French guard at Waterloo ; fighting, casualties, myths (original) (raw)
Imperial Guard in 1815.
Guard vs Brits, Germans, Dutch and Belgians.
Guard vs Prussians
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Ier Btn/3e Chasseurs = 1st Battalion of 3rd Reg. of Chasseurs
General de brigade = GdB
General de division = GdD
Major General = MG
Lieutenant General = LG
Many English authors believe the British troops did it all by themselves as Cpt Mercer believe himself solely responsible for keeping the Brunswickers in the line. Oh please, spare me yet another repetition of such inflated ego.
The British Guard and the 52nd Reg. are not the only ones who defeated the French guard "but just about every other unit in the area were involved in chucking just about everything but the kitchen sink at them as the French Guard advanced up the slope !"
Without the Dutch, Belgians and the Germans, their numbers, loyalty and fighting> Wellington would have his hat pulled down to his knee.
The "thin red line" defeating the heavy columns of Old Guard was not so thin, it was formed on 4 ranks and thicker than the French line. Wellington's troops were so densely deployed at Waterloo that only the Russians at Borodino had deeper formation. Part of Wellington's line was so densely packed that for example on the area between Hougoumont and La Haye Sainte the British battalions "deployed initially in column of companies, most at 1/4 distance" (M.Adkin). Later in the battle many battalions formed lines 4 (not 2) deep.
The "thin" line was not entirely red, as there were also Dutch, Belgian and German troops and these troops were dressed in blue, green and other colors. The Brits fought not against the Old Guard but against the Middle Guard. This is one of the myths of Waterloo. Another and similar myth is that the French 45e Ligne was an elite formation. This was invented by British enthusiasts to enhance the value of their captured emblem. The 45e was simply a line regiment. After the capture of the Eagle, Sergeant Ewart was paraded around the country :-)
The English authors promote cuirassiers into the Imperial Guard "...armoured cavalry of the Imperial Guard...." Mr Keegan on page 127 in his 'Face of Battle' and the line grenadiers into Imperial Guard: according to Sir Oman - "A History of the Peninsula War" Vol IV at Fuented de Onoro the British defeated the Imperial Guard ! The same author also place the Guard in the Battle of El Bodon.
The English "one against many" crap also doesn't apply here as the French Guard was outnumbered by the enemy by the margin of 2 or 3 to 1 in men and 3 or 4 to 1 in artillery.
Imperial Guard in 1815
The Imperial Guard of 1815 was divided into Young, Middle and Old Guard and still was a fine fighting machine although not as good as their predecessors in 1804, 1806, 1809 and 1812. The guardsmen of 1815 were not the invincibles of earlier years who won at Austerlitz, Jena, Friedland, Wagram, Borodino and in many many other battles and campaigns. The guardsmen of 1815 knew well the taste of defeat, some participated in 1812 in the disastrous campaign against Russia, survived the long retreat, others fought at the biggest battle of Napoleonic Wars, at Leipzig. This battle was also a massive defeat for the French. The next campaign was fought in 1814 on the French soil and was short and sharp affair. This also ended up in defeat with the Russians, Prussians and Austrians capturing Paris. Some guardsmen participated in the war in Spain, one more defeat. Group of guardsmen were ex-POWs who spend their last years in Russian, British or Spanish captivity. Now all these men joined the hastily formed Imperial Guard.
In 1815 the Guard lacked uniforms, bearskins and leather belts. Instead they wore shakos, hats or even forage caps. The Prussians at the Battle of Ligny (1815) took them for semi-regular militia. Not 20 men could be found wearing the same uniform in any company in these regiments. Food and supplies were scarce and everything was performed in haste and confusion. Instead of the fine made for the guard weapons they carried line muskets and sabers and even some musket slings were replaced by strings.
The artillery train of Guard lacked of military drivers so volunteer civil drivers were accepted in the wagon train as "3rd class" soldiers. There was not enough elite gendarmes for the Guard so men from King's Hunt were accepted. The Red Lancers lacked men and accepted cavalrymen from very different sources, from the Royal Corps, retirement, Young Guard and even from the heavy grenadiers. The old timers were also annoyed and complained that the Young Guard went out with girls or got drunk.
