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Spanish Needle Onion
(Allium shevockii )

Spanish Needle Onion; Photo Copyright 2003 Heath McAllister
Photo Copyright 2003 Heath McAllister

Description: Petals and sepals oblanceolate to ovate, maroon near tip, white or green below, outer tips reflexed and curled. Plant arising from a spheric bulb, 10-15 mm. Forms theadlike rhizomes with one terminal bulb, outer coat brown to gray, inner bulb coats light yellow becoming red. Leaf cylindrical.

Distribution: Found in three locations: around Owens Peak, in Jawbone Canyon, and near Tehachapi.

Habitat: Metamorphic or granitic tallus slopes from 1000-2500 m.

Flowering Period: April (may be longer).

Similar Plants: No other Allium species has the disctinctive recurved petals as does A. shevockii.

Status: BLM Sensitive, California Native Plant Society List 1B