Waynesburg College (original) (raw)

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

1:16PM - prospective student

I'm looking into attending Wayensburg and I was just wondering about the variety of food options. I'm hoping that WU has several healthy eating options. Thanks for any info you can give me!

Monday, September 12, 2005

11:21AM - Overheard in Pittsburgh

I figure Waynesburg is a good place to overhear people saying interesting/crazy/funny things, so I thought I would let everyone know about Overheard in Pittsburgh.

If you overhear anything interesting - on the street, in class, on the bus - pass it along to me with a brief description of the people involved at overheardinpgh@gmail.com.

In Pittsburgh, this city of college students and work-a-day joes, of arts and beer and unreliable public transportation, it's hard not to overhear little bits of other people's lives.

In line at a fast food restaurant, a man yells into his cell phone.

He's yelling for you.

On the bus, two girls gossiping about a celebrity couple.

They're gossiping for you.

In class, a professor says something he really oughtn't.

He's saying it for you.

Welcome to Overheard in Pittsburgh, a collection of impromptu little public performances, reported and displayed for your enjoyment.

Overheard in Pittsburgh: We're not eavesdroppers, we're attentive listeners.

Monday, August 9, 2004

2:36PM - Back to school

Hey everyone! I just found the community and I think this is pretty cool, that we have one. You see a lot of big schools like Penn State that have groups, but rarely you see a small school. So is everyone read to go back to school?

Current mood: cheerful

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

3:29PM - Welcome!

Hello fellow Waynesburg College friends :)

I hope more people find their way here. There are only 3 people at present who list Waynesburg College in their interests.

Please pass along this community info to anyone you may be in contact with from Waynesburg who is on Live Journal.

I hope this community will serve as a place for people to re-connect, keep in touch, share news (and gossip, of course) about Waynesburg, and whatever anyone wants it to be.

If anyone wants to create an icon for this community - maybe something with Sting or with the college logo or something? - I'd be grateful since I am seriously lacking in those type of skills.

Current mood: satisfied