There was also another important factor, there was less trust between the guardsmen and their commanders; Friant, Ney and others abandoned their beloved Emperor a year ago, this had shaken their faith in their chiefs. There had been even defections among the officers of Middle and Young Guard whom Napoleon couldn't replace.
The situation in the army was even worse than in the Guard. In some infantry regiments only the grenadiers were issued bayonets. Some cuirassiers had no armor. For example the entire 11th Cuirassier Reg. fought without armor at Waterloo. Up to 20 regiments had no shoes. Many soldiers wore civilian clothes under their greatcoats and forage caps instead of shakos.
The 3rd and 4th regiments of grenadiers and chasseurs of the Guard were formed only very shortly before the campaign. The army called the 3rd and 4th regiments the 'Middle Guard' although officially there was no 'Middle Guard', all were called 'Old Guard'.
In 1815 a levy of selected 2 officers and 20 men from each line and light infantry regiment joined the Royal Corps and Elba Battalion to form the Old Guard. The stalwart Elba Battalion looked down on everybody. Their chant "it was us who brought him back" closed the mouths of all contenders. But the veterans of Elba Battalion felt a scorn for the troopers of Royal Corps who served for the King Louis after Napoleon's abdication. The old camaraderie of the Old Guard was replaced by suspicion.
Only the 1st regiments of grenadiers and chasseurs were filled with men who had 12 years of service and many campaigns. They were the sine pari (without equal). Almost 30 % of the Ier Btn./1er Grenadiers were veterans of 20-25 campaigns (!) One third was awarded for bravery. The men of Ier Grenadier Regiment averaged 35-years of age and 5'11" in height.
Deployment of the Guard at Waterloo (La Belle Alliance)
What had happened at Waterloo was this.
At 10am, GdD Friant formed all regiments of the Middle and Old Guard in 2 columns on regimental front. One column stood on the left side of the paved road, and the other column on the right side. These regiments remained in that position until afternoon. Then the 'Middle Guard' marched forward and attacked the British, Dutch and German troops. Later on the Young Guard and part of Old Guard attacked the Prussians.
Several English authors inflate the number of battalions that attacked Wellington's positions, which is misleading. According to French Archives at Vincennes the battalions of Middle Guard [Moyenne Garde] involved in this attack were:
Ier Btn./3e Gren., Ier Btn./4e Gren. (only 1 battalion), Ier Btn./3e Chas., IIe Btn./3e Chas., Ier Btn./4e Chas. (due to the casualties inflicted by Prussians at Ligny 2 battalions were combined to 1)
TOTAL: 5 btns. marched against the British, German, Dutch and Belgian troops
At the time of the attack on Wellington the IIe Btn./3e Gren. was acting as a reserve and was deployed between La Haye-Sainte and Hougoumont. Soon further 3 battalions were arriving into this area:
IIe Btn./2e Gren., IIe Btn./2e Chas., IIe Btn./1er Chas..
TOTAL: 4 btns. ready to attack Blucher or Wellington.
The rest of the Old Guard and entire Young Guard, were already facing the Prussians:
Ier Btn./2e Gren., Ier Btn./2e Chas., Ier, IIe Btn./1er Tir., Ier, IIe Btn./1er Volt., Ier, IIe Btn./3e Tir., Ier, IIe Btn./3e Volt.
TOTAL: 10 btns. against Blucher.
The remaining 2 battalions, Ier and IIe Btn./1er Gren., were the creme-de-la-creme of Napoleonic infantry. They were formed in 2 squares and deployed near Rossomme. One square stood on each side of the road. These veterans with their chests decorated with Legion d'Honneur kept their eyes on the Prussians to their flank. The Ier Btn. was commanded by Mjr. Loubers. The Ier Btn/1er Chas. also stood in the reserve but further to the rear.
TOTAL: 3 battalions in reserve.
