Four Dimensional Figures Page (original) (raw)
Four Dimensional Figures Page
Uniform Polytopes in Four Dimensions
This is the world’s only website that tabulates all the convex uniform (i.e., Platonic and Archimedean)polychora (that is, four-dimensional polytopes), and until Norman W. Johnson’s book Uniform Polytopes is published by Cambridge University Press, it remains the only place in the world where you can find this information!
**!WARNING!**You should be fairly well acquainted with the convex uniform polyhedra and their symmetry groups, and somewhat well acquainted with the six convex regular polytopes in four-dimensional space and their symmetry groups, if the following material is to make any sense to you. If you aren’t, perhaps you’d still like to visit my polyhedron models website atPolycell’s Home Page or my dinosaur-publications website at Dinogeorge’s Home Page.
Just added November 22, 2004: A website where you can view and even purchase beautiful prints of interesting polychora nets. Go to Nuts About Nets!
On May 11, 2002, I added to this website a fairly large Web page (beware: it may take some time to download), a Multidimensional Glossary, that contains definitions of some of the terms, concepts, and figures needed when exploring the geometry of higher-dimensional spaces. It is already a serviceable document, but for some time to come I’ll be adding new terms to it, illustrating it, and revising and rewriting it, as time permits. With these improvements, perhaps in time it will become a standard reference on many topics in descriptive geometry of higher-dimensional spaces.
Above: A three-dimensional section through the Great Prismosaurus—a uniform star-polychoron whose cells are 720 highly intersecting congruent pentagonal prisms. This star-polychoron is highly nonconvex!! The section is orthogonal to an icosahedral symmetry axis by a realm passing through the figure 15% of the way out from the center toward a vertex. This polychoron was discovered independently by me in 1997 and (somewhat earlier) by Jonathan Bowers of Tyler, Texas, and this website is its “public debut.” It is one of 8190 currently known uniform polychora, many of which are simpler but most of which are much more complicated. Jonathan has discovered more than 8000 of these during the past decade, working—in the tradition of Ludwig Schläfli, Thorold Gosset, and Alicia Boole Stott—independently and in virtual isolation.
The most recent changes to the roster of uniform polychora begin with two odd figures having the symmetry of a square-octagonal duoprism that Jonathan discovered in January 2002. These had been sitting under our noses for years; we should have found them long ago. They brought the polychora count up to 8188. Then in April 2002, after corresponding with Japanese geometer Hironori Sakamoto, Jonathan removed four figures that turned out to be degenerate, bringing the count down to 8184. But later that month, Hironori discovered four new uniform facetings in an existing regiment, and Jonathan found two more related to those. This brought the count up to 8190, as high as it has ever been. Details are available at Jonathan’s website (link in following digressive paragraph).
[Regarding Jonathan Bowers, from December 12, 1999 through January 2, 2000 I added his alternative names for the convex uniform polychora to the tables. See the Nomenclature section for details. Jonathan now has a website where he displays some of his wonderful POVray-rendered three-dimensional cross-sections of various uniform polychora. His classification of the known uniform polychora into 29 groups also appears there.]
The Great Prismosaurus has 120 vertices, 1200 edges, 1800 square faces, and 720 pentagonal faces to connect its 720 pentagonal-prism cells together. Sixty cells come together at each vertex. The squares are also the faces of a uniform_compound of 75 tesseracts_, while the pentagons are also the faces of the regular star-polychoron {5,5/2,3}, the_great grand hecatonicosachoron_. Both of these figures of course have the same sets of vertices and edges as the Great Prismosaurus.
All the edges are surrounded alike by nine prisms, which makes the Great Prismosaurus not only uniform but quasi-regular; and since it has only one kind of cell, it is also_isochoric_. If you look closely at the figure, you will see that nine intersecting face planes meet at every corner—the sections of the nine prisms that surround each edge in the polychoron. The prisms are quite large relative to the size of the polychoron itself, and they pass quite close to the center. The dihedral angle between two prisms at a common pentagonal face is 36°, and if you travel from prism to prism across the parallel pentagonal bases, you’ll pass through five before returning to your starting point, after going twice around the polychoron. If you travel from prism to prism around a common edge, you’ll circle the edge four times in passing through the nine prisms that share that edge. In the section shown, all the vertices are sections of various edges, and all the faces are sections of various cells: the sectioning realm bypasses the polychoron’s own vertices.
