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The Qahtani Arabs
This group of Arabs remained in the Southern part of the Arabian peninsula. They slowly moved from the desert regions to the highlands of Yemen. They will remain protected from the fatal invasion the Ancient Arabs of the north faced. From the 1st century BC they will start northward migrations that will reach its peak in the 3rd century with the Kahlan tribes migration out of Yemen.
Pre Dynastic Qahtan 2300BC-800BC:
*23rd century BC The Arabs of the South unite under the leadership of Qahtan.
*20th century BC the Qahtanis began building simple earth dams and canals in the Marib area in the Sayhad desert. This area will be the�nucleus�of the forthcoming Sabean Dam of Marib.
*19th century BC Ismail was found by the Qahtani tribe of Jurhum. They adopted him and he married the daughter of the Jurhum tribes leader.
*16th century BC the Qahtanis began to move to the Tihama coasts and the lowlands. A tradeline began to flourish along the Red Sea Tihama coasts. During this period The Qahtanis began to settle East Africa in small trading colonies in nieghboring East Africa.
*12th century BC an order of High Priests who are referred to as the Mukkaribs of the "Sabeans" will rule South Arabia and some parts of East Africa.
*11th century BC the reign of the legendary Queen Bilqis mentioned in the Bible/Quran.
*9the century BC the Qahtanis began using a Variant of the Phoenician script, this will lead to the recording of the South Arabian history, from this point on.
The Rise of the Qahtani civilizations 800BC-25BC:
* 8th century BC Ma'een kingdom builds its capital in Baraqish.
* 8th century BC the Sabeans build their capital on the edge of the mountains regions in Sirwah.
* 8th century BC the Qatabanians rise as Sabean vassals in central Yemen.
* 8th century BC the Hadhramites rise as Sabean vassals in eastern Yemen.
* 8th century BC Awsan appears as independent nation in a region that will partly controlled by the Qatabanians.
* 719BC The temple of Marib is finished.
* 718BC War between Ma'een and the Sabeans.
* 716BC After securing their borders with Ma'een the Sabeans moved their capital to the more accessible Marib.
* 715BC The Sabeans control the trade line and started recording diplomatic relationships with Assyria.
* 715 BC Sumhu`alay Yanuf and his son Yatha`amar Bayyin complete building the Marib Dam.
* 8th century BC the Qatabanians rise as the Vassals of the Sabeans in East Yemen.
* 700BC the Qatabanians build Timna and rebel against the authority of Saba
* 675BC Kariba-il Watar defeats the rebellion and brings all of South Arabia under the Sabean rule.
* 6th century BC Saba reaches its height of power and extends its hegemony across the Red sea establishing the Dam't Kingdom, this will be the nucleus of the Semitic culture of East Africa. Although its not the first attempt of the Qahtanis to expand their rule to the African coast.
* 5th century BC the Dam of Marib breaks, Saba suffers from drought and rebellions.
* 5th century BC the Ma'een kingdom allied with the Qatabanians and Hadramites rebel against Saba and gain their independence.
* End of the 5th century BC Ma'een establishes itself as the Dominat kingdom in the North of Yemen extending its authority on the Northern red sea coasts and establishes military/trading colonies as far as Sinai.
* 370BC Qahtani tribes attack the Persians out of Musqat in the Eastern tip of the Arabian peninsula. From that time on they replaced the Ancient Arab 'Ad realm.
* 110BC Himyar rises against Qataban.
* 1century BC Ma'een declines gradually mainly due to the Roman control of the new sea trade routes.
* 1st century BC Himyar starts expanding on the expense of the war-torn kingdom of Saba.
* 100BC the remains of the Qhatani Jurhum tribe of Hijaz and Nejd integrate their lineage under Nizar bin Ma'ad bin Adnan. From this point on they become the Adnanis.
* 25BC The Romans encouraged by the civil war in South Arabia attempt to invade the region, but fail to survive the Arabian desert.
* 25BC Sabean civil war, Himyar closes in on Saba and takes over most of the Sabean central highlands, red sea coasts territory. Saba breaks into two smaller states in the northern highlands and the desert region around the capital Marib.
The Himyarite hegemony and the Qahtani Migrations 25BC-525BC:
* 1st century AD the kingdom of Aksum dominates East Africa and takesover the Sabean trading/military colonies.
* In the 1st century BC Himyar allied itself with most of the Qahatni tribes of the lowlands and central highlands, annexing most of Saba and Southern Qataban, but Hadhramout repels them.
* 1st century AD the Kahlan tribes remain as the only tribes still loyal to the Sabean state at Marib, Kahlan tribes cornered to the area between Sana'a and Marib in the North of Yemen.
* 200 AD Himyar captures most of Qataban.
* 200 AD Himyar annexes the Sabean state of Marib.
* 200 AD after the loss of Marib Saba Kahlans septs Azd , Hamdan , Lakhm , Tai headed north except for the Hashid and Bakil tribes of Hamdan of Gurat Saba and Kindah in the ramlah desert.
* 211 AD Hadhramout allies itself with Qataban and Aksum attacking Himyar from the West and the east.
* 217 AD while the Himyarites are fighting the Hadhramout/Qataban alliance in the east, the Aksumites capture the Himyarite capital Zafar, .
* 221 AD Hadhramout annexes Qataban and reaches its height of power.
* 222 AD the Aksumites attempt to capture Hadhramout from the coast.
* 225 AD during the reign of Sha`irum Awtar the Himyarites/Sabeans attack the Kingdom of Hadhramout from the East and capture their capital.
* 227 AD the Gurat Sabeans and Himyar ally themselves against the Aksumites and retake Zafar. The Aksumites lose all their territories in South Arabia except for Tihama.
* 229 AD Himyar recaptures Southern Tihama and controls the Major East African ports across from Muza'a. The Aksumites keep the Northern strip of Tihama.
* 229 AD The Kahlani Imran Azds expell the Persians from Oman.
* 231 AD The Kahlani Jifna Azd branch settles Syria and Lakhm settles Mespotamia.
* 231 AD The Kahlan Septs of Hamdan migrate to Syria, except the Hasid and Bakil tribes that switch alliance to Himyar.
* 280 AD Himyar annexes the last Sabean town to its Kingdom.
* 300 AD Himyar annexes Hadhramout expanding its borders to Zafar Oman. to the East of their borders the Azd Imran (Azd Uman).
* 320 AD Himyar annexes Suqatra.
* 325 AD From AL Ramlah in Yemen Shiekh of Kindah Malikum makes alliances with Adnani tribes of Nejd.
* 425 AD Himyar appoints Akil al-Murar ibn Amr as the first Hujr of its Northern colonies.
* 480 AD Amr al-Mansur ibn Hudjr rises his status to the king (vassal to Himyar) and bring the Northern part of the Arabian peninsula under Himyarite control.
* 5th century AD Christianity spreads in Najran/Tihama strip an area still allied to the christian Aksum kingdom.
* 5th century AD two jews from Yathrib travel to Himyar in hopes of converting the people of Himyar into judaism.
* 523 AD King Dhu Nawas converts to Judaism, he begins a campaign to convert the Himyaris into Judaism. Himyaris convert in big numbers except in Najran.
* 525 AD At this time Himyar included all the Arabian peninsula (via Kinda) and he was angered by the Najrani cheif refusal to leave christianity. Dhu Nawas took Najran and pressured Al Harith ibn Kaleb to convert to Judaism. Al Harith refused and Dhu Nawas massacred 20,000 Najrani Christians.