Kindergarten Teacher (original) (raw)
Send comments to Mike Tillman Head, Curriculum/Juvenile Library, California State University, Fresno
- Disclaimer
- Purpose
- [Compiler's Qualifications](#compiler's qualifications)
- Suggestions for Additions to Kindergarten Teacher
- What Every Kindergarten Teacher Should Know About Surfing the Internet
- Kindergarten Topics - terms that may be helpful when utilizing Internet search engines
- Kindergarten Teacher Bibliography - listings of books, journal articles, ERIC documents, and juvenile literature (books about kindergarten for kids) that may be useful to kindergarten teachers
- Art
- Booklists
- Coloring Pages
- Conferences
- Discipline
- Employment - general information, state certification requirements and contacts, school district locator, help-wanted listings
- Free Items
- Full-Text - ERIC digests, books, journals, newspaper articles, newsletters
- Full-Text Kindergarten Related ERIC Digests
- Grants
- Health
- Holidays
- Kindergarten Specific Technology Integration
- Kindergarten Teacher's Web Sites - containing significant, original curricular or organizational content
- Languages
- Lesson Plans Collections
- Lesson Plans Search Engines - sites that incorporate keyword search capabilities
- Math
- Metasites - sites that attempt to comprehensively cover a particular discipline, subject, or level; they may include lesson plans, themes, education resources for teachers and/or students, classroom management/organization information, student online activities, focused collections of links to other sites, etc.
- Music
- Physical Education
- Professional Associations
- Reading and Writing
- Recreations
- Reference
- Science
- Search Engines (Education)
- [Search Engines](#search engines%5Fothers) - sites that provide access to all types of content (including educational content)
- Social Studies
- Standards
- Students with Special Needs
- Teacher Tools
- Technology - classroom integration, tutorials, information, news
- Themes
- Visual Discrimination
- Worksheets Purpose
The purpose of Kindergarten Teacher is to provide a comprehensive and organized collection of substantial educational content available via the Internet and of value to those who teach or intend to teach kindergarten.
Compiler's Qualifications
Mike Tillman, who directs the Curriculum/Juvenile Library at California State University, Fresno, created Kindergarten Teacher while on sabbatical during the spring of 2002. He has obtained undergraduate and graduate degrees in education and taught at the K-12 level for many years prior to obtaining his present position.
What Every Kindergarten Teacher Should Know About Surfing the Internet
1. Links can and do change. A link that used to lead to a collection of lesson plans or a student activity could now lead to pornography. One way this happens is when an individual or organization registers a domain, creates useful educational content, and places it on the Internet. Many people link to and enter the site. Time passes and the original owner of the site forgets or declines to renew the domain. The domain becomes available and is purchased by somebody else who is free to post whatever type of content they like, so a link that led to chemistry teacher resources or primary undersea activities yesterday could lead to pornography today.
2. The best original content for kindergarten teachers can be found on practicing kindergarten teacher's Web pages. However, most practicing kindergarten teacher's Web pages do not include a large amount of original content. Many of the sites with significant original content are hosted by providers that set limits on the number of visitors, provide relatively slow connections, and insert pop-up ads. If a site includes a lot of pictures it loads at an even slower pace. Despite these minor inconveniences practicing kindergarten teacher's Web pages are the primary resource for kindergarten teachers because of the quality and relevance of the content found on these sites.
3. Kindergarten teachers can retrieve practical curricula such as lesson plans, thematic units, and literacy centers on the Internet. They can also retrieve many other types of useful content via the Internet, including full-text education research, theory, and practice; classroom management and organization; booklists; professional development resources; standards; teacher tools; pictures of bulletin boards, word walls, and literacy centers; technology integration; worksheets; assessment; etc. For instance, the ERIC Digest site includes nearly 2000 full-text reports covering a wide variety of topic of interest to kindergarten teachers.
4. The intent of most commercial Internet educational content providers is to make money. Over the past seven years a significant portion of free Internet educational content either disappeared, began to charge a fee for access, or began to include advertisements. What is available today might not be available tomorrow. What is free today might not be free tomorrow. What is ad free today might not be ad free tomorrow.
5. Don't overlook kindergarten related listservs as a source of practical ideas and curriculum. Many commercial and noncommercial sites facilitate this type of information exchange. Even if you don't participate, the archives of various listservs can prove invaluable because topics covered were selected by people in the field and content provided was (in general) created by people in the field. Try to find a listserv that specifically addresses your interest. As with anything else on the Internet, use caution when providing personal information. Also remember that listservs and chat rooms are often undermonitered/unmonitored and inappropriate messages are sometimes posted.
6. The most efficient path to Internet content is through sites specifically developed for kindergarten teachers. The next most efficient path is through sites specifically developed for early childhood education (generally recognized as birth through age eight), preschool, and kindergarten through second grade. Due to the design of most sites, a significant portion of kindergarten related content is accessed via sites targeted specifically for either preschool or kindergarten through second grade. Please remember that education sites targeted for prekindergarten through twelfth grade education, such as Gateway to Educational Materials, and sites not targeted for education, such as Google, can (if used correctly) provide a wealth of kindergarten related content including lesson plans.
7. Many kindergarten teachers depend on listings of items (directories) to access Internet content. Search engines are an overlooked avenue to Internet content. Search engines generally allow you to search by entering keywords rather than scanning a listing of items. Lesson plans and education research, theory, and practice can sometimes be found most efficiently via search engines if the user has a basic understanding of appropriate search terms and search strategies. Please see Kindergarten Topics for a listing of possible search terms. See Search Engines (Education) and Search Engines for possible search engines and related search strategies.
8. On almost all occasions kindergarten teachers surf the Internet in order to access full-text materials. They want the entire unit plan or journal article online rather than a citation for a particular item. On some occasions it might be appropriate to surf the Internet for items that are not available in full-text online. Access to both the ERIC Database and the Library of Congress Online Catalog can be gained via the Internet. They provide citations for and descriptions of more than a million education journal articles, books, and reports. If something has been published on an education related topic it will probably be included in one of these datatbases. The databases can be used to access information that can make teaching more fulfilling and more productive. The databases are somewhat complex and even though this Web site provides potential topics and instructions on how to use the databases you will need to spend some time searching them in order to use them proficiently. Also, you will need to record the citation and contact a local university, college, or public library to obtain the item directly or via interlibrary loan. Even though this process is much more involved than finding something full-text on the Internet it is sometimes worth the work. You can access Kindergarten Topics, the ERIC Database, and the Library of Congress Online Catalog via this Web site.
9. Sites that target kids like Yahooligans and Ask Jeeves Kids include information and activities that may be appropriate for inclusion in the kindergarten curriculum.
Kindergarten Topics - kindergarten related topics for curriculum; lesson plans; thematic units; literature units; literacy and developmental centers; classroom organization, management and practice; education research and theory; etc.
*Remember to use variations of the following topics. For instance, if you don't find what you are looking for when you use the term "family," try "families." Generally it is best to use lowercase letters when utilizing search engines.
100th day of school
Abraham Lincoln
activity books
alphabet books
animals of the night
attention deficit disorder
big books
Bill Martin
bulletin boards
Cesar Chavez
children's literature
Christmas around the world
Cinco de Mayo
classroom management
community helpers
compound words
cooperative learning
counting books
days of the week
developmental centers
developmental play
developmentally appropriate practices
Dolch word list
Dr. Seuss
dramatic play
early childhood education
education law
emergent literacy
end of the year
Eric Carle
father's day
felt boards
field trips
fine motor
finger plays
fire station
first day of school
following directions
food pyramid
Four Blocks
Friedrich Froebel
full day kindergarten
Gail Gibbons
George Washington
grocery store
guided reading
high frequency words
how I look
instructional materials
interactive story books
Internet projects
Jan Brett
Joy Cowely
Kid Pix
kindergarten activity programs
kindergarten children
kindergarten curricula
kindergarten fiction
kindergarten methods and manuals
kindergarten teachers
language arts
learning centers
learning strategies
learning styles
Leo Lionni
lesson plans
literacy centers
literary analysis
literary response
literature units
Martin Luther King
Mercer Mayer
Montessori Method
Mother Goose
Mother's Day
movement activities
Native Americans
number recognition
nursery rhymes
open house
parent information
parent participation
parental involvement
Pat Hutchins
phonemic awareness
physical education
picture books
police station
President's Day
project approach
reading comprehension
reading lists
Reggio Emilia Approach
rhyming words
shared reading
sight words
social skills
social studies
thematic units
Valentines Day
visual discrimination
vocabulary development
Web sites
whole language
word analysis
word families
word recognition
word walls
Zoo Phonics
Kindergarten Teacher Bibliography - listings of books, journal articles, ERIC documents, and juvenile literature (books about kindergarten for kids) that may be useful to kindergarten teachers
If you would like to obtain an item call your local university, college, or public library and ask if they have the item or can help you obtain the item via interlibrary loan. If you are not a current student at the local college or university you will probably have to borrow or obtain the item via interlibrary loan from your local public library.
