we_translate - Profile (original) (raw)

on 22 November 2008 (#17256160)

Community dedicated to all fanwork translators around the world.

Fanwork Translators' Community

Who are we ?We are translators.We are fans.Merging the two is a simple way to complete our lives. Qui sommes-nous ?Nous sommes des traducteurs.Nous sommes des fans.Mélanger les deux est un moyen simple de compléter nos vies. Chi siamo ?Siamo traduttori.Siamo fans.Unire queste due caratteristiche è il modo migliore per completare le nostre vite. Wer sind wir ?Wir sind Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer. Wir sind Fans. Beides zu verbinden, bereichert und erfüllt einfach unser Leben.
What do we do?We offer you the possibility to :- post translations you may have done: be a show-off and let us see what the work you have sweated blood and tears over looks like!- ask for help regarding a translation you are pursuing, because authors don't always answer to our questions, and we need love.- ask for your fanfiction to be translated to any language you want, because it is just awesome.- propose scanlations to be done in any language you want, because it is that awesome too.(Note: However, don't get too overexcited, everybody has a full agenda and long fictions may be rejected, or just ignored. Or someone may fall in love with it and translate it right away…)
Que faisons-nous ?Nous vous proposons de venir :- publier les traductions que vous avez pu faire : soyez orgueilleux et montrez-nous le travail pour lequel vous avez sué sang et eau !- demander de l'aide sur une traduction sur laquelle vous travaillez, parce que les auteurs ne répondent pas toujours à nos questions, et on a besoin d'attention.- demander que quelqu'un vous traduise une fanfiction ou autre chose dans la langue de votre choix, parce que vous trouvez ça vraiment trop cool.- proposer une scanlation à faire dans la langue de votre choix, parce que ça aussi c'est trop cool.(Note : Nous avons tous des emplois du temps chargés, donc ne soyez pas trop enthousiaste ; si trop longue, votre histoire pourrait être rejetée, ou ignorée. Ou bien devenir le coup de cœur de quelqu'un qui s'y lancera corps et âme...) Che cosa facciamo?Ti offriamo la possibilità di:- pubblicare le tue tue traduzioni: mettiti in mostra e facci vedere l'opera su cui hai sputato sangue per concluderla!- chiedere aiuto per una traduzione, perchè gli autoi non sempre rispondono alle nostre domande, e tutti hanno bisogno di un po' di supporto.- chiedere la traduzione della tua fanfiction in ogni lingua che desideri, perchè è semplicemente stupendo.- proporre scanlations in ogni lingua che desideri, perchè anche questo è semplicemente stupendo.(Nota: Tuttavia non eccitarti troppo, ognuno ha i suoi impegni e lunghe traduzioni potrebbero essere rifiutate o ignorate. oppure qualcuno l'adorerà dal primo istante e la tradurrà subito…) Was machen wir?Wir bieten euch die Möglichkeit:- eure fannischen Übersetzungen zu posten: Gebt damit ruhig an und zeigt uns die Texte, über denen ihr Blut und Wasser geschwitzt habt!- um Hilfestellung für eure aktuelle Übersetzung anzufragen, weil AutorInnen nicht immer auf eure Fragen reagieren, und weil wir alle ein bisschen Unterstützung und Schulterklopfen brauchen. - eure Fanfiction zur Übersetzung anzubieten, in jede gewünschte Sprache, weil fannische Übersetzungen einfach klasse sind. - Scanlations in jeder gewünschten Sprache vorzuschlagen, weil auch das einfach nur klasse ist.(Hinweis: Haltet eure Begeisterung ein wenig in Grenzen, denn alle haben viel zu tun, und längere Geschichte werden vielleicht abgelehnt oder euer Request einfach ignoriert. Oder jemand verliebt sich Hals über Kopf in die von euch vorgeschlagene Fanfiction und übersetzt sie sofort ...)
Our rules- Multilingualism is encouraged, of course. You may find and post translations to whatever language you want: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian… and more? It all depends on you. ;)- This is a friendly community. As such, don't snap at each other when you do not agree with someone about something. Be friendly, and polite. Here, we say 'hello', 'please', and 'thank you'.- Every translation belongs to its author; don't steal one and claim it as your own.- You cannot post a translation without having first obtained the permission of the author to do so.- Presentations are allowed as long as they contain something related to the community. Introducing yourself, your conception of translation and/or what you have already done up to now, for example, is a good way to let us know more about yourself and to get acquainted with each other.- Constructive criticism is encouraged as long as it's about the quality of the translation, not the actual content of the fanwork.More information about posting norms here.All your questions are answered over here.

Spread the word!

We need you to help us grow! Spread the word among fandoms! Copy/paste this in communities you may be member of to make us known or put it in your profile:

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original profile codes

a tutto reality, avatar: last airbender, beyblade, bleach, bones, boys before flowers, camp rock, card captor sakura, crossover, d.gray-man, dragon ball z, english, fanart, fanfic, fanfiction, fanwork, french, german, glee, gossip girl, harry potter, help, hetalia, inception, italian, katekyo hitman reborn!, kuroshitsuji, kyo kara maoh!, magic knight rayearth, mario, mazinger z, multilingual, naruto, ncis, one piece, ouran high school, percy jackson, pokemon, queer as folk, ranma, resident evil, scott pilgrim, sherlock, skip beat!, sookie stackhouse, southern vampire mysteries, spanish, star wars, stargate: sg-1, startrek: the original series, supernatural, total drama, traducciones, traducción, traduction, traductions, traduzione, traduzioni, translation, translations, tsubasa chronicle, twilight, ufo robo grendizer, vampire diaries, wizards of waverly place, world, yu-gi-oh