Randelle Bundy | University of Washington (original) (raw)

Papers by Randelle Bundy

Research paper thumbnail of Marine community metabolomes carry fingerprints of phytoplankton community composition

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing community metabolism and flexibility: metabolomics and microbial diversity across the North Pacific Transition Zone and in response to nutrient amendments

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Research paper thumbnail of Spatial Variations of Siderophores in the North Pacific Ocean

Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, Feb 19, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Correction for Heal et al., “Marine Community Metabolomes Carry Fingerprints of Phytoplankton Community Composition”

MSystems, Apr 27, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Response to review

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Research paper thumbnail of Production and Isolation of Amphibactin siderophores in Iron-stressed cultures of the marine bacteria Vibrio spp

American Geophysical Union eBooks, Feb 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Distinct Iron-binding Ligands in the Upper Water Column at Station ALOHA

American Geophysical Union eBooks, Feb 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Changes in hydrothermal plume iron speciation in the 1-100 km distance from vent source

Goldschmidt2022 abstracts, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential interactions between diatoms and bacteria are shaped by trace element gradients in the Southern Ocean

Frontiers in Marine Science, Mar 2, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Interactions of bioactive trace metals in shipboard Southern Ocean incubation experiments

Limnology and Oceanography, Jan 24, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Iron-Binding Ligands in the Southern California Current System: Mechanistic Studies

Frontiers in Marine Science, Mar 15, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Siderophore production and utilization by microbes in the North Pacific Ocean

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Feb 27, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Sources of strong copper-binding ligands in Antarctic Peninsula surface waters

Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies in Oceanography, Jun 1, 2013

ABSTRACT Copper-binding organic ligands were measured during austral winter in surface waters aro... more ABSTRACT Copper-binding organic ligands were measured during austral winter in surface waters around the Antarctic Peninsula using competitive ligand exchange-adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry with multiple analytical windows. Samples were collected from four distinct water masses including the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front, Bransfield Strait, and the shelf region of the Antarctic Peninsula. Strong copper-binding organic ligands were detected in each water mass. The strongest copper-binding ligands were detected at the highest competition strength in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, with an average conditional stability constant of logKCuL,Cu2+cond=16.00±0.82. The weakest ligands were found at the lowest competition strength in the shelf region with logKCuL,Cu2+cond=12.68±0.48. No ligands with stability constants less than logKCuL,Cu2+cond=13.5 were detected in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at any competition strength, suggesting a shelf source of weaker copper-binding ligands. Free, hydrated copper ion concentrations, the biologically available form of dissolved copper, were less than 10−14 M in all samples, approaching levels that may be limiting for some types of inducible iron acquisition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Acquisition of organically complexed copper by marine phytoplankton and bacteria in the northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean

Marine Chemistry, Jul 1, 2015

ABSTRACT Copper (Cu) is an essential micronutrient for marine phytoplankton, but can cause toxici... more ABSTRACT Copper (Cu) is an essential micronutrient for marine phytoplankton, but can cause toxicity at elevated intracellular concentrations. The majority of Cu (> 99.9%) in oceanic surface waters is bound to strong organic ligands, presumably produced by prokaryotes to detoxify Cu. Although laboratory studies have demonstrated that organically complexed Cu may be bioavailable to marine eukaryotic phytoplankton, the bioavailability of Cu organic complexes to indigenous marine phytoplankton has not been examined in detail. Using the carrier free radioisotope 67Cu at an iron limited station in the northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean, we performed size fractionated short-term Cu uptake assays with three Cu(II)-chelates, and 67Cu bound to the strong in situ ligands, with or without additions of weak Cu(I) ligands. Estimates of the maximum supply of inorganic Cu (Cu′) to the cell surface of eukaryotic phytoplankton were unable to account for the observed Cu uptake rates from the in situ ligands and two of the three added Cu(II)-chelates. Addition of 10 nM weak organic Cu(I) ligands enhanced uptake of Cu bound to the in situ ligands. Thus, Cu within the in situ and strong artificial Cu(II) organic ligands was accessible to the phytoplankton community via various possible Cu uptake strategies, including: cell surface enzymatically mediated reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I), the substrate of the high-affinity Cu transport system in eukaryotes; or ligand exchange between weak Cu-binding ligands and the cellular Cu transporters. During a 14-hour uptake assay, particulate Cu concentrations reached a plateau in most treatments. Losses were observed in some treatments, especially in the small size fractions (< 5 μm), corresponding with faster initial Cu uptake rates. This may indicate that Cu cycling is rapid between particulate and dissolved phases due to cellular efflux or remineralization by micrograzers. The acquisition of Cu from the strong in situ ligands puts into question the historic role attributed to Cu binding ligands in decreasing Cu bioavailability.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantifying ocean and ice sheet contributions to nutrient fluxes in Sermilik Fjord, Southeast Greenland