Middle Guard vs Brits, Germans, Dutch and Belgians.
In late afternoon, the waiting for actions battalions of the 'Middle Guard' suffered from artillery fire. Soon however the 3e and 4e Chas. and 3e and 4e Gren. moved forward led by GdD Friant. According to general Petit who witnessed the advance, these battalions were formed in squares to eventually repulse the enemy cavalry. There was a possibility of repetition of cavalry counter-attack as it happened during d'Erlon's assault.By the moment the French guard advanced against the British, Germans, Dutch and Belgians the situation of the French army was hopeless. Blucher had nearly 50.000 men on the battlefield and another 25.000 were on their way. Even if the guard was successful it was too little and too late to win the battle.
Before the French guard began their advance against the British,Germans, Dutch and Belgians
Napoleon's ADC GdD Dejean arrived to Ney with the news that Grouchy's troops had arrived.
Ney ordered Col. Levasseur to go right along the line and announce the news.
The troops were overjoyed.
But before Levasseur reached the end of the line he heard artillery fire "behind us"
and troops' enthusiasm "gave way to a profound silence, to amazement, to anxiety".
Ney forbade Levasseur to go and find out the cause of this anxiety.
The first echelon of attackers was formed by the Ier Btn./3e Gren. They were marching on the left side of the paved road to La-Haye-Sainte. This battalion was temporarily joined by Napooleon. Here was GdD Louis Friant and Porret de Morvan. To the left of them and a little to the rear marched the battalion of 4e Grenadiers. Further to the left were 3 other battalions of 'Middle Guard'. All the battalions were formed in squares and were drawn up quite close to one another and advancing at the pas de charge. Their officers marched in the front with drawn sabers. Col. Mallet, who was with the Emperor on Elba, led the IIe Btn./3e Chasseurs.
The enemy artillery fired canister and double canister with some volleys taking effect. The British, Dutch and German skirmishers fired aimed shots at the French officers. Despite mounting casualties the squares had passed beyond the buildings of recently captured by the French infantry La Haye Sainte. But soon MdE Ney fell with his horse that was killed. He got up, and with saber in hand, joined the marching nearby GdD Louis Friant. Soon GdD Friant was wounded. These casualties caused an agitation among the guardsmen. They stopped...
But Poret de Morvan (on picture) inspired the Ier Btn./3e Gren. which was spearheading the advance and all the guardsmen regained their battle vigour marching with loud cries.
The fire intensyfied and the advancing grenadiers were strucked by missiles "from the front and on one side" and some fell wounded or killed. Those who survived marched on, overthrew the Brunswickers and captured British batteries of Cleeves and Lloyd. The shaken Brunswickers rallied and reformed only "under the cover and support of Vivian's Cavalry Brigade."
Now the 300-400 grenadiers slightly turned to the left heading toward the left flank of Maj-Gen. Sir C. Halkett's 5th Brigade. The soldiers of IInd Btn./30th Foot Reg. "Cambridgeshire" (635 men) and the IInd Btn./73rd Highland Foot Reg. (498 men) must have felt their hearts drop a rib or two and "fell back in disorder".
On map: La Haye Sainte and Sandpit are already taken by the French infantry (of de Erlon's Corps).
During their advance horse under Ney is killed and general Friant is wounded. The guardsmen are shaken by the casualties and halted but de Morvan inspired them and they
crunched the Germans and routed C. Halkett's troops and moved deeper
into Wellington's positions until the Dutch halted them and threw back in confusion.
Mjr-Gen. von Kruse wrote about his 2.841 Nassauers (Ist and IInd Line Battalion, Landwehr Battalion) and their participation in this combat " ... (the French Guard) reached the plateau, with our infantry (part of Ist Btn.) withdrawing only 100 paces. A violent firefight broke out ..." The commander soon brought up the IInd Btn. (Mjr. von Nauendorf with 943 men) formed in column. Unfortunately the Crown Prince was wounded and the IInd Btn. fell back. In their footsteps went the remaining battalions. When the English, Nassau and Brunswick infantrymen were pushed back the situation became critical.