I estimate that this section of the Great Prismosaurus (Greekish name: pentagonal-prismatic heptacosiicosachoron) has on the order of 400,000 facelets, which a polyhedron model-maker would have to cut out and paste together to make a paper model. Many are very small—at or below the limits of the picture resolution for a picture this size. Each facelet is the section of a corresponding cellet in the exterior of the Great Prismosaurus. A hypothetical four-dimensional model-maker, or HM[4], would have to precisely cut out (from three-dimensional cardboard) and glue together more than a million cellets to build a model of this polychoron. And this one is nowhere near as complicated as some of the known uniform star-polychora become.
The Great Prismosaurus has a simpler conjugate: a uniform polychoron whose cells are 720 pentagrammatic prisms. It is the simpler of the two polychora because it has far fewer self-intersections, so we call it the Small Prismosaurus; its Greekish name would be pentagrammatic-prismatic heptacosiicosachoron. It has the same vertices, edges, and square faces as the Great Prismosaurus, but the pentagons are discarded and replaced by the pentagrams of the regular star-polychoron {5/2,5,3}, the stellated hecatonicosachoron (which has the same vertices and edges as the great grand hecatonicosachoron and both Prismosauri).
The most recent additions to the roster of uniform polychora are the Prismosaurus Hybrids: a sequence of six prismlike uniform polychora that “fit in between” the Small and Great Prismosaurus. In the first Hybrid, 120 pentagrammatic prisms (twelve girdles of ten, or, more accurately, 24 girdles of five compounded pairwise) of the Small Prismosaurus are exchanged for 120 pentagonal prisms of the Great Prismosaurus. In the second, another set of 120 prisms is exchanged. There are two ways to uniformly exchange three sets of 120, there is one way to exchange four sets of 120, and one final way to exchange five sets. If you exchange all six sets of 120 prisms of the Small Prismosaurus, you get the Great Prismosaurus, of course. The Hybrids are less symmetric than the Prismosauri themselves, but they are nevertheless still uniform. Each Hybrid is chiral—it comes in left-handed and right-handed forms—as is its vertex figure. The Hybrids are six of ten known polychora I call swirlprisms (and Norman Johnson calls chiroprisms) that I discovered during August and September 1999. They are the only known chiral uniform polychora that also have chiral vertex figures. We expect to turn up more of these as we get the hang of working with chiral symmetries in four-space. To see five views of each Hybrid Prismosaurus vertex figure, constructed by Jonathan Bowers, click here: Hybrid swirlprism vertex figures. To see pictures of the chiral vertex figures of the first four swirlprisms, click here: Swirlprism vertex figures. To see a set of three-dimensional sections of the simplest swirlprism (the sisp), click here: Small swirlprism sections, vertex first, part 1 (from vertex to center); and here: Small swirlprism sections, vertex first, part 2 (continuing from center to opposite vertex). The small swirlprism has 120 pentagonal antiprisms for its cells (one of which pops into existence in the .100 section in part 1, another symmetrically pops out after the .900 section in part 2). These sections clearly show why I called these polychora swirlprisms!
The small swirlprism was sectioned by Jonathan Bowers using his POV-ray uniform polychoron sectioning system, and I added it to this website May 12, 2001. The Great Prismosaurus picture was produced by Bruce L. Chilton of Tonawanda, New York using his four-dimensional sectioning program and the Imagine three-dimensional graphic display system. He is the one who named it the Prismosaurus. The original colors were inverted for this composition by Joel McVey of San Diego, California. I added this picture to this website August 18, 1998. Bruce recently produced motion pictures of all twelve regular pentagonal polychora—two convex and ten star-polychora—as well as the Great Prismosaurus, as MPG files. The polychora appear as changing polyhedral sections, as we would see them if they were passing through our real three-space at a uniform rate.
In succeeding months, I will begin to post information on the other nonconvex uniform polychora, as well as more basic and introductory matter related to the geometry of four-dimensional space. Meanwhile, information on all the convex uniform polychora may be found by clicking on the hyperlinks at the end of this page. Ultimately, I’d like to create an illustrated Web page for each different uniform polychoron, convex and nonconvex, but this would take about 15 years’ work and require about a gigabyte of disk space!
