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Between :���� The 50 Hz and the 60 Hz 275 kV AC system at Sakuma Japan.

Power Comp :� Electric Development CO,Ltd. Tokyo, Japan

Manufacturers:Toshiba Corporation, Japan for the valve equipment (50 Hz) incl. the smoothing reactor.

������������� Hitachi Ltd. Japan for the valve equipment (60 Hz)

������������� Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan for the converter transformers.

������������� Nisshin Electric Co., Japan for the AC filters.

Commissioned : 10 th October 1965 with mercury arc valves manufactured by ASEA, Sweden and discommissioned 4th May 1993.

������������� 12th June 1993 refurbishment by thyristor valves with the same capacity.

Main purpose: Supply of energy between the two AC systems in case of AC network disturbances, lack of energy or economical exchange in either of the systems.

Main data:��� 300 MW at � 125 kV DC and 2400 A.

Overload capacity : None

AC Networks:� The converter station is situated about 1 km from the Sakuma Power Station.

������������� This station is connected to the 60 Hz, 275 kV AC network via Nagoya with interconnections to Osaka and the Western area. The station is also connected to the 50 Hz Network with interconnections to the Northeastern area. In the vicinity of the Sakuma power systems some hydro power plants are connected to the 50 Hz and 60 Hz systems with a total capacity of approximately 700 MW and 900 MW respectively.

������������� Converter transformer nos. 1 and 2:


������������� 60 Hz, 2 x 187 MVA, 275 �10%/55 kV

������������� (one 4.5 MVA, 275/3.3 kV for auxiliairy supply.

������������� The three transformers are housed in one tank and they are� ordinary� 2 winding�transformers� with separate transformer cores.

������������� Min. short circuit capacity = 1750 MVA.

������������� Converter transformer nos. 3 and 4:

������������� 50 Hz, 2 x 183 MVA, 275 �10%/54 kV

������������� The two transformers are housed in separate tanks.

������������� Min. short circuit capacity = 1220 MVA.

������������� The 50 Hz and 60 Hz transformers have a sound absorbing metal cover respectively.

HVDC system:� Due to the station design (back to back) there are no transmission lines. The LIWL across the valves is 350 kV.

DC filters:�� No DC filters are installed.

HVDC valves:Direct light triggered and water cooled� thyristor valves are used.

������������� The valves are self supported, air insulated and theuy are installed in the existing valve hall. the valve group consists of two 6 pulse converter units and configured in 12 pulse as quadravalves. Each valve section has 7 thyristors rated at 6000 V and 2500 A in series and none in parallel. This makes a total of 28 thyristors per valve section or 168 thyristors per 6 pulse converter unit.


������������� The smoothing reactor is designed for 125 kV and 0.12 H at 2400 A.

AC Filters:�� Harmonic� filters� are provided on the 50 Hz and 60 Hz side:

������������� 50 Hz side

Harm. Mvar C = F L = mH R = ohm
5. � 20.8 �0.842 � 480 �� 15.1
7. ��10.4 �0.429 � 480 �� 21.2
11. � 11.7 �0.488 � 171 �� 11.9
13. � 13.0 �0.541 � 111 ��� 9.1
HP � 35.4 �1.49 �� 14 �100

������������� 60 Hz side

Harm Mvar C = F L = mH R = ohm
5. � 17.4 � 0.585 � 480 � 18.1
7. �� 8.7 � 0.3 � 480 � 25.3
11. �� 9.8 � 0.34 � 171 � 14.2
13. � 10.8 � 0.375 � 111 � 10.9
HP � 44.3 � 1.55 �� 14 �100

References:�� "Electra" no. 63 1979

������������� "AC Harmonic Filter and Reactive Compensation for HVDC"

������������� A General Survey by SC14 - WG 03.

������������� "Upgrading of HVDC Systems" by D.A. Woodford et al., CIGRE International Colloquium on HVDC and FACTS, Wellinton, New Zealand September 1993.

System correspondent :

������������� Mr Masatoshi Sampei

������������� Electrical Engieering Dept.

������������� Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

������������� 15-1, Ginza 6-chome

������������� Tokyo, 104 JAPAN

������������� Telex :���� EPDCTOK J26716

������������� Telephone : +81 3 3546 9399

������������� Telefax :�� +81 3 3546 8485