Parallel text processing: bibliography (original) (raw)

Ahrenberg, L., Andersson, M., & Merkel, M. (1998). A simple hybrid aligner for generating lexical correspondences in parallel texts. Proceedings of 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17 th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Montréal, Canada, 10-14 August 1998, 29-35.

Ahrenberg, L., & Merkel, M. (1996). On translation corpora and translation support tools - A Project Report. In Aijmer, K., Altenberg, B., Johansson, M. (Eds), Languages in Contrast. (Papers from a Symposium on Text-based Cross-linguistic Studies_,_ 4-5 March 1994, pp185-200). Lund : Lund University Press.

Aït-Mokhtar, S., & Chanod, J.-P. (1997). Incremental finite-state parsing. Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP’97). Washington, DC, 31 March - 3 April 1997, 72-79.

Blank, I. (1995). Sentence alignment: methods and implementation. Traitement automatique des langues : Traitements probabilistes et corpus, numéro spécial, 81-89.

Blank, I. (1996). Utilisation d'INTEX dans un projet d'extraction de terminologie, Actes des Premières Journees INTEX, Paris, Mars 1996, 103-110.

Blank, I. (1998). Computer-aided analysis of multilingual patent documentation. Proceedings of First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Granada, Spain, 28-30 May 1998, 765-774.

Blank, I. (1998). Lexical knowledge extraction from technical texts. Third European Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control Conference, Athens, Greece, 22-25 June 1998. (to appear in Tzafestas, S. (Ed.): Advances in Intelligent Systems: Concepts, Tools, Applications,. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers).

Bonhomme, P., Bruneseaux, F., & Romary, L. (1996). Codage, documentation et diffusion de ressources textuelles. Cahiers GUTenberg, 177-180.

Bonhomme, P., & Romary, L. (1995). Projet de concordances parallèles lingua : gestion de textes multilingues pour l'apprentissage des langues, Actes des Quinzièmes Journées Internationales IA 95, Montpellier, June 1995.

Bonhomme, P., & Romary, L. (1997). Alignement de corpus textuels bi ou multilingues. (-ARC-A2 - Phase n° 1). Technical Report, CRIN-CNRS & INRIA Lorraine, n° Crin : 97-R-028. (97-R-028).

Boutsis, S., & Piperidis, S. (1998). OK with alignment of sentences. What about clauses?, Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conference on New Information Technology-(NIT’98), 8-10 October 1998, Athens, Greece, 288-297.

Boutsis, S., & Piperidis, S., (1996). Automatic extraction of lexical equivalences from parallel corpora.Workshop on Multilinguality in the Software Industry: the AI Contribution (MULSAIC’96), 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’96), 11-16 August 1996, Budapest, Hungary, 27-31.

Boutsis, S., & Piperidis, S., (1998). Aligning clauses in parallel texts_. Third Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing,_ 2 June 1998, Granada, Spain, 17-26.

Boutsis, S., Piperidis, S., & Demiros, I. (forthcoming). Generating translation lexica from multilingual texts. Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence : Special Issue on Multilinguality in the Software Industry.

Brown P., Cocke J., Della Pietra S., Jelinek F., Lafferty J., Mercer R., & Roossin P. (1990). A statistical approach to machine translation. Computational Linguistics, vol. 16.

Brown P., Della Pietra S., & Mercer R. (1993). The mathematics of statistical machine translation : parameter estimation. Computational Linguistics, 19(2), 263-311.

Brown, Ralf D. (1996). Example-based machine translation in the pangloss system. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics August 5-9, 1996. Copenhagen, Denmark, 169-174 [Available at]

Brown, Ralf D. (1997). Automated dictionary extraction for "Knowledge-Free" example-based translation. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI-97), July 23-25, 1997. Sante Fe, New Mexico, 111-118 [Available at]

Brown, Ralf D. (1998). Automatically-extracted thesauri for cross-language IR : when better is worse. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Terminology (CompuTerm'98), Montreal, Canada, 15 August 1998, 15-21.