Name and Location:
George Olshevsky
Post Office Box 161015
San Diego, California 92176–1015
Hobbies and Interests:
Polyhedron model-making, dinosaurs, and (of course) geometric figures in the higher-dimensional Euclidean spaces. From the 1960s through the 1980s I collected Marvel Comics and compiled the Official Marvel Comics Index for Marvel. For 14 years I had the world’s only complete collection of Marvel superhero comics that extended all the way back to Marvel’s first comic book, Marvel Comics #1, October-November 1939. Now, however, I’m no longer an active comic-book collector. During the Marvel Index project I produced some 60 fully illustrated books, totaling more than a million and a quarter words—but after 1976 I never did manage to index every single Marvel superhero comic, just the more popular runs.
Indexing sets of things seems to be in my blood: My present “day job” is professionally indexing books of all kinds as a freelancer. My Dinosaur Genera List website is essentially an index to all the dinosaur names, and this Uniform Polychora website you are now visiting is, likewise, an index to all the convex uniform polychora. Just to keep my verbal skills intact, I do each day’s New York Times crossword puzzle. During the early 1990s I served two years as president of the San Diego Stamp Club, but I’m not currently an active stamp collector. (Over the course of some 40 years, I had assembled nearly complete collections of Poland, France, and United States postage and revenue stamps, and filling my want lists just became too expensive! I do keep up my membership in the American Philatelic Society, however, just in case I ever return to stamp collecting.)
OLYCHORON(plural: polychora) is my term for a four-dimensional polytope, analogous to polygon in two dimensions and polyhedron_in three. The only other names for such a figure that I had seen in the literature, “polyhedroid” and “hypersolid,” seem uninspired and inappropriate, because they’re too close to terms for three-dimensional polytopes; the ending -oid connotes similarity or resemblance; and the prefix hyper- is badly overused. A four-dimensional polytope resembles a polyhedron no more than a polyhedron resembles a polygon, so it should have a similarly distinctive root following the poly-. The Greek root_choros means “room,” “place,” or “space,” describing the three-dimensional polytopes, or_cells_, that make up the polychoron. In early versions of this website, I called such a figure a polychorema(plural: polychoremata), but Norman W. Johnson persuaded me of the benefits of the shortened form, and I changed this document everywhere accordingly. I also slightly altered the spellings of some of the names from their initial versions here, the most drastic change having been to replace hypercube and its linguistic derivatives with tesseract and its linguistic derivatives. Finally, I also removed the syllable kai(which means “and,” as in “four-and-twenty”) from the names, because it seemed redundant and lengthened the already long names unnecessarily. Under these conventions, the Greekish names for the six regular convex polychora, for example, became little more complicated than the well-known names for the familiar five regular convex polyhedra. I’m most indebted to Norman for his numerous kind comments and suggestions, which have greatly improved the appearance and accuracy of this home page.
[Additions, corrections, and suggestions are always welcome. I continue to make minor modifications and adjustments, weeding out occasional typographical errors and so forth. When I’m satisfied, I’ll remove this bracketed note. On November 18, 1998, I added as a test the first of my vertex-figure illustrations, for polychoron #15 in Section 2. By January 5, 1999, all sections of the table were fully illustrated. The prism section, Section 6, pictures 36 vertex figures and takes more than twice as long to download as Sections 1–5; Section 7, all of whose polychora are duplicates of others in the table, needs no illustrations. The numerals on the edges in the pictures denote the number of sides of the corresponding regular-polygonal faces at a vertex of the polychoron; the length of an edge labeled p is thus 2cos(pi/p). Mathematica 2.1 uses 8-bit color, which is why the pictures suffer from dither, but I think this is not a terrible problem because the vertex figures are rather simple polyhedra.
[Thereafter, my next project will be to characterize theduals of the convex uniform polychora and add them to the table. Later, once I find a congenial graphics system to work with, I may be able to furnish plane or stereo projections of some of the tabulated polychora. This website was last modified 12/06/05.]
In 1996, an old high-school friend sent me a copy of Roman Maeder’s terrific article “Uniform Polyhedra” from_Mathematica Journal 3_(4), 1993. This inspired me to dredge up some old notes I’d made in the 1960s on the convex uniform polychora. Long ago, Bruce Chilton introduced me to the Coxeter-Dynkin system for performing Wythoff’s construction, which makes discovering Wythoffian uniform polytopes and extracting some of their properties quite simple, and I used the system to enumerate these polychora. I’ve also discovered or rediscovered quite a few Wythoffian uniform star-polychora, but my comments on them must wait until my notes become more coherent. Many of those star-polychora—the four-dimensional versions of the_nonconvex_ uniform polyhedra enumerated by Coxeter, Longuet-Higgins, and Miller in 1954—are incredibly complicated: note the picture at the beginning of this Web page! To see a plane projection of a regular star-polychoron—a computer drawing I made for Coxeter’s book _Regular Complex Polytopes_—go to this web site: great stellated hecatonicosachoron.
