a tissue of lies | the stephen j. glass index (original) (raw)

Articles with known, possible, or obvious fabrications are marked with ***. Most of Glass' work has been taken down, but the few links here were active as of 07/06/98.

- December 25, 1995 - "Cheese Biz".

- March 18, 1996 - "Pat Speaks"- sidebar.
- March 25, 1996 - "Attack Dogs"- sidebar.
- April 15, 1996 - "Do As They Do".
- May 13, 1996 - "Philadelphia Story".
- July 1, 1996 - "The Hall Monitor".
- August 5, 1996 - "Taxis and the Meaning of Work" - cover story.
- November 4, 1996 - "Washington Diarist: Deliverance"- column.
- December 9, 1996 - "Shalom, Y'All".
- December 16, 1996 - "Ad and Subtract".
- December 30, 1996 - "Hazardous to Your Mental Health". ***(The subject of this piece--the Center for Science in the Public Interest(CSPI)--has posted a press releaseand a lengthy rebuttalto Glass' article, accusing him of factual inaccuracy and mild plagiarism.)

- January 6 & 13, 1997 - "Probable Claus". ***
- January 27, 1997 - "Holy Trinity". ***
- February 10, 1997 - "Rock the Morons". ***
- March 3, 1997 - "Don't You D.A.R.E." - cover story. ***
- March 24, 1997 - "Writing on the Wall". ***
- March 31, 1997 - "Spring Breakdown" ***
- April 7, 1997 - "The Jungle". ***
- April 21, 1997 - "A Fine Mess". ***
- May 26, 1997 - "After the Fall". ***
- June 9, 1997 - "Peddling Poppy". ***
- July 7, 1997 - "Gold Diggers".
- July 14 & 21, 1997 - "Mount Vernon Postcard: Slavery Chic".
- July 28, 1997 - "Space Oddity".
- August 4, 1997 - "Washington Diarist: Low Blows"- column.***
- August 11 & 18, 1997 - "Deja Coup". ***
- August 25, 1997 - "TheYoung and the Feckless". ***
- October 6, 1997 - "CheapSuits". ***
- October 20, 1997 - "Kicked Out". ***
- November 3, 1997 - "No Free Launch". ***
- November 17, 1997 - "Anatomy of a Policy Fraud" - cover story. ***
- December 8, 1997 - "The Boys on the Bus".
- December 22, 1997 - "Washington Diarist: Ratted Out" - column.***

- January 19, 1998 - "Washington Diarist: State of Nature" -column.***
- January 26, 1998 - "Gift of the Magnate". ***
- February 16, 1998 - "Washington Scene: Clutch Situation" -column.***
- "All Wet". ***
- February 23, 1998 - "Washington Scene: Plotters" - column.***
- March 30, 1998 - "Praised be Greenspan" - with Jonathan Chait. ***
- April 13, 1998 - "Washington Scene: Monica Sells" - column.***
- May 18, 1998 - "Washington Scene: Hack Heaven" - column.*** (Glass was fired after this piece. Click here to see the phony home page Glass concocted for "Jukt Micronics".)

(The New Republic has printed a short summary of Glass' fabrications [see below] in their June 29 issue. The magazine has also purged most, if not all, of Glass' work from their website -- links given here were current just after the first major purge of the site. In the interim, they have changed URLs for links given here; it would be useful to search their website.)

Infrequently updated. Links to articles are given as they once existed. We apologize for broken links -- some of the sites listed here are no longer active; the web, alas, is less a library than a hoarding.

