Regina Jacobs Sets 1500M World Record (original) (raw)

Regina Jacobs Sets 1500M World Record

BOSTON, MA -- The 2003 Indoor Golden Spike Tour got off to a rousing start at the adidas Boston Games held today at the Reggie Lewis Track facility. Two-mile world-record holder Regina Jacobs supplied lots of excitement with a new American and World indoor record (3:59.98) for the 1500-meter event.

| | Regina Jacobs Sets 1500M World RecordJubilant Regina Jacobs -- photo Jim Rhoades e-mail E-mail this pageprint Printer-friendly pageRelated info: > Meet Photos> adidas Boston Indoor Games> Meet Results | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

Posted Saturday, 1 February, 2003

Jacobs, a crowd favorite, wasted little time on her assault on the record. She took control from the start, running alone most of the race as she widened her impressive lead on the rest of the field. After it was announced that she had set a new WR, Jacobs jumped for joy high fiving hundreds of adoring fans. Jacobs had lots to celebrate. In addition to her record she will receive a bonus of $25,000 for her effort.

2000 Olympic gold medallist Stacey Dragila beat her American record mark of 15 feet 5 inches for the pole vault by a half inch. The sellout crowd clapped in rhythm at her urging as she unsuccessfully attempted to match Russian pole vaulter Svetlana Feofanova's world record of 15 feet 7 inches. The knowledgeable Boston crowd showed their appreciation with a thunderous round of applause for the two-time world champion.

| "After it was announced that she had set a new WR, Jacobs jumped for joy high fiving hundreds of adoring fans." | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |

In the afternoon's other key match-up, former "world's fastest human" Maurice Greene did not disappoint in winning the 60 meter event. Greene (6.52) edged Jon Drummond (6.56) for the victory. During the introduction of the athletes, Greene's star power was evident as he received one of the loudest rounds of applause for the day.

The fast moving meet featured masters, college and youth events in addition to the traditional track distances. The meet was televised live on ESPN II and provided many highlights for both the sold out crowd in attendance and the home viewing audience. In its seven-year history, $140,000 in bonuses for World and American Records has been awarded to athletes. Thanks to Jacobs and Dragila's World and American records that amount will increase significantly.

The adidas Boston Games lived up to all the pre-event hype with outstanding performances by some of the World's best athletes. Mark Wetmore and his Global Athletics & Marketing Group did an outstanding job organizing a world class-track meet. In addition to the great viewing lines of the Reggie Lewis Center, a large video screen flashed results, stats and video of each event. The Golden Spike Tour returns to Boston March 1-2 with the 2003 USA Indoor Track & Field Championships.