Now let me digress. Just for the record, and for comparison with the polychoric names, here are the names, symmetry groups, and most frequently used Schläfli symbols andWythoff symbols of the 18 convex nonprismatic uniform polyhedra. Optional names or parts of names are [bracketed]. The pictures of the polyhedra, added May 30, 2001 and revised June 2, 2001, were drawn by Jonathan Bowers using his POV-ray system, and include his “shortcut” names for them. Here HTML forces compromises: For uniform polyhedra whose Schläfli symbols are usually written vertically I adopt Norman Johnson’s convention of using an r (for “rectified”) in front of the symbol. The Coxeter-Dynkin graphs for all the convex uniform polyhedra appear at the end of Section 6 on prismatic polychora as the first three nodes of the graphs of the corresponding uniform-polyhedral prisms. And the (polygonal) vertex figures of all the convex uniform polyhedra appear there as the _bases_of the pyramidal vertex figures of their polyhedral prisms!
The regular polyhedra have been known since before the time of the classical Greeks, and were studied by the Pythagoreans and by Plato, so they’re often called the Platonicpolyhedra. (For a quick look at my models of all nine regular polyhedra, convex and nonconvex, click on Regular Polyhedra photo.) The uniform polyhedra with more than one kind of face were, according to many accounts, first enumerated by Archimedes, so they are likewise called the Archimedeanpolyhedra. Here, and everywhere in the tables, all the polytopes are assumed to be regular and/or uniform unless specifically denoted otherwise. Vertex figures, however, are_not_ regular or uniform unless specifically denoted as such; their size assumes an Archimedean polytope of unit edge length. Outside the context of these tables, it may be necessary to add the qualifiers “regular” or “uniform” to the names to distinguish them from nonuniform polychora with identical cell counts.
A. Regular or Platonic polyhedra (uniform polyhedra with one kind of face):
1. Tetrahedron
[4 vertices, 6 edges, 4 triangular faces]
Vertex figure: Equilateral triangle, edge 1
Schläfli symbols: {3,3} or sr{2,2}
Wythoff symbols: 3 | 2 3 or | 2 2 2
Symmetry group: Tetrahedral [3,3], of order 24
In nonprismatic convex uniform polychora, can appear with triangular pyramidal symmetry (in snub icositetrachoron), and bilateral symmetry of order 2 and direct digonal-dihedral symmetry of order 4 (both kinds in grand antiprism), as well as with tetrahedral symmetry
2. Cube [hexahedron]
[8 vertices, 12 edges, 6 square faces]
Vertex figure: Equilateral triangle, edge sqrt(2)
Schläfli symbols: {4,3}, t{2,4}, or tr{2,2}
Wythoff symbols: 3 | 2 4, 2 4 | 2, or 2 2 2 |
Symmetry group: Octahedral [3,4], of order 48
In nonprismatic convex uniform polychora, can appear with square dihedral symmetry [2,4] of order 16 as well as with octahedral symmetry
3. Octahedron
[6 vertices, 12 edges, 8 triangular faces]
Vertex figure: Square, edge 1
Schläfli symbols: {3,4}, r{3,3}, sr{2,3}, or s{3}h{ }
Wythoff symbols: 4 | 2 3, 2 | 3 3, or | 2 2 3
Symmetry group: Octahedral [3,4], of order 48
In nonprismatic convex uniform polychora, can appear with tetrahedral symmetry as well as with octahedral symmetry
4. Dodecahedron
[20 vertices, 30 edges, 12 pentagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Equilateral triangle, edge tau
Schläfli symbol: {5,3}
Wythoff symbol: 3 | 2 5
Symmetry group: Icosahedral [3,5], of order 120
5. Icosahedron
[12 vertices, 30 edges, 20 triangular faces]
Vertex figure: Regular pentagon, edge 1
Schläfli symbol: {3,5}
Wythoff symbol: 5 | 2 3
Symmetry group: Icosahedral [3,5], of order 120
In nonprismatic convex uniform polychora, can appear with pyritohedral symmetry [3+,4] of order 24 (in snub icositetrachoron) as well as with icosahedral symmetry
B. Quasi-regular Archimedean polyhedra (uniform polyhedra with two different kinds of faces but equivalent edges):
6. Cuboctahedron
[12 vertices, 24 edges, 8 triangular and 6 square faces]
Vertex figure: Rectangle, edges 1 and sqrt(2)