Carbonell J. G., Yang, Y., Frederking, R. E., Brown, Ralf D., Geng, Y., & Lee, D. (1997). Translingual information retrieval: a comparative evaluation. Proceedings of IJCAI-97, Nagoya, Japan, 23-29 August 1997, Vol. I, 708-715. (Distinguished paper award).

Catizone, R. G., Russell, G., & Warwick, S. (1992). Deriving translation data from bilingual texts. In Zernik, U. (Ed.) Lexical acquisition: Using on-line resources to build a lexicon, Lawrence Erlbaum.

Church K. (1993). Char_align: a program for aligning parallel texts at the character level. Proceedings of ACL'93, Columbus, Ohio.

Church, K., & Gale, W. (1991). Concordances for parallel texts. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference for the New OED and Text Research, Oxford.

Cranias, L., Papageorgiou, H., & Piperidis, S., (1997). Example retrieval from a translation memory. Journal of Natural Language Engineering, 3, February 1997, 255-277.

Davis, M. (1996). New experiments in cross-linguistic text retrieval at computing reseach Lab, NMSU. In Harman, D.K. (Ed.), NIST Special Publication: The Fifth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-5), Computer Systems Laboratory, NIST.

Davis, M. (1998). On the effective use of large parallel corpora in cross-language text retrieval. In Grefenstette, G. (Ed.) Cross-Language Information Retrieval. Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 11-23.

Davis, M. , & Dunning, T. (1995). A TREC evaluation of query-translation methods for multi-lingual text retrieval. In Harman, D.K. (Ed.), NIST Special Publication: The Fourth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-4), Computer Systems Laboratory, NIST.

Davis, M., & Dunning, T. (1995). Query translation using evolutionary programming for multilingual information retrieval. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Evolutionary Programming, March 1995.

Davis, M. , & Dunning, T. (1996). Query translation using evolutionary programming for multilingual information retrieval II. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Evolutionary Programming.

Davis, M., Dunning, T. , & Ogden, B. (1995). Text alignment in the real world: improving alignments of noisy translations using common lexical features, string matching , N-gram comparisons. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the European Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics, Dublin, March 1995.

Davis, M. , & Ogden, W.C. (1997). QUILT: implementing cross-language text retrieval systems for large-scale text collections. SIGIR97, Philadelphia, PA, August 1997.

Davis, M. , & Ogden, W.C. (1997). Free resources, advanced alignment for cross-language text retrieval. In Harman, D.K. (Ed.), NIST Special Publication: The Sixth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-6), Computer Systems Laboratory, NIST.

Davis, M. , & Ren, F. (1998). Automatic Japanese-Chinese parallel text alignment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Chinese Information Processing (ICCIP 98). [to appear]

Debili, F., Fluhr, C., & Radasoa, P. (1988). About reformulation in full textIRS. Proceedings of the Conference on User-Oriented Content-Based Text andImage Handling (RIAO'88), 21-24 March 1988, MIT, Cambridge MA. [A modified text has been published in Information Processing and Management, 25(6), 1989, pp 647-657]

Debili, F., & Sammouda, E. (1992). Appariement des phrases de textes bilingues français-anglais et français-arabes, Proceedings of COLING'92, Nantes.

Dunning, T. , & Davis, M., (1993). Multi-lingual Information Retrieval. Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science, MCCS-93-252, Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State University, 1993.

Fluhr, C., Schmit, D., Elkateb, F., & Gurtner, K. (1997). Multilingual database and crosslingual interrogation in a real internet application, Workshop "Cross-language Text and Speech retrieval", AAAI 1997 Spring Symposium Series, 24-26 mars 1997, Stanford University, California.

Fluhr, C., Schmit, D., Ortet, Ph., Elkateb, F., Gurtner, K., & Radwan, R. (1998). Distributed cross-lingual information retrieval. In Grefenstette (Ed.), Cross-Language Information Retrieval. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Foster G., Isabelle P., & Plamondon P. (1996). Word completion: A first step toward target-text mediated IMT. Proceedings of COLING-96, Copenhagen, Denmark, 394-399.

