiative?’ The case of Mikołaj Prażmowski (1668-1669)

This paper will illustrate the reasons of refusing the papal legation of Clement IX in the matter... more This paper will illustrate the reasons of refusing the papal legation of
Clement IX in the matter of John Casimir Vasa’s abdication (1668)
and Michael Korybut Wiśniowiecki’s election, by the primate of the
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Mikołaj Prażmowski, together with
the political practice he had undertaken in order to achieve it.
After the arrival of the official information regarding the decision of
the royal abdication of John Casimir Vasa to Rome, the cardinal
protector of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Virginio Orsini
presented to the Pope the idea of sending a legate, a latere, to PolandLithuania, in order to guarantee peace and advantage for Catholic
progresses in the upcoming interregnum and of the new king’s
election. This project was then very seriously considered by Clement
IX, who consulted with Apostolic Nuncios in Poland-Lithuania
(Galeazzo Marescotti) and in Wien (Antonio Pignatelli). The whole
issue of the prospective legation, boycotted by the primate, Mikołaj
Prażmowski, has not been mentioned in the existing literature yet.
The ceremonial aspect of the papal diplomat’s participation in the
abdication of John Casimir Vasa (1668) and election of Michael
Korybut Wiśniowiecki (1669), seems to be crucial for the position of
the primate, Mikołaj Prażmowski, refusing to comply with the
precedence rules traditionally granted to the representatives of the
Holy See during similar ceremonies, based on a generally accepted
‘international ordum. Prażmowski emphasised the traditional
qualification of the Gniezno archbishops as papal legati nati, standing
above the Nuncios in the hierarchy of Apostolic diplomacy. It seems
that the primate considered it superior also to the legate a latere
Based on the diplomatic dispatches of the Apostolic Nuncios and their
instructions, this paper will show the problematic relations of Mikołaj
Prażmowski with papal diplomats in Poland-Lithuania, as well explain
the origins of his attitude towards the unrealised papal legacy.

Research paper thumbnail of Confessional Politics in Early Modern East Central Europe, 30/11-1/12/2017, Budapest, Hungary: The Confessional Politics of the Holy See towards the Polish-Lithuanian Interregna (Seventeenth Century)

The attempt of the paper is to illustrate the confessional politics of papal diplomats in the Pol... more The attempt of the paper is to illustrate the confessional politics of papal diplomats in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the periods of interregna in the 17th century.
The confessional factors were crucial for the policy of the Holy See towards the Polish-Lithuanian kings’ elections. They probably overtook the political aspects. From the papal point of view, a new monarch in Poland-Lithuania should have been a real Counter-Reformation warrior, ready to undertake a struggle with the protestant and orthodox neighbours of the Commonwealth, as well as with the Ottoman power. The priority was to preserve the Polish-Lithuanian state under the Holy See’s influence and to maintain it as a bastion of Catholicism in Central and Eastern Europe.
As a result, the problem of conversion of protestant and orthodox candidates to the crown recurs over the 17th century, even if the Apostolic Nuncios were generally sceptical towards any projects of conversion, calculated for obtaining requirements necessary to compete for the Polish-Lithuanian throne.
The other aspects of papal confessional policy and its diplomacy’s activity towards the elections in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were the tutelage of Counter-Reformation progresses and the battle against the local tendencies to support the religious tolerance. Nevertheless, those elements got gradually marginalized throughout the 17th century, as the position of Catholicism got stabilized, while the idea of the religious expansion slightly lost its importance. Yet, new confessional problems emerged, regarding, in particular, the coexistence of the eastern Churches: orthodox and ruthenian Catholic.

Research paper thumbnail of WŁADZA KRÓLEWSKA W RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ W XVI-XVII WIEKU, Poland, Warszawa 21 October 2015: Suwerenność władzy króla w Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodów w międzynarodowym dyskursie naukowym

Research paper thumbnail of LAICIDAD Y RELIGIÓN EN LA EUROPA MODERNA (S. XVI-XVIII), Italy, Rome 5-8 October 2015: Between the secular and the spiritual. Various aspects of the diplomatic activity of the Holy See towards the Polish Kings' elections (XVIth-XVIIth centuries)

Research paper thumbnail of Splendid Encounters IV, Hungary, Budapest 25-26 September 2015: The role of papal diplomats in the interregnum’s parliamentary practice of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (XVIth -XVIIth centuries)