Schläfli symbols: r{4,3}, r{3,4}, or rr{3,3}
Wythoff symbol: 2 | 3 4 or 3 3 | 2
Symmetry group: Octahedral [3,4], of order 48
In nonprismatic convex uniform polychora, can appear with tetrahedral symmetry as well as with octahedral symmetry
7. Icosidodecahedron
[30 vertices, 60 edges, 20 triangular and 12 pentagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Rectangle, edges 1 and tau
Schläfli symbols: r{5,3} or r{3,5}
Wythoff symbol: 2 | 3 5
Symmetry group: Icosahedral [3,5], of order 120
C. Semi-regular Archimedean polyhedra (uniform polyhedra with at least two different kinds of faces and inequivalent edges):
8. Truncated tetrahedron
[12 vertices, 18 edges, 4 triangular and 4 hexagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles triangle, base 1, lateral sides_sqrt_(3)
Schläfli symbol: t{3,3}
Wythoff symbol: 2 3 | 3
Symmetry group: Tetrahedral [3,3], of order 24
9. Truncated cube
[24 vertices, 36 edges, 8 triangular and 6 octagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles triangle, base 1, lateral sides_sqrt_[2+sqrt(2)]
Schläfli symbol: t{4,3}
Wythoff symbol: 2 3 | 4
Symmetry group: Octahedral [3,4], of order 48
10. Truncated octahedron
[24 vertices, 36 edges, 6 square and 8 hexagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles triangle, base sqrt(2), lateral sides sqrt(3)
Schläfli symbols: t{3,4} or tr{3,3}
Wythoff symbols: 2 4 | 3 or 2 3 3 |
Symmetry group: Octahedral [3,4], of order 48
In nonprismatic convex uniform polychora, can appear with tetrahedral symmetry as well as with octahedral symmetry
11. Truncated dodecahedron
[60 vertices, 90 edges, 20 triangular and 12 decagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles triangle, base 1, lateral sides_sqrt_(2+tau)
Schläfli symbol: t{5,3}
Wythoff symbol: 2 3 | 5
Symmetry group: Icosahedral [3,5], of order 120
12. Truncated icosahedron
[60 vertices, 90 edges, 12 pentagonal and 20 hexagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles triangle, base tau, lateral sides sqrt(3)
Schläfli symbol: t{3,5}
Wythoff symbol: 2 5 | 3
Symmetry group: Icosahedral [3,5], of order 120
13. [Small] rhombicuboctahedron
[24 vertices, 48 edges, 8 triangular and 18 square faces]
Vertex figure: Equilateral trapezoid, base 1, the other three sides sqrt(2)
Schläfli symbols: rr{4,3} or rr{3,4}
Wythoff symbol: 3 4 | 2
Symmetry group: Octahedral [3,4], of order 48
14. [Small] rhombicosidodecahedron
[60 vertices, 120 edges, 20 triangular, 30 square, and 12 pentagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles trapezoid, one base 1, one base_tau_, lateral sides sqrt(2)
Schläfli symbols: rr{5,3} or rr{3,5}
Wythoff symbol: 3 5 | 2
Symmetry group: Icosahedral [3,5], of order 120
15. Truncated cuboctahedron [great rhombicuboctahedron]
[48 vertices, 72 edges, 12 square, 8 hexagonal, and 6 octagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Scalene triangle, sides _sqrt_2,sqrt(3), _sqrt_[2+sqrt(2)]
Schläfli symbols: tr{4,3} or tr{3,4}
Wythoff symbol: 2 3 4 |
Symmetry group: Octahedral [3,4], of order 48
16. Truncated icosidodecahedron [great rhombicosidodecahedron]
[120 vertices, 180 edges, 30 square, 20 hexagonal, and 12 decagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Scalene triangle, sides sqrt(2),sqrt(3), sqrt(2+tau)
Schläfli symbols: tr{5,3} or tr{3,5}
Wythoff symbol: 2 3 5 |
Symmetry group: Icosahedral [3,5], of order 120
17. Snub cuboctahedron
[24 vertices, 60 edges, 32 triangular and 6 square faces; chiral]
Vertex figure: Bilaterally symmetric pentagon, four sides 1, the fifth side sqrt(2)
Schläfli symbols: sr{4,3} or sr{3,4}
Wythoff symbol: | 2 3 4
Symmetry group: Direct octahedral [3,4]+, of order 24
Does not occur as a cell of any nonprismatic convex uniform polychoron
18. Snub icosidodecahedron
[60 vertices, 150 edges, 80 triangular and 12 pentagonal faces; chiral]
Vertex figure: Bilaterally symmetric pentagon, four sides 1, the fifth side tau
Schläfli symbols: sr{5,3} or sr{3,5}
Wythoff symbol: | 2 3 5
Symmetry group: Direct icosahedral [3,5]+, of order 60
Does not occur as a cell of any nonprismatic convex uniform polychoron
