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"The bad reputation Unix has gotten is totally undeserved, laid on by people who don't understand, who have not gotten in there and tried anything."

Jim Joyce, owner of Jim Joyce's Unix Bookstore

PAPERS * Dennis M. Ritchie: On the Security of Unix.
Maybe the first paper about Unix security, written by one of its designers. Here he comments some of the most basics sides of system security: setuid and setgid bits, internal DoS, etc. DOWNLOAD. * Walter Belgers: UNIX Password Security.
In this article they analize the significance of an acceptable password for all the system's security; also they talk about the Unix cipher mechanism, and also it's described how an attacker can "discover" a password. DOWNLOAD. * Robert Morris, Ken Thompson: Password Security: A Case History.
Morris and Thompson (two of the most important names on Unix history) describe here the design the password crypt() mechanism, its first faults, its improvements...DOWNLOAD. * David Feldmeier, Philip Karn: UNIX Password Security: Ten Years Later.
Ten years after the publication of the last paper (this was from 1979) they reexamine the vulnerabilities at the authentication mechanism of every Unix system. Times have changed and with new technology faster attacks can be done. So here they present some solutions to this vulnerabilitie.DOWNLOAD. * Barton P. Miller, Lars Fredriksen, Bryan So: An Empirical Study of the Realiability of Unix Utilities.
A study about fiability and estability of some common Unix tools. Authors arrive to surprising conclusions: the third part of tested tools failed. Fortunately, it has rained a lot since then (1989), and nowadays most Unices can be considered stable.DOWNLOAD. * Barton P. Miller, David Koski, Cjin Pheow Lee, Vivekananda Maganty, Ravi Murthy, Ajitkumar Natarajan, Jeff Steidl: Fuzz Revisited: A Re-examination of the Reliability of Unix Utilities and Services.
On 1995, Barton P. Miller, one of the authors of the previous paper, re-examine the reliability of Unix tools with another group of researchers. A large improvement has been done, but the most strange result is this: the most reliable Unix system is Linux Slackware, a free Unix clone that runs on some platforms (i386 and SPARC between them), and which has been developed by programmers from all around the world, without a big company with them, and with Linus Torvalds as their leader. DOWNLOAD. * Nathan P. Smith: Stack Smashing Vulnerabilities in the Unix Operating System.
Here they present and analize the vulnerabilities of Unix OS based upon the posibility of executing stack code (on Intel x86 and compatibles). This is one of the most importants Unix security faults, because an error on the source code of a process that runs with root privileges becomes on the posibility of a privileged access. DOWNLOAD. * Matt Bishop: Race Conditions, Files and Security Flaws; or the Tortoise and the Hare Redux.
In this paper Matt Bishop studies other of the most common Unix attacks: race conditions. This study is done from real examples (passwd, binmail...), and finally some solutions are proposed. DOWNLOAD. * Matt Bishop, Michael Dilger: Checking for Race Conditions in File Accesses.
Continuing with race conditions attacks on the Unix OS, in this paper they study mechanisms that allow the detection of these failures when accessing files. DOWNLOAD. * Eugen Mate Bacic: UNIX & Security.
In this paper they discuss the usual Unix security measures: passwords, DAC (Discretionary Access Controls), auditing tools... Also they speak about the classification of some Unix systems by the Orange Book, from USA Dod, and the characteristics of these systems. DOWNLOAD. * Robert T. Morris: A Weakness in the 4.2BSD Unix TCP/IP Software.
Maybe the first paper where the well known IP Spoofing attack is described. They speak about the mechanism which allows an untrusted host to appear like a trusted one, and access this way to certain restricted services. DOWNLOAD. * Matt Bishop: How to write a SetUID program.
Matt Bishop analices in this paper the problems derived from the existence of setuid programs in Unix systems. He shows the potential attacks to these programs, and also the basic rules to write some of them.DOWNLOAD. * David A. Curry: Improving the Security of your Unix System.
One of the classical articles when talking about Unix Security. Here the author makes an exhaustive analysis of the threads to the system, the protection mechanisms offered by Unix, the rules when offering network services, etc.DOWNLOAD. * Geoff Morrison: UNIX Security Tools.
Here the author analizes the most common Unix security tools. He classifies them into three different groups: system tools (to prevent internal attacks), network tools (to prevent external ones) and, at last, other group of tools.DOWNLOAD. * Robert B. Reinhardt: An Architectural Overview of Unix Network Security.
