news [CompHEP] (original) (raw)
CompHEP: a package for evaluation of Feynman diagrams, integration over multi-particle phase space and event generation (supported in part by RFBR grants 96-02-19773-а, 99-02-04011-ННИО_а, 01-02-16710-а, 04-02-17448-а).
CompHEP Collaboration
E.Boos, V.Bunichev, M.Dubinin, L.Dudko, V.Edneral, V.ILyin, A.Kryukov, V.Savrin - SINP MSU, Moscow, Russia.
A.Semenov - JINR, Dubna, Russia.
A.Sherstnev - SINP MSU, Moscow, Russia and University of Cambridge, UK.
At present time when a new generation of TeV energy colliders is beginning to operate one needs to calculate cross sections for a great number of various reactions. The CompHEP package was created for calculation of multiparticle final states in collision and decay processes. The main idea in CompHEP was to enable one to go directly from the lagrangian to the cross sections and distributions effectively, with the high level of automation.
- 14/11/2006 Two new versions of CompHEP-PYTHIA interface (cpyth-1.2.7 and cpyth-2.0.4). Sources can be downloaded on the download page
- 13/09/2006 A new version of CompHEP-PYTHIA interface and a new interface CompHEP-HERWIG has been released. Sources can be downloaded on the download page.
- 26/07/2006 Status talk on CompHEP at MC4LHC (CERN, July 17-26, 2006) (conference homepage, talk)
- 10/07/2005 Add instructions for compiling CompHEP under Mac
X (special thanks to Prof. M.Peskin). See documentation. - 08/07/2005 Add user corner for open discussion.
- 03/07/2005 New wiki based web-site was deployed for the project. All users must make new registration.
Read old news.
- E.Boos et al. [CompHEP Collaboration], CompHEP 4.4: Automatic computations from Lagrangians to events, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A534(2004), p250 (arXiv:hep-ph/0403113).
- A.Pukhov and et al., CompHEP - a package for evaluation of Feynman diagrams and integration over multi-particle phase space. User's manual for version 3.3, (arXiv:hep-ph/9908288)
If you use CompHEP-PYTHIA interface (cpyth), please cite the following reference:
- A.S. Belyaev et al., CompHEP - PYTHIA interface: integrated package for the collision events generation based on exact matrix elements. talk given at ACAT'2000 (Fermilab, 16-20 Oct 2000), (arXiv:hep-ph/0101232)
CompHEP version 4.2 based on the codes of CompHEP version 41.10
Copyright (C) 2003-2007 CompHEP Collaboration | Design by A.Kryukov