The Belgian D. Chass� (1765-1849) was nicknamed "General Bayonet". He earlier served in the French army and was known for his bravery. He fought with distinction at Talavera (Spain) against the British and at Arcis-sur-Aube against the Austrians and Russians. At Waterloo he led the 3rd Netherland Division. Now Chass� was at the head of Kolonel Ditmers' brigade and had followed the developing actions with growing interest. He had trouble restraining his soldiers who were anxious to engage themselves in the fighting. The Dutch and Belgians were earlier in battle deployed in second line, behind the British and Germans. Kolonel H. Ditmers' brigade consisted of approx. 3.000 men.
Chass� has sent forward horse battery commanded by Kpt. C. Krahmer de Bichin. The Netherland gunners (on picture) unlimbered on the ridge, to the right of the British 30th and 73rd Foot and in front of the Brunswickers. Their fire took the victorious grenadiers in the flank. According to some sources Chass� formed his 1st Brigade commanded by Ditmers in one big attack column. With drawn sword "General Bayonet" marched forward into the gap, which appeared between the Brunswickers and Maj.-Gen. Colin Halkett's 5th British brigade. Chass� called upon the Dutchmen: "Forward colonel Ditmers and charge with the bayonet !" Chass�'s 2nd Brigade commanded by Maj-Gen. Count A. d'Aubreme was in second line. This brigade was stronger than the 1st Brigade and it was formed in 3 strong squares. The battery commanded by Kpt. J. H. Lux (267 men serving 6 6pdrs and 2 5.5" howitzers) didn't make it to the scene of the fighting.
Despite artillery fire the grenadiers continued their advance and Ditmer's brigade charged them with bayonet. The Dutchmen broke the guardsmen and pushed the remains down the slope. (Chasse bitterely complained to Lord Hill because the Dutch/Belgian troops' exploits were omitted in his report.
This protest resulted in Hill writing of their conduct to Wellington.
This is disappointing that many English authors, aside from some fuzzy math, present the defeat of the 'Middle Guard' as the achievement of British Guard and the 52nd Foot Reg. and so winning the entire campaign. These authors do not even mention the Belgian/Dutch charge at all or acuse them of cowardice. For example Major-General F. Richardson wrote on page 30 in "Fighting Spirit" : "Unfortunately mention of our allies at Waterloo usually calls to mind the panic flight of Chasse's Belgian infantry, deaf to the booing of their British allies." Jac Weller in his "Wellington at Waterloo" wrote about the Dutch-Belgians: (they) "either ran away before the enemy was within effective range, or were seized with panic without even seeing the French."
This is the "Waterloo industry" that exists in England in its worst.
Seems like many of the Waterloo-books are written for particular market and are likely to continue to do well in that very specific market with its myths, lies and tall tales.
Unfortunatelly "these authors are highly opinionated and severaly critical of anyone who came in contact with the British troops. It feels like they take 80 % off the performance score of anyone not having had the good sense to have been born English." The positive exceptions are Mr Hofschroer and Mr Marc Adkin.
Meanwhile the second echelon of Middle Guard, single battalion of 4e Grenadiers (520 men) engaged the right of Halkett's brigade. Under fire of merely 2 guns and musket fire of the grenadiers, the British 33rd Foot Regiment "1st Yorkshire - West Riding" (576 men) and 69th Foot Regiment "South Lincolnshire" (565 men) fell back or retired in "frightful confusion". The 33rd and 69th were "badly mauled" and Halkett fell wounded.
This is interesting that the Halkett's paper tigers weren't willing to "close with cold steel" as they might have been in Peninsula. "Fortunately the enemy took no advantage" - as reported one of the greatly relieved British witnesses. The Middle Guard was outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1 and had plenty of enemies in this sector of battlefield, not only the scared redcoats. In this situation the badly mauled 33rd Regiment was able to rally.