American Journalism Review:
-"Shattered Glass at The New Republic" By Lori Robertson (June 16-22, 1998)

The Boston Globe:
- "Journalism's more common sin" By Robert J. Samuelson (July 7, 1998, D04)

The Boston Phoenix:
-"Faking it: New Republic writer Stephen Glass got fired for making up his stories. But who is to blame for believing them?" By Tom Scocca (May 21 - 28, 1998)

Brill's Content:
- "Slipping Past the Fact Checkers" By Paul Tullis & Lorne Manly (August 1998, p.30)

City Paper (Pittsburgh):
-"Breaking Glass" By John McCalla

CNN Online:
-"'No excuses': New Republic regrets story falsehoods" Reuters (June 12, 1998 - Web posted at: 9:14 p.m. EDT [0114 GMT])

Columbia Journalism Review:
- "The Great Pretender" By Ann Reilly Dowd (July/August 1998)

Daily Pennsylvanian:
- "Alum accused of faking magazine stories" By Jennifer Arend (Friday May 15, 1998)
- "My friend Steve Glass, the con artist" By Michael Brus (Thursday May 21, 1998)
- "My year atop the masthead" By Michael Mugmon (December 7, 1998)

Earth Times:
- "Crisis falls on The New Republic magazine over sloppy reporting" By John Corry (May 30, 1998)

Eye Magazine (Toronto):
-"For the benefit of Mr.Whyte" By Gregory Boyd-Bell (May 21, 1998) (Link to this piece to be restored later; of interest to Canadian readers.)

-"As I Lay Lying" By Ana Marie Cox (Posted 05/14/98)

Forbes Digital Tool:
- "Lies,damn lies and fiction." By Adam L. Penenberg (May 11, 1998) (The article that broke the story behind "Hacker Heaven".)
-"Forbes smokes out fake New Republic story on hackers" By Adam L. Penenberg (May 11, 1998)
-"Tracking lies" By Kambiz Foroohar (undated)

Fox News:
-"New Republic Says Hacker Story Was Fiction" By Mike Feinsilber, Associated Press (10.14 a.m. ET [1414 GMT] May 12, 1998)
-"Move Over Janet Cooke: Lies Shatter an Erstwhile House of Glass" Associated Press (1.52 P.m. ET [1752 GMT] June 12, 1998)
-"Pressing Issues: Pipers" By John Ellis (June 25, 1998) (Column discussing common but never-discussed practice of fabricating news and sources. Reccomended.)

- "Dear Reader" By John F. Kennedy Jr. (July 1998 issue, pg.14) (Editorial apology to readers for "The Vernon Question". No mention of Glass by name, strangely.)

Los Angeles Times:
- "DARE Officials File Libel Suit Against Magazine Journalist" By David Rosenzweig (Tuesday, June 30, 1998)
- "New Life for Adage: Never Let Facts Get in Way of Good Story" By Josh Getlin ( Tuesday, June 30, 1998)

Memphis Flyer:
- "Retractable Headlines" by Jim Hanas (July 13, 1998)

Mother Jones Online:
-"Half Full of It: The partial truths of Stephen Glass" By Ana Marie Cox

The New Republic:
-"THE EDITORS: TO OUR READERS" By The Editors (June 1,1998)(The apology.)
-"TO OUR READERS: A REPORT" By The Editors (June 29, 1998) (A report on Glass' fabrications.)
-"To Our Online Readers" By The Editors (July 20, 1998) (An explanation of why links to Glass' work have been removed.)

- "Something in the Coffee" By Jonathan Alter (July 13, 1998)

The New Yorker:
- "Check it Out" By Hendrik Hertzberg (July 6, 1998)

New York Observer:
-"How Journalism's New Golden Boy Got Thrown Out of New Republic" By Warren St. John (May 25, 1998)
-"Tina Brown's Contract Negotiations at The New Yorker" By Warren St. John (June 1, 1998, pg. 6)

New York Post:
-"Kennedy Offers a Genuine Apology to Bill's Pal Vernon" By Paul Tharp**(More on the damage control at George.)**

The New York Times:
-"Rechecking a Writer's Facts, A Magazine Uncovers Fiction" By Robin Pogrebin (Friday June 12, 1998 National Desk; Section A; Page 1, Column 5)
- "Zombies and Other Creatures of the Media" By Alex Kuczinski (Sunday July 12, 1998 - Section 4, p.5)

Online Journalism Review:
-"The Fiction of Cyber Journalism" By Ken Layne (May 19, 1998)
-"Hacker Stereotypes: The Glass Menagerie" By Doug Thomas (May 20,1998)

El Pais (Madrid):
-"Una Falsa Estrella" By Javier Valenzuela (May 29, 1998)

Pennsylvania Gazette:
-"Through a Glass Darkly" By Samuel Hughes (Nov./Dec. 1998)
(A huge piece on Glass' career in his own alumni magazine.)