Also Archimedean are the p_-gonal prismst{2,p} or {p}x{ }, or 2 p | 2, andantiprisms sr{2,p} or s{p}h{ }, or | 2 2_p. There are an infinite number of these, one of each for each integer _p_>2. For _p_=3, the antiprism is a regular octahedron, and for _p_=4, the prism is a cube. In this discussion, the letters n, p, and q are always nonnegative integers. Below are tabulated the six Archimedean prisms and antiprisms that occur as cells of the nonprismatic convex Archimeadean polychora.
Triangular prism
[6 vertices, 9 edges, 2 triangular and 3 square faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles triangle, base 1, lateral sides_sqrt_(2)
Schläfli symbols: t{2,3} or {3}x{ }
Wythoff symbol: 2 3 | 2
Symmetry group: Triangular dihedral [2,3], of order 12
Pentagonal prism
[10 vertices, 15 edges, 5 square and 2 pentagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles triangle, base tau, lateral sides sqrt(2)
Schläfli symbols: t{2,5} or {5}x{ }
Wythoff symbol: 2 5 | 2
Symmetry group: Pentagonal dihedral [2,5], of order 20
Hexagonal prism
[12 vertices, 18 edges, 6 square and 2 hexagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles triangle, base sqrt(3), lateral sides sqrt(2)
Schläfli symbols: t{2,6}, tr{2,3}, or {6}x{ }
Wythoff symbols: 2 6 | 2 or 2 2 3 |
Symmetry group: Hexagonal dihedral [2,6], of order 24
In nonprismatic convex uniform polychora, occurs only with triangular dihedral symmetry
Octagonal prism
[16 vertices, 24 edges, 8 square and 2 octagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles triangle, base_sqrt_[2+sqrt(2)], lateral sides sqrt(2)
Schläfli symbols: t{2,8}, tr{2,4}, or {8}x{ }
Wythoff symbols: 2 8 | 2 or 2 2 4 |
Symmetry group: Octagonal dihedral [2,8], of order 32
In nonprismatic convex uniform polychora, occurs only with square dihedral symmetry
Decagonal prism
[20 vertices, 30 edges, 10 square and 2 decagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Isosceles triangle, base_sqrt_(2+tau), lateral sides sqrt(2)
Schläfli symbols: t{2,10}, tr{2,5}, or {10}x{ }
Wythoff symbols: 2 10 | 2 or 2 2 5 |
Symmetry group: Decagonal dihedral [2,10], of order 40
In nonprismatic convex uniform polychora, occurs only with pentagonal dihedral symmetry
Pentagonal antiprism
[10 vertices, 20 edges, 10 triangular and 2 pentagonal faces]
Vertex figure: Equilateral trapezoid, base sqrt(2), the other three sides 1
Schläfli symbols: sr{2,5} or s{5}h{ }
Wythoff symbol: | 2 2 5
Symmetry group: Pentagonal antiprismatic [2+,10], of order 20
In nonprismatic convex uniform polychora, occurs as a cell only in the grand antiprism
Also just for the record, a convex polytope is one with this property: If a line segment’s end points both lie in the polytope’s interior, then all the points on the line segment between the end points also lie in the polytope’s interior; and none of the faces overlap. A uniform polyhedronis one whose faces are all regular polygons and any of whose vertices (corners) may be transformed (or carried) into any of its other vertices by its symmetries. A uniform polychoronis one whose cells are all uniform polyhedra and any of whose vertices may be transformed into any other of its vertices by its symmetries. Not surprisingly, this definition easily extends to_n_ dimensions: a uniform polytope of _n_>4 dimensions is one whose facets (the elements of dimension_n_–1) are uniform, and any of whose vertices may be transformed into any of its other vertices by its symmetries. (This property is called transitivity: the vertices of the polytope are transitive under its symmetry group.) It should be obvious that all the edges of any uniform polytope in _n_dimensions have the same length, and that all the faces (elements of dimension 2) are always regular polygons. Likewise, all the vertices of an _n_-dimensional uniform polytope are constrained by symmetry to lie on a single _n_-dimensional sphere centered at the polytope’s center of symmetry. We may further honor Archimedes by extending his name to the non-regular uniform polytopes in n dimensions, just as the regular_n_-dimensional polytopes may be referred to as Platonic.