- Books - for kindergarten teachers
- Journal Articles
- ERIC Documents
- Juvenile Literature - books about kindergarten for kids
Books - for kindergarten teachers
10 Minutes a Day to Reading success: Activities and Skill Builders to Help Your
Kindergartner Learn To Love Reading
Fairweather, Gari
Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c1998
101 Educational Conversations with Your Kindergartener-First Grader
Perrone, Vito
New York : Chelsea House, c1993
Changing Kindergartens: Four Success Stories
Goffin, Stacie G.; Stegelin, Dolores A.
Washington, DC : National Association for the Education of Young Children, c1992
Child's Garden: The Kindergarten Movement from Froebel to Dewey
Shapiro, Michael Steven
University Park PA : Pennsylvania State University Press, c1983
A Child's Work: Freedom and Play in Froebel's Educational Theory and Practice
Liebschner, Joachim
Cambridge : Lutterworth Press, c1992
CLAS Kindergarten
Plourde, Lynn
Tucson, AZ : Communication Skill Builders, c1995
Communication Station: Learning Center Projects for Language
Babler, Susan
Torrance, CA : Totline Publications, c1998
Creation Station: Learning Center Projects for Art
Warren, Jean; Bittinger, Gayle
Torrance, CA : Totline Publications, c1998
Developmental Tasks for Kindergarten Readiness - II, DTKR II: Assessment of Prekindergarten Children to Determine Kindergarten Readiness
Lesiak Walter J.; Lesiak, Judi Lucas
Brandon, VT : Clinical Psychology Pub. Co., c1994
Discovery Science: Explorations for the Early Years, Grade K
Winnett, David A.
Menlo Park, CA : Innovative Learning Publications, c1994
The Dramatic Difference: Drama in the Preschool and Kindergarten Classroom
Brown, Victoria; Pleydell, Sarah
Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c1999
Early Literacy Instruction in Kindergarten
Rog, Lori Jamison
Newark, DE : International Reading Association, c2001
Educationally Appropriate Kindergarten Practices
Spodek, Bernard
Washington, DC : NEA Professional Library, National Education Association, c1991
Emergent Literacy in Kindergarten: A Review of the Research and Related Suggested Activities and Learning Strategies
Robinson, Violet B.; Ross, Gretchen; Neal, Harriet G.
San Mateo, CA : California Kindergarten Association, c2000
The Full-Day Kindergarten: Planning and Practicing a Dynamic Themes Curriculum
Fromberg, Doris Pronin
New York : Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University, c1995
Great Beginnings: Creating a Literacy-Rich Kindergarten Program
Ditzel, Resi J.
York, ME : Stenhouse Publishers, c2000
I Teach Kindergarten!: A Treasure Chest of Teaching Wisdom
Campbell-Rush, Peggy
Peterborough, NH : Crystal Springs Books, c2000
IDEAL: Integrated Developmental Experiences for Active Learning : A Kindergarten Program
Burton, Leon H.; Witt Diane M.
Lewisville, NC : Kaplan Press, c1996
Inventing Kindergarten (kindergarten history)
Brosterman, Norman.
New York : H.N. Abrams, c1997
Investigation Station: Learning Center Projects for Investigation
Bittinger, Gayle
Torrance, CA : Totline Publications, c1998
Joyful Learning in Kindergarten
Fisher, Bobbi
Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c1998
Kids' Poems: Teaching Kindergartners to Love Writing Poetry
Routman, Regie
New York : Scholastic, c2000
Kindergarten Architecture
Dudek, Mark
London ; New York : E & FN Spon, c2000
Kindergarten: Fours and Fives Go to School
Seefeldt, Carol; Wasik, Barbara
Upper Saddle River, NJ : Merrill, c2002
Kindergarten: It Isn't What It Used to Be : Getting Your Child Ready for the Positive Experience of Education
Golant, Susan K.; Golant, Mitch
Los Angeles : Lowell House, c1999
Kindergarten Policies: What Is Best for Children?
Peck, Johanne T.; McCaig, Ginny; Sapp, Mary Ellen
Washington, DC : National Association for the Education of Young Children, c1988
Kindergarten Teacher's Survival Guide
Stull, Elizabeth Crosby
West Nyack, NY : Center for Applied Research in Education, c1997
Ladders to Literacy: A Kindergarten Activity Book
O'Conner, Rollanda E.; Notari-Syverson Angela; Vadasy, Patricia F.
Baltimore, MD : P.H. Brookes Pub., c1998
Learning Center Activities for the Full-Day Kindergarten
Bergman, Abby Barry
West Nyack, NY : Center for Applied Research in Education, c1990
Listen for the Bus: David's Story
McMahon, Patricia
Honesdale, PA. : Boyds Mills Press, c1995
The Lively Kindergarten: Emergent Curriculum in Action
Jones, Elizabeth; Evans, Kathleen; Rencken, Kay Stritzel
Washington, DC : National Association for the Education of Young Children, c2001
The Mailbox Superbook, Kindergarten: Your Complete Resource for an Entire Year of Kindergarten Success!
Goren, Ada H.
Greensboro, NC : Education Center, c1998
The Mommy and Daddy Guide to Kindergarten: Real-Life Advice and Tips from Parents and Other Experts: A To Z
Bernard, Susan
Lincolnwood, IL : Contemporary Books, c2001
Montessori in the Classroom: A Teacher's Account of How Children Really Learn
Lillard, Paula Polk
New York : Schocken Books, c1997
More Than Painting: Exploring the Wonders of Art in Preschool and Kindergarten
Moomaw, Sally; Hieronymus, Brenda
St. Paul, MN : Redleaf Press, c1999
Moving and Learning Series: Preschoolers & Kindergartners
Pica, Rae
Albany, NY : Delmar, c2000
Off To School: A Parent's-Eye View of the Kindergarten Year
Hannigan, Irene
Washington, DC : National Association for the Education of Young Children, c1998
The Origins of Nursery Education: Friedrich Froebel and the English System
Brehony, Kevin J.
New York : Routledge, c2001
Pictures & Words Together: Children Illustrating and Writing Their Own Books
Johnson, Paul
Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c1997
Ready for Kindergarten: An Award Winning Teacher's Plan to Prepare Your Child for School
Wilkins, Sharon
Grand Rapids, MI : Zondervan Pub. House, c2000
Ready-Start-School!: Nurturing and Guiding Your Child through Preschool & Kindergarten
Rief, Sandra F.
Paramus, NJ : Prentice Hall Press, c2001
Teaching Kindergarten
Walmsley, Bonnie Brown; Camp, Anne Marie; Walmsley, Sean A.
Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c1992
Thematic Units for Kindergarten
Schlosser, Kristin
New York : Scholastic Professional Books, c1994
The Whole Language Kindergarten
Raines, Shirley C.; Canady, Robert J.
New York : Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University, c1990
Journal Articles
Beautiful Me! Celebrating Diversity through Literature and Art
Strasser, Janis Koeppel
Childhood Education; v77 n2 p76-80 Win 2000-2001
Constructing Literacy in the Kindergarten: Task Structure, Collaboration, and Motivation
Nolen, Susan Bobbitt
Cognition and Instruction; v19 n1 p95-142 2001
Cooking Up Mathematics in the Kindergarten
Partridge, Elizabeth
Teaching Children Mathematics; v2 n8 p492-95 Apr 1996
Developing a Kindergarten Phonemic Awareness Program: An Action Research Project
Reiner, Kathleen
Reading Teacher; v52 n1 p70-73 Sep 1998
Developmentally Appropriate Career Guidance: Building Concepts to Last a Lifetime
Harkins, Margaret A.
