Cibola HS Web de Anza Hyperstudio Projects (original) (raw)

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Ninth Grade Social Studies Students HyperStudio Projects


Web de Anza Resources*

* Note: Web de Anza resources contain an extensive collection of primary and secondary historical sources on the Spanish Colonial era of Juan Bautistia de Anza in North America, 1750-1800. We encourage you to visit the main Web de Anza site at http://anza.uoregon.eduand explore.

| [**Cibola HS Student Projects**](#Student Projects) | Lesson Plan | Cibola HS Class Pictures |

Shawn Capes, Teacher ,Cibola High School, Yuma, Arizona

Mr. Shawn Capes, teacher at Cibola High School, Yuma, Arizona worked with five ninth grade Social Studies classes in 1999-2000, 150 students total ,working in teams of two to three students per team. Student teams researched and produced a multimedia HyperStudio project on the Anza expeditions relying primarily on Web de Anza resources. To see interesting students multimedia work samples, select a project below. Requires Hyperstudio and Quick Time 4.0 plug-ins to run (see below). A free Hyperstudio player can be used instead of a Hyperstudio plug-in (see Hyperstudio links below). To see an a suggested lesson plan, developed by Shawn Capes, on specific Anza lessons in a teaching Unit on European Exploration and Colonization, select Lesson Plan in navigation bar above.

Note: It takes time, at least 3-4 minutes, to download a HyperStudio file to run on your computer with a 56 K modem. If your Internet browser and plug-ins have difficulty playing HyperStudio download, try increasing memory allocation to your Internet browser. Also, if you find your computer displays the error message "Not a stack" and goes to a dialogue box, and then a smaller blank screen on part of your monitor appears, try closing your browser application and/or computer and starting (reboot) over. And Project 22 "De Anza's Food Supplies and Shortages" may not play on some computers.Remember once you have downloaded one of these student multimedia projects you can save it in a group file of all saved student downloaded Hyperstudio projects and use Hyperstudio player at a later time to easily see these projects without having to be on the WWW. Using Hyperstudio player would then be an easy way for a classroom presentation of these student multimedia projects of historical inquiry with Web de Anza resources.

"Don Juan Bautista de Anza" DR, EY, NA Hyperstudio Project 2 "The Yuma Tribe" AliD, MicM, KalN Hyperstudio Project 3 "Hardships of de Anza" DusM, MikB Hyperstudio Project 4
"Soldiers of Colonial New Spain" AndK, LacR, KriO Hyperstudio Project 5 "The San Francisco Colonizing Expedition" JonH, KatC Hyperstudio Project 8 "Spanish Presidios" MigS, CodP Hyperstudio Project 11
"Don Juan Bautista de Anza" DanA, VanT, IsrC Hyperstudio Project 21 "De Anza's Food Supplies and Shortages" Jam, Fran Hyperstudio Project 22 "Anza's Journey Through Yuma to San Francisco" JesL, KelO', AraR Hyperstudio Project 23
"A Route to the Bay" Hyperstudio Project 24 Mr. Shawn Capes, Teacher Cibola High School Yuma, Arizona "San Gabriel Archangel" BreH, JacJ, DerM Hyperstudio Project 25

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Click on logo below to get Hyperstudio plug-in or player as needed to run student projects. A current version of QuickTime is required with either Hyperstudio free application.

Select to go directly to Hyperstudio plug-in download site.

Select to go directly to Hyperstudio player download site.

Select for Apple QuickTime site.

Web de Anza On-Line Learning Community

Center for Advanced Technology In Education

Eugene, Oregon

Home Page

Phil Kessinger

Content Coordinator

August 23, 2000

* Note: Web de Anza resources contain an extensive collection of primary and secondary historical sources on the Spanish Colonial era of Juan Bautistia de Anza in North America, 1750-1800. We encourage you to visit the main Web de Anza site at http://anza.uoregon.eduand explore.