B/G Douglas H. Cooper Camp 819 Sons of Confederate Veterans (original) (raw)

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Choctaw Chickasaw BrigadeOklahoma Division
Atoka, Oklahoma
An association of male descendants of those who served the Confederate States of America.

Douglas H. CooperDouglas H. Cooper, a native of Mississippi, was born November 1, 1815, probably in Amite County, where his father, a physician and Baptist preacher. After attending the University of Virginia from 1832 to 1834, the Douglas Cooper returned to Mississippi and engaged in farming in Wilkinson County. During the Mexican War he served as captain of the 1st Mississippi rifles, and in 1853 was appointed by President Franklin Pierce U.S. agent to the Choctaw Nation in Indian Territory. In 1861 he was enlisted by the Confederate government to secure allegiance of the Indians, and was commissioned colonel of the 1st Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles. He commanded the Indians at Elkhorn and at Newtonia, Missouri, and was subsequently promoted to brigadier general May 2, 1863. His last important military service was rendered as commander of the Indian brigade in General Sterling Prices second invasion of Missouri. After the war General Cooper prosecuted the claims of the Choctaws and Chickasaws against the federal Government, claims arising out of nonperformance by the government in connection with the removal of the tribes from their original lands. General Cooper Died at Old Fort Washita in the Chickasaw Nation (in what is now Bryan County just outside of Durant, Oklahoma) April 29, 1879, and was buried in the Fort cemetery.


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The Confederate Veteran magazine is the Official Journal of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and Military Order of the Stars and Bars. It is published bi-monthly in the interest of Confederate Associations and kindred topics. The Confederate Veteran magazine is available to non-members of the SCV and MOS&B for US 26.00,Overseas26.00, Overseas 26.00,Overseas39.00 per year.

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Confederate Veteran Subscription Department P.O. Box 59 Columbia, TN 38402-0059

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The Rebel Yell P.O. Box 850602 Yukon, OK 73085-060