Early Childhood Education Journal; v28 n3 p169-74 Spr 2001
The Effects of Physical Materials on Kindergartners' Learning of Number Concepts
Chao, Shaw Jing; Stigler, James W.; Woodward, J. Arthur
Cognition and Instruction; v18 n3 p285-316 2000
Everything I Ever Needed to Know about Assessment I Can Learn in Kindergarten
Martin, Ruth A.
Science and Children; v35 n1 p50-53 Sep 1997
Exploring Young Children's Literacy Development through Play
Saracho, Olivia N.
Early Child Development and Care; v167 p103-14 Apr 2001
How Play and Work Are Organized in a Kindergarten Classroom
Polito, Theodora
Journal of Research in Childhood Education; v9 n1 p47-57 Fall-Win 1994
Integrating the Visual Arts: Building Young Children's Knowledge, Skills, and Confidence
Fox, Jill Englebright; Diffily, Deborah
Dimensions of Early Childhood; v29 n1 p3-10 Win 2001
Kindergarten Children's Initial Experiences in Physical Education: The Relentless Persistence for Play Clashes with the Zone of Acceptable Responses
Sanders, Steve; Graham, George
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education; v14 n4 p372-83 Jul 1995
Kindergarten Mathematics: Teaching or Controlling?
Hegland, Susan M.
Arithmetic Teacher; v39 n2 p34-37 Oct 1991
The Kindergartner
Howe, Frederick C.
Child Study Journal; v23 n4 p239-52 1993
Kindergartners "Choose" to Read
Henderson, Alayna M.
Reading Teacher; v49 n7 p590-91 Apr 1996
Kindergarteners Talk about Print: Phonemic Awareness in Meaningful Contexts
Richgels, Donald J.
Reading Teacher; v49 n8 p632-45 May 1996
Readers' Workshops in a Kindergarten Classroom
Bryan, John W.
Reading Teacher; v52 n5 p538-40 Feb 1999
Verdi Invades the Kindergarten.
McGirr, Paula
Childhood Education; v71 n2 p74-79 Win 1994-95
Where Have the Children Gone? Storyreading in Kindergarten and Prekindergarten Classes
Peters, Sandra Jane
Early Child Development and Care; v88 p1-15 1993
Writing Workshop: Early Writing
Amberg, Margaret Alice
Learning; v21 n2 p92-94 Sep 1992
Young Children Make Maps!
Lenhoff, Rosalyn; Huber, Lynn
Young Children; v55 n5 p6-12 Sep 2000
ERIC Documents
Developing Literacy among Kindergarten Children through the Implementation of Child Centered Activities Based upon Reading Recovery Principles
Landry, Maureen D.
90 pages
Drug and Alcohol Awareness for Kindergarten
Drexler, Nora L.
41 pages
Implementing a Training Workshop to Improve Parent Use of Appropriate Home Activities with Kindergarten Children
Neitzey, Sharon C.
104 pages
Increasing Literacy Development of At-Risk Kindergarten Students through Cross-Age Tutoring.
Henriques, Marlene
97 pages
Kindergarten: Authorized Resources Annotated List
58 pages
The Kindergarten Center: An Early Childhood Concept
Trezza, Janet M.
13 pages
Music Literacy in Kindergarten
Casiano, Gloria M.
9 pages
The Phonological Awareness Handbook for Kindergarten and Primary Teachers
Ericson, Lita; Juliebo, Moira Fraser
112 pages
Reading Instruction and the Kindergarten Student.
Ediger, Marlow
8 pages
Teachers' Perceptions of the All-Day, Alternating Day Kindergarten Schedule
Good, Linda
45 pages
Juvenile Literature - books about kindergarten for kids
Hello School!: A classroom of Poems
Lillegard, Dee
New York : Alfred A Knopf, c2001
Hide and Seek All Week
dePaola, Tomie
New York : Grosset & Dunlap, c2001
Kindergarten ABC
Rogers, Jacqueline
New York : Scholastic, c2002
Kindergarten Kids
Senisi, Ellen B.
New York : Cartwheel Books, c1994
Learning Is Fun with Mrs. Perez
Flanagan, Alice K.
New York : Children's Press, c1998
Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!
Carlson, Nancy
New York : Viking, c1999
Mama, Don't Go!
Wells, Rosemary
New York : Hyperion Books for Children, c2001
Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten
Slate, Joseph
New York : Dutton Children's Books, c1998
Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten
Slate, Joseph
New York : Dutton Children's Books, c1996
Miss Bindergarten Stays Home from Kindergarten
Slate, Joseph
New York : Dutton Children's Books, c2000
Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten
Slate, Joseph
New York : Dutton Children's Books, c2001
We Share Everything!
Munsch, Robert
New York : Scholastic, c1999
When You Go to Kindergarten
Howe, James
New York : Morrow Junior Books, c1994
- The Art Room
- Crayola for Educators - lesson plans, art techniques, creative experiences
- Disney Family Fun: Craft Finder - specify occasion, materials, time, and/or cost
- DLTK: Printable Crafts for Kids - ABC's, 123's, holidays, animals, countries, cultures
- Art and Crafts - colorations, open ended art, discovery art, watercolors
- Enchanted Learning: KinderCrafts - puppets, handprint, paper plate, masks
- The Getty Grade-by-Grade Guide to Building Visual Arts Lessons - Kindergarten
- Global Children's Art Gallery - more than 600 pictures from more than 50 countries
- Handprint Calendar
- Kansas Public Library: Craft Projects for Kids!
- Kids and Crafts
- Kids Domain Crafts Index
- KinderArt - lessons, arts and crafts recipes, reference Booklists
- 100 Picture Books Everyone Should Know
- Book Adventure: Book Awards and Reviews
- Children's Picture Book Database - search by keyword and author
- Database of Award Winning Children's Literature - search by keyword, suggested age of reader, setting, genre, etc.