The attempt of the paper and of the presentation would be to illustrate the papal nuncios’ role i... more The attempt of the paper and of the presentation would be to illustrate the papal nuncios’ role in the interregnum’s parliamentary practice of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (XVIth -XVIIth centuries), in particular during the key moments like convocation diet, election diet and coronation diet. The basic sources analysed for this presentation would be the nuncios’ correspondence, the Polish and Lithuanian politicians’ diaries and the official direct relations from the parliamentary practice.
During the convocation diet, which was deciding about interregnum’s organisation problems, it was usually forbidden to the nuncio to participate directly in it, even though he was always trying to have an impact. In the course of the election diet, the nuncio was given an important role of presenting papal preferences and organising the ecclesiastical coalition on a favour of the supported candidate. For the duration of the coronation diet the papal ambassadors played an important ceremonial role. I would like to analyse the significance of those interesting functions and their evolution throughout the XVIth and XVIIth centuries.
The topic is also strictly connected with the papal dominance’s ideology and his wish of influencing every important international event. I would like to refer also to the pointed question of papal neutrality and padre comune image during the early modern period. The intention is not only to describe the political role of papal ambassadors, but also to focus on the phenomenon their ceremonial precedency.
It would be important to conclude with underlining the effective role and the impact of the papal diplomacy in the practice of choosing the Polish free-elected kings.

Research paper thumbnail of Centres of Culture, Centres of Diplomacy I, UK, Oxford, 21-22 September 2015: Final reports of papal diplomats as a cultural message – the case of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

In my paper I would like to focus on cultural and political importance of papal nuncios’ final re... more In my paper I would like to focus on cultural and political importance of papal nuncios’ final reports (relazioni finali), as one of the basic sources of knowledge about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in Roman curia.
The final report was a document, a summary, stipulated by a diplomat at the end of his mission (or immediately after). During the creation of the permanent nunciature office, the practice of preparing the final report often took place orally. Gradually, it evolved into a written version. Throughout the XVIth century, when knowledge about Poland-Lithuania in Rome was rather poor, the relazioni finali used to consist on colourful descriptions of geography, history, as well as social and political relations of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the XVIIth century, this kind of document received more political character. It related directly to activities of the papal diplomats, ceremonials and any particular problems regarding the missions, rather than in curiosities.
Especially during the XVIth century, when the papal permanent diplomatic service had just been stabilised in Poland-Lithuania, the final reports were an important contribution to future missions. Newly designated nuncios have willingly used this extremely important piece of information then. The practice of writing relazioni finali made easier for the Holy See to conduct a longer-term diplomacy in the Early Modern Central and Eastern Europe. It also permitted an approach to social and political features of the enormous “noble” republic. Poland-Lithuania was in this epoch a crucial territory to the papacy, because of the plans of the creation of a new catholic league against the Ottoman Empire.
Additionally, the final reports were willingly transcribed by members of noble Italian families. The presence of relazioni finali is testified in the archives of Strozzi, Chigi, Borghese, Corsini and Ottoboni. Their diffusion permitted to spread the lore about Poland-Lithuania across Italy and the whole Western Europe.
The aim of the paper is in fact to prove social and political importance of relazioni finali as a form of cultural message. I would like to present this typology of document as a rich source of information, a kind of future instruction for the following nuncios and a cultural contribution, created to fulfil the knowledge gap in Roman curia.

Research paper thumbnail of Komunikacja w epoce staropolskiej, Poland, Wrocław 12 June 2015: Komunikacja i jej aspekty informacyjne w działalności nuncjuszy apostolskich w Rzeczpospolitej (XVI-XVII wiek)

Jak napisał G. Mattingly, „stali ambasadorzy byli czymś więcej niż jedynie pionkami na dyplomatyc... more Jak napisał G. Mattingly, „stali ambasadorzy byli czymś więcej niż jedynie pionkami na dyplomatycznej szachownicy. Oni byli graczami”. Nuncjusze apostolscy musieli umiejętnie rozpoznawać nastroje panujące na dworze, sprawnie identyfikować fakcje, mediować w konfliktach, broniąc jednocześnie interesów swego przełożonego. Komunikacja i wynikające z niej zdobywanie informacji odgrywało centralną rolę w działalności dyplomatów papieskich. Koniecznym było mieć w swoim bezpośrednim otoczeniu osoby biegle znające języki: łacinę, polski, włoski i niemiecki. Nuncjusze czerpali bieżące wiadomości z rozmaitych źródeł, począwszy od urzędników przebywających na dworze, dworzan królewskich, poprzez opozycjonistów, kler, rodzinę królewską, a także autopsję. Świadczą o tym występujące w korespondencji czasowniki, takie jak: ho visto – widziałem, ho inteso – dowiedziałem się. Drugim, docelowym etapem komunikacji nuncjuszy, była wymiana informacji z kurią, która determinowała politykę papiestwa wobec Rzeczpospolitej. Oba te aspekty wymagają analizy mechanizmów komunikacji, jej języka i okoliczności.

