AIP Conference Proceeding 738 THERMOPHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY: 6th International Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity (original) (raw)

THERMOPHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY: 6th International Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity 6th International Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity Ashok Gopinath, Naval Postgraduate School, Dept. of Mechanical & Astronautical Engineering, 700 Dyer Road, Monterey, CA, USA; Timothy J. Coutts, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, CO, USA;Joachim Luther, Fraunhofer Institute fur Solar Energiesysteme ISE, Heidenhofstrasse 2, Freiburg, GERMANY AIP Conference Proceedings 738 Conference Location and Date: Freiburg, Germany, 14-16 June 2004 Subseries: None Published November 2004; ISBN 0-7354-0222-1 One Volume, Print; 504 pages; 6 3/8 X 9 1/4 inches; Hardcover; $168.00 Readership: Physicists, engineers and researchers working in the following fields: alternate/renewable energy technology; photovoltaic cell technology; direct energy coversion technology; space propulsion; thermoelectric power; fuel cell power; portable and auxiliary power; co-generation; and waste heat utilization All papers were peer reviwed. Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) technology is a promising new means for the direct conversion of thermal to electric energy. Its potential applications range from military power, to space propulsion, to commercial products for market niches in auxiliary power sources, co-generation of electricity and heat, and high temperature waste heat utilization. The papers in this conference volume are divided into broad sections based on topic as follows: (a) Systems & Modeling on the performance of the latest TPV systems and current modeling efforts (b) Emitter & Filter Technologies on optical cavity spectral control for energy recuperation, (c) Photovoltaic device technologies based on antimony and InGaAs based cell designs. Related AIP Titles: CP# Editor(s) Title 699El-GenkSPACE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL FORUM - STAIF 2004: Conference on Thermophysics in Microgravity; Conference on Commercial/Civil Next Generation Space Transportation; 21st Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion; Conference on Huma 654El-GenkSPACE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL FORUM - STAIF 2003: Conference on Thermophysics in Microgravity; Conference on Commercial/Civil Next Generation Space Transportation; 20th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion; Conference on Human 653Coutts, et al.THERMOPHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY: Fifth Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity 608El-GenkSPACE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL FORUM -- STAIF 2002: Conference on Thermophysics in Microgravity, Conference on Innovative Transportation Systems for Exploration of the Solar System and Beyond, 19th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Pro 552El-GenkSPACE TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL FORUM - 2001: Conference on Space Exploration Technology; Conference on Thermophysics in Microgravity; Conference on Innovative Transportation Systems for Exploration of the Solar System and Beyond; Conference on Commercial/ 504El-GenkSPACE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL FORUM - 2000: Conference on International Space Station Utilization; Conference on Thermophysics in Microgravity; Conference on Enabling Technology and Required Scientific Developments for Interstellar Missi 462Al-JassimNCPV Photovoltaics Program Review: Proceedings of the 15th Conference 460Arimondo / AllmanTHERMOPHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY: Fourth NREL Conference 404McConnellFUTURE GENERATION PHOTOVOLTAIC TECHNOLOGIES: First NREL Conference 401Coutts, et al.THERMOPHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY: Third NREL Conference 394Witt, et al.NREL/SNL PHOTOVOLTAICS PROGRAM REVIEW: Proceedings of the 14th Conference - A Joint Meeting