As you probably already have noticed, the first and second echelon of the attacking French Guard consisted of the taller grenadiers. The third and fourth echelon were the smaller chasseurs. The third echelon consisted of the Ier and IIe Btn./3e Chas. and they almost reached the ridge without encountering any infantry and then moved toward the Ohain road. Here approx. 1.500 British guardsmen of Maj.-General Maitland were deployed. The 1st British (Guard) Brigade consisted of 1.500 men in 2 battalions:
IInd Btn./1st Reg. of Foot Guard (781 men) *
IIIrd Btn./1st Reg. of Foot Guard (847 men) *
* - at Quatre Brass the IInd Btn./1st Reg. lost 6 officers and 279 other ranks, and the IIIrd Btn./1st Reg. of Foot Guard lost 7 officers and 255 other ranks. (1066 - 6 of.- 279 =781 men) and (1109 - 7of. - 255 =847 men). The vast majority of the 547 guardsmen were killed and wounded by French light cavalry at the Battle of Quatre Brass Pire's cavalrymen charged from a "concealed positions in a depresion near Pierrepont" and routed the British Guard within a moment. The guardsmen ran like a herd of deer towards the nearby Bossu Wood. [Source: GdD Pire's letter to GdD Reille, June 25th 1815, in Arch. Serv. Hist.]
The British guardsmen stood up and delivered volley at the flank of the advancing chasseurs. As if that was not enough they were supported by quite a few guns. Thus the two French battalions first suffered from canister fire of Bolton's and Major W. N. Ramsay's batteries that took them in the flank, and then were decimated by musketry. General Michel fell fatally wounded and the chasseurs halted. The threat of being attacked by enemy cavalry kept them in square, but now they attempted to deploy from square to line to answer fire with fire.
This is truly amazing but the battered and heavily outnumbered and outgunned chasseurs heroically held their ground for a quite long time (French say approx. 10 minutes, "a lengthy exchange of musketry" says Griffith in 'Forward into Battle' on page 26) before the mounting casualties took its effect. Understandably the handful of survivors began wavering. Seeing this Wellington commanded his guardsmen to charge. [So here the British Guard did the Prussian and Austrian way: waiting until the enemy will waver before attacking with cold steel instead of one salvo, cheer and charge as they did in Peninsula]. They broke the French and intermixed with them "came down the slope in a hand to hand combat all the way down to Hougoumont's orchards." A British offcicer from battery of Royal Artillery commanded by Samuel Bolton, said that the combatants were so intermixed, "that we had to stop firing."
On map:Maitland's guardsmen suddenly halted as the single battalion of 4e Chas. came closer. The 4e Chas. formed the last echelon of the attacking Middle Guard.The British guardsmen instead of crossing their bayonets with the new but weaker enemy, they flew in disorder up the slope back to their position as fast as they came down. La Garde recule ! (The Guard retreats !) - indeed.
The chasseurs pursued the redcoats quite closely before beign counter-attacked by fresh German and British troops.
English authors excuse the flight of their Guard due to flank attacks conducted by the French, forgetting that their own infantry and cavalry quite often attacked the French from the flank. Interesting double standard and handy excuses for cowardice.
What is even more interesting, another troop of Britsh Guard got into similar trouble. The 3rd Foot Guard Reg. in Maj.-Gen. Sir Byng's 2nd (Guard) Brigade "had to retire several times" when the French attacked their flanks. Again the British Guard retreats in high speed despite the fact that the British guard battalion was not a small thing as te French 300-500 men battalion. The British was approx. 800-1.000 men giant formation.
(Not only the British elites stampeded, von Kruse's Nassauers pushed back GdD Donzelot's infantrymen but then panicked and retired in confusion.)