- International Reading Association: Choices Booklists
- Reading Recovery Leveled Books Coloring Pages
- The Crayon House: Coloring Books
- Family Crafts: Coloring Page Index
- Family Crafts: Coloring Projects
- Links to Learning: Coloring Books - select early learning and scroll down to coloring pages Conferences
- Alabama Kindergarten Conference
- California Kindergarten Conference
- IteachK - a national kindergarten conference Discipline
- University of Illinois Extension: Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along
- Yahoo: Classroom Management
- You Can Handle Them All: Solutions for Handling Misbehaviors - suggestions on how to handle specific types of misbehavior Employment - general information, state certification requirements and contacts, school district locator, help-wanted listings
- 50 States' Teacher Certification Requirements
- Certification Requirements State-By-State
- Education World: Education Employment Opportunities
- ETS Praxis State-By-State Requirements
- National Public School and School District Locater
- State Contacts for Teacher Certification
- State Education Departments Free Items
- Free Stuff for Teachers Full-Text - ERIC digests, books, journals, newspaper articles, newsletters
- Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development: Education Topics
- Early Childhood Research and Practice
- Education Journals
- Education News
- Electronic Journals in the Field of Education
- ERIC Digests -more than 2500 full text short reports designed to meet the needs of practitioners including teachers; under Publication Type scroll down and select ERIC Digests
- From Now On: The Educational Technology Journal
- Instructor Magazine - ideas, education news, lessons, activities
- NEA Today Online
- Online Education Books Page
- Reading Online
- T.H.E. Journal - classroom technology integration Full-Text Kindergarten Related ERIC Digests - select obtain to retrieve the full text of an item
- Academic Redshirting and Young Children
- Developing Language Proficiency and Connecting School to Students' Lives: Two Standards for Effective Teaching
- Encouraging Young Children's Writing
- Escalating Kindergarten Curriculum
- Full-Day Kindergarten Programs
- He Has a Summer Birthday: The Kindergarten Entrance Age Dilemma
- Measuring Kindergartners' Social Competence
- Readiness for Kindergarten
- Reading and Writing in a Kindergarten Classroom
- Recent Research on All-Day Kindergarten
- The Shifting Kindergarten Curriculum
- Short-Lived Gains or Enduring Benefits? The Long-Term Impact of Full-Day Kindergarten Grants
- Grant Opportunity Resources Health
- Beacon Learning Center: Christmas Bear and His Five Senses
- Chef Combo's Fantastic Adventures in Tasting and Nutrition - hands on classroom activities for four and five year-olds
- Colgate: Kids' World
- Dairy Council of California
- Dole 5 a Day Fruits and Vegetables
- Fun With Nutrition
- KidsHealth: How the Body Works
- Kiz Club Online Story: Breakfast
- Kiz Club Online Story: Clothes
- Kiz Club Online Story: Feelings
- Kiz Club Online Story: Friends
- Kiz Club Online Story: Safety
- MooMilk
- My Tooth Is Wiggling Holidays
- EduHound: Holidays
- Halloween Magazine
- Hershey's Trick or Treats
- Holidays on the Net
- Letters to Santa Claus - a collaborative E-mail project
- Mrs. Gusso’s Thanksgiving Unit
- Holiday Fun - coloring pages, games, and crafts for a variety of holidays
- Sherry's Kindergarten - a wide variety of well-known and not so well-known celebrations Kindergarten Specific Technology Integration
- Early Connections: Technology in Kindergarten
- Getting Students Connected: Kindergarten
- Jefferson County Schools: Language Arts
- Jefferson County Schools: Mathematics
- Lakeland Central School District: Kindergarten Technology Integration - daily activities, lesson plans, telecomputing projects
- Manatee County Benchmarks: Reading
- Manatee County Benchmarks: Science: Processes of Life-Frogs
- Manatee County Benchmarks: Science: Processes of Life-Plants
- Mountain Brook City Schools: Kindergarten Technology Integration - reading, writing, spelling, alphabet, numbers, mathematics, science, social studies
- A World of Kindergartens: Computers in Kindergarten - technology talk, computer centers,software recommendations Kindergarten Teacher's Web Sites - containing significant, original curricular or organizational content
- ABC123 Kindergarten
- Almost Heaven Kindergarten
- Calico Cookie Kindergarten - teacher's page, parent's page
- Kinder Squirt - centers, curriculum, homework,newsletters, themes
- Kindercourt - letters, math, science
- Kindergarten - Make It Fun and Watch Them Learn (use Internet Explorer) - centers and units, daily schedule, literacy center philosophy, balanced literacy activities
- Kindergarten Classroom - science and social studies units
- Kindergarten Kapers - themes, units, technology integration
- KinderNet
- Kool Kindergarten - pictures of projects and student work
- Lakeview Kindergarten
- Linda's Learning Links - guided reading, writing workshops, themes, name activities
- Miss G's Aussie Kindy Site - lessons, portfolios
- Miss Renee’s Kindergarten Pad
- Mr. Fontenella's Kindergarten Class - online alphabet book, projects, parent information
- Mr. Shiver's Kindergarten Class - newsletters, Montessori activities, invented spelling; content is available in English and Spanish
- Mrs. Adam's Kindergarten - phonics fun, poetry, ABCs of kindergarten
- Mrs. Begg's Teacher's Corner - thematic units
- Mrs. Bonthuis' Kindergarten Class - literacy centers, balanced literacy, book units, pocket charts
- Mrs. Callahan's Classroom - thematic units and activities, literacy and math centers
- Mrs. Critchell's Kindergarten - holidays, arts and crafts, bulletin board pictures
- Mrs. Davis' Kindergarten Friends - extensive tour of Mrs. Davis' classroom
- Mrs. Driskell's Kindergarten - kindergarten handbook, take home bags, chart songs
- Mrs. Fischer's Kinder Themes - songs, poems, month-by-month themes, curriculum
- Mrs. Klenke's Kindergarten Korner - take home back packs, learning centers, bulletin boards, displays, learning activities
- Mrs. MacKenzie's Kindergarten - newsletters, extensive classroom tour, letter/sound matching
- Mrs. Meacham’s Classroom Snap Shots
- Mrs. Nelson’s Class
- Mrs. Newman's Kindergarten - click on the castle to enter; includes 123s, ABCs, and newsletters
- Mrs. Packer’s Kindergarten Classroom
- Mrs. Perdue's Kindergarten
- Mrs. Pohlmeyer's Kinder Page - units, themes, literacy stations, learning centers, bulletin boards
- Mrs. Rowley's Kindergarten - curriculum ideas, themes
- Mrs. Sirois' Country Kindergarten - poems, themes, curriculum, teaching tips
- Mrs. Taylor's Kindergarten School Family - classroom rituals and routines, family projects, literacy activities
- Mrs. Zwickl’s Kindergarten Class
- Ms. Connolly’s KinderKids
- Ms. Hicks' Chicks Kindergarten
- Reagan All Star Kinderbears
- Welcome to Kindergarten
- Welcome to Michelle's Place - units, classroom information
- Welcome to Mrs. Jones’ Room!
- Welcome to Ms. Buchel's Kindergarten Class - ideas for teachers and parents Languages
- Internet Public Library: Say Hello to the World - hear how to say hello in many different languages Lesson Plans Collections
- A to Z Teacher Stuff: Kindergarten Lesson Plans - scroll down to lesson plans
- Apple Learning Interchange: Units of Practice - select a subject and level (primary)
- Beacon Lesson Plan Library
- Beacon Unit Plan Library
- Core Knowledge: Kindergarten Lesson Plans and Units
- Education Place: Activity Search - browse by subject
- I.D.E.A.S. Kindergarten Resources
- Lesson Plan Search - select a category
- Lesson Plans Across the Curriculum: PreK-2nd Grade
- Lesson Plans Page - select a subject and then select PreK-1
- North Carolina Teacher's Network: Kindergarten Resources - select a subject
- PBS TeacherSource: PreK-2 Resources - select a grade level and then select a subject
- Scholastic: Lesson Plans and Activities PreK-2 - select resource types (lesson plans and activities) and a topic and then select search
- SuccessLink Resources: Kindergarten - select early childhood/kindergarten and then click search
- Utah Education Network: Kindergarten Core Curriculum
- Welcome to Kindergarten: Lesson Plans Lesson Plans Search Engines - sites that incorporate keyword search capabilities (some search engines listed below also allow access to other types of materials); seeKindergarten Topics for terms that may be helpful when utilizing these search engines
- All the Web: Advanced Search - searchable by keyword and domain
How to search All the Web: Advanced Search for kindergarten lesson plans - AOL at School: Lesson Plans - searchable by term, grade level, and resource type
Educator's Reference Desk Lesson Plans - searchable by title, description, category, all fields, and grade level
How to search Educator's Reference Desk Lesson Plans for kindergarten lesson plans - Gateway to Educational Materials - searchable by keyword, title, description, broad subject, narrow subject, and grade level; includes lesson plans and other educational resources
- How to search The Gateway to Educational Materials
- Google: Advanced Search - searchable by keyword and domain
How to search Google Advanced Search for kindergarten lesson plans - LessonPlanZ - searchable by keyword and grade level
- How to search LessonPlanZ for kindergarten lesson plans
- A+ Math
- AAA Math: Kindergarten
- Activities Integrating Mathematics and Science (AIMS)
- Awesome Library: Kindergarten Math
- Beacon Learning Center: Coins for Candy
- Beacon Learning Center: Packing for the Park - classification
- Beacon Learning Center: Pattern Detectives
- British Broadcasting Corporation Number Time: Find One More - addition
- British Broadcasting Corporation Number Time: Find the Number - number recognition
- British Broadcasting Corporation Number Time: Mend the Number Square - patterns and number order
- British Broadcasting Corporation Number Time: Snakes and Ladders - counting
- British Broadcasting Corporation Number Time: Test the Toad - addition
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Numeracy Activities
- Count Along to 100
- DLTK: Number Buddies
- DLTK’s Shapes Buddies
- Electronic Workshop: Numeracy Modules
- Elementary Test Prep Center: PreK-Kindergarten Mathematics
- Etch-A-Sketch Hidden Numbers
- Etch-A-Sketch Hidden Shapes
- Family Math Night
- Flashcards for Kids
- Fun Brain: Bunny Count
- Fun Brain: Connect the Dots Numbers Game
- Fun Brain: Guess the Number
- Fun Brain: Math Baseball
- Fun Brain: MathCar Racing - basic facts
- Fun Brain: One False Move - number order
- Connect the Numbers
- Counting on a Cloud
- Fishing for Numbers - match numbers and objects
- Monster Numbers - find the hidden numbers
- Number Matching
- Pattern Games
- Harcourt School Publishers: Multimedia Math Glossary
- Harcourt School Publishers: That’s a Fact!