Foster G., Isabelle P., & Plamondon P. (1997). Target-text mediated interactive machine translation. Machine Translation, 12:1-2, 175-194.

Fung, P. (1995). A pattern matching method for finding noun and proper noun translations from noisy parallel corpora. The 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics,Boston, Massachusetts: June 1995, 236-233.

Fung, P. (1995). Compiling bilingual lexicon entries from a non-parallel English-Chinese corpus. The 3rd Annual Workshop on Very Large Corpora,Boston, Massachusetts: June 1995, 173-183.

Fung, P. (1996). Domain word translation by space-frequency analysis of context length histograms. ICASSP96: International Conference on Acoustics, Signal and Speech Processing, Atlanta, Georgia: May 1996, vol. I, 184-187.

Fung P., & Church K.-W. (1994). K-vec : a new approach for aligning parallel texts. ACL-94.

Fung, P. (1998). A statistical view on bilingual lexicon extraction: from parallel corpora to non-parallel corpora. AMTA 98, Langhorne, PA, October 1998 [to appear].

Fung, P. (1998). Extracting key terms from chinese and japanese texts. The International Journal on Computer Processing of Oriental Language, Special Issue on Information Retrieval on Oriental Languages [to appear].

Fung, P., & Dekai Wu (1995). Coerced markov models for cross-lingual lexical-tag relations. The Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation,Leuven, Belgium: Jul. 1995, 240-255

Fung, P., & McKeown K. (1994). Aligning noisy parallel corpora across language groups: word pair feature matching by dynamic time warping. AMTA 94: Partnerships in Translation Technology, Columbia, Maryland: Oct. 1994, 81-88.

Fung, P., & McKeown, K. (1996). A Technical Word and Term Translation Aid using Noisy Parallel Corpora Across Language Groups. Machine Translation, Special Issue on New Tools for Human Translators, 53-87.

Fung, P., & McKeown, K. (1997). Finding Terminology Translations from Non-parallel Corpora. The 5th Annual Workshop on Very Large Corpora, Hong Kong, August 1997, 192-202.

Fung, P., Min-yen Kan, & Yurie Horita (1996). Extracting Japanese domain and technical terms is relatively easy. Second International Conference in New Methods for Language Processing,Bilkent,Turkey: Sep. 1996, 148-159.

Fung, P., & Yee, L.Y. (1998). An IR approach for translating new words from non-parallel, comparable texts. Proceedings of 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17 th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Montréal, Canada, 10-14 August 1998, 414-420.

Gale W., & Church K. W. (1991). A program for aligning sentences in bilingual corpora. Proceedings of the 29 th Annual Meeting of the ACL, Berkeley, CA, 177-184.

Gale, W. A., & Church, K. W. (1993). A program for aligning sentences in bilingual corpora. Computational Linguistics, 19(3), 75-102.

Garside, R., Hutchinson, J., Leech, G.N., McEnery, A.M. & Oakes, M.P. (1994). The exploitation of parallel corpora in projects ET10/63 and CRATER. in D.Jones (ed) New Methods in Language Processing (pp. 108- 115), UMIST.

Gaussier E., & Langé J.-M. (1995). Modèles statistiques pour l’extraction de lexiques bilingues. T.A.L., Vol. 36, N° 1-2, 133-155.

Georgantopoulos, B., & Piperidis, S., (1998). Automatic acquisition of terminological resources for information extraction applications. Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conference on New Information Technology-(NIT’98), 8-10 October 1998, Athens, Greece, 279-287.

Georgantopoulos, V., & Piperidis, S. (n.d). Eliciting terminological knowledge for information extraction applications_. EURISCON 98,_ June 1998, Athens, Greece.

Hannan, M.-L. (1993). A corpus-based study of abbreviations. Proceedings of ICCL-II (International Conference on Chinese Linguistics), Paris.