Research paper thumbnail of Wokół wolnych elekcji w państwie polsko-litewskim XVI-XVIII w.  O znaczeniu idei wyboru – między teorią a praktyką, Poland, Ustroń 27-28 November 2014: Dylematy papieskiej dyplomacji. Stanowisko polityczne Stolicy Apostolskiej, a działalność nuncjusza Annibale di Capua wobec elekcji 1587 roku

Dylematy papieskiej dyplomacji. Stanowisko polityczne Stolicy Apostolskiej, a działalność nuncjus... more Dylematy papieskiej dyplomacji. Stanowisko polityczne Stolicy Apostolskiej, a działalność nuncjusza Annibale di Capua wobec elekcji 1587 roku

Research paper thumbnail of Dyplomacja papieska w Rzeczpospolitej na przestrzeni dziejów , Poland, Lublin 16-17 September 2014: W cieniu legata Commendone. Vincenzo dal Portico jako dyplomata papieski wobec pierwszej wolnej elekcji

Research paper thumbnail of Z historii gliwickiego harcerstwa, Poland, Gliwice 23 September 2011: Zbigniew Gregorowicz jako działacz harcerski

[Research paper thumbnail of LA SANTA SEDE NEI CONFRONTI DEGLI INTERREGNI NELLO STATO POLACCO-LITUANO DELLA SECONDA METÁ DEL CINQUECENTO (1572-1589) Politica e diplomazia [PhD thesis, forthcoming]](

Research paper thumbnail of Uno sguardo da lontano. L'immagine della Polonia secondo le relazioni dei nunzi apostolici nella seconda metà del Cinquecento (abstract)

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza wyposażenia i funkcji komnat oraz innych elementów architektonicznych zamku w Arco (Castello di Arco, Trentino), wraz z ich przemianami, od połowy XVI wieku do początku XVIII wieku.

Bachelor thesis, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, tutor: Ryszard Skowron

Research paper thumbnail of Tra Roma, Praga e Madrid. Annibale di Capua in Res Publica Utriusque Nationis 1586-1591 (abstract)

"Il Regno di Polonia, ch'essendo et per la grandezza et per le forze et per il sito, un vero ante... more "Il Regno di Polonia, ch'essendo et per la grandezza et per le forze et per il sito, un vero antemurale de la christianità, opposto a molte barbare nazioni, non può cadere, che non si tiri dietro gran ruina et non apra una gran porta a gli nemici della nostra fede"-così scrisse il cardinale Anton Maria Graziani nel suo memoriale rivolto a Girolamo Rusticucci, sottolineando l'importanza del ruolo dello Stato polacco-lituano nella vita politica e religiosa dell'Europa moderna vista dalla prospettiva del papato. Alla fine del Cinquecento la Santa Sede decise di inviare in Polonia, come nunzio apostolico e guardiano degli interessi pontifici, l'arcivescovo di Napoli Annibale di Capua. La figura del nuovo ambasciatore della Santa Sede è interessantissima. Annibale di Capua discendeva da una delle più potenti famiglie dell'Italia meridionale. Sudditto del re spagnolo Filippo II d'Asburgo si sentiva particolarmente legato a questa casata. Questo sentimento entrerà in conflitto con gli interessi e le direttive del pontefice Sisto V, espresse tramite i cardinali protettori Alessandro Peretti de Montalto e Paolo Sfondrati. La nunziatura di Annibale di Capua fu segnata dalla continua contraddizione tra questi due centri di potere. L'attività e le decisioni di Annibale di Capua contarono soprattutto nel momento della difficile situazione politica della Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodow. Dopo la morte di re Stefano Bathory, il nunzio fu costretto ad affrontare un difficile interregno, il quale causò la crisi interna dello stato polacco-lituano. Inufficiosamente rilanciò l'agitazione a favore della candidatura al trono polacco dell'arciduca Massimiliano d'Asburgo. Essa non ebbe dei risultati positivi, infatti il giovane Asburgo, sconfitto da Sigismondo III Vasa, perse la possibilità di ottenere la corona polacca.