( Actually the British Guard had several flights in its history. For example on May 10 1940, the British Guards land at Hook of Holland, to clear the road to the Hague of German troops. By the time they are ready to attack, the Dutch have cleared the road themselves. The Guards are then requested to help clear other areas in the vicinity of Hook, but they refuse, it's not being their exact orders. A refinement of the request to have the Guards defend the fortress of Hook, so the garisson could help clear the area is also refused, the Guards just stay in the docks. When on the 12th a rumour arrives that German tanks have crossed the the bridges at Rotterdam (which did not happen until after the armistice on the 14th), the British Guard flee in total disarray by sea, leaving all their equipment behind)
- sources: Lt. Col. Brongers "De slag om de Afsluitdijk" and "De slag om de Residentie"
Fresh troops were brought on Wellington's side to deal with the French Guard, among them was the strong Adam's brigade (almost 3.000 men). They moved against the 4e Chasseurs [at the Battle of Ligny, the chasseurs suffered heavy casulties against the Prussians and its 2 btns were consolidated into single battalion.] and against the handful of survivors from two other battalions (3e Chasseurs and 4e Grenadiers) who instead of fleeing, hang around still ready to fight.
But this time there were simply too many of enemy !
On picture: the battlefield became pretty crowded. In this situation was easy for confusion. The British 52nd were so anxious that they mistook the (British) 23rd Light Dragoon Reg. of Dornberg's Cavalry Brigade for the enemy and fired ! It resulted in disorder and hesitation among the British cavalry and infantry.
The outmaned and heavily outguned French chasseurs and grenadiers "bent under the number" and fell back.
So far all four echelons of French Guard after an initial success were halted by fresh forces and pushed back. The guardsmen fled to the rear where stood few battalions as a reserve. Here was the IIe Btn./3e Grenadiers, IIe Btn./2e Grenadiers and IIe Btn./2e Chasseurs. Here was also Cambronne with the IIe Btn./1er Chasseurs (btn. commander: Lamouret).
Soon came the pursuers, the British, Dutch/Belgians and the Germans from the Osnabr�ck Landwehr. The 633 Germans were uniformed as the British inf. and were led by Oberst H. Halkett, the commander of the 3rd Hannoverian Brigade. According to Halkett, the Landwehr was on the right of Adam's brigade.
The Germans immediately attacked the Old Guard, general Cambronne was wounded, thrown from his horse and captured prisoner. German officer, Ltn. Richers of the Osnabr�ck Landwehr Battalion, described the advance and the fighting: "Our skirmihers deployed against the Old Guard skirmishers and a firefight began. We were advancing, but the enemy stood where he was... Once the advancing battalion reached the skirmish line, its pace accelerated. We moved up, the enemy skirmishers disappeared and the front ranks of the [French] column fired a volley at us. I believe we all hesitated and stood where we were."... In this critical moment Oberst Halkett inspired the Germans with a cry 'Hurrah, brave Osnabr�ckers !' and they lowered their bayonets and charged. Richers wrote: "Our opponents didn't engage in a bayonet fight with us. They stood for a moment longer, then wavered, turned around and retired a short distance in relatively good order. Their formation then started to break up and finally they fled in total disorder." The battle-hardened officers of the Old Guard did attempt to rally their men but it was in vain. British officer, Halkett, present a more optimistic version of the same event than the German officer. He wrote that already "After receiving our fire with much effect, the (French) column [Sic] left their General with two officer behind when when I ordered the sharpshooters to dash on and I made a gallop for the General (Cambronne)."
On picture: the capture of general Cambronne by Osnabruck Landwehr battalion and MG Halkett. The Germans wore red coats.
According to Poret de Morvan who was accompanying Cambronne, the general was wounded in the head and an English seargant [Seargeant F�hring of the Osnabruckers, he wore the British redcoat and shako] helped him back to his feet. Cambronne gave F�hring his purse in recompense. British authors claim that Cambonne was captured by Halkett. But according to Hofschroer, Cambronne "certainly surrendered to the Osnabr�ckers, possibly first to F�hring, who may then have handed the dazed Frenchman over to Halkett." (p. 149).
The Imperial Guard fight against Prussians.
On the right flank instead of awaited Grouchy, it was Bl�cher who arrived (see picture) and joined B�low with part of his army.
The Prussians drove Lobau's corps out of Plancenoit. To halt their advance Napoleon send Young Guard.
Bl�cher was in no way afraid of Napoleon.