Harris, B. (1988). Are you bi-textual? Language Technology, 7, 41-41.

Harris, B. (1988). Bi-texts: A new concept in translation theory. Language Monthly, 54, 8-10.

Haruno, M., & Yamazaki, T. (1996). High-performance bilingual text alignment using statistical and dictionary information. Proceedings of the 34 th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 24-27 June 1996, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, 131-138.

Hull, D. (1998). A practical approach to terminology alignment. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Terminology, COLING-ACL '98, Montreal, Canada, 1998, 1-7.

Ide, N., Priest-Dorman, G., & Véronis, J. (1995). Corpus Encoding Standard. Rapport. [available on WWW page :]

Isabelle P. (1996). The state of machine translation in 1996. Invited report prepared for the National Research Council of the U.S.A., 2 p.

Isabelle P. (1993). A reply to Harry Somers. Machine Translation, 7, 265-272.

Isabelle P. (1993). Machine-aided human translation and the paradigm shift. Proceedings of the Fourth Machine Translation Summit, Kobe, Japon.

Isabelle P.(1988). Electronic dictionaries and machine translation systems. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Dictionaries (ISED-88), Tokyo.

Isabelle P.(1988). Electronic dictionaries in Canada. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Dictionaries (ISED-88), Tokyo.

Isabelle P.(1989). Towards reversible MT systems. Proceedings of the 2nd International MT Summit, Munich.

Isabelle P.(1992). Bi-textual aids for translators. Proceedings of the Eight Annual Conference of the UW Centre for the New OED and Text Research, Uni versity of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.

Isabelle P., Dymetman M., Foster G., Jutras J-M. , Macklovitch E., Perrault F., Ren X., & Simard M. (1993). Translation analysis and translation automation. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation, Kyoto, Japon.

Isabelle P., & Macklovitch E. (1990). Où en est la traduction automatique?. Actes du colloque annuel CIPS/CATA, Ottawa.

Isabelle P., & Macklovitch E.(1990). Les voies actuelles de la traduction automatique au Canada. La Tribune des Industries de la Langue, no. 2.

Isabelle, P (1993). Translation analysis and translation support tools. Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems & Natural Language, Avignon, France.

Isabelle, P (1993). Translation automation: history, state-of-the-art and prospects. Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems & Natural Language, Avignon, France.

Isabelle, P, & Warwick-Armstrong, S. (1993). Les corpus bilingues : une nouvelle ressource pour le traducteur. P. Bouillon et A. Clas (éd.), La Traductique: Études et Recherches de traduction par ordinateur. Montréal : Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.

Isabelle, P. (1992). La bi-textualité: vers une nouvelle génération d'aides à la traduction et la terminologie_. META, 37(4)_, 721-737.

Isabelle, P. (1993). Les aides bi-textuelles à l'intention du traducteur. Laval, Canada : Centre d'innovation en technologies de l'information (CITI).

Isabelle, P., & Simard, M. (1996). Propositions pour la représentation et l'évaluation des alignements de textes parallèles dans l'ARC A2. Rapport technique. Laval, Canada : CITI.

Isabelle, P.. (1993). De la traduction automatique à la TAO. Actualité terminologique.

Isabelle P.(1992). La bi-textualité: vers une nouvelle génération d'aides à la traduction et la terminologie. META, 37:4, 721-737.

Isahara, H. (1998). JEIDA's English-Japanese bilingual corpus project. Proceedings of First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Granada, Spain, 28-30 May 1998,471-474.

Israël F., & Lederer M. (1991).La liberté en traduction. Actes du colloque international tenu à l’E.S.I.T. les 7,8 et 9 juin 90. In M. Lederer, et F. Israël (eds), Paris : Didier Erudition, Coll. Traductologie.

Kay, M., & Röscheisen, M. (1993). Text-translation alignment. Computational Linguistics, 19(3), 121-142.