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Surface total dissolvable iron and hydrographic data collected during an August 2015 cruise to Sermilik Fjord, East Greenland

This dataset contains hydrographic observations from Sermilik Fjord in SE Greenland, collected in... more This dataset contains hydrographic observations from Sermilik Fjord in SE Greenland, collected in August 2015 aboard the RV Adolf Jensen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Surface total dissolvable iron data collected during an August 2015 cruise to Sermilik Fjord, East Greenland

This dataset contains discrete total dissolvable iron (TdFe) data collected from the surface of S... more This dataset contains discrete total dissolvable iron (TdFe) data collected from the surface of Sermilik Fjord in SE Greenland in August 2015 aboard the RV Adolf Jensen. Surface samples were collected using a trace metal clean sampler fixed to a plastic pole. Samples were taken while the ship was steaming at approximately 1 knot in order to minimize contamination from the ship. All bottles and plasticware were cleaned using trace metal clean procedures outlined in the U.S. GEOTRACES protocols. Unfiltered samples were placed in separate trace metal clean 250 mL low-density polyethylene bottles and immediately acidified to pH 1.8 with 4 mL Optima HCl (Fisher Scientific) and stored until analysis using standard addition methods and cathodic stripping voltammetry 4 months later in the lab at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

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Research paper thumbnail of Siderophores as an iron source for <i>Prochlorococcus</i> in deep chlorophyll maximum layers of the oligotrophic ocean

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Nov 13, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Patterns of diatom diversity correlate with dissolved trace metal concentrations and longitudinal position in the northeast Pacific coastal-offshore transition zone

Marine Ecology Progress Series, Jan 17, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Elevated sources of cobalt in the Arctic Ocean

Biogeosciences, Oct 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine community metabolomes carry fingerprints of phytoplankton community composition

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing community metabolism and flexibility: metabolomics and microbial diversity across the North Pacific Transition Zone and in response to nutrient amendments

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Research paper thumbnail of Spatial Variations of Siderophores in the North Pacific Ocean

Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, Feb 19, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Correction for Heal et al., “Marine Community Metabolomes Carry Fingerprints of Phytoplankton Community Composition”

MSystems, Apr 27, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Response to review

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Research paper thumbnail of Production and Isolation of Amphibactin siderophores in Iron-stressed cultures of the marine bacteria Vibrio spp

American Geophysical Union eBooks, Feb 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Distinct Iron-binding Ligands in the Upper Water Column at Station ALOHA

American Geophysical Union eBooks, Feb 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Changes in hydrothermal plume iron speciation in the 1-100 km distance from vent source

Goldschmidt2022 abstracts, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential interactions between diatoms and bacteria are shaped by trace element gradients in the Southern Ocean

Frontiers in Marine Science, Mar 2, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Interactions of bioactive trace metals in shipboard Southern Ocean incubation experiments

Limnology and Oceanography, Jan 24, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Iron-Binding Ligands in the Southern California Current System: Mechanistic Studies

Frontiers in Marine Science, Mar 15, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Siderophore production and utilization by microbes in the North Pacific Ocean

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Feb 27, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Sources of strong copper-binding ligands in Antarctic Peninsula surface waters

Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies in Oceanography, Jun 1, 2013

ABSTRACT Copper-binding organic ligands were measured during austral winter in surface waters aro... more ABSTRACT Copper-binding organic ligands were measured during austral winter in surface waters around the Antarctic Peninsula using competitive ligand exchange-adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry with multiple analytical windows. Samples were collected from four distinct water masses including the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front, Bransfield Strait, and the shelf region of the Antarctic Peninsula. Strong copper-binding organic ligands were detected in each water mass. The strongest copper-binding ligands were detected at the highest competition strength in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, with an average conditional stability constant of logKCuL,Cu2+cond=16.00±0.82. The weakest ligands were found at the lowest competition strength in the shelf region with logKCuL,Cu2+cond=12.68±0.48. No ligands with stability constants less than logKCuL,Cu2+cond=13.5 were detected in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at any competition strength, suggesting a shelf source of weaker copper-binding ligands. Free, hydrated copper ion concentrations, the biologically available form of dissolved copper, were less than 10−14 M in all samples, approaching levels that may be limiting for some types of inducible iron acquisition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Acquisition of organically complexed copper by marine phytoplankton and bacteria in the northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean

