sandhills Fact Sheet (original) (raw)

Sandhills are an inland habitat type characterized by rolling hills capped by deep coarse sands. They are wedged between the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions of North and South Carolina. Scientists believe sandhills were formed by ancient oceans that rose and then receded in response to melting and freezing of polar ice caps. Beaches formed wherever the water met the land. Each time a beach formed, a sandhill was left behind when the ocean receded.

Sandhills Plant Life
Because sandhills contain dry, nutrient-poor soil, this habitat contains only hearty, well-adapted plants. Turkey oak and longleaf pine trees are typical sandhills vegetation. Their rooting systems allow them to extract water from various soil depths. These species are also adapted to the frequent, lightning-induced fires that strike sandhills. Longleaf pines have a thick, fire-resistant bark, and turkey oaks killed by fire will resprout because the fire does not damage their root systems.Several grass species, which also can survive fires, inhabit sandhills. They include wiregrass, sorghastrum, broomsedge and three-awn grass.

Sandhills Wildlife
Sandhills support many reptile and amphibian species that are adapted to the habitat's dry, sandy conditions. The

gopher tortoise, which is a state-listed threatened species in South Carolina and Georgia, digs underground burrows in sandhills. The burrows are typically 20 to 30 feet long and from 6 to 8 feet deep. Gopher tortoises eat sandhills grasses and berries and may even help distribute such vegetation throughout sandhills by spreading plant seeds in their feces. Also, gopher tortoises are keystone species -- other animals and plants in the habitat are affected by tortoise activities. Specifically, other animals, such as gopher frogs, several species of snakes and several small mammals, use tortoise burrows on a regular basis.

Other reptiles and amphibians that inhabit sandhills include broad-headed skinks, oak toads, six-lined racerunner lizards, glass lizards and hog-nosed snakes. Mammals that inhabit sandhills include

white-tailed deer, opossums, gray foxes, bobcats, fox squirrels and cottontail rabbits. Birds include the mourning dove, sparrow hawk, red-tailed hawk and wild turkey.

Scientists at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory have conducted a variety of animal and plant studies in sandhills of the 310-square-mile

Savannah River Site near Aiken, S.C., since the early 1950s. Studies have included plant and animal inventories, forest dynamics, longleaf pine/wiregrass restoration and fire ecology of the sandhills. Recently, scientists have confirmed that periodic fires -- whether they be lightning-induced or prescribed burning by forest managers -- increase plant biodiversity in the sandhills. Fire returns nutrients to the nutrient-poor sandhill soils and temporarily creates more open space that allows new species to become established. Research has shown an increase in both the number of plant species and the number of individual plants. Such increases means there is a potential for increase in the number of animal species that inhabit sandhills, scientists say. For more information on ecological research in sandhills, you may contact Dr. Ken McLeod.

Did You Know?

Sandhills are wedged between the Coastal Plains and Piedmont regions of North and South Carolina and Georgia.

Where to See Representative Sites

For more information on radionuclide transport in lakes, please call the Outreach Program of the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory at (803) 725-0156. Or reach them by email:

This fact card is a publication of the Outreach Program of the University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Laboratory. The Laboratory is a research unit of the University of Georgia under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy to conduct ecological research on the Savannah River Site, a nuclear weapons materials processing facility on the Georgia/South Carolina border near Aiken, S.C.

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