What a has-been. What a WAS-WAS. (original) (raw)

December 23rd, 2005

drtyprttythings 11:38 pmUPGRADE: Bringing your boyfriend home for the holiday.DOWNGRADE: Coming back to your parent's house in Fredericksburg.

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October 13th, 2005

ifthelineisdead **08:54 am - seriously, this blows**UPGRADE; Going to visit all your old drama peeps covertly.DOWNGRADE; Thinking it would be awesome to stay up until 5 am, then get up at 8. Slugg-gish.

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April 26th, 2005

drtyprttythings 09:26 amthongs UPGRADEthongs and skirts that don't fit right DOWNGRADE

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March 7th, 2005

katyray 05:15 pmfatty mexican food + donuts + milkshakes? UPGRADE.girls who eat their feelings. DOWNGRADEold disney movies. UPGRADEsoggy chicken... DOWNGRADE

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ifthelineisdead **04:17 pm - OMG**So it turns out this community isn't dead, and neither am I.Changed the layout, it's weird, but whatever. I might just not leave it like this. Or I might. It's funny. Yeah.Okay.Nice days but having nothing to do during them because everybody's busy?DOWNGRADE.Current Music: destiny's chillens - losea my lungs

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February 3rd, 2005

drtyprttythings 10:37 ammy rich text mode is crashing my computer....PROMOTE! Fatties go here to this community! http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=_bigfats_JOIN!

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February 1st, 2005

drtyprttythings 02:49 pmhaving peruvian friends that you are secretly in love with= upgradehaving them only 30 minutes away (20 if I drive) and not having a way to get there = downgradesnaps for lindsey for being cool and joining was was.Current Mood: satisfiedsatisfiedCurrent Music: Saosin- I can tell

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January 31st, 2005

okjokesover 08:31 pmbig stores like circuit city/best buy = downgradeamazon.com = upgradei couldn't find anything i was looking for in stores today. the internet save me.

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drtyprttythings 07:11 pm - whore is spelt with a capital WI'm really sick of that slut getting ANY guy she wants. I mean she WAS my best friend, but I really can't stand her large gums and obnoxious laughter. I just want to strangle her. OVER.Okay, now that I ranted. Happy early birthday juddycakes! I HEART YOU! and I miss you. And I know that I am so much cooler than anyone else. Only because we saw that horrible rendition of "The Best Christmas Pageant EVER!" and I know I spelt pageant wrong.Out.Current Mood: crushedcrushedCurrent Music: Joe Budden- Fire

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