Pictures of all the non-prismatic uniform polyhedra, convex and nonconvex, may be found at these websites: Roman Maeder’s Uniform Polyhedra (also found, differently organized, at All Uniform Polyhedra), Steven Dutch’s Uniform Polyhedra, Vladimir Bulatov’s Polyhedra Collection, and Virtual Reality Polyhedra (George Hart). This discussion and the usefulness of the accompanying tables will be greatly assisted if the reader happens to have available an actual set of models of the 18 Platonic and Archimedean polyhedra pictured above, all matched to a unit edge length. A few matching prisms (triangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, octagonal, and decagonal) and antiprisms (particularly the pentagonal), also pictured above, wouldn’t hurt, either. End of digression.
Contemplating the 18 convex uniform polyhedra that belong to sets other than the infinite prismatic sets enchants us three-dimensional viewers, so we might expect that contemplating the analogous assemblage of 64 convex uniform polychora would enchant a hypothetical four-dimensional viewer even more, because the polychoric collection is markedly larger than the polyhedral set, and some of the polychora are considerably more intricate. The existence of exactly those 18 convex uniform polyhedra is a fundamental property of three-dimensional Euclidean space, and the existence of the 64 corresponding polychora is likewise a fundamental property of four-dimensional Euclidean space. It is only by thinking about and examining—by becoming familiar with—the great variety of interesting polychora, not just the regular ones (and particularly not just the tesseract, or four-dimensional hypercube), that we can expand our ability to visualize and handle such figures. (There is a website, constructed by Melinda Green, where you can handle a four-dimensional Rubik's Cube: 4D Rubik’s Cube).
The convex Wythoffian polychora have been known since before the 1920s through the work of Thorold Gosset, W. A. Wythoff, Pieter Hendrick Schoute, E. L. Elte, and Alicia Boole Stott, and systematized by H.S.M. Coxeter. There is one anomalous, entirely _non-Wythoffian_antiprismatic convex uniform polychoron, discovered by Conway and Guy in 1965, that must also be added to complete the collection. Using a computer search, they proved that the set described below is indeed complete, and published the result in a short note titled “Four-dimensional Archimedean Polytopes” in the proceedings of a colloquium on convexity at Copenhagen. Curiously, I’ve yet to see published an explicit table of the convex uniform polychora and their properties, despite the amount of time they’ve been known. So here for reference, at this website, is such a table. The original version of these tables was, as far as I know, the first to appear publicly anywhere, in any medium.
For more on Coxeter, see the H.S.M. Coxeter home page.
For plane and stereo views of projections of the six convex regular polychora, go to Eric Swab’s Website and click the appropriate buttons.
Click on the underlined text to access various portions of the Convex Uniform Polychora List:
Nomenclature: How the convex uniform polychora are named
List Key: Explanations of the various List entries
Multidimensional Glossary: Explanations of some geometrical terms and concepts
Section 1: Convex uniform polychora based on the pentachoron (5-cell): polychora #1–9
Section 2: Convex uniform polychora based on the tesseract (hypercube) and hexadecachoron (16-cell): polychora #10–21
Section 3: Convex uniform polychora based on the icositetrachoron (24-cell): polychora #22–31
Section 4: Convex uniform polychora based on the hecatonicosachoron (120-cell) and hexacosichoron (600-cell): polychora #32–46
Section 5: The anomalous non-Wythoffian convex uniform polychoron: polychoron #47
Section 6: Convex uniform prismatic polychora: polychora #48–64 and infinite sets
Section 7: Uniform polychora derived from glomeric tetrahedron B4: all duplicates of prior polychora
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Text ©1997 George Olshevsky, but the math belongs to everyone.