Klavans, J., & Tzoukerman, E. (1990). The BICORD system: combining lexical information from bilingual corpora and machine-readable dictionaries. Proceedings of COLING'90, Helsinki, 174-179.

Kupiec, J. (1993). An algorithm for finding noun phrase correspondences in bilingual corpora. Proceedings of the 31 st Annual Meeting of the ACL, Columbus, Ohio, 17-22.

Langé, J.-M., & Gaussier, E. (1995). Alignement de corpus multilingues au niveau des phrases. T.A.L., Vol. 36, N° 1-2.

Langé, J.-M., Gaussier, E., & Daille, B. (1997). Bricks and skeletons: some ideas for the near future of MAHT. Machine Translation, (12)1/2, 39-52.

Langlais, Ph., Simard, M., Véronis, J., Armstrong, S., Bonhomme, P., Débili, F., Isabelle, P., Souissi, E., & Théron, P. (1998). ARCADE: A co-operative research project on bilingual text alignment. Proceedings of First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Granada, Spain, 28-30 May 1998, 289-292.

Langlais, Ph, & El-Bèze, M. (1997). Alignement de corpus bilingues :algorithmes et évaluation. 1ères JST FRANCIL (Journées Scientifiques et Techniques du Réseau Francophone de l’Ingénierie de la Langue de l’AUPELF-UREF),Avignon, Avril 1997, 191-197.

Langlais, Ph. (1997). Alignement de corpus bilingues: intérêts, algorithmes et évaluations. Bulletin de Linguistique Appliquée et Générale, numéro Hors Série, Université de Franche-Comté, December 1997, 245-254.

Langlais, Ph., Simard, M., & Véronis, J. (1998). Methods and practical issues in evaluating alignment techniques. Proceedings of 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17 th International Conference on Computational Linguistic , Montréal, Canada, August 10-14 1998.

Langlais, Ph., Simard, M., & Véronis, J. (1998). Methods and practical issues in evaluating alignment techniques. Proceedings of 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17 th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Montréal, Canada, 10-14 August 1998, 711-717.

Langlais, Ph., & Véronis, J. (1998). Progress in parallel text alignment techniques for multilingual lexical acquisition: the ARCADE evaluation exercise. Paper presented at 2nd Workshop on Lexical Semantics Systems (WLSS), Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 6-7 April 1998

Macklovitch, E. (1991). The Translators's Workstation ... in plain prose. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the American Translators Association, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Macklovitch, E. (1992). Corpus-based tools for translators. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the American Translators Association, San Diego, California.

Macklovitch, E. (1992). Des outils à base de corpus à l'intention des traducteurs. Laval, Canada : Centre d'innovation en technologies de l'information.

Macklovitch, E. (1992). Where the Tagger Falters. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI-92), Montreal, Canada.

Macklovitch, E. (1993). PTT-3: A Third Version of the CITI's Workstation for Translators, Laval, Canada : Centre d'innovation en technologies de l'information. 17 pages.

Macklovitch, E. (1995). Can terminological consistency be validated automatically?. Laval, Canada : Centre d'innovation en technologies de l'information. 15 pages.

Macklovitch, E. (1995). The future of MT is now and Bar-Hillel was (almost entirely) right. Proceedings of the Fourth Bar-Ilan Symposium on the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Ramat Gan, Israel.

Macklovitch, E. (1995). TransCheck - or the automatic validation of human translations. Proceedings of the MT Summit V, Luxembourg.

Macklovitch, E. (1996). Les dictionnaires bilingues en-ligne et le poste de travail du traducteur. In dans H. Béjoint et P. Thoiron (éds.), Les dictionnaires bilingues,. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique : AUPELF-UREF, Éditions Duculot.

Macklovitch, E. et. Hannan, M.L (1996). Line'Em Up: advances in alignment technology and their impact on translation support tools. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96), Montréal, Québec.

Macklovitch, E.. (1993). Le PTT, ou les aides à la traduction. In P. Bouillon et A. Clas (éds.), La traductique : Études et Recherches de traduction par ordinateur. Montréal : Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.

