We Disagree! (original) (raw)

SNL // Seth Meyers // X Balloon

Why Being a Green Day fan now can SUCK

Posted by kayumite on 2005.11.18 at 07:13
Current Mood: frustratedfrustrated
Current Music: Green Day- Platypus

I would love to have 39/Smooth and Kerplunk!
Even though I'm part of the "second wave" fans, I never just get into a band because they're 'cool'. I get teased all the time for liking Green Day which sucks shit, because my school is filled with Ramones POSERS who say their favorite song is 'Hey Ho Let's Go'. *twitch*
AI was NOT my first album, and Nimrod is still my favorite.
I have been looking for 39/Smooth and Kerplunk! for almost a year but haven't found them ANYWHERE.
It's because almost my whole fucking city thinks Green Day isn't worth their time...
I'm dying in here!!!

And the next person who tells me "Green Day are fags!" is gonna get his Hey Ho jumper lodged down his throat.

Yeah, so I'm new here...

Posted by ex_jaded110708 on 2005.10.18 at 13:34
Current Mood: boredbored
Current Music: Jesus Of Suburbia

(This is an old recycled post from my journal. Corrections will be bolded with a star and corrected below)

Yeah, so I checked out that anti American Idiot community, and can I just say I've never laughed harder at a bunch of narrow-minded morons?*(1)

American Idiot was my first Green Day album*(2). I loved it from the first track to the last. I memorized the goddamn lyrics. I started buying more Green Day albums. I started plastering pictures to my notebook and writing my favorite lyrics down. I now have four Green Day albums and am pretty damn close to buying my fifth one*(3). And now people are writing about how much they hate this album? Yeah, I hate to say it, but I'm pissed.

I'm pissed because these assholes are putting that much time and effort into an Anti-AI community. I've seen Anti-Hanson websites*(4), anti Bon Jovi sites, hell, even an anti Beatles site. And they're all full of a bunch of small minded pricks*(5) who bash the stupidest things. This however, takes the fucking cake.

Green Day deserve all the attention they're getting. They deserve it because they put effort into their music. They're talking about something they weren't able to talk about before: Politics. They were concerned about the state of our nation today(which I agree is pretty fucked up). They hate George W. Bush as much as most of America's youth. So they wrote about it.

I may be a 'new' Green Day fan, but unlike most people, I am 20 years old and am mature enough to broaden my horizons. So if anyone from that community wants to bash me, I'm right here, motherfucker, come and get me.*(6)

  1. Yeah, I was pissed when I wrote this out, so you'll see the sarcasm a lot in here
  2. Actually, I first became a fan when I heard Nimrod. My uncle played the cd and made a tape of it. AI was the first GD album I bought myself.
  3. Now I have all of them except 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours(which I'm holding out on till I can either find it or afford it)
  4. Yeah, I'm a Hanson fan. Get over it.
  5. Again, sorry but I was annoyed and upset when I wrote this out.
  6. No, not really, but if you want to argue I'm happy to debate.

Posted by 4luvofcommunity on 2005.08.30 at 18:41

Sooo... There's been a banner in favorite_son from ai_made_us_cry, which has caused people over there to get pretty mad... But it got me wondering. Why exactly do you not Like American Idiot? Is it the cd in itself, or is more because it brought new fans(I guess the specific ones are "teenies") that you seem don't like? Whats your reason?


*rubs palms together*

Now after reading the above article about Green Day taking away their contract with Lookout Records, there are two obvious camps for one to fall into.

In one corner we have those who will say "What greedy fucks those Green Day are! They've got enough money!" and in the opposing corner we have those who say "Lookout was running a bad business. Can you blame Green Day and the other bands for taking away the contract?"

So, where do you fall?

(Oh, and I must say I got a big kick out of the favorite_son + ai_made_us_cry banner ;) )


I'm new here..

Posted by dude___itsjesus on 2005.07.24 at 17:25

Okay,I'm new here.