In this article its author presents a model of security architecture in Unix, based upon the Network connection model (ISO/OSI layer structure).DOWNLOAD. * Bill Cheswick: An Evening with Berferd, in which a Cracker is Lured, Endured and Studied.
In this classical by B. Cheswick (a revisited version appears in Firewalls and Internet Security, by Cheswick and Bellovin), the author describes the real history of a cracker knocking at AT&T; gateway in 1991. He analizes the cracker's activities, methods and failures when trying to access the gateway. DOWNLOAD. * Matt Bishop: A Taxonomy of Unix System and Network Vulnerabilities.
Matt Bishop describes here some Unix weakneses, how to detect them at our machine to prevent crackers, and, of course, how to erradicate those failures in the system. He analizes, between others, the Thompson's trojan for the_login_ program, some race conditions, network daemons failures, IP Spoofing, etc. DOWNLOAD. * Landwehr, Bull, McDermott, Choi: A Taxonomy of Computer Program Security Flaws, with Examples.
One of the bests papers (and most complete) between all of those which try to establish a taxonomy of system vulnerabilities. In this article's appendix they present, classified by its system, some examples of insecurities and its classification into this taxonomy. The Unix section is excellent.DOWNLOAD. * Steven M. Bellovin: There Be Dragons.
This article, a real classical, shows the attacks to the AT&T; gateway by crackers from all around the world. Tools used to attack, detected attacks, tools used to defend the system... DOWNLOAD. * Matt Blaze, John Ioannidis: The Architecture and Implementation of Network-Layer Security under Unix.
In this paper the authors shows the design, philosophy and functionality of swIPe, an IP layer security protocol. swIPe is fully compatible with the current protocol, but it offers authentication, integrity and confidentiality for IP datagrams.DOWNLOAD. * Fuat Baran, Howard Kaye, Margarita Suarez: Security Breaches: Five Recent Incidents at Columbia University.
In 1990, Columbia University (USA) suffered various attacks on its Unix machines. In this paper they are described (some of them against password files from some machines), as well as the security measures token. DOWNLOAD. * Dan Farmer, Wietse Venema: Improving the Security of your site by breaking into it.
In this Unix security classical, Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema show the potential activities of an intruder in our Unix system. Here is where first appeared the uebercracker term, so used since then.DOWNLOAD. * Matt Bishop: Proactive Password Checking.
In this chapter the author analizes the suitable passwords Unix problem, and some possible solution with programs like npasswd or passwd+. Both of them (see the Software section) are analized and compared to see how they solve the weak passwords problem.DOWNLOAD. * Steven M. Bellovin, Michael Merritt: Limitations of the Kerberos Authentication System.
Here Bellovin and Merrit analize and give solution to some weaknesses seen on the Kerberos authentication system (MIT, Athena Project).DOWNLOAD. * Steve Simmons: Life Without Root.
In this article the author studies the problem of doing certain administration activities as root. The accesses as administrator to the system have to be reduced, because of security, and here it's described how to make some tasks without the need of total privileges, but with the use of dedicated system users. DOWNLOAD. * Bob Vickers: Guide to Safe X.
Tipically the graphical Unix system, X Window, has been considerated unsecure. In this paper that insecurity is studied, as well as how to prevent it by using access controls on the X server side. DOWNLOAD. * Dave Wreski: Linux Security Administrator's Guide.
A very good handbook to improve the security of our Linux system. Dave Wreski explains here the filesystem security mechanisms, passwords, Cryptography...DOWNLOAD. * Eugene Spafford: Unix and Security: The influence of History.
In spite that usually Unix has been considered an insecure OS, or at least a very dificult to protect one, Spafford shows here that that's not true, giving ideas to increase the security of the system from errors made along the history of Unix and its development. DOWNLOAD. * Daniel V. Klein: "Foiling the cracker": A survey of, and improvements to, password security.
In this classical paper, it's shown the brute-force attack to password files by using dictionaries, and how a weak password can compromise the entire system. As a solution, the use of a proactive password checker is proposed. DOWNLOAD.

NEWSGROUPS * comp.security.unix * comp.unix.admin * comp.admin.policy * comp.protocols.kerberos * comp.protocols.tcp-ip * alt.security