He was a tough, stuborn old sod who refused to give in, when many others would have rolled over and he hated Napoleon. Two years earlier, in 1813, Bl�cher defeated the French army at Katzbach and arrived in time at Leipzig (as he did at Waterloo !).
Bl�cher ordered B�low to attack, and uttered these remarkable words: "We must give air to the English army." Up until the Prussians arrived Wellington was on the back foot and would have been beaten without Blucher's army. Wellington said: "Give me Bl�cher or give me night" and this is enough to see clearly that he was actually saying "I'm about to get my butt kicked". If the Prussians had fallen back on their communications after Ligny, Wellington would almost certainly have had have fallen back on his, which ultimately meant reatreat to the channel coast with a view to re-embarking a la Dunkirk.
The object of offering battle at Waterloo was to hold Napoleon until the Prussians arrived. And the Prussians indeed came. Feldmarshall Prinz Bl�cher Wahlstadt had made strong progress on the French flank. [In the classic British version of Waterloo the Prussians arrived just in time to mop up the battlefield.]
The leading elements of Prussian II Corps (MG Pirch) began to arrive behind the IV Corps (Gen. de Infanterie B�low). The French VIth Army Corps attempted to keep B�low's Prussians from emerging from the Bois de Paris but the enemy with their superior numbers fought their way to the village of Plancenoit. An intense struggle for possession of the village was now being played out between the Prussians and the French VIth Army Corps led by Lobau.
Napoleon send against the Prussians around Plancenoit the Division of 'Young Guard' led by GdD Count Duhesme. But the 4.000 guardsmen after some very hard fighting were beaten back. They retreated behind the village where they were rallied by GdB Guye and GdB Chartrand. Then arrived two battalions of Old Guard; Ier Btn./2e Chasseurs and Ier Btn./2e Grenadiers. GdD Roguet had threatened with death any grenadier who should bring him a Prussian prisoner. They marched straight into Plancenoit with their drums beating. The 'Young Guard' followed them with enthusiasm.
Capitaine Peschot and his company of chasseurs led the entire assault. Peschot met the Prussians on the street but the encounter was not a quick victory and more companies of chasseurs were sent forward. The veterans reached the church and cemetery where after ferocious fighting they threw the Prussians out. The tall grenadiers also entered Plancenoit and without firing a single shot they drove the remaining Prussians out of the village and pursued the with the bayonet up to the positions where were deployed Prussian batteries. The robust drum-major of the grenadiers, Stubert, used his mace as a club !
GdD Subervie's lancers furiously attacked the flank of the Prussians inflicting further losses. The Prussian batteries were abandoned for a moment. (Some sources claim that the 2 battalions of veterans fell back to Plancenoit when cannonaded by the artillery). Despite the local sucesses the Prussian action at Plancenoit kept all possible re-enforcements for Ney who attacked Wellington. In effect the first time in history Napoleon was in position of being routed with no reserve to stem the enemy and allow his force to be rallied. This is said that the 2 battalions defeated 14 Prussian battalions and inflicted 3.000 casualties. For majority of British authors this is THE most popular and most often repeated event concerning the Prussian participation at Waterloo. However it seems to me that the casualties are an exxageration as the total loss of two Prussian brigades: 16th Brigade and 14th Brigade commanded by von Ryssel, for the entire battle was 3.219. What about the losses inflicted by French artillery, or the losses inflicted by the lancers, or the losses inflicted by the 'Young Guard', or losses inflicted by GdD Lobau's entire corps ?
All these were only 219 ... ?
On map: Prussians attacking Napoleon's flank at Plancenoit.
The spearhead of the attack was formed of 5th Brigade. The 5th was commanded by GM Tippelskirch and consisted of:
- 2nd Infantry Reg.
- 25th Infantry Reg.
- 5th Landwehr Reg.
Please notice the very difficult situation of the Old Guard. The Ier Btn./2e Chas. (or the Ier Btn./2e Gren.) was besieged in the churchyard.
The Division of Young Guard (8 battalions) commanded by GdD Duhesme suffered horrendous casualties of 80-90 % !
