Unabomber Political Action Committee (original) (raw)
Unapack's next project: retake the Unaverse by the year 2000!
To order "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for the Unabomber" bumper stickers (white on black 14" x 3.25" removable vinyl) send 1perstickerplus1 per sticker plus 1perstickerplus1 postage and handling to Unapack, P.O.Box 120494, Boston, MA 02112. CASH ONLY please. While you're at it, why not order some campaign stickers too, while they last.
The top ten reasons to vote Unabomber are brought to you by UNAPACK. If you think it's a joke, think again.Got a car? Help support the campaign: put a Unabomber sticker on it. Click here if you're from the MEDIA. Been here before? Here's what's new, besidescampaign photos.
TAKE A CHANCE WITH US!Subvert the electionWe're not afraid, and you shouldn't be either.Pledge your vote to the Unabomber! Just do it.
FC's own words:
- Industrial Society and Its Future
- UNABOMBER - NY Times letter
- Text of Letter from Unabomber to Dr. David Gelernter
Related press:
- 09/17 SF Examiner: The 'Unabomber for President' campaign
- 04/29 Media flirts with Unabomber 'skirts'
- 04/26 Boston Phoenix: CNN's Alter-cation
- 04/21 Extra! interviews UNAPACK
- 04/16 CNN TalkBack Live: UNAPACK Call-in
- More...
Other Unabomber pages:
The Unabomber's newsgroup:
Luddite Do-It-Yourself resources:
- Wiretap's Un-Tech Libraryis a good place to start, but remember: "Everything you do comes back to you three-fold."
- The Portland Anarchist Web Pageslend new meaning to the word comprehensive. It's all there, somewhere.
Other things we like:
- The Church of Euthanasiawants YOU to NOT PROCREATE.
- GOP is calling a spade a spade, and about time too.
UNAPACK, P.O.Box 120494, Boston, MA 02112
This page has been accessed 46695 times since March 1, 1996