A Series of Searchable Texts (original) (raw)

A Series of Searchable Texts on Earthworm Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics from Various Regions of the World

2nd Edition (2006) and Supplemental March, 2007

compiled by Robert J. Blakemore 1

General editors: Drs Masamichi T. Ito2, Nobuhiro Kaneko2

1COE Fellow, 2Soil Ecology Research Group, Graduate School of Environment & Information Sciences, Yokohama National University, 79-7 Tokiwadai, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan. 1Corresponding author: robblakemore"at-mark"bigpond.com


"The importance of taxonomy is clearly recognized by the majority of scientists and without reliable taxonomy, ecological studies are irrelevant."

Dominguez, J. et al. (2005) Pedobiologia (Vol. 49: 82).

In response to the ‘Biodiversity Crisis’ and the ‘Taxonomic Impediment’, the aim of this publication is to make available, online, information about ecology and taxonomy of diverse groups of megadrile earthworms, information that is currently scattered, outdated, or otherwise unavailable. This goal complements those advocated by groups such as BioNet, CBD (GTI),Diversitas, GBIF, IUCN/SSG,Wikispecies, ZipcodeZoo and Zoobank. Presentation is a series of discrete chapters in various formats as originally prepared. Several species checklists (partially annotated) provide an invaluable resource for young researchers needing to construct comprehensive faunal lists for a region, for managers or concerned scientists wishing to research answers to simple questions, such as:

"What is the correct and current name of this species?"

"How's our regional biodiversity?"

“_Can I add yet another new species name to this group without a full inventory?_”

Unfortunately, the present 'chaotic' state of consensus at almost each taxonomic rank is a disservice resulting in frequent discrepancies for the same data/taxa in different places depending upon author's preference, the age or accessibility of publication. The current work, then, is merely a foundation, or a springboard if you wish, from which to enhance our current and common knowledge. Data can be revised and expanded as more reliable and solid information accrues. Any comments, contributions, or improvements on the chapters would be appreciated, and hopefully these can be incorporated in periodic (annual?) and public updates. With concerted effort, inventories of species diversity for all regions may be imminently achievable. If desired, the Chapter Headings below can be used as citations, but first I urge you to read Licence Agreements both here and here.

RJB Yokohama,March, 2007

This Online Supplement enhances the original CD publications by Blakemore (2005, 2006a,b)* which, however, still hold priority for new taxonomic names and changes in those document and reviewed herein.
In compliance with ICZN (1999: Article 8) for official publication, identical versions of the original CD: Blakemore (2005) June, 2005, were lodged at least at the institutions listed below; those bolded received the 2ndEdition CD: Blakemore (2006a) in March, 2006, and those underlined received the CD Supplement to this: Blakemore (2006b) in August, 2006:-

ABRS Canberra, ACT; Museum of Natural History, London; Library of Congress, and Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC; Te Papa Tongarewa Wellington, NZ; Yokohama National University Library, Japan; Stockholm Museum of Natural History; The Australian Museum, Sydney; Queen Victoria Museum, Launceston; Hungarian Academy of Sciences Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, and in addition to South Africa & Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg; Jagiellonian University, Krakow and South Australian Museum, Adelaide.

Copies are also sent to Zoological Record, BIOSIS, UK.

* Suggested citation of the various Chapter headings in:

Blakemore, R.J. (2005). A Series of Searchable Texts on Earthworm Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics from Various Regions of the World. Eds.: N. Kaneko & M.T. Ito. COE Soil Ecology Research Group, Yokohama National University, Japan. CD-ROM. [30th June, 2005]. Online: http://bio-eco.eis.ynu.ac.jp/eng/database/earthworm/.

Blakemore, R.J. (2006a). A Series of Searchable Texts on Earthworm Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics from Various Regions of the World –2nd Edition (2006). Eds.: N. Kaneko & M.T. Ito. COE Soil Ecology Research Group, Yokohama National University, Japan. CD-ROM. [30th March, 2006].

Blakemore, R.J. (2006b). A Series of Searchable Texts on Earthworm Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics from Various Regions of the World - 2ndEdition_Supplement_**.** Eds.: N. Kaneko & M.T. Ito. COE Soil Ecology Research Group, Yokohama National University, Japan. CD-ROM[31st August, 2006]. Online: http://bio-eco.eis.ynu.ac.jp/eng/database/earthworm/.

Or combined in short form as...