- Helping Your Child Learn Math
- Houghton Mifflin: Math Lingo
- Houghton Mifflin Math: Science, Social Studies, and Art Connections
- Dam Jammer
- Internet4Classrooms: Kindergarten Literacy and Math Reinforcement Skills
- Internet4Classrooms: Kindergarten Math Skills
- Jefferson County Schools Kindergarten Curriculum
- Kidport Kindergarten Mathematics: Addition
- Kidport Kindergarten Mathematics Index
- Kidport Kindergarten Mathematics: Subtraction
- The Kidz Page: Please Put it On the Shelf - numbers
- The Kidz Page: Put it On the Shelf - shapes
- Kinderweb: Educational Children’s Games
- KinderWeb: Shapes Game
- King's List of Online Math Activities - beginning math activities, basic facts, basic math skills
- Kiz Club Online Story: Shapes
- Kiz Club Online Story: Ten in a bed
- Learning Planet: Count Your Chickens
- Learning Planet: Number Train
- Learning Planet: 123 Order
- Lets Count
- Little People Paint the Shape
- Math Forum: Kindergarten
- Math Surf: Kindergarten Activities
- Math Their Way Summary Newsletter
- MooMilk: Connect the Dots Challenge - counting game
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Standards Based Activities and Lessons PreK-2
- National Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Mathematics
- NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics: Electronic Examples Prekindergarten Through Grade 2
- Noggin: The Same Game
- Ontario Education Communications: Shaperville
- Patterns Here, There, and Everywhere
- Math - addition, numbers, patterns, geometry, subtraction
- Quia Early Learning: Identifying Numerals - match number words and corresponding numeral
- Saxon: Math Activities - shapes, colors, numerals, money, counting
- Science Museum of Minnesota: Shapes Theme Cluster - science, math, language arts
- Sequenced Kindergarten Mathematics Lesson Plans
- Strategies for Instruction in Mathematics: Kindergarten
- Utah Online Staff Development Academy: Counting Objects Metasites - sites that attempt to comprehensively cover a particular discipline, subject, or level; they may include lesson plans, themes, education resources for teachers and/or students, classroom management/organization information, student online activities, focused collections of links to other sites, etc.
- ABCTeach (use Internet Explorer)
- The Activity Idea Place - animals, seasonal, holidays
- AOL at School: Primary - math, science, social studies, language arts, textbook activities, brain teasers, games
- Brain Connection - relates brain research to learning, includes a library and brain teasers
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Schools Online - literacy and numeracy games
- CanTeach - songs, poems, classroom organization, recipes, beginning reading and writing, math, science, social studies, physical education
- Carol Gossett's Kindergarten Connection - student art work, bulletin boards, lesson plans
- Conneaut School District Lots-A-Links - reading, phonemic awareness, authors
- Discovery School: Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - teacher helpers, lesson plans, bulletin boards
- Dr. Jean's Activity of the Month - select activity of the month
- Dr. Labush's Links to Learning - select early learning for songs, stories, poems, and coloring books
- Education World - search or browse more than 500,000 resources, article archives, in-depth subject specific sections
- Educator's E-Source - sites for kindergarten
- Educator's Reference Desk
- Enchanted Learning: Little Explorers - kindergarten specific activities, extensive picture dictionary, dinosaurs, animal printouts, themes, arts, crafts
- Family Education Network: Your Kindergartner
- Getting Students Connected - Kindergarten
- Hubbard's Cupboard - extended day kindergarten curriculum, month-by-month themes, recipes, handprint art
- The Idea Box - early childhood education and activity resources, idea of the day, idea of the day archives, songs, games, recipes, crafts
- Inside the Nook: Helpful Educational Sites - links to sites for preschool, kindergarten, and 1st grade
- Internet4Classrooms: Kindergarten+ - alphabet, phonics, art, language arts, math, science, social studies, and story links
- A Kid's Heart - although this site is geared towards preschool through prekindergarten it includes alphabet, math, shapes, and colors online activities; printables; and links that a kindergarten teacher might find useful
- Kids Count 1234
- The Kinder "Garden" SiteRing - a ring of Web sites especially for kindergarten teachers
- The Kinder Ring - a Web ring for kindergarten teachers
- Kindergarten Consultant - contributed ideas and links
- The Kindergarten Page - readiness, curriculum, literacy information, reading list, links
- KinderKorner - extensive collection of original early childhood education content including thematic units, literacy centers, author studies, and story starters
- KinderKorner: Listserve - Internet mailing list for pre-k through 2nd grade teachers
- Kinder-L - Internet mailing list with archives for kindergarten teachers
- KinderStart - kindergarten teacher resources
- Macmillan/McGraw-Hill World - separate areas for teachers, parents, and students
- Marcia's Lesson Links - kindergarten specific links, teaching colors, fun on the farm, penguins, kindergarten games, literature units, themes, units, centers, literacy, math, general teacher resources
- Mr. Fontenella's Links to Kindergarten Classes - state-by-state links to kindergarten teacher Web sites
- The Perpetual Preschool - although this site is geared towards preschool it includes thematic unites, teaching tips, and learning centers that a kindergarten teacher might find useful
- Preschool by Stormie - although this site is geared towards preschool it includes original month-by-month curriculum, ideas, and activities that a kindergarten teacher might find useful
- Preschool Education - although this site is geared towards preschool it includes original alphabet and learning letter ideas, arts, crafts, bulletin boards, felt boards, games, math, songs, science, and themes that a kindergarten teacher might find useful
- Project Approach - background information, related theory, kindergarten projects
- ProTeacher: Kindergarten Bulletin Board
- Resources, Lesson Plans, and Activities for Kindergartens - language arts, theme, and learning center links
- Scholastic - separate areas for teachers, kids, and families; teachers PreK-2 section includes lesson plans, activities, online activities, and themes|
- Sites for Teachers - educational sites ranked by popularity
- Teachers Net - lesson plans and a wide variety of chatboards
- Teachers Net: Kindergarten Center - kindergarten chatboard, 4 blocks in kindergarten classrooms chatboard, lesson plans
- Teaching Heart - themes, bulleting boards, poems, songs, literature, learning centers, reading comprehension
- TeachNet - lesson plans, education humor, information
- U. S. Department of Education - news, information, programs, research, and full-text publications covering a wide variety of education topics
- The Virtual Vine - in-depth original preschool through second grade themes, units, literacy activities, and displays; includes pictures of classroom materials, centers, and displays
- Wee Family Pages - a large alphabetical listing of ideas collected from mail lists, mail loops, and Web sites
- Weekly Reader: Kindergarten - teacher resources, fun and games, classroom activities
- A World of Kindergartens - an alphabetical listing of books, Web sites, poems, songs, recipes, activities and units for a wide variety of topics covered in kindergarten, also includes computers in kindergarten, 100th day of school celebration, early childhood educator's technology talk, and things that work (ideas collected from the Kinder-L kindergarten listserve organized by subject)
- Yahooligans: Teacher's Guide - newsletters, Internet literacy, sample integrated Internet units, search strategies, teaching with games Music
- CanTeach: Songs and Poems
- Carl’s Corner: Lucy Lane
- Juice Bottle Jingles
- KIDiddles: Musical Mouseum Song Index - searchable by subject or keyword
- Mrs. Jones’ Sing Along Songs
- NIEHS: Name That Tune Index - children's, oldies, and patriotic tunes
- NIEHS: Sing-Along Songs, Midis, and Lyrics - searchable by keyword
- Noggin: Jack’s Big Music Show
- Songs for Teaching: Using Music to Promote Learning
