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The book is an official publication of Minatom. It contains factual data on general characteristics of all nuclear tests and all peaceful nuclear explosions conducted by the USSR. The presented information is the result of long-term efforts of experts from Minatom and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the analysis of the original data contained in numerous classified documents.In its type the book is similar to the US Department of Energy open publication "United States Nuclear Tests. July 1945 Through September 1992". Availability of these two symmetric publications gives an opportunity to conduct fairly concrete and informative comparison of nuclear testing programs performed in the USSR and the USA. |
[ peaceful_e.pdf 3.5Mb ] You can download report "USSR Nuclear Weapons Tests and Peaceful Nuclear Explosions. 1949 through 1990" in pdf format fromhere. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed. It can be freely downloaded from here. |
The book consists of the following sections: Foreword of V.N. Mikhailov, Russian Federation Minister of Atomic Energy Section 1. Classification of Soviet Nuclear Tests and Peaceful Nuclear Explosions; Section 2. Soviet Nuclear Weapons and Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (Summary Table); Section 3. USSR Nuclear Tests and Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (1949-1990); Section 4. USSR Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (Employment of Nuclear Explosive Technology in the Interests of National Economy); Section 5. Total Energy Release of the USSR Nuclear Tests and Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes. The book "USSR Nuclear Weapons Tests and Peaceful Nuclear Explosions. 1949 through 1990" has been prepared by an editorial board consisting of specialists from the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation headed by Member of Academy V.N.Mikhailov, Minister of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy (1992-1998). Editorial board: I.A.Andryushin V.V.Bogdan S.A.Vashchinkin S.A.Zelentsov G.E.Zolotukhin V.M.Karimov V.V.Kirichenko A.M.Matushchenko Yu.A.Silkin V.G.Strukov K.V.Kharitonov A.K.Chernyshev G.A.Tsyrkov M.P.Shumayev The book was published in 1996 by RFNC-VNIIEF printing office. |