Blakemore, R.J. (2006). A Series of Searchable Texts on Earthworm Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics from Various Regions of the World – 2nd Edition and Supplement (2006). General Eds.: N. Kaneko & M.T. Ito. COE Soil Ecology Research Group, Yokohama National University, Japan. CD-ROM Publication. Online: http://bio-eco.eis.ynu.ac.jp/eng/database/earthworm/[Today's Date].

Regions covered shown on MAP (plus all Asiatic pheretimoids, all holarctic Lumbricids and neotropical Exxids also listed).

Any corrections, suggestions, constructive comments and correspondences on the works included in this Series may be accommodated with a link online here:

l CD communications

Table of Contents (Chapter Headings):

1. R.J. Blakemore (1994) “_Earthworms of south-east Queensland and their agronomic potential in brigalow soils_” Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Queensland, 10th March, 1994. Pp. 605 + 80 figures. With description of >75 spp and reports of laboratory and glasshouse screening trials of 30 of these with two medium-scale field experiments using a dozen candidate species. [Original copies lodged in libraries of UQ, Brisbane, and CSIRO Division of Soils, Adelaide. Some colour photographs/tables did not copy over and WordPerfect pagination has changed slightly during conversion. The thesis research and report were completed in three years and one of the three referees commented that half the amount of work would have sufficed. It yet provides the most comprehensive guide to both native and exotic species in Australia, however, as the taxonomy is now mostly superseded, please embargo unpublished species names & seek more recent information and publications].

2. R.J. Blakemore (1995a). Author's curatorial register of specimens lodged in ANIC, Canberra – as compiled while a Visiting Research Scientist there in 1994/5.

3. R.J. Blakemore (1995b). The use of earthworms for bioconversion of sewage sludge and municipal waste - a synopsis of relevant literature. Unpublished report commissioned by the ACT Dept. of Urban Services, Canberra, Australia. Pp. 15.

4. R.J. Blakemore (1999). Diversity of exotic earthworms in Australia - a status report. In: _The Other 99%. The Conservation and Biodiversity of Invertebrates._Eds. Winston Ponder and Daniel Lunney, June 1999. Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman, Australia. Pp. 182-187. [Printable Pdf versionor downloadable MS Word version]

5. R.J. Blakemore (2000). "Ecology of Earthworms under the ‘Haughley Experiment’ of Organic and Conventional Management Regimes". BAH, **18(2):**141-159. [Derived from author's BSc Hons. thesis at Westminster Uni., London in 1980/1]. [PrintablePdf version or downloadable MS Word version]. {Some additional information on Lady Eve Balfour's Haughley Experiment here}.

6. R.J. Blakemore (2000). Presentations at the "Vermillennium" conference held in Kalamazoo, Michigan, September 16-22, 2000:

(ア) Vermicology I – Ecological considerations of the earthworms used in vermiculture – a review of the species.

(イ) Vermicology II – The potential, products and problems of vermiculture.

(ウ) "Dances with worms" - Biology, ecology, taxonomy and vermicomposting.

7. Contents of "Tasmanian Earthworms" Blakemore (2000).

8. Contents of " Cosmopolitan Earthworms" 1stand 2ndEditions, Blakemore (2002, 2006).

9. Revised Key to Earthworm Families of the World and Review of Criodrilidae and Octochaetidae.

10. A list of valid, invalid and synonymous names of Criodriloidea and Lumbricoidea (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Criodrilidae, Sparganophilidae, Ailoscolecidae, Hormogastridae, Lumbricidae, Lutodrilidae).

11. A revised checklist of Family Exxidae Blakemore, 2000 (Annelida : Oligochaeta).

12. An updated checklist of pheretimoids (eg. Pheretima auct. eg. Amynthas,Metaphire, Pheretima, Polypheretima, etc.) after Blakemore (2004, 2005).

13. A review of Japanese earthworms after Blakemore (2003), a checklist and an Excel key.

14. A checklist of Chilean earthworms after Sielfeld (2002) and Zicsi (2004).

15. A review of Tasmanian earthworms after Blakemore (2000) (cover).

15a. ComplementaryDELTA computer guide to Tasmanian Species (Beta).

15b. Details of Hypolimnus pedderensis - extinct under IUCN'sRed List.

15c. Appendix: Earthworms from Tasmanian Wilderness WHA.

15d. Two-headed Tasmanian (an earthworm regenerating second head) - as published here.

15e. First "Common Earthworm" recorded from Australia (Tasmania) - as publishedhere.