Phillymag (Philadelphia):
- "Stained Glass: The Penn roots of star reporter Stephen Glass's abrupt fall from grace" By Sabrina Rubin (August 1998 issue) (A piece on Glass' days as a student journalist and editor.)

Reed Magazine:
- "Burden of Truth" By Adam L. Penenberg (Nov. 1998)
(The Forbes writer who unmasked Glass recalls the affair in his alumni magazine.)

-"Hacker heaven, editors' hell: The New Republic's bogus article reveals a chasm of cluelessness." By Scott Rosenberg (May 14,1998)
-"Return of the Journalist Supervillains! - Hypocritical Newsrooms across the land give thanks for Gina Kolata and Stephen Glass" By James Poniewozik (May 27, 1998)

- "Glass Houses: Why did I--vain skeptic--fall for the too-good-to-be-true journalism of Stephen Glass?" By Jack Shafer (posted Thursday May 14, 1998)
-"Glass Dismissed" By Michael Kinsley (posted Saturday May 16, 1998)

The Spectator (U.K.):
-"Watch out, you editors" By Taki (May 30, 1998) (A column that mentions Glass as a set-up for some self-aggrandizing by the odious globe-trotting toadie.)

- "Hit and Run No. CXXVI" By "the Sucksters" (May 14, 1998)
- "Stranger Than Fiction" By "St. Huck" (May 26, 1998)
- "Hit and Run No. CXXXI" By "the Sucksters" (June 18, 1998)
- "Hit and Run No. CXXXII" By "the Sucksters" (June 25, 1998)

-"Too Good to Be True" By Eric Pooley (May 25, 1998 Vol.151 No. 20)

The Times (London):
-"Truth and editor catch up with reporter who created a fantasy world" By Bronwen Maddox (Saturday June 13, 1998)(Searchable.)

U.S. News & World Report:
-"PEOPLE IN THE NEWS" By Julian Barnes (June 22, 1998)

Vanity Fair:
- "Shattered Glass" By Buzz Bissinger (September 1998)

Washington City Paper:
- "All That You Can Leave Behind" By Jason Cherkis (March 9-15, 2001)

Washington Post:
- "New Republic Fires Writer Over 'Hoax': Editor Says Article On Computer Hacker Is Entirely Fictitious" By Howard Kurtz (Monday, May 11, 1998;Page D01)
- "Stranger Than Fiction: The Cautionary Tale of Magazine Writer Stephen Glass" By Howard Kurtz (Wednesday, May 13, 1998; Page A01)
- "Is TV News Opening Doors Better Left Closed?" By Howard Kurtz (Monday,May 18, 1998; Page D01) - "Crashing a Career" By Richard Cohen (Tuesday, May 19, 1998; Page A21)
- "George's Sorry Statement Of Affairs" By Howard Kurtz (Monday, June 8, 1998; Page D01)
- "At New Republic, the Agony of Deceit" By Howard Kurtz (Friday, June 12, 1998; Page B01)
- "Disgraced in Journalism? There's Always Law: As Glass Pursues His Georgetown Degree, The Industry Ponders the Ethics" By David Segal (Monday, June 15, 1998; Page F09)
- "Outbreak of Fiction Is Alarming News" By Howard Kurtz (Monday, June 29, 1998; Page B01)

- - -

(The Post, and Howard Kurtz, was the best source of news and opinion on Glass and related media scandals when the story was breaking. You might want to check out his column.)

Wired News:
- "Print Media in Glass Houses" By Pete Danko ( 5:02am 13.May.98.PDT)
- "Fiction Writer" (11:00am 12.Jun.98.PDT)