The Big Trak Homepage (original) (raw)

The Fully Programmable Electronic Vehicle

Big Trak's might not be rolling off the assembly line anymore, but they are still alive and well. I have personally released a small army of them back out into the world. 25+ years in an attic is a long time, but these are surprisingly tough toys. Except for the plastic axles...not tough. If you have a Big Trak with all of its axles miraculously intact, then please protect it well. I suggest a safety deposit box or possibly an armed guard. It just depends on how much you love this toy. Me? Two armed guards.

Looking to buy a Big Trak?
Need parts for a repair?

I'm the guy!
Send me an email.

If you have, or want, a Big Trak of your very own then I welcome you as a brother (or sister, the Big Trak does not engage in gender descrimination). If you have no idea what a Big Trak is then I have only one question. How did you ever find this site? Seriously, please send me an e-mail so that I may begin to understand the mystery that is Google.

I've tried to provide some useful information and resources here, so please look around and let me know what you think. I've included information on many of the things that people typically ask me about. Where can I find a manual, why doesn't the photon beam work, why will it only go straight, how do I get marshmallow out of the gear box, etc. People please, enough with the marshmallow obsticle courses. That's just not what it was made to do!

A Movie Star!

Did you know that the Big Trak got its big screen break in E.T.? It's true, see for yourself. Go ahead, I'll wait here while you find the BetaMax. It was in the attic next to the Big Trak. Oh, you just want me to show you? Sure, that makes more sense. Check out this picture of E.T., little Drew Barrymore and the Big Trak!