3GPP Specifications Home Page (original) (raw)
Spec download | Titles and spec numbers | Current version | Releases | Numbering scheme | Change Requests Published specifications |Historical information |Work plan | TSG Working methods | Drafting rules | Delegates corner| ASN.1
Quick link to the specifications file server area (http) for those who know where they are going!
To find a particular spec quickly, go here and click on the links in the spec-series in the table or use the links in the "further information" section.
The term "3GPP specification" covers all GSM (including GPRS and EDGE) and W-CDMA specifications. The following terms are also used to describe networks using the 3G specifications: UTRAN, UMTS (in Europe) and FOMA (in Japan). Revised versions of many of these specifications are produced up to four times a year following the quarterly TSG plenary meetings. (TSG GERAN meets five times a year.) See the table below which gives links to lists of specifications arising from each plenary TSG meeting since the freezing of Release 1999. The month of the meeting and the meeting number are shown in each case. Note that the tables show only those specifications newly approved or modified at the meeting concerned; they do not contain a complete list of all specifications current following the meeting. For such a list, consult the "status list" - see below.
Following each TSG SA plenary meeting, a complete set of specifications is produced. This set includes not only the new specifications generated at that meeting, but also the latest versions of each specification that was not changed at that meeting. i.e. each directory holds a complete set of specifications. Each set has an associated status list as detailed in the table below. Each set (and corresponding status list) includes the specs arising from the TSG GERAN meetings held since the preceding SA meeting. (GERAN meets asynchronously from the other TSGs.)
The Status List (ZIPped RTF or Word format) summarizes the current version number for every release of every 3GPP specification following each TSG plenary meeting. Also listed for each specifications are:
- the 3GPP working group and rapporteur responsible for the specification
- the Project Manager in MCC (Mobile Competence Centre) responsible for the specification
- the meeting at which it was, or is expected to be, "frozen" (i.e. the point after which only corrections are allowed)
Full details of the Specifications, their history and current status can be found in the 3GPP Specifications Status database.
Missing Specs: Clickhere to see those Specs not yet available following the most recent round of TSG meetings.
*TSG RAN was closed at the end of meeting 27 and re-opened for meeting 27 bis.
If you plan to download a large number of specifications and are using MS Explorer 4.0 or earlier, it may be worthwhile acquiring an FTP client software tool such as:
- Ipswitch WS_FTP Pro� : This general purpose file transfer program simplifies the process of downloading large numbers of files from an FTP site.
- FTPSync�: This tool allow the user to specify a directory on their local disk and synchronize it with a directory on an FTP site.
For additional information relating to 3GPP Specifications, their creation and maintenance, etc, go here.
This page maintained by [Specifications Manager](/web/20081026202407/http://www.3gpp.org/Support/MCC%5Fphotos.htm#Specs Manager).
last updated:
2008-10-06: #41 (#39) added, charts updated.
2008-06-09: #40 (#38) added.
2008-03-20: #39 (#37) added, charts updated
2008-01-28: Link to missing specs page added
2007-09-24: #38 (#36) added, charts updated
2007-09-24: #37 (#35) added, charts updated
2007-06-13: #36 (#34) added, charts updated
2007-04-20: typo and link corrected
2007-03-21: typo corrected
2007-03-19: TSGs#35 (GERAN#33) added
2006-12-08: TSGs#34 (GERAN#32) added, charts updated
2006-09-13 (2): Other TSGs#33 added on same line.
2006-09-13: GP-31 added.
2006-07-06: GP-30 added.
2006-06-12: TSGs#32 added, charts updated
2006-05-02: GP-29 added
2006-03-20: TSGs#31 added
2006-01-23: GP-28 added
2006-01-17: charts updated
2005-12-15: hyperlinks to status lists fixed
2005-12-12: TSGs#30 added
2005-11-15: GP-27 added
2005-10-03: RP-29, CP-29, SP-29 added
2005-09-18: GP-26 misprint corrected
2005-09-06: GP-26 added.
2005-06-28: GP-25 added.
2005-06-13: Hyperlinks for TSGs#28 added
2005-04-28: Charts updated.
2005-04-21: GP-24 directory included.
2005-04-19: Hyperlink for GP-24 list added.
2005-04-04: All TSG links changed as to point to auto pages.
2005-04-01: Links for TSGs#27 changed to point to experimental pages automatically generated from status database rather than manually maintained pages.
2005-03-29: early TSG meeting entries added; GERAN#24 and other TSGs#28 entries added (no hyperlinks); column for TSG CT added
2005-03-21: TSGs#27 added, charts updated
2005-02-01: GERAN#23 added
2005-01-26: broken link to chart fixed
2005-01-19: charts updated
2004-12-23: TSGs#25 added
2004-11-19: GERAN#22 added
2004-11-03: charts updated
2004-09-28: TSGs#25 added, link to 2004-06 status list corrected.
2004-09-01: GERAN#21 added
2004-08-02: Spec availability chart updated.
2004-07-01: GERAN#20 added
2004-06-18: TSGs 24 added
2004-05-07: GP-19 added; clarifications to introductory text above the table of meetings.
2004-04-14: Specs delivery chart updated.
2004-03-26: minor errors in hyperlinks fixed.
2004-03-22: table entry for TSGs 23 added.
2004-02-18: table entry for GP-18 added.
2004-01-27: chart of spec delivery added.
2004-01-05: table entry for TSGs 22 added.
2003-12-03: table entry for GP-17 added.
2003-10-21: "further information" section moved to the "numbering" page.
2003-09-26: table entries for GP-16 and other TSGs 'P-21 added
2003-08-18: broken link repaired, links to cited spec pages made relative.
2003-07-02: typo corrected
2003-06-26: Further GERAN#15 info added; minor cosmetic improvements to text; hyperlinks for identified specs are now to their info page, not their archive storage directory
2003-06-23 - CN, RAN, T, SA #20 info and preliminary GERAN#15 info added
2003-04-25 - GERAN#14 info added
2003-04-24 - quick link to spec series table page added near top; from this it is possible to get to lists of specs in each series, and thence to details of the individual specs.
2003-03-25 - table entry for TSGs#19 added
2003-02-24 - table entry for GERAN#13 added
2003-01-13 - link to CR trends page added.
2002-12-15 - TSGs#18 (GERAN#12) line added; quick link to specs file at top of page added.
2002-10-18 - reference to 3GPP Specifications Status database added.