About Me: I knew GD through the American Idiot single...so then,I bought the album.Then I listened to them,and I realized they were more different than the other bands like simple plan or good charlotte...they were more mature...so I decided to start my obssession with GD..I bought all the albums and listened to them carefully.....

So,I noticed some people just hate the new green day. I can admit that yes, their lyrics changed and the sound of their music changed. But they all changed in a good way....they've become more mature,but they still have fun. They still have the energy..they still have the passion..it's very evident in their performances and the courageous acts they display on stage(ex: Billie masturbating on stage).But they're more responsible for their actions right now and they've realized some of the wrongs they've done when they were still young and they've decided to erase those...but they still have fun,as we speak.

You know what,it's not their fault that they've become really famous(through the AI album) and have attracted pre-teens or teens to their music. They made AI their first single...then all of a sudden,people started liking it...Green Day never forced them to like it. It's nobody's fault actually...people just liked their singles and can't get enough of them and vote them in MTV,the billboards,the grammys and alot of contests....all GD wanted to do was make music,have fun and tell people what's happening to America....they didn't intend to be really rich and famous....well,it's their job after all,and they need money for their families and themselves...doesn't everybody need money?

To soften things a bit,here's a really annoying but funny event that happened during my school's soccer game...it's about a teenie I met.

( my eyes feel like their gonna bleed..Collapse )

Posted by satokawaii on 2005.07.22 at 10:43
Current Mood: annoyedannoyed
Current Music: Whatsername- OFF OF AMERICAN IDIOT

I'm new to this whole thing....so what's this about people bitching on how AI isn't as good as Dookie or their older shit?

Seroiusly, I think you guys have to accept the fact that theyre not teenagers and kids who drink beer every day and kick peoples asses. They've GROWN UP. Theyre 33 for JOS's sake. I don't expect them to still be making anthems about bordom and isolation, because if they did, it would be exactly like Dookie and it wouldn't show a level of maturity. I think American Idiot is a masterpiece.

This is a post in the other community that truely Bothered me. A lot. But in a way, it's kind of funny how badly the point was trying to be proven.

( CrapCollapse )

Posted by luckyy_7 on 2005.06.26 at 22:15
Current Mood: calmcalm
Current Music: Going To Pasalacqua - Green Day

Alot of people say that they hate the "new green day" but to me, as long as its green day--im happy. Yeah, their old music was and well still is totally awesome, but i think their new stuff (AI) is awesome to.

Yeah, and about the "new fans" most of them bother me. NOT ALL of them. Like urbanrockstarr (post below) she doesnt seem to be like "omgz lyke green day is lyke sooo awesome!" But all the new fans at my school are like that....here ill show you.

this was a conversation i had between a girl who is kind of my friend...

Girl: Wow I really love green day! Blvd of broken dreams and American idiot are awesome songs!
Me: yeah, but i love St.Jimmy.
Girl: St.Jimmy??
Me: yeah...? You know form their new album...?
Girl: oh, i dont have their new album..
Me: but i thought you said you love green day?
Girl: I do!!

yeah and she didnt know anything about any of their other albums. haha. Most of the new fans i know are all like that. lol it drives me crazy!

Question. :)

Posted by urbanrockstarr on 2005.06.01 at 21:08
Current Mood: tiredtired
Current Music: ninety-nine x.

Why is it that people think of others who started listening to Green Day after AI, are 'lesser fans' or are the 'lyk omfg thy ar sooo hottt!1!!11' fans? :\ I mean, that's not always true. I heard the infamous BoBD on the radio and decided to figure out who sings this, who they are, etc. So I've been a fan for exactly six months now(started back in the first days of January). And you know what, I'm proud of it. :)

Just because I hadn't heard of them before (but I had heard their music), I didn't know who they were(I was completely music illiterate). But I'm not one of those fans who knows only the lyrics to their new album. I took up a study in Green Day-ology and now I know a lot.

So, basically my point is, not everyone who started to listen after AI is one of those.. Above mentioned 'fans'. :) I like them for their music, not because it might be 'in' or whatnot. 'Kay, I'm done.