Macklovitch, E.. (1993). PTT-3 : La troisième version du poste de travail du traducteur, Laval, Canada : Centre d'innovation en technologies de l'information (CITI).

Macklovitch, E.. (1994). Using bi-textual alignment for translation validation: the TransCheck system. Actes du First Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-94), Columbia, É-U, 5-8 octobre 1994.

McEnery, A., Langé, J.-M., Oakes, M., & Véronis, J. (1997). The exploitation of multilingual annotated corpora for term extraction. In Garside, R., Leech, G., McEnery, A. (Eds.) Corpus Annotation: Linguistic Information from Computer Text Corpora (220-230). London : Addison Wesley Longman.

McEnery, A.M. & Oakes, M.P. (1995). Sentence and word alignment in the CRATER project : methods and assessment. Proceedings of the EACL-SIGDAT Workshop, Dublin.

McEnery, A.M. & Oakes, M.P., (1996). Sentence and word alignment in the CRATER project. in J. Thomas & M. Short (eds), Using Corpora for Language Research (pp. 211-231). London : Longman.

McEnery, A.M., Nieto-Serrano A. & Smalley, J.P. (1996). Cognate extraction using approximate string matching techniques. CRATER project Internal Report.

McEnery, A.M., Oakes, M.P. & Garside, R. (1994). The use of approximate string matching techniques in the alignment of sentences in parallel corpora. in A. Vella (ed), The Proceedings of Machine Translation: 10 Years On, University of Cranfield.

McEnery, A.M., Piao, S.L. & Xu, X. (n.d). Parallel alignment in English and Chinese. in A.M. McEnery, S.P. Botley & A. Wilson (eds), Multilingual Corpora: Teaching and Research. Amsterdam : Rodopi.

Melamed, I. D. (1996). A geometric approach to mapping bitext correspondence. First Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP'96), Philadelphia, PA, 17-18 May 1996, 1-12.

Melamed, I.D.(1997). A scalable architecture for bilingual lexicography. Dept. of Computer and Information Science Technical Report #MS-CIS-91-01.

Melamed, I. D. (1996). Automatic construction of clean broad-coverage translation lexicons. 2nd Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA'96), Montreal, Canada, 2-5 October 1996, 125-134.

Melamed, I. D. (1996). Automatic detection of omissions in translations. 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), Copenhagen, Denmark, 5-9 August 1996, 764-769.

Melamed, I. D. (1995). Automatic evaluation and uniform filter cascades for inducing N-best translation lexicons. Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora (WVLC3), Boston, MA, 30 June 1995, 184-198.

Melamed, I.D. (1996). Porting SIMR to new language pairs. IRCS Technical Report #96-26.

Melamed, I. D. (1997). A portable algorithm for mapping bitext correspondence. 35th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'97), Madrid, Spain, 7-12 July 1997, 305-312.

Melamed, I. D. (1997). A word-to-word model of translational equivalence. 35th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'97), Madrid, Spain, 7-12 July 1997, 490-497.

Melamed, I.D. (1998). Annotation style guide for the blinker project. IRCS Technical Report #98-06.

Melamed, I. D. (1997). Automatic discovery of non-compositional compounds in parallel data. 2nd Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP'97), Providence, RI, 1-2 August 1997, 97-108.

Melamed, I.D. (n.d). Bitext maps and alignment via pattern recognition. (to appear in Computational Linguistics).

Melamed, I.D. (1998). Empirical methods for exploiting parallel texts. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, May 1998.

Melamed, I.D. (1998). Manual annotation of translational equivalence: The blinker project. IRCS Technical Report #98-07.

Melamed, I. D. (1997). Measuring semantic entropy. SIGLEX Workshop on Tagging Text with Lexical Semantics, Washington, DC, 4-5 April 1997, 41-46.

Melamed, I.D. (1998). Models of co-occurrence. IRCS Technical Report #98-05.