Marine Chemistry, Jul 1, 2015

ABSTRACT Copper (Cu) is an essential micronutrient for marine phytoplankton, but can cause toxici... more ABSTRACT Copper (Cu) is an essential micronutrient for marine phytoplankton, but can cause toxicity at elevated intracellular concentrations. The majority of Cu (&gt; 99.9%) in oceanic surface waters is bound to strong organic ligands, presumably produced by prokaryotes to detoxify Cu. Although laboratory studies have demonstrated that organically complexed Cu may be bioavailable to marine eukaryotic phytoplankton, the bioavailability of Cu organic complexes to indigenous marine phytoplankton has not been examined in detail. Using the carrier free radioisotope 67Cu at an iron limited station in the northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean, we performed size fractionated short-term Cu uptake assays with three Cu(II)-chelates, and 67Cu bound to the strong in situ ligands, with or without additions of weak Cu(I) ligands. Estimates of the maximum supply of inorganic Cu (Cu′) to the cell surface of eukaryotic phytoplankton were unable to account for the observed Cu uptake rates from the in situ ligands and two of the three added Cu(II)-chelates. Addition of 10 nM weak organic Cu(I) ligands enhanced uptake of Cu bound to the in situ ligands. Thus, Cu within the in situ and strong artificial Cu(II) organic ligands was accessible to the phytoplankton community via various possible Cu uptake strategies, including: cell surface enzymatically mediated reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I), the substrate of the high-affinity Cu transport system in eukaryotes; or ligand exchange between weak Cu-binding ligands and the cellular Cu transporters. During a 14-hour uptake assay, particulate Cu concentrations reached a plateau in most treatments. Losses were observed in some treatments, especially in the small size fractions (&lt; 5 μm), corresponding with faster initial Cu uptake rates. This may indicate that Cu cycling is rapid between particulate and dissolved phases due to cellular efflux or remineralization by micrograzers. The acquisition of Cu from the strong in situ ligands puts into question the historic role attributed to Cu binding ligands in decreasing Cu bioavailability.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantifying ocean and ice sheet contributions to nutrient fluxes in Sermilik Fjord, Southeast Greenland

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Surface total dissolvable iron and hydrographic data collected during an August 2015 cruise to Sermilik Fjord, East Greenland

This dataset contains hydrographic observations from Sermilik Fjord in SE Greenland, collected in... more This dataset contains hydrographic observations from Sermilik Fjord in SE Greenland, collected in August 2015 aboard the RV Adolf Jensen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Surface total dissolvable iron data collected during an August 2015 cruise to Sermilik Fjord, East Greenland

This dataset contains discrete total dissolvable iron (TdFe) data collected from the surface of S... more This dataset contains discrete total dissolvable iron (TdFe) data collected from the surface of Sermilik Fjord in SE Greenland in August 2015 aboard the RV Adolf Jensen. Surface samples were collected using a trace metal clean sampler fixed to a plastic pole. Samples were taken while the ship was steaming at approximately 1 knot in order to minimize contamination from the ship. All bottles and plasticware were cleaned using trace metal clean procedures outlined in the U.S. GEOTRACES protocols. Unfiltered samples were placed in separate trace metal clean 250 mL low-density polyethylene bottles and immediately acidified to pH 1.8 with 4 mL Optima HCl (Fisher Scientific) and stored until analysis using standard addition methods and cathodic stripping voltammetry 4 months later in the lab at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

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Research paper thumbnail of Siderophores as an iron source for <i>Prochlorococcus</i> in deep chlorophyll maximum layers of the oligotrophic ocean

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Nov 13, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Patterns of diatom diversity correlate with dissolved trace metal concentrations and longitudinal position in the northeast Pacific coastal-offshore transition zone

Marine Ecology Progress Series, Jan 17, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Elevated sources of cobalt in the Arctic Ocean

Biogeosciences, Oct 1, 2020

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