Martin Wong: Lunch with Manuel Ocampo (original) (raw)

We interview a lot of people for Giant Robot, and the vast majority of them are really cool. I think it's because we favor DIY, indie, and punk rock sensibilities, and most of that ilk is for the people--and not selfish assholes with star complexes.

It's impossible to keep track or stay in touch with everyone, but one guy that we immediately connected with is Manuel Ocampo. He's incredibly talented and totally established in the world of art, yet is so humble, funny, and nice. It's actually not shocking at all that he split the dog-eat-dog art scene in U.S. to start a new one in Manila! (He still finds time to have shows in places like New York City and Madrid.)

Now and then Manuel comes back to L.A. for family or art purposes, and we always manage to hang out. A couple months ago, we had brunch at Millie's in Silver Lake. He used to live in the area, and it's also where Wendy and I live now. Yesterday, we had lunch at gr/eats! Wendy and Manuel had the sushi special. Me, the tofu meatball plate.

Manuel brought his new catalogue, a CD with art by his friend and future GR subject Louie Cordero, and some DVDs with art for us to check out. I gave him some back issues and J Church CDs! Lance from J Church is a big fan of the artist, so I figured I'd pass along some of his tunes.

Back at the magazine office, I offered Manuel some fruit from the GR trees. Avocados and lemons to take home. I started picking some, but he seemed to be into it, so I let him in on the fun.

After spending time with Manuel and hearing stories about the cool art, crazy malls, and bootleg culture, I want to visit him in Manila. One day we'll get out there. I hear once you get off the plane, it's pretty affordable.