15f. Complete list of Tasmanian type specimens and museum materials examined.

16. Checklist of earthworms of Britain and Ireland after Sims & Gerard (1999).

17. Review of Southern Ocean, South Atlantic and Subantarctic species after Lee (1994).

18. Review of Pacific/Oceania earthworms updated from Easton (1984) and Lee (1981).

19. Checklist of USSR/Russian Federation taxa updated from Perel (1979, 1997).

20. Checklist of Myanmar taxa updated from Gates' (1972) "Burmese Earthworms".

21. A review of New Zealand earthworms after Lee (1959).

22. Checklist of Thailand taxa updated from Gates' (1939) "Thai Earthworms".

23. A definitive checklist of Australian earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Moniligastridae, Ocnerodrilidae, Acanthodrilidae, Octochaetidae, Benhamiinae, Exxidae?, Megascolecidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Eudrilidae).

24. Checklist of Taiwan earthworms after Blakemore et al. 2006.

25. Checklist of New Guinea earthworms (original).

26. North American (USA & Canada) earthworms north of the Rio Grande (original).

27. Preliminary checklist of Amazonian earthworms (original).

28. Preliminary checklist of Korean earthworms (original).

29. Tables of Hawaiian and Puerto Rican earthworm species (original).

30. Summary of Diversity and Ecology of Subantarctic Macquarie Island Oligochaeta.

31. R.J. Blakemore (2000a). New species of the earthworm genus _Anisochaeta_from New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum. 52(1): 1-40. [Originalpaper, withdrawn and republished by Blakemore (2006b)].

32. R.J. Blakemore (2000b). Native earthworms (Oligochaeta) from southeastern Australia, with the description of fifteen new species. Records of the Australian Museum. **52(2):**187-222. [Originalpaper, withdrawn and republished by Blakemore (2006b)with map printable here].

33. R.J. Blakemore (2001). Finding Fletcher’s Giant Worms – from Burrawang to Budderoo. Eucryphia **54:**5-6 (July, 2001).

34. List of earthworms from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam (Excel spreadsheet) compiled by R.J. Blakemore with help from Dr Nguyen Duc Anh, Tran Triet and Khamla Inkhavilay.

35. List of Indonesian earthworms by Blakemore, R.J. with help from Hari Nugroho.

36. Earthworms of Tamil Nadu, south India with help from Palanisamy Kathireswari.

37. List of Argentinean earthworms by Blakemore, R.J. with help from Dr Catalina de Mischis.

38. WormGrowers' Association Presentation - microbes and (vermi-)composting, (original).

39. VERMALCHEMY ecological economics and taxonomy of vermicomposting - summary of EPA presentation by R. J. Blakemore (March, 2001).

40. Indian and Sri Lankan earthworms (Excel spreadsheet) compiled by R.J. Blakemore with some advice from Dr J. M. Julka via Dr. B.K. Senapati.

41. Chinese earthworms (Excel spreadsheet) compiled by R.J. Blakemore with help from Dr Jian Huang and Drs Jian-Ping Qiu and Wei-Xin Zhang.

42. Malaysian (and Singapore) earthworms compiled by R.J. Blakemore.

43. Earthworms from Greenland and Iceland compiled by R.J. Blakemore.

44. Galapagos Islands Earthworms compiled by R.J. Blakemore.

45. Mexican Earthworms compiled by R.J. Blakemore with help from Drs G. Brown and C. Fragoso.

46. Cuban Earthworms compiled by R.J. Blakemore after Rodriguez (2004).

47. Scandinavian earthworms (original).

48. Summary of YNU COE earthworm project (2003-2007) by R.J. Blakemore and pdf.

49. Glossary of Earthworm terms modified (from Blakemore, 2002).

50. Michaelsen, W. (1900) Das Tierreich. 10: Vermes, Oligochaeta. Friedländer & Sohn, Berlin. Pp. XXIX+575, figs. 1-13. [Copyright expired after 100+ years - planned scan forthcoming].


Partial funding and support for the present publication, but not all the initial work, was by the 21st Century COE (Centre-Of-Excellence) Program "Environmental Risk Management for Bio/Eco-Systems" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan under auspices of YNU, Yokohama. Dr Takafumi Kamitani of YNU is thanked for help exorcising my Japanese computer possessed by an Oni, and Yuko Hiramoto of Sakuragicho has assisted in various ways.

[Disclaimer and Licence Agreement] [End of Earthworm Series ToC].