maintaining this war time morality (original) (raw)


Solace by Sanj- Angel, Cyclops. I'm too lazy to figure out their 1602 names. :P Really nice story though.

Angel the Series:

Custom by owenthurman- Wesley, PG. Post-NFA. Amazing.

Unfathomable by alixtii- Lilah/Eve. Eve can't quite be controlled, but it is Lilah's job to try. Wow, what an interesting pairing. I usually don't like Eve at all, but paired with my favorite female AtS character, it's totally different. I think this is very true to Lilah, also.

Return by Indri- Illyria, the Burkles, post-NFA. Wow, I love the idea of Illyria doing this after the finale. I imagine she'd be very lost with everyone else gone.

Uncharted by noelia_g- Faith/Illyria. Wonderful Illyria perspective.

Arthurian Legend:

Envying Angels by rosemaryandrue- Galahad/Percival. Oh, nice. I miss Arthurian legends. *sigh*

Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

Cracks by oroborusfox- Buffy/Faith, R.

She Would Be Thirteen by ozma914- Xander, OFC, PG. While standing vigil in a funeral parlor, Xander begin to question his new job as Watcher.

Here Comes the Sun by snowpuppies- Tara, Buffy, G. I always found Tara's relationships with the rest of the Scoobies really interesting.

Gemini by only_passenger- Buffy/Faith, PG. Damn, I love this pairing. Greek mythology references ftw!

A little bit louder and a little bit worse by allyndra- Xander/Connor, post-NFA, PG-13. Mysterious stranger with a warning to deliver? Haven’t we heard this one before? *squees*

This Is Your Life by globalfruitbat- Kennedy/Willow, Kennedy/Drusilla, R, post-s7. Wow. First time I've actually found Kennedy interesting.

Chronicles of Narnia:

This Silver Moment, Covered with Mud by bantha fodder- Susan, Peter, G. A wonderful look at Peter and Susan in England. No incest


. I love how the writing seems so similar to Lewis'. Great piece.

Bittersweet by googlebrat- Edmund. Oh, Edmund. This really pulled at my heart strings. But he is my favorite character, so you know.

Greek & Roman Mythology:

in a moment's notice by mistykasumi- Helen. Nice modern retelling of Helen's story.

The Year-Wheel's Reunion by Elke Tanzer- Persephone/Hades, R. Persephone comes home.


What Miracle is Wrought by cerebel- Mylar, Molly, Elle, R. Crossover with Jericho. Holy crap. This is so good. It even makes me want to watch Jericho again. Wow.

Red, White and Blue by smilebackwards- Petrellis, G. Aww, so cute. *squishes Nathan*

Arrangements by entangled_now- Mohinder/Sylar, PG-13. Twisted and very real for these characters, I think.

Rebound by gatheringlight- Sylar, PG. He ended up back in New York - somehow - just like he always did. Oh, nice little look at Sylar.

Bliss by shimmeree- Nathan/Claire, R. Oh, this makes me a happy Autumn. :)

Conquered Fear by bringthefate- Elle, Mohinder, PG, spoilers for 211. Hee, sweet but plausible, I think.


Battle, A Different Kind by seldear- Mulan. Mulan has to get used to being a woman again.

Phantom of the Opera:

The Dancing Master by Rabbit- Meg, 2004 movie. Oh, I love this. Meg just won't let well enough alone, after the events of the movie/musical, whichever. Madame Giry takes matters into her own hands. This is creepy and satisfying at the same time. :D

J'ai fait une promesse by Fallofrain- Erik, 2004 movie. After years of self exile, the Phantom returns to the Opera House. The end is a bit predictable, but satisfying and enjoyable nonetheless. Damn you, Yuletide, do not reawaken my 13-year-old PotO fan, please! That was a scary period in my fannishness.

Prince of Egypt:

I sayeth unto thee by Roga- Moses, Rameses. Oh wow. I forgot how much I loved this movie. Poor Moses and poor Rameses. *sigh*


Paved with Good Intentions by trolllogicfics- Ava, PG-13. Ava, the five months in between. I definitely am enjoying fics like this about more minor characters. Tell me if you have recs!

All Work and No Play Makes Azazel a Dull Boy by starhawk2005- YED/OFC, NC-17. Non-con. What the YED’s doing when he’s not making more psychic!kids or visiting existing ones in dreams. Hey, even Demons have to have hobbies, right? Right.

Where all would tread and trip by niz4- Dean/Jo, NC-17. Oh, very pretty ficlet. I have a secret affinity for this pairing, to be honest.

Veronica Mars:

Proper Names- Logan/Veronica, PG. A series of vignettes giving a glimpse to what might have happened during that summer relationship we didn’t really get to see. *happy sigh* I need to rewatch this show (the first two seasons anyway). Unfortunately my s2 DVDs evaporated pretty much as soon as I bought them. I will find them, I will! >___