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These things are what help me, I do NOT see a doctor because i feel only i can dictate to myself what is proper.. (you tell yourself when you need to see a doctor... why not tell yourself how to conduct you?) These are tricks that i personally use to ease the edge when it arises.. (and no matter who the faster is... they will come.. fasting for years, highly experienced, or completely not..) *i'm more intermediate i think when i look at success vs. attempt* These may not be best for everyone or suitable to their lifestyle. Don't like it?, Doesn't sound good?, Don't do it. Everyone is different. :)

1.) If I have a pit in my gut (not tum, GUT), it's really helpful to go outside. The heat of summer is wicked awesome at solving this. Don't have to do anything, just chill. I have a swing outside w/ a little canopy (Home Depot carries these in the patio furnature type section). The heat seems to level my body out. My body pays more attention to the fact that i'm in the heat and if you chill outside with a waterbottle, the water will heat up with your body and make you feel more satiated.
2.)Water Temp.- People have issues overeating quite easily, but not more prevalently*sp* than when drinking COLD water w their food. This is a nono. Cold drinks are great, but they numb your tum thus not allowing you to feel the 'full' feeling when you should be. COLD water when applied to fasting however, can be beneficial. Numbing your stomach to the fact that you're hungry is great! (and it's kinda cool first thing in the morning when you can literaly feel the trickle all the way down)
** Though I don't care for warm water and have only used it in DIRE circumstances (because of how i dont' care for it), it is the best.. fastest.. cheapest way to get full fast. Warm or hot water gives the 'eating soup' feeling. Nice and full.
3.) Suppliments- Take your vitamins. Not because the doctor tells you too, but because some of the hunger actually IS coming from a place in your body that needs a specific nutrient. When your whole body is having issues and it feels like your bones are even hungry (figuratively), try taking a multi-vitamin. They don't have to be expensive.. I picked mine up for around 10 bucks at CVS. The CVS brand (or store brand), womens' multi. Some things you wanna look at though if you're looking for something to help you the most are: Vitamin B content, Chromium content, Iron content. The B's, actually (niacin specifically, i believe) help with separating your fat from you and allowing it to flush. It gets in between you and the fat a bit. Chromium, this is a diabetics dream... chromium helps alot with sugar and howit gets processed. If you can't lose weight no matter what, you may have a chromium imbalance. Iron, I'm anemic.. i could use more anyway.. but for others, low iron can cause fautigue... (i've had it be extreme before) and what's worse than feeling weak and fautiged and like crap when you're already expecting to the first day anyway!?... I also take acidiphillus (or somethin' like that).. it helps correct ph balance and digestion. (this is effective enough to be called a home remedy for Thrush.. something a doctor will prescribe you crap for) Between the multi-vitamin and the acidiphillus, my face glows without EVER washing it.
4.) It's a war, who's gonna win it?.. Hmm?? You want something sweet while fasting?.. ok, well, that's because the yeast in your body/mouth wanna get fed. Are you gonna be one-uped by some bacteria? Seriously, that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. Your body releases chemicals at specific times. Your body will open the floodgates around the time you NORMALLY eat. (this is why it's called re-training your body or reprogramming) .. So, are you gonna be one-uped by something your body produces/releases?.. Who's really in control here?... YOU ARE. YOU control you, so succumbing for something that stupid is unneccessary and a waste of the great day you've already had.
5.) Get a Hobby. If you don't already have one. Not something that's fun, that's not what i mean. Find that thing that you sink your entire head into. For me, it's sewing/garden planning. Sewing for me presents problems and challenges that i can sink my head into to solve and have a nice finished, tailored looking garment. Focusing on something else (as a hobby, you would find pleasure in it), helps distract and throw away HOURS of time that you'd otherwise be focusing on crap you shouldn't.. (like that burger king or whatever commercial)
6.) It's very important to remember that food will be there tomorrow. Why freak out and binge like food is gonna dissappear if you go to sleep?, I promise you that orange will be in the fridge when you wake up. (if applicable, put your name on it..) I'm really pretty sure all the food isn't gonna go post-apocolyptic radio active and poisonous. You aren't giving up food, you're just taking a little break. So take a deep breath cause it will SERIOUSLY be okay. :)
7.) If it's too hot, get out of the kitchen. If the smell of food is making it worse, LEAVE. Your parents told you to keep your mouth shut if you have nothing nice to say. Mine added that if my attitude was gonna be crap, that i should take it to a different room. Well?.. If you can't handle the smell of food, LEAVE. You can take a break outside for a while or go take a shower while everyone is eating. Go check on your garden while their eating. If you cook for someone, make something you don't like or won't eat while you're fasting. Cause it's much better to be faced with the delimma of ' i'm really hungry but i just DON'T like that..aaah! ' than ' look at that delicious orange chicken, how am i gonna NOT eat it'.. plus, i'm sure in everyones home, there are foods you don't like that everyone else won't mind eating.
8.) Excersize is BAD. Keep physical activity to a minimum. If you just gotta get up and do something, clean. Hell, clean out the fridge.. i bet one good whiff of sour milk will keep you out of there for a while lol You don't wanna burn up a bunch of stuff your body doesn't have... (where anorexics and such FAIL)... though this seems like great weight loss, when your fasting... and just in general, your body will want to replace what you burn. So if you're overly active, you're gonna be more hungry. Your body wants that energy to keep up with what your doing, that comes from food. Stop running while you fast cause you're just making it harder than it has to be. Now, I'm not saying do nothing.. dont' just sit at home and be a poor sport lethargic, but don't go out of your way or MAKE TIME FOR it. Crave something physical?, try yoga. You move, but if you really breath and sink into your 'nothing-box' it can help to ground you. Or do laundry, that's work. *blech*
9.) Use this time to think of all the other pretty little ways you can pamper yourself RIGHT NOW. (focus on something else) Paint your nails to perfection, tailor that skirt or top to make you bombshell while you're waiting, or...... go to the spa and get a massage or something. Take a bath, pick your poison, doesnt' matter... Study makeup and it's application, what clothes fit your body type. (no matter how big or small you are, you'll have a body type and that won't change)
10.) Mommys.... understand your hips won't be normal for a few years after your LAST child. Don't expect to pop back down and have things fit the same. You look bigger because your BONES and your BODY is bigger.. not cause you turbo-loaded blubber. Your body adjusted to having children, it will have to adjust to being finished with that process also.
11.) THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE... DO NOT TELL PEOPLE YOU ARE FASTING. NOT BECAUSE THEY DON'T NEED TO KNOW, BUT BECAUSE YOU WILL JINX YOURSELF. THIS SOUNDS INCREDIBLEY STUPID, BUT WHY ARE RELIGIOUS FASTS (where it's a dictation that you NOT speak of it at all) THE ONES BEATING OUT THOSE STARVING TO BE BEAUTIFUL???. You don't have to be superstitious, try not telling people... then try telling people... it makes an effin' difference! This one has to be the most important of all. (posting on here i say is fine though... because this should be posting for YOU and to help YOU get through it.. not to fit into a cookie cutter that 2% globally.. do people really FIT into. Because venting and talking about it... makes you feel better, ignore everyone else if you wanna) I'm posting this because it seems that others are 'frenzied' or getting that way and this might make it easier... I do thoroughly believe in share and share alike, i'm very hippie green inside :)
I'm sure these won't be all my little tips/tricks.. but these are the ones off the top of my head that i use and remember on a daily basis. EVERY day, without exception.