- The Teacher's Guide: Children's Songs - scroll down to lyric/midi; lyrics, midi files, and links to other children's lyrics Web sites Physical Education
- Disney Family Fun: Game Finder
- Games Kids Play
- PE Central: K-2 PE Lesson Ideas
- PE Central: Preschool PE Lesson Ideas Professional Associations
- Association for Childhood Education International
- California Kindergarten Association
- Kindergarten Teachers of Texas
- National All Day Kindergarten Network
- National Association for the Education of Young Children
- National Education Association
- National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education Reading and Writing
- 4 Blocks Literacy Framework: Building Blocks
- 100 Most Frequent Words in Books for Beginning Readers
- ABC Gulp
- A to Z Teacher Stuff: Children's Literature Activities
- AlphaBites - activities for all letters of the alphabet
- Annenberg Media Teaching Reading Video Workshop
- Annenberg Media Teaching Reading Video Workshop: A Library of Classroom Practices
- Arkansas Department of Human Services: Story of the Month
- Bank Street College: Reading Corner - phases of early literacy, developmental considerations in selecting books for children, stages of second language learning
- Bank Street College: Strategies for Successful Readers and Writers - pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading strategies
- Beginning Reading: Free Worksheets - alphabet worksheets and flashcards
- Beginning to Read Activities: Preschool through Grade 2
- Between the Lions - more than 50 original stories with accompanying games, printables, and songs based on the PBS series
- Between the Lions: A. B. Cow - alphabet
- Between the Lions: Chicken Stacker - short vowels
- Between the Lions: Fuzzy Lion Ears - splitting words into sounds and putting sounds together
- Between the Lions: Gawain's Word - rhyming words
- Between the Lions: Kindergarten Teacher's Guide - attempts to facilitate the integration of the Between the Lions television series, Web site, and curriculum into kindergarten classroom curriculum; the guide models the series whole-part-whole approach and is organized around key topics in the series including reading aloud, sounds of words, print all around us, and writing
- Between the Lions: Literacy Tips - more than 300 brief literacy activities
- Between the Lions: Look Out Below! - letter matching and relationships between letters and sounds
- Between the Lions: Pounce! - matching
- Between the Lions: Word Play - concepts
- The Book of Pooh
- Brain Connection: Matching Sounds
- Brain Connection: Rapid Naming
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Beebie and the Tortoise - online story
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Blue Cow in the Playground - online story
- British Broadcasting Corporation: CBeebies Story Circle
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Cinderella - online story
- British Broadcasting Corporation: End Sounds
- British Broadcasting Corporation: First Sounds
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Jack and the Beanstalk - online story
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Jim’s Crankophone
- British Broadcasting Corporation: The Lion and the Mouse - online story
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Literacy Activities
- British Broadcasting Corporation The Little Animals Activity Centre: Storybear - read-a-long stories
- British Broadcasting Corporation The Little Animals Activity Centre: Word Games - end sounds, first sounds, rhymes
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Rhymes
- British Broadcasting Corporation: The Rupee Tree - online story
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Star Words - high frequency words
- British Broadcasting Corporation: Wordblender
- Building Blocks: Framework for Kindergarten Classrooms - sounds, letters, words, reading, writing
- Building Blocks to Reading: Activities by the Letter
- CanTeach: Songs and Poems
- Canton Public Library: Reading - links to books and authors
- Carl’s Corner
- Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site - comprehensive children's literature site including children's literature units, reviews, and activities
- Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: Data Gathering and Picture Books
- Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: Patterns and Picture Books
- Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: Reviewed Books Suggested for Kindergarten
- Celebrate Dr. Seuss
- Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement - theoretical and practical information
- Children's Storybooks Online
- The Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication - educational materials, services, and coursework
- Clifford Interactive Story Books: Phonics Fun for Early Readers - read a story, concentration, make a word, letter match, sound match
- Clifford’s Letter Roundup
- Clifford’s School House Scramble
- DLTK Alphabet Posters
- DLTK: Alphabuddies - ideas and activities for each letter of the alphabet
- Dolch Basic Word List
- Dr. Seuss Booktable Activities
- Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills: Kindergarten - benchmark assessment materials; registration is required in order to view materials
- Early Literacy
- Education Place: Issues in Literacy Development
- Education World: Use the Web to Enhance the K-2 Reading Curriculum
- Elementary Test Prep Center: PreK-Kindergarten English/Language Arts
- Elmo's Keyboard-O-Rama
- Enchanted Learning: Little Explorers Picture Dictionary - includes related activities
- Enchanted Learning: Rubus Nursery Rhymes
- Enchanted Learning: Word Families in Nursery Rhymes - nursery rhymes and the word families they emphasize
- Eric Carle -select caterpillar exchange
- The Four Blocks - guided reading, self-selected reading, writing, working with words
- Fun Brain: Connect the Dots Alphabet Game
- Fun Brain: What's the Word Reading and Vocabulary Game
- Fun With Spot
- Begin With - find pictures that begin with a given lette
- Coloring Book Fun - match colors and color words
- Connect the Letters
- Haunted Alphabet - find the hidden letters
- Letter Matching
- Rhyme Time! - match a word with a picture it rhymes with
- What's the Order? - sequence pictures
- Game Goo: Alphabet Bears
- Game Goo: Buggy Trails - follow three step directions
- Game Goo: Kangaroo Confusion - uppercase and lowercase letter recognition
- Game Goo: Real or Make-Believe? - listen to stories and then determine if they are real or make-believe
- Game Goo: Sassy Seals - match initial and final sounds in spoken words
- Handwriting for Kids
- Harcourt School Publishers: Grammar Gold
- Helping Your Child Become a Reader
- Helping Your Child Learn to Read
- How Now Brown Cow: Phoneme Awareness Activities for Collaborative Classrooms
- International Digital Children's Library
- Internet Public Library: Reading Zone Picture Books
- Internet Public Library: Reading Zone Resources for Teachers and Parents
- Internet4Classrooms: Kindergarten Language Arts Skills
- Internet4Classrooms: Kindergarten Literacy and Math Reinforcement Skills
- Jan Brett's Home Page
- Jefferson County Schools: ABC Search
- Jefferson County Schools: Jeopardy
- Jefferson County Schools: Language Arts Presentations
- KiddoNet: Letter Sounds
- KidSource: Beginning to Read Activities
- Kindergarten: Building Blocks, Not 4-Blocks!
- Kindergarten Handwriting Worksheet Maker
- Kindergarten Literacy
- Kindergarten School-Home Reading Links - in-depth collection of kindergarten activities for specific reading and literacy skills
- KinderKorner - extensive collection of original early childhood education content including thematic units, literacy centers, author studies, and story starters
- Kinderweb: Educational Children’s Games
- Kiz Club Online Stories – Level 1
- Kiz Club Online Stories - Level 2
- Kizclub: Verb Flashcards
- Lapwai Elementary: Beginning Sounds - CVC words
- Learning Planet: ABC Order
- Learning Planet: Alphabet Coloring Pages
- Learning to Read: Resources for Language Arts and Reading Research
- Lil’ Fingers Storybooks
- Manatee County Curriculum: Reading
- Marcia's Lesson Links: Children's Literature Activities for the Classroom - includes a separate listing of preschool and kindergarten literature
- Montgomery County Public Schools: Early Childhood Technology Literacy Project
