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Optimal PlayStation 3 iPlayer is on the road map


According to Israeli defence officials


Nintendo has the online video the others covet


UK playing catch up in preventing major threats, says security vendor


Perfect prints

Make sure what you see is what you get with our top printing tips and tricks.

Improve your PC’s performance and stability with our BIOS tweaking guide.

Tim Anderson uses TAction components to clean up this code and present a richer user interface.

Stealing is easy, but when it comes to the latest issue of PC Plus, please don't. We look into the world of free downloading, the risks and what some consider the rewards, to find out the nature of online piracy in 2008. We also look at surviving the top 10 PC disasters waiting to befall your data, put Microsoft on trial as both an unfair player, and a mere victim of its own success, and go back to school with an interview with lecturer David Malan, the pioneer of Harvard's podcast lectures.

A sample of the latest issue is available for free. See what you're missing here.

Jeremy Laird

AMD is on a mission to prevent Intel’s Core 2 Duo dominance.

It's a big step forward and I'm thrilled with it.

Going on a trip? Viewsonic�s PJ358 shaves off every last gram

There�s still life left in multifunction displays, as the LG M1917A shows

The Dimension XPS 710 H2C is overclocked out of the box, with heavyweight cooling to match

The latest downloads, courtesy of PC Plus


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Looking for audio compression, but don’t like losing data? This is what you need.

Too many passwords to remember? Want them all kept safe? Then this is for you.

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