National Eye Institute [NEI] (original) (raw)


complement factor H (CFH) gene


Health Information
Eye diseases and disorders, vision eye care resources, Informaci�n en español.

Research Funding
Grant and contract support, research training and career development.

News and Events
Press releases, meetings, clinical alerts, reports and statements on vision research.

NEI Laboratories
Research conducted by NEI staff at our facilities in Bethesda, MD (intramural), basic and clinical labs.

Education Programs
National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP), Healthy People 2010, THE EYE SITE and other exhibits, vision school curriculum.

Jobs and Training
NEI job vacancies, intramural research fellowships, other employment resources.

About NEI
Mission statement, advisory committees, staff directory, directions to NEI.


Clinical Studies Database
Search for clinical research studies on eye diseases and disorders. Participate, refer a patient, or browse for results.

Materials List
Order NEI materials online.

Photo, Image, and Video
Search for free eye- and vision-related photos, illustrations, video public service ads, and more.

Statistics and Data
Current estimates for the most common eye diseases.

Strategic Planning
Needs and opportunities in vision research.

NEI Bank
A database of genes and proteins expressed in the eye and visual system.

VISION Network
For public information officers who communicate vision news to the public.