- Mother Goose on the Web - audio versions
- The Mother Goose Pages
- Mrs. Alphabet - extensive collection of original content including activities, poems, games, ideas and songs for each letter of the alphabet, also includes links to other alphabet sites
- Mrs. Jones’ Learning Letter Names Sounds
- Mrs. Meacham’s Classroom Literacy Corners
- Mrs. Stewart’s Kindergarten Teacher’s Page
- The National Academies Press: Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children
- The National Academies Press: Starting Out Right: A Guide to Promoting Children's Reading Success
- Nellie Edge: Excellence in Kindergarten Literacy
- Nickelodeon Junior: Dave the Brave - online story
- Nickelodeon Junior: The Grumpy Bug - online storybook
- Noggin: Maisy’s Blocks
- Patti's Electronic Classroom: Kindergarten and Grade 1 Reading - activities, links, and a teacher's corner
- PBS Kids: Story Scramble
- Phonics Online - online phonics training for teachers; registration is required in order to view curriculum
- Phonics Tool Kit - teacher created phonics training for teachers
- Phonological Awareness: Instructional and Assessment Guidelines
- Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children - a full-text online book
- Language Arts - alphabet, handwriting, vocabulary, reading, spelling, writing
- Put Reading First: Helping Your Child Learn to Read
- Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks of Reading Instruction
- Quia Early Learning: Alphabet Match
- Reading Online - an online journal of K-12 practice and research
- Reading Workshop
- ReadWriteThink: Picture Match – beginning letter sounds, short vowel sounds, long vowel sounds
- ReadWriteThink: Word Build and Bank
- The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read
- A Rhyme a Week: Nursery Rhymes for Early Literacy
- Robert Munsch Virtual Story Room - select storytime
- Sadlier-Oxford Student Activity Center: Phonics and Word Study
- Saxon: Phonics Activities
- Scholastic Building Language for Literacy: Leo the Letter Loving Lobster - match letters and the sounds they make
- Scholastic Building Language for Literacy: Nina the Naming Newt - name different objects in places around town
- Scholastic Building Language for Literacy: Reggie the Rhyming Rhino - pick out words that sound alike
- The School Bell Dolch Kit
- School-Home Reading Links: Kindergarten Activities
- Schools of California Online Resources for Education: CyberGuides - Web based units for a variety of children's literature
- Schools of California Online Resources for Education: Language Arts
- Schools of California Online Resources for Education: Phonics Link
- Sequenced Kindergarten Language Arts Lesson Plans
- Seussville Games
- Starfall ABC’s
- Starfall: Learn to Read and It's Fun to Read
- Storyline Online
- Story Place: The Children's Digital Library - theme-based stories, activities, printables, reading lists for preschool through early elementary
- Teaching and Learning with Technology: Alphabet Match - self checking online activity that allows students to practice their knowledge of beginning sounds by identifying pictures that begin with specific letters
- Teachers Net Building Blocks Lessons
- Teachers Net Building Blocks Literacy Chatboard
- Teacherview: Flashcards
- Utah Online Staff Development Academy: Handwriting Resource Book
- The Virtual Vine: Literacy Connections - a comprehensive collection of literacy ideas with pictures of classroom materials
- Web English Teacher: Reading - select reading from the column on the left; children's literature, phonics, reading skills and remediation
- Webtime Stories Recreations
- Apple Corps
- Arthur
- Ben and Jerry's Virtual Pumpkin
- Ben and Jerry's Virtual Snowman
- Bob the Builder
- The Book of Pooh: Carrot Counter
- British Broadcasting Corporation: The Little Animals Activity Centre
- British Broadcasting Corporation: What? Where? When? Why? - homes and living things
- Build-A-Bear Workshop: Game Stuff
- Caillou Activity Guide
- Caillou Games and Activities
- Carve Your Own Virtual Pumpkin
- Chateau Meddybemp's Fun With Hats
- Chateau Meddybemp's Uncommon Amusements
- Clifford: The Big Red Dog
- Disney Online: Playhouse
- EdByDesign: Scrambler
- Etch A Sketch
- Fun Brain: Fun Match Memory Game
- Fun Brain: Oddball the Same and Different Game
- Funschool Games and Activities: Kindergarten
- Can You Place Me? - shapes
- Cartoon Builder - build a cartoon animal
- Fall Fever
- Ghostly Differences - detect ways in which one picture is different from another
- Jigsaw Puzzles
- Motor Match - shapes
- My Home - shapes
- Shape Racer
- What's Wrong?
- Gold Ridge Kindergarten Games
- KIDiddles: Whack the Clown
- KidsCom: Goofy Faces
- Kinderweb: Educational Children’s Games
- Learning Planet: Catch the Falling Shapes, Colors, Letters, or Numbers
- Learning Planet: Mr. Elephant's Memory Game
- Literacy Center Education Network
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: Kids' Pages
- Nickelodeon Junior: Age Five Activities
- Noggin: Snowflake Maker
- Noggin: Oobi Remember
- PBS Kids: Games
- Puzzles
- Prongo Fun Games
- ReadWriteThink: What’s in the Bag?
- Rolie Polie Olie
- Scholastic: I Spy
- Sesame Street: Games
- Tvokids Doodle Dots
- Waconia School Elementary: Kindergarten Games Reference
- Access to Kindergarten: Age Issues in State Statutes
- Child Care and Early Education Research Connections
- Children First: A Curriculum Guide for Kindergarten
- Articles - type kindergarten (or other appropriate term/s) in the search box and select go
- ECAP/ITG Popular Topics: TheReggio Emilia Approach
- Education Commission of the States: Kindergarten - policy, statutes, age issures, funding
- Education Journals: An Annotated Database for K-12 and Teacher Educators - searchable by subject, education level, title, and keyword; summaries of and links to publishing information for a wide variety of education journals
- Education World: Content Archives
- Encarta Encyclopedia
- Family Involvement in Children's Education
- Friedrich Froebel Web - kindergarten pioneer
- Full Day Kindergarten
- George B. Brain Education Library: Education Discussion Lists
- Hillsborough County Schools: Kindergarten Handbook
- The Importance of Play
- Kindergarten Graduations
- The Kindergarten Program
- Learning Strategies Database
- Learning Style Specific Activities for Kindergartners
- Learning Theory Into Practice
- Listservs for Educators
- L-Soft: CataList - listserv lists
- The Montessori Method
- Montessori Online
- National Council for Early Development and Learning: Online Publications
- North Central Regional Educational Laboratory: Assessing Young Children Appropriately
- A Parent’s Guide to a Successful Kindergarten Transition
- PTA: Parent Involvement
- Survival Guide for New Teachers
- Teaching Kindergarten: Using a Variety of Instructional Approaches
- Ten Keys to Unlocking Temperament
- Top 10 Signs of a Good Kindergarten Classroom
- The Virtual Reference Desk
- What to Expect Your First Year of Teaching
- What's Your Child's Learning Style
- Activities Integrating Mathematics and Science (AIMS)
- Bats: A Thematic Resource
- Beacon Learning Center: Sunrise, Sunset
- Breeds of Livestock - select a breed of livestock from the top of the page
- British Broadcasting Corporation: The Farm
- Bugbios
- The Butterfly WebSite Photo Gallery
- Children's Museum of Indianapolis: Online Exhibits - dinosaurs, science and flight activities, astronomy
- Clemson University Entomology Department: Arthropod Collection
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology: All About Birds
- eNature Field Guides
- Exploratorium: Online Exhibits
- Exploratorium: Science Snackbook
- Exploring Butterflies in Kindergarten
- Farm Sounds
- Farm Unit (North Canton Schools)
- Farm Worksheets
- The Froggy Page - information, pictures, clip art, sounds, tales, songs, anatomy
- Animal Houses - match an animal and its habitat
- A Garden Plot: The Tale of Peter Rabbit
- Human Anatomy Online
- Inquiry in Kindergarten
- Insect Image Gallery - ticks, lice, mosquitoes, insect dissection
- Internet4Classrooms: Kindergarten Science Skills
- Kids Farm
- KinderGARDEN
- Kindergarten Science
- Kiz Club Online Story: Animals In Winter
- Kiz Club Online Story: Seasons
- Kiz Club Online Story: Trees
- Kiz Club Online Story: Watch the Wind
- Kiz Club Online Story: What’s In the Sky?