Melamed, I.D. (1998). Word-to-word models of translational equivalence. IRCS Technical Report #98-08.

Melamed, I. D. (1998). Empirical methods for MT lexicon construction. In Gerber, L., Farwell, D. (Eds.), Machine Translation and the Information Soup, Springer-Verlag.

Melby, A.K. (1998). Data exchange standards from the OSCAR and MARTIF projects. Proceedings of First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Granada, Spain, 28-30 May 1998, 3-7.

Merkel, M. (1996). Checking translations for inconsistency - A tool for the editor. Expanding MT Horizons, Proceedings from the Second Conference of AMTA, 2-5 October, 1996, AMTA, Montréal, Canada, 157-167.

Merkel, M. (1998). Consistency and variation in technical translations - a study of translators' attitudes. In Bowker, L., Cronin, M., Kenny, D., Pearson, J. (Eds.). Unity in Diversity?, Current Trends in Translation Studies, St Jerome Publishing, 137-149.

Merkel, M., Nilsson, B., & Ahrenberg, L. (1994). A phrase-retrieval system based on recurrence. Proceedings of 4 th Workshop on Very Large Corpora, 3 August, 1994, Kyoto, Japan, 99-108.

Mounin, G. (1963). Les problèmes théoriques de la traduction. Gallimard, Paris.

Nerbonne, J., Dokter, D., & Smit, P. (1999). Morphological processing and computer-assisted language learning. Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 6 [forthcoming].

Nerbonne, J., Jager, S., & van Essen, A. (1998). Introduction. In Jager, J., Nerbonne, J., van Essen, A. (eds), Language Teaching and Language Technology (pp1-10). Lisse : Swets & Zeitlinger.

Nie, Jian-Yun, Wanying, Jin, & Hannan, M.L. (1995). A hybrid approach to unknow word detection and segmentation of chinese. International Conference on Chinese Computing, Singapore, 1-4 juin 1994, 326-335.

Papageorgiou, H., (1996). Hybrid Techniques in NLP exploiting parallel multilingual corpora, Ph.D thesis, Division of Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, January 1996.

Papageorgiou, H., (1997). Clause recognition in the framework of alignment. In Mitkov, R., Nicolov, N. (Eds). Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, (Vol. 136, 417-425). John Benjamins B.V.

Pergnier M. (1993). Les fondements socio-linguistiques de la traduction, Presses Universitaires de Lille.

Piperidis, S. (n.d). Current MT architectures. In Tzevelekou-Poulou, M., Stavrou, M. (Eds), Machine Translation and the Greek Language, Castaniotis Publications.

Piperidis, S., Boutsis, S., & Demiros, I., (1997). Automatic translation lexicon generation from multilingual texts. Workshop on Multilinguality in the Software Industry: the AI Contribution (MULSAIC’97), Fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’97), 25 August 1997, Nagoya, Japan, 57-62.

Piperidis, S., Malavazos, C., & Triantafyllou, Y., (1998). TrAID : a memory-based translation-aid framework_. Natural Language Processing and Industrial Applications Conference_, 18-21 August 1998, Moncton, Canada, 103-109.

Piperidis, S., Papageorgiou, H., Demiros, I., Malavazos, C., & Triantafyllou, I, (1998). A Framework for Example-based Translation-Aid Tools. Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conference on New Information Technology-(NIT’98), 8-10 October 1998, Athens, Greece, 269-278.

Resnik, Ph., & Melamed, I. D. (1997). Semi-automatic acquisition of domain-specific translation lexicons_. Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP’97),_ Washington, DC, 31 March - 3 April 1997, 340-347.

Romary, L., Bonhomme, P., Bruneseaux, F., & Pierrel, J.-M. (1998). Silfide: a system for open access and distributed delivery of TEI encoded documents. Computers and Humanities.

Romary, L., Mehl, N., & Woolls, D. (1995). The lingua parallel concordancing project: managing multilingual texts for educational purpose. Text Technology, 5(3), 206-220.

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