Research paper thumbnail of Między Rzymem, Pragą a Madrytem. Annibale di Capua w Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodów 1586-1591 (abstract)

Research paper thumbnail of CALL FOR PAPERS, KATOWICE, SEPTEMBER 2023. Nunziature apostoliche nel sistema diplomatico della prima età moderna (secc. XV-XVIII). Rzeczpospolita – Europa – mondo

Invito a partecipare a un convegno scientifico internazionale Nunziature apostoliche nel sistema ... more Invito a partecipare a un convegno scientifico internazionale Nunziature apostoliche nel sistema diplomatico della prima età moderna (secc. XV-XVIII). Rzeczpospolita-Europamondo

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers Eastern European History Review 4 (2021)

This Special Issue of EEHR will deal with the history of diplomacy and of its executors-diplomats... more This Special Issue of EEHR will deal with the history of diplomacy and of its executors-diplomats (ambassadors, legates, nuntios, internuntios, agents and others) in a geographically covering a wide territorial area situated between the Baltic and the Black Sea. The seventeenth century's Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a state conglomerate culturally and politically closely connected to Western Europe, has created, in the field of diplomatic practice, institutions, principles and ceremonies unique in the European context, strongly related to the specific political form of a 'noble republic'. It is in the intentions of the authors to focus on how, the sovereignty of the 'noble nation', as well as a relatively weak position of the Polish-Lithuanian monarch, had such a considerable impact on the issue of foreign policy prerogatives and practices development in this part of Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Rzeczą człowieka jest walczyć a rzeczą nieba dać zwycięstwo. Zbigniew Gregorowicz - przedstawiciel pokolenia kolumbów, niepokornych XX wieku

XI edycja konkursu "Historia Bliska" 2006Bliska" /2007 Niepokorni w XX wieku Sygnatura w Archiwum... more XI edycja konkursu "Historia Bliska" 2006Bliska" /2007 Niepokorni w XX wieku Sygnatura w Archiwum Ośrodka KARTA: HB11/0083-Z/07 3 WSTĘP Niepokorny to człowiek odstający od szarej masy tłumu, nie dający się przekonać do wybrania łatwiejszej drogi czy sposobu Ŝycia. Posiada własne ideały, którymi się kieruje i dąŜy do ich realizowania swoim postępowaniem, nawet jeŜeli jest to trudne do osiągnięcia. Moim zdaniem, wiek XX był właśnie wiekiem ludzi niepokornych -było to stulecie trudne, pełne ludzkiej nienawiści i krzywdy. Niepokorni zapisali się w historii nie dlatego, Ŝe było ich wielu, ale dlatego, Ŝe często udawało im się zmienić losy swojej rodziny, społeczności, narodu. Niepokorni -ci znani oraz ci, o których świat milczy, starali się, przynajmniej w jakimś małym stopniu, przeciwstawić się złu tego świata im współczesnego. Wiązało się to często z wystąpieniami przeciwko władzy, tradycji, czy teŜ religii. Stanowili oni często grupę tzw. "społeczników", działali w imię większych grup ludzkich, które nie były zdolne do samodzielnego protestu przeciwko uciskowi. Zdarzało się jednak, Ŝe oprócz tego, walczyli takŜe ze swymi własnymi słabościami.

Research paper thumbnail of Krzyżem jest brak wolności - społeczeństwo parafii Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego w Bytomiu w latach 1981-1989”

X edycja konkursu "Historia Bliska" 2005Bliska" /2006 śycie religijne w czasach PRL -jednostka, w... more X edycja konkursu "Historia Bliska" 2005Bliska" /2006 śycie religijne w czasach PRL -jednostka, wspólnota, instytucja Sygnatura w Archiwum Ośrodka KARTA HB10/0036-Z/06 X edycja konkursu "Historia Bliska" 2005/2006 śycie religijne w czasach PRL -jednostka, wspólnota, instytucja Sygnatura w Archiwum Ośrodka KARTA HB10/0036-Z/06 3 WSTĘP Napisana przez nas praca opowiada o codzienności, walce z ustrojem oraz przede wszystkim Ŝyciu religijnym parafian Kościoła PodwyŜszenia KrzyŜa Świętego w Bytomiu, mających miejsce w ostatnich latach PRL-u -latach 80-tych, w duŜej mierze trudnych czasach stanu wojennego. Opisuje ona problemy, jakie napotykali bytomscy Ślązacy -w zdecydowanej większości górnicy i ich rodzinychcąc manifestować swoje przekonania religijne i wolność wyznania. Przez naszą pracę przewija się nieustannie motyw Solidarności, szczególnie widoczny tu, w Bytomiu, w środowisku górniczym, który wiązał się bezpośrednio z działalnością polityczną Kościoła. Lata 80-te to okres, w którym represje ze strony władzy, w stosunku do Kościoła, złagodniały. Jest to jednak tylko teoria, poniewaŜ jak powszechnie wiadomo, akty terroru zdarzały się nawet w późnym PRL-u. Mamy tu na myśli męczeńską śmierć księdza Jerzego Popiełuszki, do którego to wielokrotnie nawiązujemy w naszej pracy.