Approx. 30.000 Prussians attacked Plancenoit again. The place was defended by 20.000 Frenchmen in and around of the village. Commander of the Young Guard, GdD Duhesme was mortally wounded, GdD Barrois, commander of the tirailleurs of the Young Guard, was also wounded. The commander of VI Army Corps, GdD Lobau was taken prisoner.The French casualties were horrible, for example the 1er Tirailleurs of Young Guard had 92 % loss !
The Old Guard and supporting them other troops, were able to hold on for approx. 1 hour before a massive Prussian counter-attack kicked them out after some bloody street fighting lasting more than a half hour. The last to flee was the 'Old Guard' who defended the church and cemetery. The church was built on a mound some 18 feet high that required men to ascend by steep steps. The mound was encircled by the cemetery wall which had a ring of trees planted along its length inside.
On picture: "Prussians Storming the Cemetry at Plancenoit
occupied by Old Guard" - by C. Rochling
Keegan in "On the Fields of Glory" is wrong stating that here are depicted the grenadiers, their eppaulettes are red with a green crescent so they are chasseurs.
Many English authors don't say much about this Prussian victory over the Guard, if they say at all. Maybe they fear that it may overshadow the "British" defeat of French guard. If these authors read German sources it would be a different story. But I really do wonder about their ability to read anything but English.
On map: the French troops broke and fled hotly pursued by the Prussians. The defenders of churchyard fought to the very end and had difficulties during retreat. Two squares of Old Guard near Rossomme repulsed Prussian cavalry.
There would be thirty times as many bodies above ground in the churchyard as were beneath it. Plancenoit was captured for good and more Prussian troops were arriving with every minute. The Prussians emerged from the burning remains of village at which point the French army disintegrated. Darkness began to fall over the battlefield and the number of fugitives rocketed. The fugitives were of Lobau's corps, Duhesme's Young Guard and some members of Old Guard. They fled toward positions where stood Napoleon's last reserve, three battalions of Old Guard and part of Emperor's baggage.
The possibility of massive Prussian cavalry attack caused the senior regiment of French infantry, 1er Grenadiers, form up in two battalion squares. The square that was closer to the Prussians send out its skirmishers who soon were "heavily engaged" against Prussian skirmishers. In the other square was Napoleon Bonaparte who stood on the hillock. This square was strengthened by a battery of 6 6pdr guns. Further reinforcements for this square were: sappers and sailors of the Guard.
On picture: twp last squares of Old Guard covering the retreat of French army. On the ground piles of wounded and killed Prussian and British cavalrymen.
The two squares left the battlefield and they did it in excellent order with their characteristic bull-dog obstinacy and courage. One square marched on the paved road and the other across the fields, drums beating.
On picture: French fugitives hotly pursued by Prussian light cavalry. Several battalions of infantry and Young Guard were still in good order but they gradually disintegrated under the constant pressure of fugitives seeking refuge in them and the continuing attacks of Prussian cavalry. Near Genappe the two squares of Old Guard came together and were formed in long columns by sections. Prussians watchfully followed the mustachioed veterans.
On June 19, 1815 Wellington wrote to Bathurst on the action of Prussians on Napoleon�s right flank and during pursuit was "most decisive."
Bl�cher suggested to Wellington that they call it the Battle of La Belle Alliance, but Wellington had other plans. He raced back to his headquarters in the village of Waterloo and wrote his famous dispatch, explaining just how he had won the Battle of Waterloo.
H. Lachouque - "The Anatomy of Glory: Napoleon and his Guard"
M. Adkin - "The Waterloo Companion"
P. Hofschroer - "1815, The Waterloo Campaign: The German Victory"
H. Houssaye - "1815 Waterloo".
De Bas/De Wommersom - "La Campagne de 1815 aux Pays Bas"
W. Siborne - "History of the Waterloo Campaign"
C. Chesney - " Waterloo Lectures"
Napoleonic polls - Cause of Napoleon's Defeat, Favorite Books, Troops