- Manatee County Benchmarks: Science: Processes of Life-Frogs
- Manatee County Benchmarks: Science: Processes of Life-Plants
- Miami Museum of Science: Making a Weather Station - air pressure, moisture, temperature, wind
- Ms. Lee's Kindergarten Experiments with Science
- Multnomah County Library: Animals
- The Mysterious Plant Caper: Gathering Clues to Solve the Mystery of What Plants Need to Grow
- The Mysterious Plant Caper: Gathering Clues to Solve the Mystery of What Plants Need to Grow (Spanish Student Worksheets)
- NASA: Image Archives
- The National Academies Press: Resources for Teaching Elementary School Science
- The National Academies Press: Science for All Children: A Guide to Improving Elementary Science Education in Your School District
- National Biological Information Infrastructure Children's Butterfly Site
- National Wildlife Federation: Backyard Buddies
- Perry Lake Elementary School: Kindergarten Farm
- Planet Science: Bringing Science to Life
- Polar Pairs
- Science - butterflies, seasons, colors, shapes
- Reach Out Michigan Quick and Easy Activities
- Seaworld
- Sesame Street: Your Amazing Body
- Smithsonian National Zoological Park
- Sounds of the World's Animals
- South West Educational Development Laboratory: Paso Partners - Integrating Mathematics, Science, and Language - a bilingual instruction program covering the five senses, spiders, and dinosaurs
- University of Illinois Extension: Just for Kids
- U.S. Department of Education: Helping Your Child With Science - science activities parents can do with their children in the home and the community
- The Virtual Insectary - information about and pictures of a praying mantis, scorpions, moths, and a cicada
- Welcome to the Planets - images from NASA's planetary exploration program covering the planets and spaceships
- WhaleNet
- Zoobooks Virtual Zoo Search Engines (Education) - see Kindergarten Topics for terms that may be helpful when utilizing these search engines
- Ask Jeeves Kids - although this site's intended audience is children, it includes educational content that may be of use to kindergarten teachers; type a topic (e.g., bats, valentine's day, pumpkins, etc.) in the first Ask box (the topic does not need to be in the form of a question) and select Ask
- Center for Early Literacy Information Database
- ERIC Database - the largest and most important education database with abstracts and citations for more than 1 million journal articles and documents covering education practice and research; after obtaining the citation/s the user can often obtain the item/s from a local university, college, or public library or via interlibrary loan initiated through their local public library
- ERIC Digests - more than 2500 full text short reports designed to meet the needs of practitioners including teachers; under Publication Type scroll down and select ERIC Digests
- Gateway to Educational Materials - searchable by keyword, title, description, broad subject, narrow subject, and grade level; includes lesson plans and other educational resources
- How to search The Gateway to Educational Materials
- ProTeacher - type a topic (e.g., attention deficit disorder, project approach, bats, etc.) and select Go
- Yahooligans - although this site's intended audience is children, it includes educational content that may be of use to kindergarten teachers; type a topic (e.g., bats, Valentine's Day, pumpkins, etc.) in the search box and select Search Search Engines - sites that provide access to all types of content (including educational content); see Kindergarten Topics for terms that may be helpful when utilizing these search engines
- Advance Scholar Search
- All the Web: Advanced Search - searchable by keyword and domain
How to search All the Web: Advanced Search - Google: Advanced Search - searchable by keyword and domain
How to Search Google: Advanced Search - Google Scholar
- Library of Congress Online Catalog - the database provides citations for items from the largest library in the world and allows the user to find out what books exist on a particular topic; after obtaining the citation/s the user can often obtain the item/s from a local university, college, or public library or via interlibrary loan initiated through their local public library
How to search the Library of Congress Online Catalog
Social Studies
- Annenberg Media Teaching Social Studies Video Workshop: A Teaching Practices Library
- Beacon Learning Center: A Visit with Grandma
- Clean up Your World! - recycling
- Concentration Games - community helpers matching game
- United States Puzzle
- Heroes and Legends for Kindergarten
- Internet4Classrooms: Kindergarten Social Studies Skills
- Kiz Club Online Story: My Neighborhood
- Mrs. Nelson’s Class: Community Helpers Unit
- Mrs. Nelson’s Class: Who Wears These Hats? - community helpers
- Scholastic: Community Club - community workers
- Scholastic: Community Sorting
- Schools of California Online Resources for Education Kindergarten History/Social Science Units - resources and activities for learning to work together (citizenship), national symbols, working now and long ago, basics of location and place, calendars, holiday celebrations, and famous legends and events of America's past
- Schools of California Online Resources for Education Kindergarten History/Social Science Units: Model Lessons - click on the tab before grade K model lessons and then choose from patriotic symbols, the jobs people do, what is a map, and it's about time
- Sequenced Kindergarten Social Studies Lesson Plans
- Sparky the Fire Dog
- Teaching Economics in Kindergarten
- Trains Across America - photographs of trains grouped by railroad and geographic region
- Where Learning Begins: Geography
- Yellowstone National Park: Just for Kids
- California Kindergarten Dance Standards
- California Kindergarten English-Language Arts Standards
- California Kindergarten History-Social Science Standards
- California Kindergarten Mathematics Standards
- California Kindergarten Music Standards
- California Kindergarten Science Standards
- California Kindergarten Theatre Standards
- California Kindergarten Visual Arts Standards
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Principals and Standards
Students with Special Needs
- Collaborative Teaching: Special Education for Inclusive Classrooms - an online textbook
- Education World: Teaching Special Kids: On-Line Resources for Teachers
- Learning to Read/Reading to Learn Campaign: Helping Children With Learning Disabilities to Succeed
- Marc Sheehan's Special Education Page
- Preschool Zone: Resources for Early Childhood Special Education
- Special Education Resources on the Internet Teacher Tools
- ABC Teach Network: Flashcard Exchange (use Internet Explorer)
- Alfy: Award Maker
- All Words Translator
- The Amazing Picture Machine
- Bulletin Board Ideas and Tips for the K-3 Teacher
- Chicago Public Schools: Kindergarten Assessment Tools Draft
- Child's Play Family Daycare: Printable Color Masks
- Discovery School: Bulletin Board Ideas
- - an image search engine
- DLTK’s Custom Bingo Cards
- Filamentality
- flickr (photos)
- Jefferson County Schools: Word Game Boards
- I Love Languages
- Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators: Bulletin Board Ideas
- Kim’s Korner for Teacher Talk: Ideas for Bulletin Boards
- Kinderhouse Bulletin Boards
- Lakeshore Award Maker
- Lycos Zone: Online Translation - translate from one language to another (e.g., English to Spanish)
- Mag's Word Finder
- Mrs. Dominguez’s Bulletin Boards
- Mrs. Henricksen's Poetry Pages
- Mrs. Higa's Charts, Charts, and More Charts (use Internet Explorer) - select class charts at the top of the page.
- National Center For Education Statistics: Create a Graph
- One Look Dictionaries
- Pic4Learning
- Rhyming Dictionary and Thesaurus
- TheTeachersCorner: Bulletin Boards
- Teacher's Lab Technology - classroom technology integration, tutorials, information, news
- 23 Quality Criteria for Web Sites
- Create Your Own World Wide Web Site
- Creating a TeacherWeb: Vision to Reality
- From Now On: The Educational Technology Journal
- Global SchoolNet: Internet Project Registry
- Internet for Education Tutorial
- NAEYC Technology and Young Children Interest Forum
- Project Groundhog
- T.H.E. Journal - classroom technology integration
- Using Technology with Kindergarten Students
- A World of Kindergartens: Early Childhood Educator's Technology Talk
- ZDNet Technology News Themes
- 100th Day of School Activities
- A to Z Teacher Stuff: Theme Pages
- ABCTeach
- Activities
- Alfy: Thematic Units
- Early Childhood Thematic Units
- EduHound: Seasonal Resources
- Greentown Elementary School: Theme Units
- Hummingbird Educational Resources
- Inside Kindergarten
- Joan Holub's 100th Day of School Website
- Kennesaw State University Educational Technology Center: K-2 Themes
- Kids 1st Activity Ideas
- Kindergarten Themes
- Marcia's Lesson Links
- Mrs. Anderson’s Kindergarten Treehouse: Kindergarten Themes
- Mrs. Ayers’ KinderThemes
- Mrs. Dominguez’s Monthly Family Projects
- Mrs. Jones’ Alphabetical List of Themes and Activities
- Mrs. Nelson’s Class: Thematic Units and Story Lessons
- Mrs. Stewart’s Kindergarten Teachers’ Page
- Primary Teacher's Nook: Thematic Units - scroll down to the next button and click it
- Scholastic: Theme-Based Lesson Plans
- The School Bell - original themes and theme links arranged alphabetically and month-by-month
- School Days
- Southwest Educational Development Laboratory Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Language: A Bilingual Instruction Program
- Step by Step Child Care Curriculum and Themes (use Internet Explorer)- scroll down the page and select enter and then scroll down the page and select curriculum and theme pages
- Thematic Units
- Thematic Units for Primary Grades - scroll down to the list of themes
- Theme Library
- Theme Links for Early Childhood Educators
- A World of Kindergartens - an alphabetical listing of books, Web sites, poems, songs, recipes, activities and units for a wide variety of topics covered in kindergarten
- Yes, I Teach
Visual Discrimination
- Difference Mania
- PBS Kids: Virtual Goose
- Scholastic: I Spy Worksheets
- Dositey
- EduHound: Worksheets
- Family Education: Printables
- Free Kindergarten Worksheets Mini Books and Printables Online
- Handwriting Worksheets
- Kiddyhouse: Worksheets
- Kid's Page Archive
- Mr. Donn's Free Worksheets
- School Express Free Worksheets: Ages 3 to 6
- Teacher Time Saver Worksheets Page
- Teachnology: Early Childhood Worksheets
- Zaner-Bloser: Alphabet Sheets